05 enero 2022 5:57
Visit for family is better hotel apartament and What you want eat you have kichan
28 julio 2021 13:06
Carino ma molto grande questo appartamento per due persone.
La corrente spesso andava via, cucina vecchia, bagni vecchi e maleodoranti.
Per 1000€ a settimana, per due persone, mi aspettavo di più
27 febrero 2020 3:31
Excelente apartamento, muito bem localizado, muito bem equipado com tudo o que se precisa. Amplo, arejado, novinho. Tudo muito bom. O porém é que custa bem caro.
15 abril 2019 8:11
These apartments are nice and perfectly located. Management is tremendously disorganized and they can even be rude. The cleaning service is bogus. They don't show up and they lie about showing up, and also they steal. We once got home and the entire place smelled like my father's cologne, and the bottle was almost empty.
14 octubre 2018 10:29
C'était un appart assez sympathique, malheureusement des personnes devaient venir faire le ménage tous les 4 jours et ne sont venus qu'une fois. A part ça très bon appartement, tranquille pas beaucoup de bruit avec deux climatiseurs.
16 octubre 2017 9:34
Maleïts turistes sorollosos.ahir era el torn d'una colla de borratxos joves amb accent de l'est, però sovint son colles de juerguistas anglesos, etc. El veinat n'estem farts: soroll, crits i gent bevent als balcons. Així us quedeu sense paper de wàter.

So if you plan to rent this, please be aware that it is located in a quiet neighbourhood, so please respect and try to be silent during nights.
25 agosto 2017 19:05
They are not good with making agreements.cleaning man walks in at 9 o clock in the morning yelling why we were still in the appartment? The checkout time was 11 o clock so what was the guy doing there.very unpolite!

But barcelona was good!:)

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