13 abril 2023 18:45
Productes precioses i la dependienta súper maca, atenta, amable i carinyosa, la Rosa. I els productes molt bonics
12 abril 2023 15:52
És una botiga amb encant. Els colors, els objectes, el lloc en sí t'atrapa. Val la pena anar-hi. Pot donar moltes idees per regals interessants i originals. Ho recomano.
03 marzo 2023 22:06
Artículos para manualidades africanas, de excelente calidad, bien seleccionada, con una gran selección de joyas, textiles, etc.
12 febrero 2023 9:34
Fantastic and magical place, everything is hand made and the owner herself seems a bit magical. A great place for a gift for yourself or someone else.
12 noviembre 2022 21:41
Si busqueu articles africans autèntics i bé de preu, heu d'anar a Colibantan! Segur que trobareu alguna cosa que us agradi per vosaltres o per fer un regal.
17 abril 2022 15:30
Es un tienda muy especial tiene cosas maravillosas se hizo un taller de pendientes artesanales al cual fui y salí encantada con mis pendientes de astou. Blackcelona la chica es maravillosa y hace unos pendientes artesanales que te los llevarías todos, con ganas de volver.
13 diciembre 2021 20:07
Tienda africana, diversidad de artículos de diferentes países africanos, para el hogar, pulseras, pendientes, bols@s, collares, telas.
28 febrero 2021 0:19
Excelente tienda de artesanía Africana. Tienen de todo, ropa, pinturas, libros, joyas, Máscaras. Sin duda un lugar que visitar. Una de mis tiendas preferidas de Barcelona.
26 diciembre 2020 14:17
Indispensable para todo amante de la cultura africana y para los que la desconocen un MUST!
Entrar, contemplar y sentir Africa por todos los rincones de Colibantan! En Colibantan OBRAS DE ARTE y pequeños artículos de artesanía, literatura, artículos de decoración.conviven y te abrazan con la misma pureza que lo hace su alma mater y propietaria Rosa! De verdad un lugar para viajar a África dentro de tu ciudad y aprender cada vez que uno entra! Sublime! No os lo podeis perder! Xxxx
14 octubre 2020 7:26
Si busqueu articles africans autèntics i bé de preu, heu d'anar a Colibantan! Segur que trobareu alguna cosa que us agradi per vosaltres o per fer un regal.
19 mayo 2020 0:39
Es mucho más que una tienda de artesanía africana. Es un punto de encuentro y un espacio donde se respira en cada rincón amor por ese continente. Es imposible salir de allí de vacío aunque no compres nada. Dicho esto, el producto en venta es totalmente auténtico y variado. La atención, inmejorable. Ve y compruébalo tú mismo.
22 diciembre 2019 0:52
Una tienda única en Barcelona por la calidad y belleza de los productos africanos. Arte y mobiliario, ambiente agradable y entusiasta asesoramiento.
10 abril 2019 21:55
Molt bona, tenen objectes africans i d' altres països molt bonics, quadres de diferents artistes i tècniques, a vegades fan presentació de llibres i obres d' art.
10 febrero 2019 17:28
Had gone in the store and was very excited. The owner told me they had lesson in some African music with real African instruments.
Very sick so sick I couldn't even make it. Still went. The teacher looked at me like I was an intruder (there was just one other student there) and dedicated the whole hour to the other student. So I went there for nothing and to be completely humiliated by this so called teacher.

Don't recommend this to anyone. Unless you want to feel useless, humiliated and like beeing left out like kids who are bullied in primary school.

Got emailed from the owner asking me sick and disabled (she knew because she was lovely and we had a long good chat when I went in the store the first time and there she introduced me to those music classes).

Like said before me very excited so sick from my cronic illness and disabled in my feet and hand got there both very sick and despite my disability because i was so excited and happy tonhave a purpose that day and learn something new and interesting. Then this teacher acted like i wasnt there and the whole lesson wss be teaching him a student who had been to few classes. So obviously his favorite that day and I got back exhausted from me making it to the store chronically ill and disabled and got nothing out of this so called music class where I was supposed to be tought to play this instrument along with other students who showed up. Just two of us did (no wonder there weren't more as probably gave up after the first lesson they went to as he just tought his one favorite teacher and even gave me a look like what the hell I was doing there interrupting his class with her (wich was advertised as a group session, not us watching him teach a private student).

The owner sent me email wich I was quite scared when I got it as it was halfway a threatening to me. She asked me for instance to come by (she knew I was both croncally ill and disabled) as she didnt want to have any issues with me. What?
They did mistake and I was asked sick and disabled to come by as she didnt want to have any issues with me. (she was away when i went to this supposed to be music class for all. All who showed up and 10 euro and hour but understandably there was just the one student he decided he wanted to teach and then me as I didn't knew about he tought just this one student so others who tried before most likely gave up too beeing there looked weirdly at like not supposed to be there. And like interrupting a private class. But this class was advertised as open for everyone, they forgot to add to watch him teach her not to learn too.

And then getting a threatening email as she didn't want to have any issues with me. What issues? I did nothing wrong and this is the first time I talk or tell anyone about this experience so I don't know what issues we where having. Didn't know we had any issues.

So I would avoid this store and also not go on their email subscription as you can get threatening emails by giving everything I had to make it there, for nothing. Nothing but dissapointment as my very looking to music class was me interrupting a private class the teacher just decided was private as advertised for everyone. And then for attending this class you get threatening email as the owner had issues with me obviously comming.
Dont know if she has issues with you getting into her store but wouldn't risk it.
23 junio 2017 20:22
Ofrecen unos objetos llenos de encanto y calidad. Además el trato es buenísimo. Vale la pena visitar la tienda por lo que contiene y por ella misma, ya que está decorada con mucho gusto y acierto.
16 junio 2017 2:48
Según entras en la tienda es como trasladarse a África. Tienda decorada con muy buen gusto que ofrece productos autóctonos de África.además entre semana, organizan actividades como coloquios, exposiciones, cursos de cocina. Además, encantado del trato de Rosa, la dueña de la tienda.estoy encantado con el bol que compré

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