17 noviembre 2022 11:14
Hola, es una vergüenza de inmobiliaria, pk que no te alquilen un piso por fumar, es una vergüenza, dicen que en el piso que alquilas no se puede fumar y a demás te hacen hacer un viaje en balde, todo muy bien por vía wasap y cuando estás allí te dicen eso, la señora no tiene ni vergüenza la tal Milá. Y por tener pensiones tampoco alquilan pisos no sé dónde vamos a llegar.
03 abril 2022 8:57
Tracte desastrós! 15min esperant-me sense dirigir-me la paraula i posant en mans lliures la trucada d'una propietària. Una gran falta de respecte per ambdues parts.
Un cop m'han dit "bon dia" els hi he demanat per prendre nota de les meves necessitats i del que buscava i m'han dit que havia d'esperar. 10min més tard els hi he dit que sortia a fumar-me un cigarret mentrestant (fora de l'oficina), i als 2 minuts han sortit per dir-me que que no em volen ensenyar res.
Puc entendre que no vulguis llogar res a fumadors, però pots abans donar-me l'oportunitat de conèixe'm i preguntar-me? No he fumat MAI a casa, ni tinc intenció de fer-ho! Tampoc saps quant fumo o si tinc previst deixar-ho. No m'han mirat ni a la cara en 30 minuts! AIXÍ NO!
18 enero 2022 21:23
Nur positive Erfahrungen gemacht mit Mila und ihrer Mitarbeiterin. Sehr zuverlässig und hilfsbereit, kann ich auf jeden Fall weiter empfehlen!
17 julio 2019 12:35
Michel and Mila are the very best in L'Ampolla! Stop into Dream Store Spain for your real estate and rental needs and you will be very happy you did, they are amazing! They are the hardest working team in L'Ampolla!

Michel helped us with every detail of our apartment purchase. As foreign buyers he calmed our nerves and showed us each step in navigating Spanish rules and introduced us to his network of support from bankers, to lawyers, to notaries and much more. He builds trust through action like no other. We felt safe knowing that he was leading us through this journey of buying a home in L'Ampolla.

Once we purchased our home, Mila handles all of the details of renting it as a holiday rental when we are not in town. She is very thorough and makes sure our home is clean for guests by her housekeeping crew and that everything is in working order. From electricians, to internet, to washing machine repair, Mila knows who to call and handles it seamlessly. We trust her explicitly and it is a comfort to us knowing that she is taking care of our home while we are away.

They are fabulous and we cannot say enough wonderful things about our experience working with them. Their professionalism and ability to get things done is top notch! They truly go above and beyond for their clients and the extra support that they provide sets them apart from every other agency in town!
20 marzo 2018 11:57
Construire une habitation avec des matériaux de qualité, acheter un bâtiment ou louer pour les vacances ou à l'année.c'est ici que ça se passe et pas ailleurs!
Liudmila & Michel vous guideront avec grand professionnalisme!

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