22 abril 2024 14:33
¡Qué maravilloso recorrido! ¡Me gustó cómo Patrick puso todo en Historias sobre Historia y que nos mostró los lugares perfectos para observar la maravillosa arquitectura! Gracias
08 abril 2024 12:45
Asistí al recorrido a pie por Gaudí y el modernismo con Patrick en febrero (lo siento, ¡mi reseña está un poco retrasada!). Patrick es un guía experto y apasionado que mantuvo a sus turistas interesados ​​en todo momento. Disfruté que el recorrido se centrara en la calidad más que en la cantidad: visitamos algunos de los monumentos arquitectónicos, pero Patrick se tomó su tiempo para compartir muchos detalles e ideas sobre los lugares que hemos visto. Tuve conversaciones interesantes con Patrick, sobre el modernismo y más. Un gran recorrido en general. ¡Gracias, Patricio!
22 noviembre 2023 11:08
Acabo de realizar una fantástica gira por Gaudí con Patrick. Hemos visitado los edificios modernistas varias veces antes, pero aprendimos tanto sobre ellos gracias a Patrick que nunca los volveremos a mirar de la misma manera. Tenía mucho conocimiento, pero lo compartió de una manera muy interesante y entretenida. Definitivamente recomendaría este recorrido, es mucho mejor que simplemente pasear y verlos por su cuenta.
04 noviembre 2023 5:39
Gracias Patrick por un excelente recorrido por la Barcelona modernista y de Gaudí. Fue muy informativo y entretenido.
02 noviembre 2023 21:20
Patrick fue un guía turístico fenomenal que compartió una historia detallada y profunda de la arquitectura barcelonesa. Realmente disfrutamos aprendiendo sobre las historias de la Casa Amatller, la Casa Batlló y la Casa Milà. ¡Muy bien hecho Patricio!
30 octubre 2023 23:47
Tuvimos un paseo absolutamente increíble con Patrick en un recorrido llamado Gaudí y el Modernismo. Nos dejó hechizados con su increíble capacidad para contar historias y su gran conocimiento. Lo único que lamento es no haberlo tomado como el comienzo de nuestra estadía en lugar del final porque entonces todo lo que estábamos viendo habría tenido mucho más sentido. ¡No puedo recomendar este tour lo suficiente!
07 julio 2023 22:18
We had an unexpectedly private tour with Patrick today for Gaudi and Modernism. His friendliness, humor, and knowledge made it so great. Highly recommended over larger tours, you can be heard and have good interaction with your guide.
12 junio 2023 18:34
Hicimos el Tour Gaudí y el Modernismo con Patrick hace unas semanas en Barcelona. Él fue excepcional. Estaba entusiasmado, obviamente amaba a Gaudí y otros tipos de edificios, lleno de excelente información, divertido, atractivo, su voz se proyecta bien para que todas las personas en el recorrido puedan escucharlo fácilmente, y fue muy útil con respecto al sistema de metro, sugirió cafés, y otras cosas que hacer en Barcelona. Lo recomendamos encarecidamente para una gira.
12 junio 2023 17:50
Hicimos un recorrido con Patrick sobre Gaudí y el modernismo, ¡lo disfrutamos mucho! Patrick conoce muy bien la historia de esta ciudad y explica las cosas de una manera muy dinámica. El recorrido es increíble para conocer los detalles de la arquitectura de Barcelona y reflexionar sobre los aspectos sociopolíticos de la misma. ¡Realmente recomendado!
28 mayo 2023 16:42
Mi esposo y yo nos unimos al recorrido a pie de Gaudí y el modernismo. Patrick fue una guía tan atractiva que nos explicó la historia de Barcelona y también la arquitectura. Definitivamente nos hubiéramos perdido todos estos detalles si tuviéramos que ver estos edificios por nuestra cuenta. ¡Gracias Patricio!
21 mayo 2023 6:06
Thank you Patrick! We really enjoyed our walking tour, learnt loads about Gaudi and experienced the best of Gaudi architecture in beautiful Barcelona. Patrick tailored it to the needs of the group and finished with the spectacular Segrada Familia!
10 mayo 2023 12:02
My partner and I did the Modernism and Gaudi tour with tour guide Patrick. The tour was amazing and Patrick is a great story teller. He vividly painted what was happening during the times of the Catalonian Modernisme movement that resulted in architecture decisions. I highly recommend going to this tour!
05 mayo 2023 17:02
Super interesting tour, length was perfect and Patrick was a really great guide and also a great guy! Highly recommended!
01 mayo 2023 7:07
Tuvimos una gira inesperadamente privada con Patrick hoy para Gaudí y el Modernismo. Su amabilidad, humor y conocimiento lo hicieron tan genial. Altamente recomendado sobre recorridos más grandes, puede ser escuchado y tener una buena interacción con su guía.
27 abril 2023 4:04
On the first day of our arrival in Barcelona, we did a tour with Patrick on Gaudí, Sagrada Familia & Modernism.

