05 mayo 2024 17:22
Un bootcamp orientado a personas, con mucho apoyo por parte de todo el equipo tanto durante el curso como al acabarlo. Para mí tiene dos puntos claves que lo hacen diferente: los profesores son expertos en la materia ya que trabajan en lo que te van a enseñar y cada alumno es valioso y ponen todos los medios para que todos alcancen la meta con éxito con un ratio de alumnos por profesor imbatible. Sin duda lo recomiendo al 100%
23 enero 2024 7:41
He hecho 3 bootcamps en distintas escuelas y el mejor ha sido el de Codeop, te acompañan y ayudan, tanto los profesores como las asistententes, ha sido un verdadero placer estudiar aquí! Front end
26 diciembre 2023 22:37
Participé en el Curso de Front End Web Developer, y la verdad que aprendí muchísimo, los y las docentes, muy preparados, con mucha paciencia para enseñar. En cuanto a los recursos y soportes de aprendizaje online, muy buenos, en todo momento tienes acompañamiento y asesoría. Repito curso con Codeop.
16 septiembre 2023 23:26
Una elección que cambia la vida.
Elegir CodeOp para mi viaje de desarrollo web completo me cambió la vida.
Los instructores fueron excepcionales: informados y solidarios.
El plan de estudios práctico me ayudó a aplicar mi aprendizaje de manera efectiva.
Lo que distingue a CodeOp es el fuerte sentido de comunidad entre estudiantes e instructores.
16 septiembre 2023 8:00
Antes de apuntarme me dudaba entre este bootcamp y otro también en Barcelona. Me entrevisté con ambos (el proceso de solicitud fue un poco diferente) y me aceptaron en ambos, así que llegó el momento de elegir. En cuanto al plan de estudios, ya había oído hablar de JavaScript y había comenzado su curso de introducción en Codecademy, pero apenas había oído hablar de Ruby (el lenguaje computacional que se enseña en el otro bootcamp), por lo que ya estaba más inclinado a elegir CodeOp. Sin embargo, esta no fue la razón principal por la que decidí unirme a ellos.

En primer lugar, estuve en contacto con exalumnos de ambos bootcamps: todos los que se graduaron de CodeOp eran personas con quienes me gustaría trabajar, súper amables y me explicaron todo con gran detalle; Además, me podía ver siendo como ellos, y había una representación diversa. También sentí el sentido de comunidad del que más tarde sería parte. En algún momento, me conecté en LinkedIn con una antigua alumna de CodeOp que completó el bootcamp en línea desde el otro lado del mundo; cuando le agradecí por volver a publicar mi primer proyecto, dijo (y cito) : "Trato de ayudar tanto como puedo con la exposición de los estudiantes de CodeOp dentro de mi red internacional. He estado allí y quiero brindarles "Volveré a la comunidad que me llevó a donde estoy ahora. Es una comunidad hermosa y estoy muy feliz de saber que continúan fomentando este tipo de ambiente para las personas que están tratando de cambiar de carrera".

La experiencia con gente del otro bootcamp no fue tan placentera; en su mayoría eran todos hombres (por lo que fue difícil para mí verme representado) y en algunos momentos me sentí explicado. Además, incluso ellos me decían que debería buscar un bootcamp que enseñe JavaScript en lugar de Ruby. Estaba a punto de hacer un esfuerzo económico enorme y ahí fue cuando decidí la comunidad de la que quería formar parte y el idioma que quería aprender.

Durante mis primeros días en el bootcamp, me di cuenta de que había tomado la decisión correcta para mí. Aprendí mucho en tan poco tiempo y creo que esto también se debe a estar en un entorno tan seguro y de apoyo. Pude pasar todos los días con personas que han pasado por situaciones similares a las que yo viví, personas que me entendieron. Y no me refiero solo a mi cohorte, sino también a los instructores, empleados y a la directora ejecutiva de CodeOp, Katrina. También experimenté un importante crecimiento personal y profesional; Sinceramente me siento una María diferente a la que empezó el bootcamp el 3 de julio.

