16 febrero 2024 1:25
Una escuela única con un enfoque nuevo e innovador de la educación. Crear un ambiente creativo entre los estudiantes. Se presta especial atención a la socialización de los estudiantes. Es un raro ejemplo en el que los estudiantes disfrutan asistiendo a la escuela. La escuela brinda apoyo integral a los estudiantes involucrados en deportes. Nuestro agradecimiento a la dirección del colegio.
29 enero 2024 21:21
No sólo una experiencia educativa y cultural superior para nuestra hija, sino también un entorno verdaderamente afectuoso y enriquecedor.
Un hogar acogedor, diverso y tolerante para padres y hermanos, además. BHS ha sido verdaderamente un contribuyente enriquecedor y significativo para nuestra familia.
04 julio 2023 19:50
Mientras celebramos el día de nuestra graduación, quiero tomarme un momento para expresar lo orgulloso que estoy de mis compañeros de clase. Aunque quizás no los conozca bien a todos, me inspira su arduo trabajo y dedicación que los ha llevado a este hito. Es un testimonio de su perseverancia y compromiso con sus objetivos.

También agradezco a todos los profesores que han desempeñado un papel vital en nuestro recorrido académico. Han sido un faro de conocimiento e inspiración, y su apoyo inquebrantable nos ha ayudado a superar desafíos y alcanzar nuestro máximo potencial.

Hoy ha sido un día increíble, lleno de alegría y emoción. Agradezco haber compartido esta experiencia con mis compañeros y profesores, quienes se han convertido en una segunda familia para mí. Quiero agradecer especialmente a Amanda, quien ha sido un sistema de apoyo constante para mí durante mi estadía aquí. Ella ha sido como una segunda madre para mí y siempre estaré agradecida por su guía y cuidado. También quiero agradecer a Akida, que ha sido como un segundo padre para mí, siempre ofreciéndome soluciones y apoyo durante mi transición de mi país de origen (Túnez) a España.