It was totally fabulous and what I loved was the combination of Gaudi architectural interpretation with a sense of how this modernist movement fitted into its time. I really enjoyed was moving down the Passeig de Gràcia Avenue in Barcelona and seeing the evolution of the buildings. I have been on many walking tours, and I really rate this one with the entertaining and knowledgeable Patrick.
24 abril 2023 13:17
Patrick was great! Engaging content and very personable. Looked out for everyone on the group both safety and walking ability wise, and had awesome local recommendations! Would absolutely recommend as a great half day activity if you have interest in learning about history and architecture!
19 abril 2023 9:08
In our recent visit to beautiful Barcelona we decided to take the "Gaudí & Modernism Tour" with Patrick, and let me tell you it was one of the BEST tours I have ever had! Patrick was friendly and full of knowledge, you could tell he loves History and he is passionate about the topic of Gaudí and the city itself. We can only recommend this, the experience is worth every second. Melissa & Andi
16 abril 2023 17:23
We had an amazing time! Patrick was super interesting and we had a great time with him! It was nice to talk with him about other things also:)
15 abril 2023 8:25
I recently had the pleasure of taking a walking tour in Barcelona with Patrick, and I cannot recommend it enough. Throughout the tour, Patrick's attention to detail and his ability to share fascinating insights into the history and significance of each landmark we visited were exceptional. What really stood out were the hidden gems and intricate details that Patrick pointed out.

The small group size was also a highlight, as it allowed for a more personalized and engaging experience. Overall, I left the tour with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and history of Barcelona's architecture, and I have Patrick to thank for that.
17 febrero 2023 13:26
This tour was so amazing and informative! Patrick has provided such a great context on the history and it made the architecture so much more interesting. From now on, I can’t just pass by a building in Barcelona without thinking about the history and symbolism behind it. Highly recommend this tour.
08 enero 2023 16:08
We took a walking tour with Patrick around the key architecture buildings in Barcelona. His depth of information, ability to simplify history and story telling knack makes the tour very interesting and engaging.