Sólo puedo animarte a que elijas CodeOp si estás pensando en entrar en el campo de la tecnología. No te arrepentirás.
28 junio 2023 19:44
Recently graduated from the full stack bootcamp, I am so excited to start this new path thanks to CodeOp.

Changing career is not easy at all but they gave us support at all levels. Instructors and TAs were very committed to our progression and results, from the beginning. The atmosphere on campus is so welcoming and motivating, that I'm going to miss it for a long time.

I think what makes the difference is THEIR VALUES. Everything they do has a social effect and a very important main objective: eradicating the gender gap in tech. Being part of a small group of women with the same goals and concerns made me feel really supported.

When I decided to enrol, I was unemployed, so they also provided me with financial support, thanks for that!

Once the bootcamp is over, you become part of their community, where you share resources, network and job offers.

Now it's time to enjoy this exciting new career!
17 junio 2023 5:46
CodeOp's data science bootcamp was a great experience. It was welcoming and provided a safe space to learn and make mistakes. I connected with people from all over the world who were excited to learn and take risks. CodeOp offered a supportive and inclusive environment for personal and professional growth. Highly recommend to anyone interested in data science and seeking a community of like-minded individuals.
03 abril 2023 8:07
Recomendaría CodeOp de cualquier otro bootcamp, fue una experiencia mágica para mí. Hice el curso de desarrollo full-stack a tiempo completo y todo superó mis expectativas. Aunque hice el curso de forma remota, hubo una estructura y organización del curso extremadamente clara, el instructor y los asistentes de los profesores crearon una muy buena atmósfera de apoyo técnico y emocional. Todo en CodeOp respira y transmite pasión por la codificación. Además, la principal ventaja de la escuela se basa en su elección de estar especializada para mujeres y personas trans, es muy empoderador y liberador poder crecer en un entorno tan seguro. Antes de realizar este curso, no sabía que era posible simplemente ser escuchada, sentirme apoyada, reconocida y valorada por mi verdadero yo.
24 marzo 2023 21:55
Recién graduado del bootcamp full stack, estoy muy emocionado de comenzar este nuevo camino gracias a CodeOp.

Cambiar de carrera no es nada fácil pero nos brindaron apoyo a todos los niveles. Los instructores y asistentes técnicos estuvieron muy comprometidos con nuestra progresión y resultados desde el principio. El ambiente en el campus es tan acogedor y motivador que lo extrañaré durante mucho tiempo.

Creo que lo que marca la diferencia son SUS VALORES. Todo lo que hacen tiene un efecto social y un objetivo principal muy importante: erradicar la brecha de género en la tecnología. Ser parte de un pequeño grupo de mujeres con los mismos objetivos e inquietudes me hizo sentir realmente apoyada.

Cuando decidí inscribirme estaba desempleada, por lo que también me brindaron apoyo económico, ¡gracias por eso!

Una vez finalizado el bootcamp, pasas a formar parte de su comunidad, donde compartes recursos, networking y ofertas de trabajo.

¡¡¡Ahora es el momento de disfrutar de esta nueva y emocionante carrera!
22 marzo 2023 11:52
El bootcamp de ciencia de datos de CodeOp fue una gran experiencia. Fue acogedor y brindó un espacio seguro para aprender y cometer errores. Me conecté con personas de todo el mundo que estaban entusiasmadas por aprender y asumir riesgos. CodeOp ofreció un entorno inclusivo y de apoyo para el crecimiento personal y profesional. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquier persona interesada en la ciencia de datos y que busque una comunidad de personas con ideas afines.
13 enero 2023 13:30
CodeOp is not just a coding a school. It is a community that truly supports women+ who are transitioning to tech and even those who have already transitioned to tech.

