21 mayo 2022 23:51
Molt mal educats. He hagut de trucar-los per tal de localitzar la botiga, com que a la primera trucada no ens em acabat de posar d'acord ho he fet una segona vegada. A partir de la tercera paraula de la segona trucada han sigut, tot, faltes de respecte. És una llàstima que hi hagi persones amb aquesta manca d'educació.
09 diciembre 2020 10:18
Hace poco realicé una compra, tenía que renovar un equipo y un amigo me lo recomendó. La verdad es que tienen una gran cantidad de productos, más que en la mayoría de sitios en los que había buscado. Todo llegó en el plazo previsto y en perfecto estado, estoy muy contento. No dudaré en volver a hacer un pedido cuando lo necesite.
10 diciembre 2019 0:01
Positive: They have a lot of choice.
Negative: Worst customer service I have ever experienced.
They sold me a package (housing Nimar + flashes Sea&Sea) which happened to be incompatible (YS-03 does not work with Nimar). When I reported the issue, they said it was my fault for wanting entry prices flashes, so they proposed to replace my YS-03 with continuous LED instead (arguing I did not know much about photography as continuous was better than flash. For macro.) or a cheap Meikon alternative. I ended up having to add more money to get YS-01.
Then when my housing flooded after only 4 dives, they said it was my fault (again!) as I did not purchase the testing device; and that I could return my housing but "they adviced against as Nimar never recognized a manufacturing default in 5 years so warranty will not work".
In a nutshell: If you only have 3000 euros to spend, Aditech will probably tell you it is your fault if their equipment does not work.
Make yourself a favor, buy elsewhere.

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