En conclusión, me siento lleno de orgullo y agradecimiento por todos los compañeros. Hemos logrado mucho y estoy emocionado de ver lo que nos depara el futuro. Gracias a todos los profesores y a todos los que han sido parte de este viaje.
27 junio 2023 12:10
Mi hija empezó hace poco, a mitad del año académico, sin embargo parece que siempre ha estado ahí. La atmósfera y el ambiente de la escuela abren la personalidad del estudiante muy rápidamente, involucrándolo en el apasionante proceso de la educación. Gracias al equipo de la escuela por su profesionalismo y dedicación.
15 junio 2023 7:39
Desde el primer día que mi hijo ingresó a esta escuela, sentí que sería diferente. El acto educativo es de alto nivel, los docentes tienen empatía, compasión, comprensión y un alto grado de educación. Son independientemente de nuestros hijos en cualquier contexto o situación. Son maestros que construyen el futuro de nuestros niños y que les dan alas para volar más lejos. Son implicados, volubles, abiertos y llenos de entusiasmo. Y mi hijo está feliz aquí.
Y Amanda es la rueda que pone el engranaje en movimiento.
¡Gracias por estar ahí, BHS! ¡Sigue adelante!
12 junio 2023 4:50
La mejor escuela de todos los tiempos, el equipo y el nivel de educación son sobresalientes.
11 junio 2023 20:20
¡Es una escuela maravillosa! Mi hija, por primera vez en años, está súper feliz de ir a la escuela todos los días. Está motivada, estudia y se ha vuelto responsable de sus propias calificaciones y desempeño. Amanda y su equipo son fantásticos. Los niños se sienten amados y libres. Y esos son los dos mejores regalos que podemos darles a nuestros jóvenes hoy en día. ¡Me encanta BHS y lo recomiendo ampliamente!
09 junio 2023 11:29
En septiembre de 2020, nos unimos a BHS, que es diferente de otras escuelas con las que hemos contactado. Cada clase, todos los días, es un verdadero placer estar en la escuela. Estudiantes amigables y maestros excelentes calificados, decidimos quedarnos aquí hasta el 12 ° grado, BHS. ¡Es realmente bueno!
05 junio 2023 20:14
Finding the right School and to believe it is the right one was a big decision for us. We relocated from India last year, while in India we explored all options available in Barcelona. BHS was not only proactive in responding to our queries but also enlightened us on next steps and what we can expect in coming years. This curriculum was very different and we feared our child's adaptability to the teaching methodology. Today we see our child not only excelling in her studies but also has gone through a great change in her personality. Staff and students at BHS make a wonderful team, teaching methodology is new age, practical and feels like exective- MBA style. Irrespective of how complex the query is, teachers would take out time to ensure she gets it right. We are happy to have our child studying with BHS.
20 febrero 2023 9:35
We are so happy we found BHS! Our son wanted an immersive experience in Barcelona for his Junior Fall semester to study, play tennis, learn Spanish and live in a city with a host family. We reached out to BHS, and Akida, the
Founder of BHS, was incredibly helpful and informative about Barcelona, as well as school and tennis opportunities. Our son LOVED BHS! Amanda (the Director) and all the staff made Max feel welcome and cared for. The school has a flexible schedule which allowed for him to play tennis and be a part of the school community by both attending classes and/or keeping up with his work online. Teachers were available for extra support if he needed 1: 1 time. The school is in a fabulous neighborhood in Barcelona and our son really liked exploring all the food options nearby! The school itself has a great energy, philosophy and feel. He often worked in the main area surrounded by students and teachers which made him feel connected and engaged. He would happily put his work aside for a competitive game of chess with other students! The school organized community events, which our son really appreciated - Homecoming and Thanksgiving were two of them. As parents we were very grateful as well for they created warm, fun and friendly social opportunities. He is missing the February ski trip which he would have been thrilled to go on! Our son made wonderful friends with students from all over the world. It was amazing. It has inspired him to want to master Spanish. Some of the students played tennis at the same club which also offered a lovely connection and strengthened his friendships with those students. Our best compliment is that 10 minutes back in the United States, our son said he wanted to go back to BHS, the tennis club and his Barcelona life! Thank you Akida, Amanda and all the staff! Always grateful and appreciative!
19 febrero 2023 23:04
BHS has been a great experience for our kids both academically and socially. They felt welcomed, appreciated, motivated and eager to learn more and more every day. Our kids are well-travelled kids and, from the bottom of my heart, I can assure you this is a great school. We have never experienced such sincere kindness, understanding and support throughout other school systems. I highly recommend BHS and I will be always grateful for the time my children spent in such an amazing environment. Keep it up, BHS!
12 noviembre 2022 22:20
We enrolled our daughter at BHS and it was the best decision ever. She absolutely loves this school and made friends instantly. Amanda and all the teachers are amazing! Subjects like math and chemistry (which she never liked before) she now enjoys because of the excellent teachers. The school environment is inclusive, open and fun.
I can highly recommend this school.
12 julio 2022 3:35
Very comfortable and homey school! Truly welcoming to everyone. A very good healthy teaching and learning environment:)!
15 junio 2022 20:52
I attended BHS for my last year of high school. From day one, I knew I had made a good choice. At BHS I feel safe, heard and supported. Students are kind and accepting and there is a sense of collaboration and support in the group. The school holds a powerful community, adaptable to different learning styles and needs. I am forever grateful to the teachers, Amanda and Ciarán who really listen to the students and provide amazing guidance and care.
As well as feeling safe, I feel challenged to grow and question my beliefs through numerous group activities and discussions. Thank you Amanda, Ciarán and Akida, it is a pleasure to be at BHS!
05 junio 2022 16:29
Amazing school! Amazon stuff and the teachers are the best. I've been in a lot of schools and this one is really different and spacial!
27 mayo 2022 12:27
I’ve been attending BHS for 2 year now and I’ve never felt more comfortable in my life. Assignments are fun challenging and electives are endless so I chose graphic design because I’m majoring it next year since I’m graduating this year. Barcelona high school you changed my perspectives on schools because I was always very anxious at the schools but everyone here feels like family and it’s my home away from home and I never really expected to say that about a educational school system. I’ve felt more creative ever since I started attending BHS, I also felt very loved and understood when I needed to be. Thank you Akida and Amanda for creating a healthy safe space for everyone to learn, to be safe, comfortable and enjoying school!
17 febrero 2022 19:03
Dear Mr. Akida and the great team at BHS.

I would like to leave my sincere testimony of my own experience with BHS. We have faced some difficulties leading with my daughter’s different schools issues owning to our moving into several countries, for my and her good luck we reached BHS by recommendation of a friend. Since then i lost my worries about my daughter, me and all the family noticed how far better she became, not only at school, but her behavior her personality and self confidence.
I’m more then satisfied, I’m Amazed.
Thank you Akida, thank you all BHS team.
May God Bless you

Hassan K. Dia

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