30 marzo 2024 21:15
Buena comida, pero servicio increíblemente malo y lento.
Apertura de temporada y una sola persona haciendo café.
28 marzo 2024 1:22
Tuve que esperar 30 minutos para pedir una bebida y un plato. Después de 40 minutos de espera, compré una hamburguesa de carne en lugar de una vegana como pedí. No vale la pena y es demasiado caro. no volveré
25 octubre 2023 4:08
No muy entusiasmado con la experiencia culinaria: larga espera para ser servido, sabor un poco ligero y relación calidad-precio inadecuada. Daño
23 octubre 2023 4:25
Compré una antigua bicicleta de alquiler en Eat Sleep Cycle. He pagado el total, pero no puedo lograr que me envíen la bicicleta ni comunicarme de manera profesional sobre la causa del retraso.

Me dijeron que la bicicleta se enviaría en 10 días hace unos 20 días. Sigo pidiendo detalles sobre por qué ha habido un retraso. Constantemente no responden esas preguntas, me dicen que la bicicleta se enviará mañana.y luego nada.

Ahora no responden a mis correos electrónicos. Espero eventualmente conseguir mi bicicleta, pero asegúrese de considerar esto cuando trate con ellos. Si vas a comprar una bicicleta de alquiler, llévala contigo al final de tus vacaciones.

No seas como yo y cuenta con que serán profesionales.
10 octubre 2023 10:33
10 minuts de rellotge i ni ens han atès (no estava gens ple el lloc). Ens hem aixecat i ens hem anat
02 octubre 2023 21:36
Después de reservar el Air B&B y el vuelo para un viaje en bicicleta a Girona, España, pensé en alquilar una bicicleta con anticipación para la semana que me quedaría allí. Eat, Sleep, Cycle tuvo una presencia bastante amplia en Internet debido a todo lo que tienen para ofrecer, desde deliciosas delicias, cafés y tés en su cafetería (y música en vivo los viernes por la noche) hasta una variedad de ropa disponible en sus tiendas minoristas.tienda de kits (incluida una línea de ropa homónima de alta gama) hasta una tienda minorista separada para bicicletas, componentes y accesorios, descripciones de bicicletas de alquiler disponibles en su tienda de bicicletas de alquiler independiente, hasta una lista útil de rutas de carretera y grava recomendadas en todo el región (que están disponibles como mapas descargables para ciclocomputadores). El proceso en línea para elegir una bicicleta de alquiler y luego reservarla fue fácil y rápido, y tenían varios tipos diferentes de bicicletas disponibles, todas de muy alta gama con precios de miles. Sin embargo, había pagado más por día por bicicletas de menor tamaño que había alquilado en los EE. UU. Reservé mi Basso Astra y esperaba pasar una semana divertida de exploración intrépida y paseos espectaculares.

Que es de hecho lo que terminé experimentando, pero solo después de que un carterista me robó el iPhone mientras abordaba el tren de Barcelona a Girona. Ese primer día fue miserable cuando me dirigí al Air B&B preguntando direcciones a los lugareños y a los empleados de la cafetería y tomando notas en el único papel que tenía conmigo: las páginas de un libro de crucigramas que había recogido en el aeropuerto (Si no fuera por eso ni siquiera habría tenido un bolígrafo). Encontré el camino hacia el centro ciclista Eat, Sleep, Cycle, ubicado en el centro de las afueras de la ciudad vieja, donde los empleados me ayudaron de inmediato cuando mencioné mi teléfono robado. Mike me dio la contraseña de wifi para que finalmente pudiera conectar mi computadora a Internet y el barista trajo una botella grande de agua fría. Como no podía cargar mis mapas en mi ciclocomputador sin la aplicación complementaria en mi teléfono, Mike luego conectaba mi ciclocomputador mediante un cable al escritorio de la tienda y sincronizaba las rutas que quería con mi dispositivo. Si no fuera por eso, me habría perdido y habría sido incapaz de seguir las intrincadas instrucciones necesarias para navegar con éxito en estos bucles de varias horas. Los mecánicos en la tienda de alquiler de bicicletas fueron relajados y extremadamente serviciales con el ajuste inicial de la bicicleta y con cualquier pregunta o inquietud que tuve más adelante en la semana (incluso me recomendaron que me detuviera a mitad de semana para poder cambiar las baterías del sistema de cambio electrónico). Los empleados de la tienda minorista de ropa me dieron un descuento inmediato del 10 % en E. S. C.artículos de marca. El culotte con tirantes y el maillot que compré allí son los mejor hechos y de mayor calidad que he tenido. Y tenían un precio competitivo, incluso sin el 10% de descuento, menos caro que artículos similares pero peor hechos de otras tiendas de bicicletas del casco antiguo. La manzana que E. S. C.ocupa, con su cafetería, asientos al aire libre, tienda de equipos, oficina de turismo, tienda de ropa y tienda de alquiler, es verdaderamente un centro donde cualquier ciclista puede pasar gran parte del día cuando no está en la bicicleta, comiendo, bebiendo, comprando, y salir con otros ciclistas. Cuando vuelva a Girona, definitivamente alquilaré en E. S. C.nuevamente, y espero comprar más ropa para agregar a lo que se está convirtiendo en una colección de equipamiento de alta gama.
20 septiembre 2023 17:47
Més enllà del cafè carissim, està fent desaparèixer el teixit local per convertir el barri vell en un monocultiu gentrificador fet per a estrangers.
14 septiembre 2023 1:23
No podría haber pedido una mejor experiencia al comprar mi primera bicicleta. Chris fue extremadamente eficiente y servicial. ¡Gracias de nuevo!
06 septiembre 2023 2:21
No he tingut gaire bona experiència, no se si de mecànics o de marca de bici.
Pero amb problemes
Cert es que com a persones un 10
28 agosto 2023 20:35
Un 10 para el taller! Llevé mi bici a reparar. Pasados un par de días, la luz de atrás, que era algo que les pedí que miraran, dejó de funcionar. Total que un día fui con la familia a tomar un café a su cafetería y ya que estaba ahí, les entré a preguntar. Fue decirlo en el taller y dos mecánicos salieron a la plaza del cafe, me cogieron la bici y me la devolvieron perfecta en 10 minutos. Atención excelente! Muchas gracias. Volveré.
26 agosto 2023 11:58
Increíble desayuno en Girona. Logan fue muy atento y recomendó platos súper deliciosos. Nos encantó la granola y las tortitas. DO súper fresco también. Rubin preparó un increíble café con leche con un unicornio de espuma de leche. ¡Definitivamente regresaré (probablemente mañana)!
05 mayo 2023 2:36
Fabulous customer service from the maintenance team, kudos to Antonio for clear explanation of both issues i had over the last week, Very reasonable prices, a speedy turn around on the service and it gives you confidence that they are going a professional job. Would highly recommend
19 abril 2023 9:37
NO recomiendo que compréis en esta tienda, el trato que he recibido es indignante.

