20 abril 2022 6:39
With experience in the real estate market I decided that the next property investment was going to be at my dream location in Barcelona, Spain. Here I came directly to the conclusion that I needed support from a local expert that knows the market in Barcelona and can assist you through the whole process from finding your dream property to signing the final deed.
Every market is different and so is Spain different from the Dutch real estate market. Arch & Law got recommended through a business contact and it couldn't be a better recommendation. The professionalism and expertise from Ms. Aitana Mendez is outstanding!
Having an expert on your side that supports you in the process is an absolute MUST when finding your dream home or property investment in the real estate market of Spain. From our side I only can Arch & Law and as we speak we are already looking to get our 2nd real estate deal in Barcelona realised before summer.
14 abril 2022 5:49
After years of only dreaming, we decided in the middle of the pandemic to finally go for a cosy apartment downtown Barcelona. It was our first real estate project in Spain. As Dutch residents we quickly understood that professional support was essential. ARCH & LAW has been recommended to us by a business contact and proved to be the right choice. From moment one we felt comfortable with Aitana and experienced how she works effortless, in a very precise way. She guided us with patience on the complicated path of buying Spanish property. With her eye for detail, 24/7 mentality, unbeatable knowledge and charming approach, we can only say it’s a missed opportunity if you won’t contact Aitana when you decide to realize your Spanish real estate dream. Jakob & Rocio
25 noviembre 2021 19:02
Raggiunta la pensione in età ancora non troppo avanzata ho deciso di comprare casa in Spagna (Denia-Alicante). Prima cosa fondamentale, dopo avere individuato l'immobile giusto, incaricare professionisti legali e immobiliari per verificare che tutto sia a posto e si possa procedere senza sorprese. In Arch&Law ho trovato il connubio perfetto: avvocati immobiliaristi! A conclusione dell'iter di acquisto devo dire che sono rimasto molto soddisfatto, oltre le attese, per professionalità, tempestività, proattività e anche simpatia! Aggiungo che sono molto esigente e molto difficilmente vengo soddisfatto pienamente: bene questo è uno dei rari casi. In conclusione suggerisco a chiunque voglia acquistare un immobile in Spagna di rivolgersi ad Arch&Law, dove oltre tutto si può parlare in spagnolo, inglese e italiano, e dispone di molte sedi dislocate sul territorio.
16 agosto 2021 18:51
Aitana is a fantastic lawyer. She helped my partner and I find and secure our home in Barcelona, even sooner than we thought possible. She is deeply professional, proactive, understanding and supportive - always pursuing the best interest of her client, and excellent at speaking on the client's behalf. We are truly grateful that we engaged Aitana's services. It made our life much easier, and made the process of securing our home in Barcelona less daunting, comfortable in the knowledge that all legal aspects of the process were under total control. Aitana has an extensive and reliable network that makes property buying more efficient. We look forward to working with Aitana on more projects.
01 agosto 2021 20:34
Aitana is well knowned in the Swedish community in Barcelona. She is known as skilled, efficient and very professional. She is very helpful and it is a pleasure to have contact with her. Everybody in the Swedish commits who have used her services is very pleased. Andreas Axelsson
23 mayo 2021 2:38
I am expatriate in Indonesia and I decided to buy my first real estate investment in Barcelona "on remote". I left everything in the hands of Aitana and it couldn't have been better choice. She found the apartment, negotiated the price and general conditions, and basically took care of all the paperwork until the deal was closed in front of the Notary. Even in Indonesia where we live, she was in close contact with the Consulate to check the paperwork.
Regardless the country. It is not easy to find a lawyer, available 24/7, in control of the situation and who can take care of your business. This is Aitana and therefore, I would like to recommend her with confidence and trust.
20 mayo 2021 3:49
I was recommend Aitana Mendez Vilaplana at ARCH & LAW Property Advisors during a property purchase in Barcelona in 2020. While this was a rather small transaction, it turned out to be anything but straightforward due to messy owner status.
However, Aitana's expert knowledge of the law and impeccable attention to detail guided me through the process with great professionalism and care. A great attorney will not only know the law, but also care about the client's need. As she did for me, Aitana will work relentlessly to make sure your needs are met.
Aitana ended up saving me thousands of euros and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking property advise in Spain.
08 mayo 2021 7:35
I have successfully worked with Arch & Law for my very first property acquisition in Spain. While I have had property purchasing experiences in other countries, every legal system is different and I can only recommend to use local professionals to navigate all the intricacies. Covid made the whole process take longer and becoming rather complicated as I couldn't travel to Spain myself, and I appreciated being able to rely on someone on the ground looking after everything.

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