14 abril 2024 16:10
En primer lugar, no es evidente dónde se encuentra la consigna de equipaje. Está ubicado dentro de un albergue y no hay nada en la puerta o en el edificio que diga "Bounce". Tienes que registrarte usando un código QR o la aplicación (la aplicación no es necesaria, solo sáltala), luego entra y registrate con la recepcionista del albergue, luego sube las escaleras y LUEGO localiza a otro miembro del personal para que abra la puerta. armario de equipaje. Para recuperar su bolso, haga todo eso a la inversa. Es mucho más fácil y rápido usar un casillero de autoservicio que le envía un código de puerta. No volveré a usar Bounce.
14 diciembre 2023 16:01
En realidad, el espacio de almacenamiento está ubicado dentro del Safestay (una gran señalización que es muy visible). Es muy fácil de encontrar. Definitivamente recomendado para aquellos que quieran ir a guardar el equipaje y luego ir a la estación de tren de Passeig de Gràcia. El personal también es amable.
08 noviembre 2023 20:53
Buen servicio. Un poco difícil de encontrar. Estamos buscando un letrero de rebote en la fachada, pero descubrimos que tenía que ser parte del servicio del albergue.
21 octubre 2023 23:14
Un sólido 4. Fácil de encontrar y todo estuvo bien. Mi única queja es que el ascensor necesita una reforma. Tienes que llevar tu equipaje al segundo piso. Fácil ¿verdad? No tan rápido y lo digo literalmente. Este puede ser el ascensor más lento jamás creado. También es pequeño, por lo que es posible que un grupo tenga que tomar el ascensor en grupos. Sin embargo, el equipaje estaba seguro y el precio parecía razonable. Lo usaría otra vez.
08 agosto 2023 2:01
There was no sign, and the webpage didnt say which hotel it was exactly. Other than this, was good experience
08 julio 2023 17:28
Ho utilizzato il servizio di deposito bagagli trovandolo molto comodo. Ho scelto un indirizzo vicinissimo a casa Batlo' su passeig de Gràcia a Barcellona. Si trattava di un hotel, peccato che ho impiegato del tempo perché alla reception erano impegnati con i check-in. Prenotare è semplicissimo. Consigliatissimo
06 julio 2023 23:51
Tudo impecável, não houve qualquer problemas com as malas, encontramo-las como as deixamos.
22 junio 2023 16:02
The storage is located inside the Safestay hostel.you gotta ring the doorbell to get in.

UPDATE: it was explained to me that once you register for storage via app, the confirmation email provides more detail about the storage location.
22 mayo 2023 0:35
The locker was actually a back storage room in the supermarket. The people from store didnt speak english good, but we understand each other. At the end everything was fine, but I think that the price is overrated if u have more than 2 pieces of luggage and I suggest that in the app it should be presented how the storage for baggage looks like before reservation or payment.
17 mayo 2023 13:53
Luggage was stored in a locked room. Very fast, very efficient. There were no bounce stickers however, but I felt the luggage was very safe.
26 abril 2023 14:25
Easy to find. Luggage stored in a downstairs basement section. Very close to the bus stop for the airport bus. Don’t be fooled by the location suggesting it’s a Church - it’s just an open fronted shop selling luggage and tourist souvenirs. I have no idea why it suggests the location is a Church - probably to just lure you into a false sense of security. I was a bit nervous leaving it there as they wouldn’t give me any tag or receipt - I was just told to take a photo of my cases. However, all was returned as we left it, so ended well.
Unfortunately these reviews are generic as opposed to location specific so you can’t really rely on them because no doubt each location provides a different experience.
I would have rather left my cases in a locked hotel room with proper tags. Leaving them with a shopkeeper with no awareness of how safely they intend to store them left me unnerved and I didn’t really enjoy my afternoon in Barcelona.
16 abril 2023 14:41
Nice & easy to book and find. A convenient service on the last day of a break to be bag free to explore the city
07 abril 2023 11:33
El hotel es de fácil acceso en una boca calle del paseo de Gracia. Nos atendieron muy bien y pudimos disfrutar de un día espléndido en Barcelona sin tener que llevar nuestro equipaje todo el dia
15 diciembre 2022 5:14
Very convenient location footsteps from Casa Batlo. Hotel staff were on it and stored our luggage in a safe, locked room. We were in and out. Allowed us to enjoy a bit more sight seeing in between a layover.
20 septiembre 2022 18:47
No lockers. We just put our bags in a small room filled with a lot of other bags. When we collected our bags they didn’t even check our receipt or if we took the right bags. It did not feel safe. Nothing got stolen during the five hours, but that was just pure luck.

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