05 enero 2024 21:05
Muy buen bootcamp, muy completo, brinda todas las herramientas necesarias para ingresar al mundo laboral. Es un entrenamiento muy duro e intenso en cuanto a ritmo, pero realmente estás inmerso en unas condiciones similares a las de una empresa real.
03 noviembre 2023 4:51
Si usted es alguien que está considerando Codeworks aunque sea un poquito, le recomiendo encarecidamente que dé el salto. Codeworks es intenso y te obligará a desarrollar una ética de trabajo excepcionalmente sólida. Las habilidades que adquirí durante mi estancia allí me ayudaron a subir de nivel como ingeniero, lo que me llevó directamente a múltiples ofertas de trabajo. Finalmente, formará muchas amistades y vínculos valiosos con sus compañeros e instructores.
17 junio 2023 2:33
¡Gran campus! ¡Gran plan de estudios! ¡Buena gente!
Muy recomendable para cualquiera que desee iniciarse en la codificación a un buen nivel o para alguien que busque mejorar sus habilidades.
18 marzo 2023 5:14
Después de graduarme el año pasado, puedo decir que Codeworks es el camino a seguir. Especialmente si está cambiando de carrera desde dentro del mundo de TI. Si no vienes de TI, será un poco más difícil, pero vale la pena el viaje. Cuando cambias de carrera, el tiempo importa mucho. Otros bootcamps menos inmersivos pueden ser más baratos, pero al final del día su tiempo es dinero, y ser capaz de profundizar en los temas del curso y en tan poco "tiempo del mundo real" lo hace para mí. Si sumas el apoyo personalizado que obtendrás de los instructores y el apoyo profesional personalizado al final. Es una elección fácil.
11 noviembre 2022 19:48
If you are thinking about joining a bootcamp you should totally go for Codeworks. Keep in mind that Codeworks is an extremely good experience but it's also tough. The course is based on an inmersive program where you do 12 hours per day during 6 days of the week. It's the reason you can change your career going from zero to hero.
You will learn as much as you want, the limit is in your hand.
Keep in mind that the joining process is long; you will need a month for it and you need to know some basics (for this, what i did was a free course in Udemy of 80h and then I just enrolled codeworks).
After the course, getting a job is a period of time of a month (more or less) where Codeworks helps you with guidances.
I can tell you that they don't lie about their stats on jobs after leaving the course.
To me it was the best decision I have ever done in my life. All you need is willing to change/learn/work and be a nice person.
28 octubre 2022 23:32
One of the major center's for the ones how they are looking for coding experience with a trusted deployment
19 noviembre 2021 6:39
Great experience with amazing people and awesome support. Very good lectures, comprehensive syllabus and very helpful staff. Career support is also very useful. Would recommend.
08 agosto 2021 15:04
TLDR: Codeworks is 100% worth it if you are willing to put in the effort. It is as intense as they say as you will be coding for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. The curriculum is very well structured and goes over a massive amount of topics. By the end of the course, you will be versed both in the frontend as in the backend. One small piece of advice, though, before doing a bootcamp, make sure you want to transition into tech since a bootcamp, especially Codeworks, is not meant to get a taste - it is the full experience.

- Sticks to their promise of helping you find a job. The job support is excellent, and Marc will guide you through the interviewing process and advise you until you find your tech job. - Great instructors, classmates, and learning environment.
- The curriculum has a focus on modern technologies that are most in-demand.
- Goes over topics that aren't covered at many bootcamps like data structures, algorithms, dev-ops, and more. - Very intense, and the curriculum is well thought out, so you don't burn out.

- Time went by way too fast
- Some topics I wanted to dig deeper into were taught over a day since the focus is on horizontal learning rather than vertical.

So, the long story now. Codeworks is a place filled with amazing people. Quite diverse also. Here you will find people who previously worked in hospitality, tech, education, marketing, management, you name it. There are also people from a computer science background who want to gain experience working with the latest web technologies. This is one of the things that makes the Codeworks experience so enriching.

As for myself, I was transitioning into tech for some time and decided I needed to polish some of my skills, mainly the backend. This was when I decided to do a bootcamp. When choosing the bootcamp, my main criteria was:

1. A place that took you from 40 to 80 and not from 0 to 40. This is quite important since I am convinced that you can take the first steps into programming using online resources. Most bootcamps didn't meet this criterion out of the bat since they dedicated a substantial part of their curriculum to elementary topics. Don't get me wrong, here you will go deep into the fundamentals, but it will make a massive difference if you have some programming experience.