Worth going with him to understand Barcelona history and city expansion phases.
01 enero 2023 7:28
Had a great time on this guided tour around Barcelona! Learned lots and the tour guide was charming and knew how to tell a great story. Highly recommended for any one visiting!
23 diciembre 2022 20:06
Informative and entertaining tour with Patrick. He gave us so much insight that we would have never given thought to just walking down the street. He was welcoming, engaged, and open to questions. Highly recommend!
16 diciembre 2022 8:42
The best walking tour till date! Patrick was extremely knowledgeable and passionate. The way he talks is super engaging and you wouldn’t even realize when the 2.5 hours would end. He would make you visualise the whole history behind the place with his wonderful imagery and voice modulations and keep you super interested. Highly recommend
01 noviembre 2022 16:56
Patrick is an amazing story teller. He shared his wealth of knowledge clearly, in a fun and engaging way. Highly recommend him for the Gaudi and modernism tour.
10 agosto 2022 5:23
I've done the Gaudí and Modernism tour with Patrick from Be Local Tours. He was an amazing guide! With an outstanding cultural background and communication skills. Thank you Patrick
09 agosto 2022 19:20
Fantastic tour by Patrick. Very well explained and knowledgeable. Highly recommended to anyone who wants a historical tour around Barcelona
27 julio 2022 15:53
Great experience, time flyed with Patrick walking along Passeig de Gracia. We really appreciated his angle and storytelling. We've been many times in Barcelona and it seemed the first one again:)
23 julio 2022 10:28
Patrick was an exceptional guide. He was very willing to share not only the stories but also interesting details related to architecture and history of the landmarks that we had the chance to see! Would definitely be worthy to have him as a guide if ever visiting Barcelona
15 julio 2022 15:56
Had an informative tour around the Gothic Quarter with Patrick. It was like a private tour, since the tour went ahead with only my 3 friends and I. Patrick is a great story-teller, and shared many interesting facts and stories about the sites. A fun, engaging and affordable way to learn more about Barcelona!
07 julio 2022 19:38
Amazing tour with Patrick! Very lively and happy to answer any questions and share information! 2.5 hours passed quickly and learned some impressive things about the history of Barcelona! 10/10
05 julio 2022 5:50
I did the Gaudí and Modernism tour with Patrick and it was fantastic! He really knew his stuff. While the tour was highly informative, he managed to keep it fun and laid back at the same time. Previously, I have done a tour with one of the larger companies in Barcelona, and although that too was very good, I think that Be Local Tours definitely have the edge. The fact that the Be Local groups are generally smaller definitely helps. I cannot recommend them enough! Spend a couple of hours on one of their tours and you really will come away feeling that you know Barcelona that little bit better. Thanks Patrick! I definitely hope to do another one of your tours next time I return to Barcelona.
22 junio 2022 1:33
Had a really enjoyable tour with Patrick. Very informative while keeping it fun at the same time!
20 junio 2022 17:36
Patrick did a fantastic job of sharing so the history of Gaudi in Barcelona. Happy to have taken the tour!
17 mayo 2022 10:43
Had a brilliant Gaudi tour with Patrick, he really makes the stories come to life with good humour and plenty of knowledge. Thank you!
26 noviembre 2021 6:30
I'd rate the tour with 6+ starts! Bee to lot of walking tours buuuut this one was really engaging and interesting. So many good stories. Loved it and Patrick was simply amazing. Followed his recommendation for lunch - amazing! So happy that I found it.
29 agosto 2021 19:53
Me han dejado tirado. Tenía el free tour hoy viernes 23 desde el centro de Plaza Catalunya a las 10: 00 am, llevo aquí desde las 9: 40, rodeado de palomas. Ayer jueves me enviaron email de recordatorio y aquí estoy. Llamas al teléfono y da la llamada pero nadie lo coge, salta buzón de voz orange. Como destrozarte la agenda programada para tu viaje en un momento.
07 julio 2021 6:55
Had a fantastic Ciudad Vella tour this morning with Patrick. He was truly knowledgeable and passionate about the city and he took us through years of history in an exciting and breathtaking fashion. He was very available to answer questions and doubts. I will definitely attend more tours with Be Local and can't wait to experience their bike one as well.
25 septiembre 2019 12:59
Thank you Francisco for showing us today some of Barcelona’s secrets even to someone like me, born and raised in the city. Your historical introduction created the perfect framework to discover all the sites and connect them to the social and political situation of the time. In addition I enjoyed very much the fact that you also spent time talking about the current time and where Barcelona and their people are. Don’t be surprised if I join one of your tours any time soon. Hasta pronto y muchísimas gracias
25 septiembre 2019 4:12
Nos encanto, el Tour la información que nos brindo, prometemos volver, hicimos la visita guiada del barrio Gótico, nos falto la segunda parte, Gracias Ricky
16 agosto 2019 5:53
Muy buen paseo por "El Born". Cuenta su historia y muchos detalles. Es un paseo que dura 2HS, así que lleven cazado cómodo. El calor no es inconveniente, debido al horario de salida (Tardecita).
08 agosto 2019 8:19
Excelente! Fui la única en el tour con Riccardo y me encantó, muy personalizado!

Paseamos por el barrio gótico y el born, me contó historias de Barcelona y tuvimos charlas muy interesantes.

Terminamos el tour con pizza italiana y cerveza.