Voy desde Barcelona a Girona para ver una bicicleta de gravel Basso Palta con un precio de oferta que me pasaron por WhatsApp, en el momento de ver la bicicleta detecto un problema de pintura en la pipa de dirección. El vendedor (Jordi) se compromete a darle solución ya que según el, es grasa que ha salido de la dirección por un foco de la tienda que le daba calor.

Yo confiado, el mismo día les pago por transferencia bancaria el total la bicicleta. Pasan los días y no tengo respuesta por su parte ni por WhatsApp, email o teléfono. Finamente después 7 días consigo localizar a Jordi (el vendedor) le digo que si ha solucionado el problema de la pintura o que si no me devuelvan el dinero que no veo lógico el trato que estoy recibiendo, según me confirma por teléfono "con un producto de limpieza de un pintor que colabora con ellos las manchas han desaparecido por completo".

Al día siguiente voy a Gerona con unas ruedas que compre en otro sitio ya que ellos tenían un stock muy limitado de ruedas, aparco en carga y descarga les dejo lar ruedas para montar e tubleizar.
El vendedor (Jordi) no esta, hay otro compañero que apenas habla castellano, voy a taller y les dejo las ruedas. Les pido que me enseñen la bici y me dice que la tienen guardada que el vendedor ya lo ha dejado todo preparado, me voy a aparcar bien el coche y cunado vuelvo tenían las ruedas tubelizas, veo la bici y las machas "defectos" en la pipa dirección siguen como el primer día.

Imaginaros mi enfado.intento negociar una rebaja o compensación y no hay manera. Evidentemente solicite la devolución del dinero y después de avisarles de que si no me devuelven el dinero tendríamos que llamar a la policía acceden a devolverme el dinero.

En resumen después de recibir el pago de la bicicleta no responden, te engañan todo lo que pueden para su propio interés, al final me quedado sin bici y con unas ruedas que no puedo devolver.

Lo mejor de todo es que la bici vuelve a estar disponible en su tienda online a ver si se la cuelan a otro que la compre online.
14 abril 2023 16:05
Feels like home! I stopped by their service shop without making an appointment and I was attended to in a very efficient and welcoming way. Immediately a mechanic called Antonio took care of my bike.
If you are riding around Girona this is a MUST GO place. Not only by the great service shop but also their premium coffee spot.
13 abril 2023 16:18
Super nice and friendly store! Had a problem with my chain and got helped right away since I was only passing through. Thanks again!
09 abril 2023 16:10
To start off, I have to say, the marketing team at Eat Sleep Cycle are at the top of their game! They managed to sell me a cycling dream on social media, but reality was slightly different.

I got a Gravel bike for 3 days to explore the famous Girona Gravel (which turns out is just 48 hours, from collecting 1-2pm on the first day till 2pm return on the last day, it says till 7pm on the contract, but the CS lady with a black eye asked me very nicely many times to return it early.before they close at 2pm)

Bike was a bit disapointing as for the price I was expecting Sram Force AXS but it was Force mechanical.oh well, should read more carefully next time.and the gears worked perfectly!

