30 agosto 2022 11:04
For me, the best school in the area. The teachers are great and very accessible. My kid is happy to go to school and it's amazing to see how much he is learning and growing. The reception is very nice and friendly. The team is always there to listen and help us. This caring environment offers children all the keys to a successful education. I recommend this school to everyone.
03 agosto 2022 3:05
The best school in the area by far!
Teachers are great professionals and so dedicated. Our son has evolved very positively. Classes are reduced which means that kids are given a lot of attention and care. We enjoy a lot how the school is developing intellectual curiosity, mutual aid and effective learning habits.
01 noviembre 2021 14:09
I dont very like it becaz mi friend taufikxander goes to it AND ITS HELL study with him, DONT GO, he is not very epic
28 octubre 2021 22:35
One of the best schools in the area. My kid is well motivated to learn and works hard. The adaptation was easy, we have many friends and school community is very big and friendly. Everyone gets attention. The facilities are great. I am happy with Academic achievements of my child. Bad comments are mostly related with Covid quarantine situation, which was very difficult for many.
11 abril 2021 4:16
Whether you go to Harvard or end up in obligatory army depends on you, teachers are always there to help if you work
22 marzo 2021 19:27
Lamentablemente, no puedo hablar maravillas del BSB, en estos momentos tan difíciles para todo el mundo, nos encontramos con la dirección de una empresa privada, incapaz de entender, que no están cumpliendo con el compromiso que habían adquirido con los padres en cuanto a la formación presencial e inmersión lingüística, y nos quieren hacer callar con un pequeño descuento en las cuotas, después de que nos agrupamos 479 familias, que representamos a 690 niños y después de mucha lucha se consiguió descuento en dos diferentes etapas.
La 1ª etapa, un 25% para los niños de 3 y 4 años, un 15% para los de primaria y 0% para el resto.después de muchas firmas, se consigue un 50% un 25% y un 15%.
Aun así, no estamos de acuerdo, los importes que pretenden cobrar no corresponden a lo que se están impartiendo a nivel on line, ni de lejos.
Pero lo peor, un trato tan desagradable el que hemos recibido los padres, que dicta mucho de las buenas prácticas y modales de una entidad como la que representa la educación de nuestros hijos.
Por ese mismo motivo somos muchos los padres que estamos buscando otras opciones para abandonar este centro, lamento mucho haber pertenecido a él.
02 agosto 2019 2:18
I could not recommend this school. The management have a typical Colonial attitude of Superiority with the parents. If one complains, one is threatened. It is really a feeling of complete dictatorship. The atmosphere is one of feeling unable to express oneself, or even complain. There is no humility in the staff and management. The children are taught to be so competitive they cannot understand what it means to form close relationships. They never leave the realm of rivals. The teacher of my child, does not explain things well, then yells a lot and puts down the children. Very cruel. Unfortunately the parents are so intimidated, they do not complain or talk amongst themselves. I have seen so many parents just leave, in the middle of the term. They let anyone in, and then take your matricula, and when your child has problems.they have no coherent support for children with learning difficulties. The problem gets transferred onto the child and family. A very poor atmosphere.

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