10 noviembre 2021 17:14
Do not recommend. Joost more interesting in getting 1800 euro cash deposit (by the way you still owe me some back) than ensuring boat was clean, safe or sea worthy. Boat navigation broken, life buoys felt out at sea due to poorly maintained casing, kids life jackets (which we had to request) were in state of disrepair and had no lights (apparently illegal) lifeboat deflated daily, mold in bedrooms, gas burners in kitchen didn’t work, fridges kept food brilliantly warm - and boat didn’t deliver on number of beds as advertised. One of our 1.65 kids had to sleep banana style on the corner couch. Total lack of service level or care and bad dismissive attitude when we tried to discuss our experience with Joost on return. Great bit of advice we had from him though “i recommend that if you want to have a good time you don’t hire a older boat” to which we responded “maybe the responsibility lies with you then not to rent it out…. ”
Would sail again but not with this company
17 octubre 2021 17:25
¿Estáis pensando en alquilar una embarcación en AZUL Sailing? ¡HUID! ¡HUID, vosotros que podéis! Solo os recomendaría está empresa, en el caso que queráis ser estafados por el staff o no tener la posibilidad de hablar los problemas durante la embarcación ya que la persona responsable no escucha las versiones de los tripulantes/patrón de los barcos.
Os resumo nuestra experiencia con el Blauw, y espero que os ayude a decidir no contratarlos y buscar otras opciones seguramente mejores.
1. Cuando alquilamos la embarcación, uno de los tanques de agua no estaba lleno (es decir salimos con la mitad de agua dulce disponible). Se nos informó justo antes de salir, pero parece que como nos quejamos en ese momento, ya no tenemos derecho a quejarnos de este problema. Parece que los problemas prescriben en está empresa.
2. El tanque de agua dulce no nos funcionó durante toda la navegación y estancia en la embarcación, aunque lo llenamos al puerto de Ibiza. No nos pudimos duchar en una semana con agua dulce. El staff no nos aportó soluciones viables, además de ninguna compensación económica.
3. La nevera tampoco nos funcionó durante la navegación y estancia en el barco. Se nos estropeó mucha de la comida que llevábamos. En este caso el Staff tampoco nos aporto soluciones viables ni compensaciones económicas.

Solo nos hubiese gustado que el staff nos hubiese comprendido y escuchado en su momento, y una compensación económica por los daños ocasionados y el resumen de nuestra experiencia con está empresa sería positiva.
16 octubre 2021 16:40
We were offered terrible service by Joost.
We rented a yacht to Joost, and the contract said that we would receive the yacht fully equipped. When we arrived at the yacht Joost told us that only one of the water deposits was working, so we didn’t receive the yacht fully equipped. Joost never mentioned any compensation he would make to us regarding this problem.
The yacht wasn’t properly cleaned either (and here I want to make clear that I am not complaining about the cleaning stuff, because my guess is that they probably didn’t have enough time to clean the yacht properly). One of us found some pillows on a cabinet that weren’t in good condition, we only got new ones because we complained about this to Joost.

At the time we started sailing we encountered new problems. The fridge wasn’t working, so a lot of food got bad and we had to throw it away. Furthermore the only water deposit that was supposed to be working, was broken as well. The deposit was for 300 liters, but after we used it very few times for very small things we ran out of water. None of us (and we were nine) were able to have a shower in a week.

We informed Joost about the mentioned problems but the only answers we got from him was that we had used a lot of the water and wasted it, and that the clients that had rented this yacht before and after us, didn’t have any issues with the fridge and nor the water.
I have taken a look at other reviews here and I could see that we weren’t the only ones that were having problems with the fridge.
Joost never apologized or listened to us, for him everything that happened to us was our own fault. When we talked to him in person and mentioned that he only gave us the yacht with one of the water deposits, he said we should have complained before, that it was too late. He also mentioned that it was the end of the season and due to this they couldn’t check all the boats properly…