As a double bootcamp graduate, having done both the Full Stack Development Course and Data Science Course with CodeOp, and a teaching assistant, I have to say that this coding school is true to its mission in eradicating the gender gap in tech.

As a student, I was fully supported from the very beginning. I do not think that I would have afforded these courses without any financial assistance and the school has a big list of financial support providers to choose from. And, even when I had issues with paying my deposit, I still felt welcome.

As a student and teaching assistant, I saw that they are really committed to giving high-quality courses as developments and improvements to the curriculum are never-ending. With each iteration, we discuss how we can make the concepts more accessible and how we can improve student experience. And, I have seen a lot of developments since my first course and this was only last year.

As a teaching assistant, I am impressed by the way we make our services personal. We always have our doors open for anyone who needs assistance, whether it is a tech issue or an emotional one. We understand and respect the courage that it takes to make the transition to tech and we are always there to give encouragement, pep talks and advice.

This is probably what is missing from online, self-paced courses where the only forms of interaction are videos, forums and simulations — The human touch that makes the transition less scary and more memorable. And, I found that in this community.

Hence, now that I have a full time job as a junior developer / data scientist at a large tech consulting company, I continue my work with them as a teaching assistant as I am very happy and thankful to be part of this community.
02 octubre 2022 11:22
HELLO! CodeOp graduated here! This Bootcamp is one of the best decision I've made. I'm from Venezuela but took the course in Barcelona. It was 3 months of INTENSE learning process. The community is the best and also the other students were amazing! If you are looking for an express way to improve your skills in TI, full stack development and programming in general you should come aboard! This has changed my game forever! It's pretty cool, I hope people have the possibility to get into it!
01 agosto 2022 15:32
They do not allow me to apply for a course because I identify as HETERO, what a shame and this in 2022.
09 julio 2022 13:51
I had the most amazing learning experience at CodeOp! Curriculum is on point, and I periodically review what I've learnt! The team is also ever ready to assist, even when you've graduated with career related resources and there's an amazing community of graduates that you can ping for assistance, whenever! Highly recommend!
06 junio 2022 13:32
From 0 knowledge to a 100% confidence that although you won´t get to know everything (with Data science it's imposible as it is ever evolving) you are ready to tackle any question with Data Science.
The course is well structured, very hands on and well taught by a variaty of strong beautiful and empowered females.
The community, their advice and follow up goes beyond the course and you feel the support is there for whenever you need it.
If you are commited to bridge the gap of women in tech this is your place!
07 abril 2022 13:57
Great bootcamp to switch to a tech career.

So I recently finished a full stack developer, 11 week bootcamp in CodeOp and all I have is positive feedback. The teachers are super enthusiastic and willing to go the extra mile with you teaching stuff beyond what’s in the curriculum. The staff in general is not only nice and inclusive, they go above and beyond to make sure everyone is comfortable and they do check on how you are doing with an informal coffee (a bootcamp is mentally very tough, so the support is very appreciated). And last but not least they help you to get a job after the bootcamp is over. I finished mid December and I just signed my first contract as a software engineer. During this month I’ve worked with a career coach on my cv and on how to approach the job search and it all played out extremely well. They also have a lot of programs to help you financially to be able to access the programs. It’s definitely the best decision I’ve ever made! Totally and absolutely recommend it to anyone who wants to change to a tech career.
16 enero 2022 18:22
I joined CodeOp full-stack development course in October 2020. As I was combining it with my full-time job it was challenging but with the help of instructors who are very supportive I was able to continue and work on an amazing final project. TAs and CodeOp staff were also always friendly and happy to help us anytime. I want to express my gratitude to this unique school with a great mission and the best community.
22 diciembre 2021 18:48
The best environment for learning and all the tools to find a job. I found a a position as a software developer after just one month of completing the training. I would recommend it anyone who wants to transition to a career in technology
18 diciembre 2021 3:57
As a new product manager of a digital product, I seek to have a solid full stack knowledge foundation to communicate better with the tech team and understand the technology of the product.

