03 noviembre 2021 4:31
I am not sure how many people who give 5 stars here have been really studied in this school. Most of the professors concern their own research rather than their students. Teaching for them seems to be only a part time job. Administration sometime is mass and do not want to take any responsibility. There are more other option if one can pay such high tuition fee for a degree. All in all, not recommended!
01 octubre 2021 2:48
The Barcelona GSE is badly managed. They make announcements regarding Ph. D.admissions at UPF and later do not stick to those. Moreover, in the past, they made major changes in the course offerings after people are enrolled. Staff is unfriendly and unprofessional, and many professors don't really care about their students. Conclusion: Not worth the tuition!
13 diciembre 2017 8:27
Undoubtedly the best Economics graduate school in Europe!

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