12 diciembre 2021 1:10
Precios desorbitados para las visitas, no aptos para una renta normal. Como siempre la salud solo para quienes tienen recursos.
11 diciembre 2021 22:25
Barnaclinic situated in Hospital Clinic Barcelona: After receiving several different directions and waiting on 6 queues I found the small reception on the 1th floor where I asked where can I do a test related to IVF procedure. They gave me a phone number to call for an appointment (as they don't do this test exactly there). I called the number, made the appointment and asked where is the address and was told on the phone-it is the same place on the 1th floor. I went back to the reception on the 1th floor and said I already made the appointment and it is there on the 1th floor (the receptionist previously told me it is not there). The receptionist said I don't have appointment, there is no such doctor and they wouldn't do this test there.
I went out again, called the same number 3 times and was told all 3 times I don't have any appointment, there is no such doctor at Barnaclinic (name that was given to me when making the appointment on the phone) and I am confused, they said I never called them before and did not let me explain.

I checked my email and I see the confirmation of the appointment, I called the number again and they transferred me to the first girl that made the appointment and she told me to go to the 1th floor where she appeared and said I have an appointment with the doctor that "did not exist" 10 minutes ago. The receptionist was not at her place at that time.
Surrealistic experience. Never again.
01 enero 2021 13:07
Patético por ser una fundación te cobra 261 euros un neumologo solo por la visita las pruebas son a parte
25 diciembre 2020 1:25
Estamos hablando de salud, no de estética Parece mentira que los precios sean tan desorbitados.
09 diciembre 2020 23:49
My experience with this clinic was shocking, it's very sad to know that an institution of this kind scams sick people for no good reason.

In my first email to the clinic I wrote that I do not have a diagnosis, but that I am being investigated for a specific illness in Canada. I explained that I wanted advice from the doctor about what testing is best to rule out or confirm a diagnosis, and to review my symptoms and share his thoughts. I was told this is possible and that I do not need to have a diagnosis to be seen by the doctor, and this was confirmed to me by phone as well. I was then charged 246 euros (about 400 Canadian) for a “case assessment” after which the doctor responded that he does not see patients that do not have a diagnosis.

This means I paid 246 euros for the doctor to tell me exactly what I had already told him through the clinic staff, starting with my first email to the clinic. I understand very well that after a “case assessment” the doctor may still decide not to see a patient, but telling me he does not see patients without a diagnosis is not a “case assessment”. The doctor did not need to review my reports at all to know that I did not have a diagnosis, because I told the staff from the very start.

If the doctor only see’s very special cases and has very strict eligibility criteria, then of course the clinic staff should be trained/made aware of what that basic criteria is so that inquiring patients can be screened. A patient should only be charged for a “case assessment” if they have a chance of seeing the doctor, since the doctor will then spend time reviewing the patient’s reports and will provide meaningful feedback (that is a case assessment). I never had a chance of seeing the doctor because I do not meet his basic eligibility criteria of having a confirmed diagnosis, I received no meaningful feedback, but I was still charged a substantial amount of money for a “case assessment” that I didn't get.

I had no problem with paying for a case assessment even if the doctor decided not to see me after reviewing my reports. I am upset that I was misled and charged a very substantial amount of money for nothing. I am so disappointed that an institution I thought would be highly professional and compassionate would charge a patient that much money for a service the patient is not even eligible for. Writing this does not actually make me feel any better or help me in any way, but at the very least I hope I can prevent someone else from being taken advantage of by this institution. I tried to contact them to at least get an explanation, and I was disregarded.
05 diciembre 2019 5:21
Al contestador automatic l.opcio de castella queda en silenci I mai contesta ningu.
Algunes proves que el metge recomana no es fan I ell no ho sap.
Els preus de visita son exhorbitants

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