2. A place where you have an admissions process since a big part of the experience depends on who your fellow students are. This is a big thing to look out for in bootcamps, and during my research, I found that Codeworks has one of the most rigorous admissions/pre-course.

3. A full stack oriented curriculum with a hands-on and team-oriented approach. Here you will work on 3 big projects which 2 of them are with a team. Also, during the first half of the course, you will be doing paired programming exercises for the better part of the day every day.

4. A good location, but this is more subjective, so I won't go into detail.

Overall, Codeworks was the only bootcamp in Europe that met all criteria, and although it is one of the more expensive options, the outcome more than compensates for this fact.

If you are finally convinced to join Codeworks, my best advice is to make the most out of your time is to come prepared. Don't just brush over the pre-course, which in itself is already a bootcamp of its own. And if you are not entirely convinced yet, just reach out to the alumni so they can tell you about their own experience and outcome.
31 julio 2021 10:58
It’s been three months since I completed Codeworks - herewith I would like to share my experience with Codeworks.

- I was a self-taught front-end developer.
- I choose the Codeworks bootcamp because I wanted to take it to the next level for my career.
- I learned a lot just from the course preparation during the application process.
- Codeworks provides a great environment to really learn a lot in a short period of time.
- I was able to get a job quickly after the Codeworks bootcamp.

What I did before Codeworks:
I was a self-taught front-end developer with two years of working expirience.

Why I chose Codeworks:
I thought about two ways to develop my career as a web developer:
- Study CS at an university
- Attend a coding bootcamp
Going to university seemed like the safest way to become a professional. However it would be very time consuming and a big financial investment, I thought. On the other hand, coding bootcamps seemed to be very short, intensive and affordable. But I didn’t know what output I could expect from a coding bootcamp and if employers in Switzerland would accept such a certificate from a coding bootcamp.
However, I decided to attend a coding bootcamp because it seemed to be the most pragmatic way and I liked the hands-on approach that coding bootcamps tend to use.
I decided to apply for the Codeworks bootcamp because it seemed to be the most intensive yet rewarding bootcamp and the curriculum seemed to be exactly what I was looking for.

About the coding bootcamp:
The three months were split into two parts. In the first part, we were taught advanced JavaScript, algorithms, data structures, advanced CSS, databases, backend frameworks, frontend frameworks and other topics in sprints. Usually we had classes in the morning, time to practice and build something with the new knowledge in the afternoon and in the evening we reviewed our work with an instructor. The pace of these sprints was fast and very intense. Each week started with an exercise where we had to apply the knowledge from the previous week to make sure we understood the concepts. All along, we had instructors by our side to answer all our questions and they guided us through our journey at Codeworks.
Overall, the first part was very challenging for me and took all of my attention. However, with seven days a week and over twelve hours a day just learning about these technologies, I was able to keep up with the course. The result was highly rewarding and I was stunned that after only seven weeks everything we had learned so far started to fall in place and everything made sense - so we were able to develop a working fullstack application in less than four hours.
In the second part, we were able to use our new skills to start developing applications. For the first project, we were free to develop something which we could freely choose and we had one week of time to develop it. For the second project, we had to work in a team of two to choose a project from a fellow student and implement tests to this project to become comfortable with legacy code. The third project was a group project where we had to develop (in our case in a team of six) with an idea we came up with ourselves.
For all three projects, we again had professional support from our instructors, who helped us with obstacles and made sure we wrote clean code and followed best practices.
In the last week, Codeworks prepared us for the job search. We practiced technical interviews, wrote resumes, and most of us started applying for jobs.

In the last week of the Codeworks bootcamp, I got an offer for a one-month freelance project where I could use the technologies I had just learned. After that month, I started applying for jobs in Switzerland. After one month of intensive work, I get three offers, from which I choose one that I am very happy with at the moment I write this review.

