06 marzo 2023 9:35
En primer lugar la facilidad de acceso con check in previo y codigo para acceder a las llaves
Luego la limpieza muy bien estuvimos 12 dias y vinieron a limpiar a la semana. Los utensillos de cocina limpios y en cantidad para la comodidad de hasta 6 personas. Las camas bien nosotros eramos 3 no usamos el sofa cama. Volvere sin dudas
12 enero 2023 10:53
Una verdadera pesadilla. Para coger las llaves con un código dentro de un cajetín en el edificio, hay que dejar el coche fuera verdad? Pues es IMPOSIBLE. No hay sitio físico para dejar el coche 1 minuto. Llamamos varias veces y nos dijeron que había un parque al principio de la calle y que allí si podríamos dejar el coche unos minutos.ja! IMPOSIBLE.cuando por fin logramos entrar al garage tras mil vueltas a la manzanas, descubrimos que en el cajetín donde estaban las llaves del garage NO ESTABAN LAS LLAVES DEL APARTAMENTO.vuelta a llamarlos, sentados 20 minutos más en las escaleras hasta que un chico vino a traer las dichosas llaves. NO VOLVEREMOS A REPETIR. EN LA DUCHA NO HABÍA CHAMPÚ. DESASTROSO.
29 noviembre 2022 7:25
It was a last minute booking from our side.
When we arrived, our apartment had a terrible cigarette smoke smell. When I called them to cancel the booking they said that we should go up to the 4th floor and they will be there. We had to wait for 15 mintues and they finally arrived to show us another apartment which looked much older and shabbier than something you can see in the photos on their website.
When we said, we don't like the apartment and won't be staying here, the answer was "No problem, just pay for the first night". When I refused to do so, the guy got quite mad and started accusing me that "You think you could just show up here and say that you don’t like the apartment without paying? ”. 
After some time he said that he doesn’t want to waste his precious time on me and jumped into the elevator.
We were waiting for the elevator for a few minutes but it didn’t come. When we took the stairs we saw that the same guy blocked the elevator with his scooter to make us carry the bags with the stairs.
Great customer service! Keep it up!
21 febrero 2021 19:34
We loved our stay, the best location in the city, owners know English very well, they helped us with everything, also special thanks to the cleaning team for taking care of our apartment every wednesday.

If we had the chance I’d love to stay there for a couple of months more. I’m not even exaggerating.
21 octubre 2019 12:02
Appartamento molto bello in zona tranquilla, con la Metro si arriva rapidamente in centro. Possibilità di parcheggiare nel parcheggio sotterraneo del palazzo a 20 euro/giorno. Non è presente la reception, per il check-in viene un addetto che vi spiega tutto.per il check-out invece si lasciano le chiavi e si va via. Pulizia finale obbligatoria 50 euro come specificato su Expedia. Attenzione a non arrivare dopo le 20 perché c’è un supplemento da pagare per il check-in.dopo le 24 il supplemento aumenta. Ottima esperienza, consigliato.
20 abril 2019 19:19
Appartamento centrale, pulito e attrezzato. Personale molto disponibile e cortese

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