After this horrible experience I would never recommend anyone to rent one of the boats from Joost.
21 septiembre 2021 17:03
Poco aconsejable. Nos fuimos una semana de travesía con Blauw, para empezar uno de los depósitos de agua nos lo dieron estropeado pero como teníamos el otro con capacidad para 300L no le dimos importancia, no habíamos abierto el grifo ni 4 veces que ya nos quedamos sin agua, rellenamos el depósito y no salian más de 10L. En definitiva, una semana sin podernos duchar con agua potable.
Para más inri, nos dimos cuenta a mitad del camino que la nevera no enfriaba, tuvimos que tirar la mitad de la comida.
Cuando llamamos al dueño del negocio para que nos diera una explicación, no solo no nos dió ninguna solución sino que nos trató de mentirosos y de novatos, cuando llevamos varios años haciendo travesías.
30 agosto 2021 15:08
Second time we rent a boat with Azul Sailing. Again, we were surprised at the thorougness of checkin procedures and the ability of the maintenance team to deal with all situations. The boat was in very good condition, which is extremely important if you plan a boat trip with children, as was our case.
We enjoyed our week to the baleares and we came back very happy. As in any sailing week, we had our situations, which were solved thanks to the boats equipment. This year we needed the first aid kit which was full to the brim and updated beyond what it is required by regulations.
Upon return, checkout was speedy and thorough, which ensures safety for next guests.
We will repeat for sure, and we are sure to come back for more experiences!
Thank you Joost & Dani for the amazing experience (and I will check the motor more often during trips from now on.)
All the best!

Pablo & Family
09 junio 2021 7:19
Excellente expérience avec Azul Sailing. Superbe journée entre amis à bord d’un Oceanis 35.1 parfaitement équipé. Merci à Joost pour la prise en main détaillée!
A refaire!
03 mayo 2019 12:08
Extraordinary experience and good communication. Definitely have to go back. Many thanks to Joost and Robin. Robin was an excellent captain who did everything to make the tour a real experience.
17 abril 2019 3:33
Great sailing tour to celebrate our sons 12th birthday. Thanks to skipper Oscar and to Joost for smooth planning and sailing.
15 abril 2019 16:35
My boyfriend and me rented a yacht with skipper and we had a great time! We sailed to Masnou and had lunch there! Thanks skipper Robin for a great day!
19 marzo 2019 11:49
Très mauvaise expérience! Bateau en mauvais état et argent prélevé sur la caution 2 jours après!
06 diciembre 2018 23:44
Très mauvaise expérience chez ce loueur! ! !

Cette compagnie en plus de nous facturer 15min de bateau au prix d'une demi journée de location (car le bateau avait une avarie), nous a en plus facturé le remorquage et les réparations. Soit 1000 euros pour 15min de bateau, plutôt cher payé pour une excursion en mer.
De plus nous avons été laissé à la dérive pendant plus d'une heure car personne n'etait en capacité de nous remorquer. N'y a t'il pas des mesures de sécurité dans ces cas la? Et si l'un de nous avez eu vraiment besoin d'assistance que se serait-il passé?

Ps: Réponse à votre message collectif, je vois que vous ne prenez pas les avis de vos clients en compte. Je vous parle de sécurité. Heureusement que cela ne se soit pas passé avec des enfants.
À mon avis vous n'êtes pas assuré et vous cachez ce genre d'événements pour ne pas avoir de problèmes. Peut être faudrait-il prévenir les autorités de la ville.
29 octubre 2018 6:21
Manga de ladrones! Me robaron 600 euros por un Barco que no andaba bien! Azul sailing es la peor experiencia que tengo en Barcelona. Por favor que no se dejen robar de esos tipos.
03 agosto 2018 4:57
Hace muchos años que alquilo barcos y puedo decir que la experiencia con Azul Sailing ha sido de las mejores. Nuestro velero estaba en un estado inmejorable. Hemos disfrutado, gracias.
02 abril 2018 23:46
An excellent 3 hours sailing, professional and fun crew and nice mix of locals and international people made for a great trip, money well spent a must do for those visiting barcelona, i would definately use azul sailing again.
01 abril 2018 19:30
Me and my boyfriend rented a yacht with a skipper with Azul Sailing and we had a really good time! Absolutely recommendable!
02 agosto 2017 9:56
We went sailing for a few hours in Barcelona on a Beneteau Oceanis 38 and it was a great experience. The boat was in great condition, we had an excellent skipper and really good company. It was a fantastic way to escape the city heat incl.a jump into the sea. Thanks Joost Baggen en Roberto Barber (skipper).
22 mayo 2017 6:45
The yacht was in excelent technical condition, there were no problems with yacht transfer process. A reliable company and definitely a place to come back.

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