I highly recommend Codeworks to anyone who wants to grow as a developer and is passionate about code.
22 julio 2021 8:20
Amazing learning experience. Great lectures, comprehensive syllabus and very helpful staff. Career support is also super useful.
05 julio 2021 3:54
Codeworks has an amazing curriculum that takes you from 20 to 80 instead of 0 to 60. The best thing about the curriculum is that apart from advanced JS, backend frameworks and frontend frameworks Codeworks also teaches you the essential foundations of coding, such as algorithms and data structures, where many coding schools focus mainly on the 'hot topics. '

The staff is very experienced and helpful, and the location is amazing!
All in all a great learning experience that has exponentially improved my skills. It is highly immersive and fast paced so make sure you prepare well!
01 julio 2021 12:20
For many people including myself, the decision to make a career change itself is a huge one, let alone finding a bootcamp and signing up for the time (and financial) commitment that comes with it. In my case, initially I was extremely skeptical of all bootcamps, but Codeworks to me seemed the most reasonable one at least on paper, so I decided to take a leap of faith. I see many others have shared their experience already and they pretty much sum up mine as well, but just to quickly summarize, I spent an amazing 3 months, learnt a ton, met great people and found a job that I genuinely find exciting in a few weeks upon completing the course. If you have already decided on making such a move and you are in the stage of choosing a bootcamp, I would definitely recommend Codeworks. Rest assured the positive reviews you can find online are coming from real students, and the outcomes they share on their website are consistent with what I have seen from my cohort.
30 marzo 2021 0:30
During the first part of the course they taught us a lot of new technologies, while still giving us the time to do exercises and understand them.
In the second part we had to make three different projects, so that we could expand our knowledge of the technologies we most liked while simultaneously building our portfolio.
At the end they helped us build our CV and LinkedIn profile, and helped us practice with interviews.
During the exercises and two of the projects we also worked with other people which is great to learn how to work in a team.
All around it has been a great experience with the only counterpoint being that it's very hard, mainly because of the fact that it is Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 9 pm for three months, which can be very exhausting, but extremely worth it.
I found a job just after two weeks from the end of the course, so i would definitely recommend it to anyone that has the time for it.
23 marzo 2021 12:22
TL;DR: Really Difficult but Worth every penny, the staff is amazing and the curriculum is great and up to date. I switched careers and landed an amazing job in less than a month during a pandemic.

I was looking for the most demanding Bootcamp I could attend in Barcelona where there are way too many options,
I had 0 coding experience when I decided I would into Codeworks, and ill summarized my experience into the stages one goes through.

Admission: the admission is really tough as it includes a technical interview and a 1-week (or 2 if you need an extra week) technical task which is a Single page app.you will need to study on your own and put effort into getting in, they say their admittance rate is less than 5% but that also means that once you are in, you are surrounded by very capable and motivated students.

Pre-Course: after you are in, you are granted access to theoretical material and 3 practical exercises that were at least to me very tough and challenging, its a requirement to have this ready before you are able to start the course, if you don't then they will reschedule your course for a later date.the course is divided into two main 6 weeks sprints with 1 or 2 weeks of much-needed rest in between

Junior Part: these 6 first weeks when you will cover a large range of subjects in a fast-paced manner, a regular day usually starts at 9 am sharp, where you will have a non evaluated yet timed code challenge great to get your brain warm-up for the day, then its followed by a lecture on the subject of 1-3 hours tops depending on the subject, and then you will spend the rest of your day solving a difficult exercise with a fellow student doing pair programming (is a different partner per subject) and then at the end of the day an instructor will explain the exercise and answer all the questions you might have, that doesn't mean you are left alone during the time between the lecture and the exercise review, as you are able to make help request at any time where an instructor will guide you through the problem you currently have without handling down the solution.during these 6 weeks, they cover the range of subjects most boot camps cover in 3 months, (this Bootcamp is from Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 9 pm.so it shows here)

Senior Part: after you return for your much-needed break the senior part focus on using what you learn in the junior part and using it for your own projects, you will have to make 3 projects during this part.one by yourself, another with 1 or 2 more students working on a legacy project (meaning you need to improve and work on code you didn't initially write), and then you have the thesis project which is where you will apply every bit of knowledge you got so far.working in a group of 3-5 students, probably using an agile methodology.