After my last bad experience with another digital school, this time I spent a lot of time investigating and comparing different bootcamps in the market. In the end I found CodeOp and chose to take the part-time full stack development bootcamp. The learning experience was wonderful and I enjoyed the entire journey: The course was very well designed: intense but manageable (FE, BE, DB all covered). ALL content is useful: from theory leaning to different project phases, every session is designed to help us to build the knowledge system. Also the tutors are very experienced, patient, and always eager to help sometimes even out of office hour. I started the course with 0 coding knowledge and finished it by creating 2 full-stack projects!

As a women community, I have also met girls that share similar goals and interests with me:)

It has been an unforgettable journey and I definitely recommend CodeOp!
04 diciembre 2021 15:41
Moving from a different background, Initially I was skeptical about how the experience will be but it really surpassed my expectation and Iam glad that I did full stack developement course. The entire team of Codeop are very cooperative, always there to give guidance and a helping hand. The curriculum is tailor-made and whenever I felt little difficult to follow, Mentors helped me in every stage. What I like most was the way the mentors encouraged us to approach the problems and develop a problem solving mindset. It was challenging, with roller coaster of emotions, but I trusted the process and felt supported by everyone. I highly recommend Codeop to anyone who is looking for a professional transition to tech!
30 noviembre 2021 11:16
CodeOp is one of the best choices I have ever done in my professional life. From the beginning and all along the classes, they were supportive and very kind in order to dissipate my questions and doubts. Once the bootcamp ended, it took me 3 months to get a job in the tech world (I have a totally different professional background) and I am very happy with this decision.
04 septiembre 2021 11:45
I am so glad I took up CodeOp's full stack development bootcamp, a priceless experience! Well curated course with support and help readily available. Highly recommended:)
29 agosto 2021 17:14
Super contenta amb l'experiència a CodeOp, és un curs intens, d'11 setmanes, però molt, molt recomanable. Val la pena fer la pre-work que t'envien abans de començar el curs, això et permetrà no anar tant perduda quan comencis el curs. El programa és molt complet, intens, ràpid, molt ràpid, però val molt la pena, aprens moltíssim!
La xarxa de suport tècnic durant tot el curs és espectacular, en tot moment et pots posar en contacte amb companyes i professors/es per tal de resoldre dubtes.
Si tens ganes d'aprendre i de treballar fort per fer un canvi a la teva vida, no ho dubtis!:)


Super contenta con la experiencia en CodeOp, es un curso intenso, de 11 semanas, pero muy, muy recomendable. Vale la pena hacer la pre-work que te envían antes de empezar el curso, esto te permitirá no ir tan perdida cuando empieces el curso. El programa es muy completo, intenso, rápido, muy rápido, pero vale mucho la pena, aprendes muchísimo!
La red de soporte técnico durante todo el curso es espectacular, en todo momento puedes contactar con compañeras y profesores / as para resolver dudas.
Si tienes ganas de aprender y de trabajar fuerte para conseguir un cambio en tu vida, no lo dudes!:)
20 agosto 2021 11:31
For me, doing a bootcamp on CodeOp made me feel that transition to tech was absolutely the right thing to do. The content of the course is quite intense but really complete. I've started knowing nothing of tech and ended up building full stack apps. Not only that, but the instructors are great and the diversity really contributes with a nice environment that help us to thrive and learn.
17 agosto 2021 9:47
I've attended a full stack development bootcamp with CodeOp Techsprint in the Kuala Lumpur campus. The instructor and staff are genuinely encouraging in the students' learning and progress. I would highly recommend CodeOp to anyone!
16 agosto 2021 14:25
CodeOp is so much more than a school. It is an inclusive and diverse multicultural community of professional and dedicated people who root for each other and watch each other grow. The CodeOp team is always there to support you and encourage you if the "imposter syndrome" takes over. I started my educational journey through tech right after the pandemic began. The Bootcamp made the quarantine so much more engaging and kept me motivated. If you start with zero coding experience like I did, you might feel a bit lost at first, but everything starts making sense in the project phase when building web applications. Moreover, CodeOp offers comprehensive career guidance vis-à-vis the tech industry's hiring process, which helps to understand better what the job market looks like and what to expect in your technical interview.

