31 octubre 2021 7:55
Mi primer contacto con la medicina ayurveda ha merecido mucho la pena.
Gracias Laurie por tu disponibilidad cuando me encontraba mal y por tu certero diagnóstico y tratamiento.
Sin que haya sido el propósito, me he adelgazado unos 5 kilos, se ve que las toxinas pesaban, y me he cargado de energía.
Totalmente recomendable. Seguro que nos seguiremos viendo. Muchas gracias!
05 octubre 2021 18:30
Vaig contactar a la Laurie per desbloquejar emocions i pensaments negatius. Em va fer una teràpia energètica per treballar els xacres i línies energètiques. Va ser increïble perquè em vaig sentir de seguida revitalitzada, com si estigués envoltada de gespa, tranquil·la i contenta. Molt recomanable! Una gran professional i una gran persona!
14 septiembre 2021 13:28
I contacted Laurie because I was having really awful migraines every month a few days before my period. It was so bad I would be stuck in bed the whole day and would vomit if I tried moving. Over the counter medications wouldn’t help at all.

I started Laurie’s ayurvedic treatment about 5 months ago and it changed my life!

After the initial assessment, Laurie explained that my migraines were caused by too many toxins in my body. She set up a new diet with foods easier to digest for me. I also had some plant remedies to take before breakfast and dinner. Part of my treatment also included 5 min breathing exercises morning and evening as well as mantra reciting. I think the first 2 weeks were the hardest to remember what food was good for me or not. It took a bit of time to get into my new routines while working full time with 2 children but I managed it by adding little bits by little bits. After the first month, I felt the migraine starting but when I took paracetamol it just stayed at a headache level rather than getting worse and I was able to stay in work. The second month, I felt a headache building up but I managed to keep it at bay simply using a herbal headache balm a couple of times that day. On the third month I barely felt anything. I used the headache balm once just in case but that was it. We are now 5 months on and I haven’t had a single headache.

The very welcomed side-effect to this treatment had been my weight loss. In the past few years weight had been slowly creeping on to me despite “clean eating”. I assumed this was some pre-menopause symptom or simply being in my 40ies. Since I have been following Laurie’s advice, I lost 12 kg! I have never managed to stick to a diet my whole life but this time is different because I eat food I like and make me feel full so I don’t feel like snacking.

I also find that I am less stressed and have more energy than before. Usually after work I would be too tired to do anything so my whole week would just be work and sleep. Now I actually have enough energy and motivation to do things when I get home.

I cannot recommend Laurie’s services enough! When the answer of regular medicine was to put me on stronger painkillers, she actually found the root of my problem and helped me resolve it as well as improved other aspects of my life. It wasn’t some magical solution and required commitment to change my lifestyle but it was so worth it!

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