Job Preparation Week: after all of that is done, the last week's focused on helping you prepare yourself for finding a job, here you will make mock interviews and received super helpful techniques and tips to get noticed and get that dreamed job you been doing all this for.to be clear the will provided a ton of help but as with everything else in this place, you will need to put in the effort.also, you have hiring day, which is a day where Codeworks sets interviews between you and different companies, These are small interviews of 10 mins, but it's great to practice for other companies or to get the ball rolling if you two are a match

after you finished the course you get to join the code works alumni where all graduates can share problems, jokes, and more importantly, job offers for other Codeworks graduates.its been one of the most difficult, demanding, and rewarding experiences of my life and I managed to land a dream job in around 26 days after going through codeworks.in my opinion, it's well worth the price and time
21 febrero 2021 19:20
It was the most intensive bootcamp I found in the market and it actually requires quite some knowledge to start. Even the pre-course made me learn so much on my own. I think CW has a very well structured curriculum, which teaches you not only how to make things work but also what is happening under the hood. It covered the hard parts of javascript, data structure, algorithm, database, testing, popular libraries or frameworks such as React and Angular, etc. The job support is also fantastic, I managed to received three offers in one month and a half. Now looking back, I am so happy that I made the decision to join CW. It required lots of commitment and motivation but it was great investment that I made.
31 enero 2021 15:41
Definitely the best way to learn how to code! The instructors have a very good level and helps you to learn how everything works under the hood. The bootcamp is really demanding and that's the best way to learn a lot in a short period of time. I definitely recomend it!
24 diciembre 2020 19:35
The bootcamp is divided in two parts, junior and senior. I can say that during the junior part my learning experience was very intense. I had some very basic background on web development (js and php) from working with joomla and drupal, which helped me to understand better the concepts around programming (networks, servers, OS configurations and other basic things). Having this basic knowledge was essential for me to cope with the junior’s part, so much was being thrown at us during the lectures, and every day we would have to work on those concepts in code. Yes, it is true that you need to be VERY motivated to learn, since most of the time it is up to you to come up with a solution, you are encouraged to become fully autonomous and use online resources to help you solve the problem (stack-overflow, official documentation etc). For some this might be a bummer, in my experience this was essential to my formation since once you leave the bootcamp you are on your own. Even so, if you really get stuck (which happened often) the teacher assistants are super helpful in guiding you through possible solutions, giving you hints or even explaining concepts that you haven’t “sunk in” during the lecture. By the end of the juniors part, I was able to work with many libraries and frameworks on my own. The seniors part is different, it is all about creating projects. There aren’t many lectures since it’s all about coding a real project, which might feel different for everybody. In my case it felt more like learning how to deal with complicated documentation from libraries and frameworks, learning the main differences between technologies you might want to use, understanding better how sql databases work etc. It was good, but I had more fun during the juniors part.
My advice is, that if you are wanting to change career (like it was my case), you should be passionate about computer science (not only development). There is a TON of stuff that you will have to learn and understand, before, during & after the bootcamp, it never ends. If you are not serious into spending hours and hours studying hard, and banging your head against your laptop from all the frustration you might find during your new career because of all the thing you still need to learn, then maybe reconsider. The bootcam is a great introduction to the main concepts of computer science and you start developing your programing skills, so yes you learn lots of things, but, it DOES NOT END THERE. After the bootcamp I had to spend hours and hours doing test for job applications, every test I learned a lot more. Some tests went bad, some I passed, but getting to where I finally wanted took me a while. For some people it might take two weeks, or even less to get a job, it all depends on your personal skills and how far you want to go. The staff will always be by your side during the job hunt, the support is amazing, and you will always get excellent feedback on how to deal with your next interview. So yes, it definitely pays back.
15 febrero 2019 12:55
If you're reading this, chances are that you are thinking about attending Codeworks and want to read about the experience from previous students. I did the same exact thing before I applied to the bootcamp and I was grateful that others took the time to write about their journey, so I think it's only fair to do the same thing for those who come after me.

Before I continue, let me give you some context. I've always loved logic and I learned how to program at an early age. Having said that, I was looking for guidance to get a clear picture of all the elements involved in software development (building, testing, deployment, etc). That's why I applied to Codeworks.

I was looking for something that forced me to step out of my comfort zone and Codeworks certainly did that. I knew the experience was going to be quite intense (12 hours a day, 6 days a week for 3 months) but I have to say that I enjoyed every moment of it and I've made some great friends along the way.

You might be wondering if having a background in programming is necessary to attend the bootcamp. I don't believe that's the case. Many students came from other disciplines but had a genuine interest in coding. I have nothing but admiration for them. It was really cool seeing those students pick up new technologies and solve really challenging problems.

Even though the bootcamp focuses mainly on JavaScript, it prepares you for the unknown. Technology changes at fast pace and they acknowledge that. It is for this reason that they focus on the foundations over which technologies are built instead of teaching you a given implementation. By doing so, you can pick up new technologies and frameworks in no time - A skill that you surely require in the industry.