Thank you for a transformative educational journey, CodeOp.
09 agosto 2021 12:56
The Product Manager bootcamp is a "Must" if you are a startup founder and you want to apply best practices. Courses are very well structured with senior level & expert product instructors. I really enjoy the experience with CodeOp team and met wonderful colleagues. It's an amazing community to be part of <3
30 julio 2021 8:20
I’ve studied full stack development at CodeOp. The course was very practical, after the first 5 weeks of theory, we had 5 weeks of projects, where except of the daily whiteboarding and 1: 1 meeting with the instructor, we also had some flash lectures. There was a technical support channel on Slack to ask for further help with the projects, if needed. The last week was a career week with presentations on how to get in to the tech industry and practising for technical interviews.

The instructors are really great, with a lot of patience and focus on teaching problem solving. I am happy that I took the course with CodeOp. Except of the high-quality course, it feels like belonging to a community and they provide all the support during and after the course.
20 julio 2021 2:13
To be honest one of the best courses that I have ever done! Practical, down to earth and super applicable to what you are working on on the moment. It covers key points of product management and has definitively helped me improve the way we work at my company! And also the people involved are amazing! Thanks so much, Code OP is 100% recommended.
06 julio 2021 15:57
Life changing experience!
I specifically liked the depth of the course material and the fact that I can always re-watch my classes for reference as I put my skills to practice. The quality of course contents is excellent and well-coordinated, the entire CodeOp community is vey friendly and helpful; the communication and feedback between the leaners, instructors and alumni is timely and excellent!
07 septiembre 2020 12:49
Super contenta amb l'experiència a CodeOp, és un curs intens, d'11 setmanes, però molt, molt recomanable. Val la pena fer la pre-work que t'envien abans de començar el curs, això et permetrà no anar tant perduda quan comencis el curs. El programa és molt complet, intens, ràpid, molt ràpid, però val molt la pena, aprens moltíssim!
La xarxa de suport tècnic durant tot el curs és espectacular, en tot moment et pots posar en contacte amb companyes i professors/es per tal de resoldre dubtes.
Si tens ganes d'aprendre i de treballar fort per fer un canvi a la teva vida, no ho dubtis!:)


Super contenta con la experiencia en CodeOp, es un curso intenso, de 11 semanas, pero muy, muy recomendable. Vale la pena hacer la pre-work que te envían antes de empezar el curso, esto te permitirá no ir tan perdida cuando empieces el curso. El programa es muy completo, intenso, rápido, muy rápido, pero vale mucho la pena, aprendes muchísimo!
La red de soporte técnico durante todo el curso es espectacular, en todo momento puedes contactar con compañeras y profesores / as para resolver dudas.
Si tienes ganas de aprender y de trabajar fuerte para conseguir un cambio en tu vida, no lo dudes!:)
04 septiembre 2020 21:22
Codeop is not just a coding school, it's like a family. Everyone is here to help you succeed in your career change. We had an amazing instructor, funny and smart and always ready to answer millions of our questions even if some are off-topic. The career coach was there with anything career related, she helped me with my application letters and shared with me a lot of great job opportunities. Another wonderful thing I got at Codeop was support on personal issues even if they didn't have to help me and I wasn't the only one. Besides this the flexibility of this course is something I have never experienced. Sometimes we move classed if someone has to go on a business travel or just home to visit the family. Given the fact that classes are super small (we are 5 students) we get the attention we need. I'm super happy Katrina and the office manager convinced me that I can do this and that I signed up. Even after completing I still talk to Katrina and she gives me all her support.
02 septiembre 2020 14:40
I attended the 6 months part-time version of Codeop's Full Stack Development Bootcamp and loved the experience. Working full-time plus attending class and completing the coursework was challenging at times, but the wonderful team at Codeop made me feel supported every step of the way.
These are some of my personal highlights of the program:
- small class size: I got to ask all of the many questions I had
- continued support from instructors, classmates and the amazing Codeop alumni community when I got stuck solving a problem
- AMAZING staff and instructors who care deeply about the learning journey and career path of each student
- really relevant preparation for getting started in the tech industry (career talks, mock interviews etc.)
- focus on problem solving and thinking like a developer
When the course finished, I was extremely proud of what I had accomplished, but also sad to not come back to class to learn even more the next week.

