23 julio 2023 0:41
Very pleased with both level of service and medical attention. The staff at the front desk have been very helpful and handled the booking and visit seamlessly. Dr Eduardo Lehrer is a serious professional, and has provided prompt and clear feedack and advice. This was my first time, and will certainly not be the last.

Molt content del servei i l'atencio medica rebuts. El personal de recepcio ho ha fet molt facil, des de la reserva fins una visita sense problemes. El Dr Lehrer ha mostrat gran professionalitat, donant consell i clares explicacions de forma rapida. No sera el darrer cop que els visiti.
21 enero 2022 18:39
Great and quick resolution to my issue. Excellent awareness and care. Super easy office visit. Nice to have Turo and Dr. Lehrer as an English speaking option when you're visiting Barcelona from the US.
17 febrero 2021 14:17
Excelente profesional y mejor persona. Muy amable y solícito. Sus explicaciones son claras y concretas; recomendado 100%
17 marzo 2020 4:29
Excelente profesional, es muy agradable ser atendido por personas como el, que con conocimiento y buen trato, te ayudan a mejorar! Gracias!

Excellent professional. It is very nice to be attended by people like him, who with their knowledge and good treatment, help you improve! Thanks!
25 febrero 2020 10:15
Excelente persona y como profesional lo recomiendo al 100%.

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