12 enero 2021 23:11
Una grata sorpresa de despatx d'advocats! Impressionant, molt professional, atents i molt diligents en la realització dels encàrrecs professionals. S'agraeix la professionalitat de la Sra Montserrat, gran jurista i millor persona, que està envoltada de grans professionals. Gràcies per la gestions! Només puc tenir paraules d'agraïment per la millor advocada de Barcelona!
09 enero 2021 16:20
First off, I tried MONTHS to get a cita with no luck- so finally I had to cave and hire a lawyer. With the new system, it’s almost impossible to get an appointment without a lawyer. Upon my first meeting with Montserrat, I felt so happy to have found a lawyer who seemed so engaged and helpful, with a price to match. She assured me not only would she accompany me to my first cita, but also to the police station to finalize my NIE. The days approaching my cita I heard nothing from her. The morning of our cita comes, and nothing. Seeing as I don’t speak Spanish fully yet (my boyfriend does so thank god he was with me) I was nervous about the procedure of the appointment without any guidance or reassurance from our lawyer. We called, emailed, texted and no response from her. Finally after checking in for my cita by ourselves, after an hour, my boyfriend received a call from a number that he didn’t recognize. It was a woman from Montserrat’s office saying that Montserrat wouldn’t be coming and that she was coming in her place. So after an hour 1/2 after our appointment time, this woman shows up (I don’t even know her name because she didn’t introduce herself to me) and said she would sit with us during the cita. My name got called, we went up to the desk, this new lawyer handed over our paperwork to the clerk, and the rest was in silence. After it was done, she left and told us it would take a week to get an appointment at the police station. We waited for 3 weeks before we heard anything. At that time, Montserrat informed me she would not be accompanying me to the station, and essentially told me I was lying and that she never had said that, when in fact she did. Montserrat is the most hands-off lawyer I’ve ever seen in my life (even for Spanish standards- no offense). She’s cheap yes, but if you don’t have someone who speaks Spanish and can help you with the process- DO NOT go to her.
04 enero 2021 13:08
Acompañé a un amigo hondureño al Col·lectiu Fontanella a tramitar la residencia en junio, después de que otro abogado le hubiera cobrado más de 600 euros y llevara ya casi un año de trámites sin conseguir nada. Por mucho menos que este precio Montserrat, la socia del bufet, le consiguió el NIE en 6 meses (y con las vacaciones de verano de por medio). Me gustó que fue puntual en las citas e incluso cuando tuvimos una duda con los papeles que le enviaban de Honduras nos dio una cita de última hora, para revisar personalmente toda la documentación. El otro abogado alargaba el procedimiento: decía que le rechazaban todas las peticiones, nos pedía que fuéramos a verle personalmente (y nos cobraba las visitas, por supuesto) y nos pedía más dinero para hacer recursos. Con Montse conseguimos hacerlo todo en 3 visitas, con muchas llamadas atendidas amablemente por su assistent, Cristina, y muchos mails, eso sí. Montse nos pasó listas detalladas de toda la documentación, con fotos del documento hondureño que necesitábamos, para que no hubiera errores al pedir la documentación en Tegucigalpa y luego el Gobierno de aquí la rechazase y tuvieramos que gastar más dinero en volver a empezar de nuevo. Posteriormente estas navidades ha ayudado a una prima de mi amigo a quien detuvo la policía en el metro en Santa Coloma por no tener papeles: logró sacarla del CIE de la Verneda al día siguiente y ha puesto recursos para evitar su expulsión. Todo en pocas horas porque la detuvieron un sábado, y en plenas vacaciones. Tuvo una sangre fría excepcional y mucha paciencia con todos nosotros, porque parte de la familia estaba muy nerviosa porque temíamos que la expulsasen de inmediato. En suma: amabilidad, eficiencia y honradez excepcionales. Muchas gracias Montserrat!
31 diciembre 2020 22:03
The best value for money.
Saved my time and money and got the job done. Montserrat, the lawyer, and the other kind ladies of the Col·lectiu Fontanella, didn't wasted my time when I was looking for my NIE card, 10 year ago. I explained her my problem and she told me exactly the documentation I needed. She presented it in the right way so we had no administrative problems, and in a few months I get the appointment at the government office and my NIE. The Spanish administration is very slow, the offices of the Government Delegation were crowded, their computers worked like Atari ones and the civil servants looked like wanting to refuse my papers.but I kept calm and trusted Montserrat. She was honest and effective (qualities not always common among lawyers, by he way). I have been renewing my card with her afterwards and finally she has got me the Spanish passport. Great!
16 diciembre 2020 23:15
Fontanella is a small law firm near Plaza Urquinaona. Mrs. Montserrat, the lawyer, is a great professional. In fact, she's the most serious I have found in Barcelona so far. And they have a very, very reasonable rates. In December 2019 I had to renew my Resident Card and I was denied it because my previous lawyer made a mistake filing the papers. I found myself at the brink to become an illegal immigrant, all of a sudden, after 5 years in Barcelona! Mrs. Montserrat guided me in all the procedures, so that I could still renew my NIE within 3 months, and she made sure that I had no problems with the police in the meanwhile. She was just brilliant. But for me the chief point is that they are really reliable and honest. I am fed up with lawyers and counselors who only want to take money from me, so they lengthen the procedures just to keep me paying. And, by the way, she also speaks English. Thanks Montserrat!
21 julio 2020 5:58
Fontanella is a small law firm near Plaza Urquinaona. Mrs. Montserrat, the lawyer, is a great professional. In fact, she's the most serious I have found in Barcelona so far. And they have a very, very reasonable rates. In December 2019 I had to renew my Resident Card and I was denied it because my previous lawyer made a mistake filing the papers. I found myself at the brink to become an illegal immigrant, all of a sudden, after 5 years in Barcelona! Mrs. Montserrat guided me in all the procedures, so that I could still renew my NIE within 3 months, and she made sure that I had no problems with the police in the meanwhile. She was just brilliant. But for me the chief point is that they are really reliable and honest. I am fed up with lawyers and counselors who only want to take money from me, so they lengthen the procedures just to keep me paying. And, by the way, she also speaks English. Thanks Montserrat!
09 marzo 2020 23:18
The best value for money.
Saved my time and money and got the job done. Montserrat, the lawyer, and the other kind ladies of the Col·lectiu Fontanella, didn't wasted my time when I was looking for my NIE card, 10 year ago. I explained her my problem and she told me exactly the documentation I needed. She presented it in the right way so we had no administrative problems, and in a few months I get the appointment at the government office and my NIE. The Spanish administration is very slow, the offices of the Government Delegation were crowded, their computers worked like Atari ones and the civil servants looked like wanting to refuse my papers.but I kept calm and trusted Montserrat. She was honest and effective (qualities not always common among lawyers, by he way). I have been renewing my card with her afterwards and finally she has got me the Spanish passport. Great!
02 marzo 2020 8:56
Una grata sorpresa de despatx d'advocats! Impressionant, molt professional, atents i molt diligents en la realització dels encàrrecs professionals. S'agraeix la professionalitat de la Sra Montserrat, gran jurista i millor persona, que està envoltada de grans professionals. Gràcies per la gestions! Només puc tenir paraules d'agraïment per la millor advocada de Barcelona!

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