25 mayo 2023 4:58
Amazing teacher and a lovely space to learn about pottery. I enjoyed it very much and gained so much knowledge that I can’t wait to put into practice! Warm regards, Lana:)
14 mayo 2023 9:23
I took the weekend intensive wheel throwing class and it was fantastic. I picked up new techniques that improved my throwing! The class was the perfect amount of time to practice and get all your questions in. Fip is a great instrutor. Highly recommend their classes.
22 marzo 2023 8:19
The most fun and educational introduction into ceramics. Great atmosphere and facilities. Method of teaching was supportive, but with enough independence. Loved it!
01 enero 2023 13:55
I attended the 2-day wheel throwing intensive course and I would recommend it to anyone. Fip is an excellent teacher!
24 diciembre 2022 7:22
I attended this school for the intensive wheel course and have only great things to say about my experience.

Our professor, called Fip was engaging, intelligent and her attention to detail is impeccable. Fantastic 5 stars
30 junio 2022 0:11
Had a great time at the weekend intensive course! Fip was an excellent teacher, able to explain techniques in both English and Spanish. The studio was well-organized with plenty of space. This was my first time trying wheel throwing and I felt like it gave an excellent start - I was able to make seven pieces that turned out much better than I expected! Will definitely try and do more of these courses:)
21 mayo 2022 0:49
El curs intensiu de 2 dies ha estat molt productiu. Acabes amb unes 5-7 peces cap a casa! Fip, la teacher, és brillant, et transmetrà calma, seguretat i avançaràs ràpid.
10 diciembre 2021 21:34
Curs intensiu de Torn. Molt recomanable. Vaig conèixer la Corrie que em va assesorar per escollir curs, es encantadora a banda d'una gran artista. El curs el dona la Fil, molt maca i molt bona mestre. Un plaer! Ens tornarem a veure!
24 marzo 2021 23:55
La estructura del curso intensivo de torno de 4 días esta muy bien hecha para que uno gane conocimientos de la técnica, al igual consigue piezas a su gusto.
La profesora explica muy bien los procesos paso a paso y atiende a cada nivel del alumno y en cualquier idioma (en mi caso: castellano e ingles).

UN GRAN PLUS: barro de color claro y amplia selección de esmaltes bonitos para los alumnos!
20 marzo 2021 17:16
Personal encantador y perfecto para aprender o mejorar las habilidades con la ceramica.

Ofrece muchas opciones y Fip, la profesora, es genial!
01 marzo 2021 10:03
He tenido el placer de conocer a Corrie en persona y es una artistaza de los pies a la cabeza. Transmite pasión por la cerámica y es un encanto de persona. La escuela está bien ubicada, tienes todo el equipo necesario, amplio, luminoso y ventilado. Aprendes un montón cosas y de allí salen auténticas obras de arte. Recomendable al 200%

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