21 abril 2021 2:50
Centre d'ensenyament musical, molt bon ambient, la directora cuida molt de tots els alumnes. Els professors són molt capaços i entenedors. Guien tot el procés d'aprenentatge de forma personalitzada
17 marzo 2021 1:01
My experience is very good, both as a father of student and as a neighbour.
My daughter went to learn to play trumpet while she was in elementary school. She enjoyed a lot the classes and the activities like the popular music band. As a neighbour, I live in the same building, and the level of noise is very low, just to let you listening the whispers of some sweet melodies.
31 agosto 2018 10:27
Paula de Música de Argentina.
Es maravillosa, tiene una Directora estupenda con mucho oficio.
Los profesores estupendos.
Nada más tengo q decir, q está con la gente con los Alumnos y haciendo todo bien.
Muchas felicidades seguir igual.

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