The instructors are really knowledgeable and they always come up with interesting and challenging problems to solve. In addition to that, you have Teaching Assistants (TAs) who are always willing to answer any questions you might have and engage in conversations about the best way of approaching a given problem.

I personally think that programming is not something you learn by just listening to theory. You need to practice. A hell of a lot! That's why I was glad to see that Codeworks is a hands-on bootcamp in which you do a lot of practical exercises. It also forces you to think outside the box with a daily challenge. After each theory session, you'll get to do pair programming with one of your fellow students.

On the second part of the bootcamp, you get to develop 3 projects which allow you to apply all the things you've been learning. The goal is to create applications from start to finish and present them in front of the other students and instructors.

Another great thing is that the bootcamp organizes regular public events which are really inspiring and allow the students to network with people from the industry.

The last week on campus is dedicated to do training for job interviews, prepare an attractive portfolio and meet with companies that are currently hiring.

Last but not least, they have a team devoted to give career advice to students and alumni. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, but the careers team was really helpful and their advice was key to finding the best job opportunities. Heck! I ended up accepting a nice offer and I'm working as a Frontend Developer now!

All in all, I have to say it was a really good experience and I would recommend it to anyone who's interested in coding as a career.

Best of luck!
17 enero 2019 6:40
Complete waste of time and money. Failed to deliver its promise to bring our ability from 20% to 100%. There is a reason why there are so little reviews and demo projects (even its owner had to leave a pathetic 5-star review). The TAs are inexperienced and could not speak clearly in English
01 octubre 2018 14:20
Best learning experience ever.

After 3 demanding months of 12 hours/day sessions of coding, data structures and algorithms, I found myself with new skills, ready for a career change.

Now I'm super happy with my new job and so is my employer with my performance.
20 mayo 2018 5:32
After only three months (4 if you count the precourse (which is very well done and didactic) I feel very prepared to start work as a web developer. The course covers many of the theory one might learn in a CS curriculum and offers exposure to modern JS frameworks and tools like React/Redux, Angular, Node, Express, Koa, Mongo, Mongoose, Monk, SQL, Webpack, and Git. There are others but these were the main ones. There was a surprisingly thorough emphasis on common (not exclusive to JS) programing patterns and idioms, which I appreciated. The course is lead by the two founders Arol and Alex who are both great people and good, knowledgeable instructors. While working on assignments and projects there were two to three former teaching assistants who were all former students. The TA's were generally very helpful as well.

The downsides for me were just that there were not more complete code reviews throughout the course. There were two. However I understand to do that would have required hiring another instructor.

The school is a nice open space with lots of light and super nice terrace for relaxing and having lunch. There was a relaxed, but focused atmosphere and my classmates were all bright people who were as motivated to learn as I was.

In summary I will say that I had hoped for an experience like this, but was pleasantly surprised to have found it with Codeworks.
21 abril 2018 15:17
Best experience in my life!
Studying at Codeworks is something really demanding but also rewarding; it's been 3 months of studing sleeping eating and nothing else!
Now I can say I'm a developer!
10 febrero 2018 9:42
I reviewed a number of bootcamps before selecting Codeworks – in the interview stages, the entry process for Codeworks was far more challenging than anything else that I encountered, and I took this to be a good gauge of the ambition of the course and people that I would be learning with. I was not disappointed on either front!

The course itself was hugely challenging at times (we covered a lot of new material almost every day and you really will be working 60-70+ hours per week) but extremely rewarding. Make sure to allocate at least one month for the pre-course, as this is also pretty comprehensive and it will really make things easier for you if you arrive well-prepared (particularly if you don’t have much experience in this space).

I also really enjoyed getting to know my fellow students, the instructors and the wider Codeworks team – everyone is really smart, friendly and helpful, and I think that the network that the school provides (plus on-going support etc) will prove to be extremely valuable going forward.

Overall, highly recommended!
02 febrero 2018 17:30
I attended Codeworks right after finishing university (Hotel management) and now I can say that during 3 months in the bootcamp I have learned and been challenged more than during 4 years of getting my bachelor degree.
If its your first coding experience I would totally recommend Codeworks. The extensive pre-course gives you a very good basis, instructors always very helpful and there's a wide range of topics explained
16 junio 2017 6:28
One of Europes best coding bootcamps for JS. Super friendly and competent staff, who are not in for a quick buck but rather are on a mission to teach coding. Special shoutout for the spacious office with a huge balcony

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