Súper (o “re”) recomendable! Sin dudas voy a hacer algún otro tour antes de irme de Barcelona con Be Local Tours
13 julio 2019 11:39
Carlos was a great tour guide. Funny and informative. He really knows his stuff for the Gothic tour!
27 mayo 2019 13:07
A tour guide who really knew his history when taking our small group around the Gothic Quarter. Conscientious with group size and contributing part of their donations to a tree planting scheme in South America, you'll really appreciate the ethics of this small business. I'm heading back on Friday night for another tour around the city with this guide. A reflection of how much I appreciated it.
25 mayo 2019 11:15
Genial el tour sobre la Guerra Civil, con historias familiares y personales del guía que no se encuentran en los libros.
11 mayo 2019 1:52
Patrick was the one who introduced us to "El barri gòtic", he explained in detail the history and meaning of the most important monuments and places and answered every single question we had. He gave us advice on what visiting next in Barcelona and was also very nice. I'm so happy with the experience.
09 mayo 2019 9:39
Excellent and interesting tour. Ricardo was personable and funny. Interesting stories about the city, and fun to meet. Nice way to meet other tourists and get more travel recommendations. Do early in your visit to get a feel for lovely Barcelona!
17 abril 2019 11:24
With no hesitation, and with astonishing history at hand, this is a MUST SEE tour. Not only is it free (although please leave your guide something for their expertise and time!) but you will find all the hidden secrets of the Gothic quarter (and other locations) that your guide will point out. RICCARDO was absolutely amazing, although his tours are in castellano (Spanish). You can also have English. SIGN UP NOW!
26 marzo 2019 7:58
Nuestro guía David nos ofreció un recorrido esplendido por la guerra civil española, respondiendo a todas nuestras preguntas y acompañando la información con anécdotas personales. ¡Totalmente recomendable!
19 marzo 2019 7:34
Estuve en un tour del barrio gótico, dirigido por David, solo puedo decir una palabra: ESPECTACULAR! David conoce demasiado bien no solo la historia y las calles sino las cosas que han pasado y pasan en medio de las calles, enriqueciendo como ningún otro el tour. Recomendadísimo para todos los que estén buscando un tour en Barcelona y si puede ser con David mejor aún!
13 marzo 2019 11:45
Tour was fantastic. Starting with monuments in Plaça Catalunya tour guide Joel takes you through events and history leading up to the war and how it unfolded. Using photos from the era of key historical figures and buildings where events occurred Joel used humor to lighten the tragic story of civil war. Tour continued down las Ramblas into the gothic quarter with many stops and stories along the way Well worth the time
11 marzo 2019 11:20
Un super moment a chaque fois! Parfait pour découvrir les secrets de la ville avec de supers guides, merci Ricardo & Joel. A demain, pour mon 3eme tour!

A great moment each time! Perfect to discover city secret with great guide, Thank you Ricardo & Joel. See you tomorrow for the 3rd tour!
24 febrero 2019 10:51
Muy interesante el tour, valió bastante la pena. Nuestro guía Joel estaba muy bien informado y habla con mucha propiedad y pasión sobre la historia de la ciudad. En general nos gusto mucho.
16 febrero 2019 12:08
Muy buen guía, lo unico malo es que llegó bastante tarde. Demostró conocer mucho sobre la historia de la ciudad, y quedamos con ganas de repetir los tours alternativos para conocer aún más.
10 febrero 2019 23:08
Patrick is very passionate and gave us a lot of details about Catalunya history, evolutions of the buildings, arts and so on. It was a wonderful walking tour.
05 febrero 2019 23:53
Guys know Gothic Quarter on the professional level. Moreover they able to keep talking on any cultural topics. Besides they really understand that we are tourists and we need more beautiful places for our photos)
29 diciembre 2018 20:37
Hice el "Tour de Barrio Gótico Barcelona" el domingo 4 de noviembre 2018 con David como guia, una experiencia única que recomiendo a todos, aún llevando 43 años viviendo en Barcelona, he descubierto rinconcitos que no conocía y detalles en los edificios históricos y en las calles que desconocía.
Recomiendo mucho hacer esta visita, además David hace la visita muy amena
06 noviembre 2018 22:14
Merita veramente.ragazzi meravigliosi e disponibilissimi.abbiamo fatto il tour del bario gotico e quello del modernismo a Barcellona.molto ben spiegato e divertente.
28 octubre 2018 12:01
David nos dio unas explicaciones excelentes, el recorrido fue muy bueno, donde descubrimos lugares que por tan sólo pasear, nunca los hubiéramos encontrado.
Muchas gracias David por tu amabilidad,
25 octubre 2018 18:10
Lots of interesting information and charismatic guides who will answer all your questions. Highly recommended!

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