I would wholeheartedly recommend Codeop to anyone interested in a career change towards tech!
24 agosto 2020 16:01
Just finished my bootcamp with them, like, an hour ago!
I loved it so much. Graduating from a bootcamp is a very difficult experience, so much to learn in so little time, yet with CodeOp it's been so much better than expected. Their team is so professional yet so human, so nice, they make you feel like at home and that makes the hard parts way so much better.
I want to personally thank Katrina for all she's done for me, I'll forever be in debt to you!

If anyone is reading this wondering about which bootcamp to choose, CodeOp is the best option you have out there, and even if you think you can't afford to pay for a bootcamp, contact them, there are so many ways for the bootcamp to be paid only AFTER you get a job as a developer! No kidding!
04 agosto 2020 13:57
I attended the 6 months part-time version of Codeop's Full Stack Development Bootcamp and loved the experience. Working full-time plus attending class and completing the coursework was challenging at times, but the wonderful team at Codeop made me feel supported every step of the way.
These are some of my personal highlights of the program:
- small class size: I got to ask all of the many questions I had
- continued support from instructors, classmates and the amazing Codeop alumni community when I got stuck solving a problem
- AMAZING staff and instructors who care deeply about the learning journey and career path of each student
- really relevant preparation for getting started in the tech industry (career talks, mock interviews etc.)
- focus on problem solving and thinking like a developer
When the course finished, I was extremely proud of what I had accomplished, but also sad to not come back to class to learn even more the next week.

I would wholeheartedly recommend Codeop to anyone interested in a career change towards tech!
21 julio 2020 14:54
I just graduated high school, and chose CodeOp as my gap year program leading into a computer science degree.

First things first: it doesn’t matter how much you know about code. The small cohort size and vast amount of learning resources allows every kind of student to take charge of their learning. One-on-one mentoring with incredible instructors is always available, and they went above and beyond to help students. That was my favorite part of the program. I learned so much!

As far as community goes, everyone there is so supportive—I’ve never been in such a kind and encouraging environment, and I’ve taken computer science courses before. I also enjoyed the fact that the bootcamp was female-focused. I learned a lot about how to navigate challenges women face in tech that I wouldn’t have if I had gone to another program.

CodeOp also teaches you invaluable skills for employment that you just wouldn’t be able to get on your own. From career prep (with individual coaching sessions!) to talks from a huge variety of professionals, project development sprints, and much, much, more, I learned an incredible amount and feel genuinely prepared for the job market. In fact, I got a job before the program even ended!

