11 marzo 2024 22:06
Hiper-recomanable per passar un bon vespre de riures i bon humor.
Els Shows, Jams, i tota la resta, hi vagis d'espectadora o t'animis a saltar a la palestra, són una experiència indescriptible! Ho heu de provar!
05 febrero 2024 20:29
Ha sido una experiencia muy positiva. A veces te encuentras a personas con talento que te marcan y en esta ocasión ha sido muy positivo poder disfrutar de dos horas de comedia en inglés como no soy un nativo inglés este espectáculo ha sido muy provechoso para mejorar mi Listening. Es una gran oportunidad para mejorar a nivel cultural, lingüístico y humano.
06 diciembre 2023 6:13
El espectáculo duró mucho más de lo que esperábamos (2,5 a 3 horas), pero nos divertimos todo el tiempo. ¡Excelente lugar, excelentes bebidas y excelente actuación!
03 diciembre 2023 6:04
Un lugar increíble con mucha diversidad, apertura y talento. ¡La calidad de su programa de comedia es realmente buena! También es muy agradable para los expatriados conocer nuevos amigos
01 diciembre 2023 3:20
¡Quinta vez allí y sigo enamorándome de esos chicos!
¡Tienen mucho talento y pueden hacerte reír!
Si estás teniendo un mal día, ese es el lugar al que debes ir.
Es arte, entretenimiento y una experiencia única.
29 noviembre 2023 12:20
Asistí a un taller/clase dominical cuando visitaba a mi amigo en Barcelona. Fue muy divertido. El maestro nos guió de una manera que nos hizo sentir súper segura para experimentar y equivocarnos si fuera necesario sin ningún juicio. Y todos los asistentes fueron muy divertidos y creativos. Me encantó. Si está interesado en la improvisación pero no está seguro de dar el primer paso, le recomendaría la clase del domingo por la noche o venga como prueba. ¡Disfrutar!
24 noviembre 2023 2:56
Barcelona Improv Group es una increíble escuela dedicada al arte de la improvisación.
No puedo dejar de alabar la excelente habilidad e imaginación tanto de sus profesores como de sus alumnos.

Las clases pasan volando en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pero aprendemos mucho en cada clase.

Prueba una clase y quedarás enganchado.
16 julio 2023 1:25
Start to finish - an incredibly delightful experience! Living Room Jam was so much fun! Classes and workshops are highest caliber training, great opportunities to learn and grow. Get in there people! Check it out!
09 julio 2023 4:09
Watched a show yesterday and took the drop in class today
Can highly recommend both
Amazing experience
03 julio 2023 18:54
Fantastic experience Every. Single. Time! Highly recommended for anyone looking for their weekly dose of laughter
22 junio 2023 23:08
I did one drop-in workshop then signed up for the Foundation 1 courses. It has been a fantastic experience, Kiva and the team is amazing!
05 junio 2023 13:06
The classes are really fun and it's a welcoming and energizing environment! I'm already doing my second class with them and am planning to do another once this one finishes
30 mayo 2023 11:01
It's a great venue with great staff, highly recommended!
I've seen a few shows and they were hilarious.
I did their Sunday workshop and I had a lot of fun, it's a great way to spend a Sunday if you're in Barcelona for a holiday or for longer.
18 mayo 2023 22:04
BIG is the best place to have fun and meet nice people in Barcelona! The very experienced (and adorable) teachers are great at making us feel safe and welcome, creating an environment where beginners and pros have fun and learn together. A great opportunity to play, connect with people and learn techniques that can be helpful in both our personal and professional lives. I recommend the BIG experience to everyone!
14 mayo 2023 14:20
BIG's Engage and Empower course is amazing. I took it because I was submitting a talk for a tech conference. My talk ended up being accepted for the event. Because of the course and one-on-one sessions with Kiva and Ella, I felt extremely confident and prepared for my talk. Since then, I've gotten such positive feedback about my presentation that I can't express how grateful I am for the support and training I got through this program.
13 mayo 2023 0:15
Trying out improv at BIG was one of the best decisions I’ve made since moving to Barcelona. The teachers are super supportive and encouraging, always making us feel safe when trying something new. One of their first lessons is learning to embrace mistakes, which is as important on the BIG stage as in life beyond improv. If this sounds interesting and you’re a little curious, try a workshop on Sundays. These are a great way to get a taste for improv at BIG before getting totally addicted. Their shows are also incredible to watch, and when you understand ‘how the sausage is made’, it only becomes even more impressive! Hats off to the amazing people who have made this place come to life with so much love?
28 abril 2023 3:04
I completed two courses with BIG; Foundations 1 with Pol and Foundations 2 with Ella. Having just moved to Barcelona it was a great way to meet new people and have great fun. I had the most wonderful experience and laughed so much. They were able to create a safe creative space for all the weird and wonderful silliness that improv has to offer. We played many games, all while learning the the essentials that make improv great! I also attended many of the weekend shows, with the Improv Musicals being my favourite! The talented performers just make up a whole musical on the spot. Madness! I can’t wait to see what they will do next!
26 abril 2023 20:14
Just an incredible experience. To watch these talented performers create a show from scratch, along with improvised piano music, was mesmerizing!
25 abril 2023 21:52
I love going to the show's and attending classes. It's a great space to let loose and be comfortable in who you are
18 abril 2023 10:11
Incredible space to learn and watch improv. I always have a fabulous time here. The workshops are thoughtfully designed, the performances and phenomenal, and the instructors/performers are super talented, professional and passionate, making you feel inspired and pumped to do more improv. I’ve taken classes with Kiva and Ella and they are both so supportive and just awesome. Super thankful that BIG exists. I highly recommend trying out a Sunday drop-in workshop if you want a taste of improv. Be prepared to have lots of fun and possibly laugh ‘til you cry!
15 abril 2023 5:28
Great experience where you can always find your place. I super recommend about this place they have a lot to offer in their website!
19 marzo 2023 7:45
Such a welcoming space and super fun place to be. Any visit to Barcelona should include a stop at BIG

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