23 septiembre 2023 9:36
Buen servicio, profesional y rápido. Me ayudaron con una traduccion jurada del alemán al español.
18 septiembre 2023 23:39
He pedido una traducción jurada del francés al español de mi partida de nacimiento. Todo ha fluido bien, buen servicio.
15 septiembre 2023 18:01
En la web ponen que traducen del vietnamita al español y cuando pides presupuesto te dicen que no hay ese tipo de servicio
24 julio 2023 13:15
De momento la mejor agencia de traducciones que he encontrado. Responden muy rápido, buscan y encuentran soluciones para casos complicados, cumplen plazos por muy justos que sean y además sus tarifas son más que adecuadas.
16 diciembre 2021 14:13
Els vaig sol·licitar unes traduccions per a uns assumptes personals i vaig quedar molt satisfeta del tracte, l'agilitat i el preu de la feina. Molt recomanables.
12 agosto 2021 9:40
We had a terrible experience. We needed a 3-page certified translation. I requested a quote online, and made the payment for urgent 48-72 hour service on a Wednesday. It should have been done on Friday, or at least the following Monday. I emailed them Monday, they said it would be ready Tuesday. But they didn't tell me it was ready for pickup until Wednesday. My boyfriend went to go get it, but they had closed early to go see the fútbol game. The following day, Thursday, was a holiday for Sant Joan. On Friday, my boyfriend called and emailed the office, they said he could pick it up. He went back and they were closed, even though it is not a holiday.

It has been 11 days (7 business days) since I paid. The regular service is 5-6 business days, but we paid for the urgent service. And we still don't have it. This is a sham.

We are extremely angry with the terrible service and communication from this company and would not recommend it to anyone. They knew our service was urgent and didn't care one bit, besides they delayed longer than their usual service. Their phone lines are busy and it is very difficult to speak with someone. In the end we had to use another translator and we want our money back.

Edit (in reply to company's reply) : no, my boyfriend came right before 6pm on Wednesday, after he finished work. The offices had closed early. Also, on Friday, he called AND emailed ahead of time, and was assured that he could pick up the translation later that afternoon. After finding the office closed he was later informed that the office had changed it's hours and now closed at 3pm, though that was not communicated or posted anywhere.

Regardless, we paid for an urgent service. It should have been ready for pickup on Monday, not Wednesday.

No courier service was offered from the beginning, and you knew we needed it urgently. I would like to discuss this with you privately because I have all the emails. We would like a refund.
01 noviembre 2020 3:50
Very Good translation, on Point.
For cheap price.very recomended.
Amazing staff.the Office is Invironment Friendly, very nice.
08 noviembre 2019 13:24
After you pay more than 70€ for a one page translation, they refuse to make one more simple copy - they 'don't offer this service. '
30 octubre 2018 10:22
Alphatrad were very quick to respond to my inquiry and were the first to provide quite a competitive quote. Thanks again.
20 noviembre 2017 11:45
Encargamos unas traducciones de folletos y de nuestra páginas web en diferentes idiomas. El proyecto ha sido entregado hoy sin incidencias y resultado "magnifico". Me recomendaron esta agencia y la verdad estaba en duda, pero es de fiar y puedo asegurar que la relación calidad / precio está superior de los presupuestos recibidos en la zona de Barcelona. Muchas gracias a todos. ;)

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