I love CodeOp not just what I learned, but the people I met there and the community I got to be a part of.
19 julio 2020 17:24
You’ll find many coding bootcamps in Barcelona but with Codeop you’ll find a community of women that support you doesn’t matter in which stage of your professional journey you are.
25 abril 2020 17:20
Codeop is not just a coding school, it's like a family. Everyone is here to help you succeed in your career change. We had an amazing instructor, funny and smart and always ready to answer millions of our questions even if some are off-topic. The career coach was there with anything career related, she helped me with my application letters and shared with me a lot of great job opportunities. Another wonderful thing I got at Codeop was support on personal issues even if they didn't have to help me and I wasn't the only one. Besides this the flexibility of this course is something I have never experienced. Sometimes we move classed if someone has to go on a business travel or just home to visit the family. Given the fact that classes are super small (we are 5 students) we get the attention we need. I'm super happy Katrina and the office manager convinced me that I can do this and that I signed up. Even after completing I still talk to Katrina and she gives me all her support.
03 abril 2020 10:08
Just finished my bootcamp with them, like, an hour ago!
I loved it so much. Graduating from a bootcamp is a very difficult experience, so much to learn in so little time, yet with CodeOp it's been so much better than expected. Their team is so professional yet so human, so nice, they make you feel like at home and that makes the hard parts way so much better.
I want to personally thank Katrina for all she's done for me, I'll forever be in debt to you!

If anyone is reading this wondering about which bootcamp to choose, CodeOp is the best option you have out there, and even if you think you can't afford to pay for a bootcamp, contact them, there are so many ways for the bootcamp to be paid only AFTER you get a job as a developer! No kidding!
07 enero 2020 14:50
I would highly recommend CodeOp if you want to transition into tech. Small-sized classes enable an environment of trust and confidence. And the senior-level instructors guarantee a high quality of the course curriculum. Top!
19 diciembre 2019 12:55
Learning to code at CodeOp has been amazing so far. The bootcamp is challenging but the support offered is amazing. Giulia and Yessica are there every step of the way, and if more support is needed a mentor is assigned to you. Besides that the atmosphere is great and I would recommend it to anyone whom is considering getting into tech/development!
07 diciembre 2019 7:00
I decided to join the Bootcamp in Full Stack Development in Codeop due to the Learning by Doing methodology and the supportive atmosphere of a woman coding school. The speed and the intensity of the classes are high during the 6 first weeks, where all the fundamentals of programing, javascript, react and node are settled. The next 5 weeks you are focused building amazing apps, always supported by strong professionals that guide you through all the process. The working environment generated among the students is great, always collaborating and making progress together.

Before finishing the course I started doing the first interviews thanks to the contacts that the school have and in less than a month I started working as a javascript developer for a top company in Barcelona. All in all and amazing experience from which I can speak only good words.
27 noviembre 2019 4:44
I attended this bootcamp as a launchpad to pivot from a business career into tech, and CodeOp gave me just the rigorous foundation, with the right mix of complexity and support I was looking for. The curriculum focuses on building logic and critical thinking skills, which transcend all frameworks and languages, and this gave me the confidence to tackle problems head-on. Assignments after each lecture in the first 6 weeks helped me build on the newly acquired knowledge, and by the project phase when we were required to build 3 projects, everything started to make a lot more sense! The admin team is also accessible and very responsive to feedback to suit the needs of students so no one feels left behind. Small cohort sizes also build a collaborative spirit and support, and weekly mentorship sessions allowed me to explore the numerous possibilities of a career in tech. I found CodeOp to be a no-judgement zone that fostered the right atmosphere to take this life-changing step.
29 junio 2019 23:21
Where to start? I’ve learned a lot: I have learned how to make web apps, how to build a server, how to test my code, of course how to write code, but above all I have learned how to solve problems. The teachers, the CEO and everybody who works there are amazing. They are always willing to help, to guide and support you throughout the whole process from learning how to code to facing the technical interview. Thanks to CodeOp, I am now ready for upcoming technical challenges-including my new job at a London-based AI consultancy firm.
18 junio 2019 3:11
From the first day, we dove into Javascript and began problem solving. The curriculum is intense and moves at a quick pace. It only all comes together and you realize how to apply everything that you’ve learned when you start building projects in week 6. I can’t believe that I built what I did! In the end I came out with 3 strong portfolio pieces. The teachers are there to help you develop the software engineer mindset and they care about your success beyond the program.

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