09 agosto 2023 11:53
Increíble recorrido por el viñedo y degustación. ¡El mejor recorrido que hemos realizado en términos de conocimiento honesto de la elaboración del vino! ¡Fantásticas vistas desde la terraza disfrutando del vino orgánico!
06 agosto 2023 16:44
Encantador recorrido por la bodega local con un anfitrión muy informado, excelente inglés y deliciosos vinos para probar y comprar.
23 octubre 2022 15:14
Interesting tour by mr Marti. Beautiful place where whine is made with a lot of knowledge and love. We tasted and bought some nice tinto’s and rosado. We will come back! Thx and suerte!
27 septiembre 2022 5:57
Called Marti, the owner, at short notice as myself and my partner wanted to experience a tour of a vineyard before leaving. He accommodated is at short notice for a tour at 1900 that day and I am thankful we chose this place.
Marti was an amazing host, sharing his in depth knowledge of both the local history and winemaking process, which I have to say was great. Even let us have some cork from his cork tree as a momento!
At the end, we tasted 6 different wines and ended up buying three bottles of the mixed variety. Would have purchased more if I could get them back to the UK. Definitely recommend visiting here if you want to learn how wine is made properly!
Thank you Marti, if I am ever in the area again, I will make sure too pop in and say hello.
17 agosto 2022 17:08
Truly an amazing experience and tour with Martí. Family run, beautiful facilities and grounds - a very unique and personal memory to have and a must visit for sure.
12 mayo 2022 7:24
El celler Más Eugeni és un lloc fantàstic per gaudir d'un dia entre vinyes. Una celler petit, familiar, sencill, i amb tot aquell encant de les coses fetes com "a casa" amb cura i estima. El Martí molt agrable. El vi de qüalitat bona i per compartir en companyia. També venen ous de gallina, verdures a l'estiu. Autèntic, sense el glamour de les grans vinyes, però digne de passar-se a provar els seus grans productes.
05 mayo 2022 22:39
Wonderful little family run winery. We tried a white, rosé, and two whites! The owner delightfully explained about the local terroir and wine mixes.
16 octubre 2021 6:55
Podeis visitar el Mas Eugeni de la mano del propietario Marti que os va explicar todo lo relacionado con sus viñedos, su tierra, su vino y demás productos además de una cata de vinos excelente. Hemos pasado una tarde fantástica!
06 octubre 2021 12:19
Aquest estiu hem gaudit de l.hort del Mas Eugeni, el producte estrella, els tomàquets, els agafem directament de la branca, el gust és indescriptible, m.he tornat adicta. El tracte amb la família es molt proper et fan sentir molt agust.
23 agosto 2021 6:39
Celler familiar on Martí ens ha atés molt amablement i ens ha explicat pas a pas l'elaboració dels vins amb visita a les vinyes. Els vins que hem tastat i hem comprat ens han sorprés molt gratament. Visita 100% recomanable
28 octubre 2020 10:01
Un plaer compartir aprenentatge enològic amb el Martí tot gaudint d'uns vins molt especials en un paratge també molt especial. Per aquells qui vulgueu tastar vins diferents. Molt recomenable.
11 octubre 2019 19:04
Absolutely great wineyard tour and beautyful wines! Place has interesting history and owner is very friendly and really loves his job. Thank you
23 abril 2019 12:29
A lovely, quaint winery which has home feeling and history. I highly recommend for a visit for tasting, you will find authentic Catalan wine there with beautiful surroundings. The guide speaks English, very knowledgeable and friendly who gives you the tour around the winery and grapeyard. Well worth the visit.
11 septiembre 2018 1:51
Thank you Marti for the perfect guidance. We enjoyed the 2 and a half hour visit. You create a Nice rose wine and super red Wines.
Thank you, the nine People from Belgium today.still enjoing your rosé at the camping in platja d'aro.
28 junio 2018 10:42
Vale la pena visitar y probar sus vinos. Les recomiendo el vino reserva de Garnacha, es una tierra hermosa sembrada de varias cepas de uvas, allí vas a conseguir varias frutas y verduras de su huerta y tambien huevos criollos, busca a Marti que es uno de los dueños.
11 febrero 2018 6:10
I have visited Celler Mas Eugeni twice now, once in the autumn and once during winter. It is a beautiful place even without fruit on the vines! Martí is a wonderful host who takes the time to explain his winemaking process and his family's history on that land. It's truly a joy to experience this little piece of paradise in Calonge, and to learn about local Catalan history. I especially recommend the Propósit - a blend of Garnacha, Syrah, and Cabernet Sauvignon. I can't wait to return in the spring and summer!
04 junio 2017 2:06
Great tour and knowledge of Marti who runs the cellar. We walked around the vineyard for about an hour and completed the tour with some wine tasting which was pretty good! Loved the story behind the cellar and passion Marti talks about the winery and when he offers you his wines. Highly recommended!
22 mayo 2017 17:18
Cuando una familia te da la oportunidad de poder disfrutar de la agricultura en sus amplios terrenos, pudiendo degustar lo que cultivan, te sientes agradecido

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