- Bike came in a bit dirty (frame covered in mudd and dust, but new tyres).
- Stem was slammed, bars not aligned with the wheel and headset had a lot of play in it.
- Spd pedals were set up very different, right one with no tension and the left one very tight to release (the side you really want to release at the traffic lights)

Luckily having worked 10 years as a bike mechanic and having brought my multitool with me I could resolve the issues myself.maybe the previous customer was also tinkering with it, and the bike went straight to me without being serviced or checked.

- For a gravel bike I was surprised to see it setup with inner tubes and not tubeless, and as soon as I got out of town and off the road I got a Flat.

- To make life even better, the spare tube in the saddle bag was 700x20/25c, way too small for the 700x44c tyres. "explosive combination". Also one of the tyre levers was snapped in half.and the mini pump was full of sand, I suspected it was broken but managed to bring it back to life by washing it with some of my driking water.

Next days having purchased 2 extra innertubes in TaTa Bikes (they were the closes open shop), I avoided any fun gravel and managed to not get any punctures.

On return no one was really interested in the experience I had or any issues with the bike, no questions were asked (the crank spider was creaking and front pads were both contaminated and almost worn out)

The staff just collected the bike in a hurry and said "See you next time" (this will make it hard for the mechanic to find and fix the issues without riding the bike up and down a relatively steep hill)

As a bonus the whole time, the brake hose and the gear cable outer were keeping me company by rattling inside the downtube whilst not on perfect asphalt, not the best feature for a Gravel adventure bike. (could've been fixed with a simple foam tube arround them when building the bike)

I have to say that the Staff at the rental collection hub were nice and pleasant every time and I know it's high season right now, but maybe a slight change or extra steps to the proces of managing the bikes could elliminate all of the small issues that I had.
22 marzo 2023 15:18
I managed to bend the gear hanger on my bike when putting it back together after travelling to Girona. They rapidly sorted it out and charged only a minimal sum for excellent personal service. Thank you so much for your kind attention to my problem. I highly recommend ESC for any bike servicing.
18 marzo 2023 13:26
Thanks so much to the guys from eat sleep cycle workshop for the excellent service! My bike had a shifting problem and the guys worked over time to sort it out for me. Really appreciate it.
24 febrero 2023 18:53
Bé, tot i de tot per al ciclisme. Bicicletes carretera i gravel, roba, complements, taller i tot tipus de serveis. Cal aprofitar les ofertes en bicis i en complements. A més al centre de la ciutat.
16 febrero 2023 4:04
This was my third time renting bikes from the ESC guys, and I can just recommend them if you plan your next cycling vacation. No matter if its a guided tour, shopping, rental or you’d just jump in for a good coffee or meal. Both at Girona and Malaga you will be treated well.:)
15 febrero 2023 17:03
Been here a number of times for goods & services, and it has always been an incredibly friendly & helpful experience. Antonio, the mechanic, is fantastic - he fit the work into a really busy day, did a great job, and even took the time to lend some maintenance advice. Highly recommended.
14 febrero 2023 16:47
Excellent cycle experience. From the main shops to the rental, and cafe everything was superb.
Hired 2 road bikes for a couple of days, the bike I initially rented wasnt available so got upgraded for no extra charge. Excellent condition and spec on the bikes. Garmin mounts were also included on the bikes which is always handy.
Staff in all of the shops were super friendly, just down to having a general chat about the area and what we were upto rather than pushing any products or services.
There was an organised gravel ride for one of the days which we are unable to ride, but there were plenty people there for the ride which shows how popular the place and people are there.
The shops themselves were excellent, boutique like with high end products from bikes to clothes.
Would definitely recommend and will use again when back in Girona.
Friend and I commented that if they had some of the apartments above the shops it would be a perfect cycle holiday destination as they would have their own little corner of the market in Girona
25 enero 2023 19:36
My train got delayed and arrived in Girona one day later. Mike moved my booking to the day after. This is top customer service.
Besides the whole Eat Sleep Cycle team is super nice. Thanks Pablo for the recommendations on a ride!
21 agosto 2022 2:40
Knowledgeable, helpful staff, excellent selection of high quality products. I purchased a new road bike (Basso Astra). Excellent bike, terrific price and impeccable service. I highly recommend Eat Sleep Cycle as your "go to" shop in Girona.
20 agosto 2022 22:37
Used for airport transfers with a large party all with bike boxes.
Really great service. Recommended.
16 julio 2022 6:15
Online shopping (Ritchey Logic 50th Anniversary Edition frameset). From Girona to Puerto Rico, smooth transaction, hassle free, easy payment and great communication. Highly recommended!
29 junio 2022 20:01
These guys are awesome. In store service was obviously awesome. But I happened to catch a tour guide leading a group on the coast, told me about the best beach to stop at, where to put my bike, etc…

Overall just a great team and store. 10/10 would recommend.
25 junio 2022 20:17
Compre y el trato. Muy personal y profesional.

Despues de 4 meses me ha aparecido un problema mecanico importante de garantia. Y han estado mas que super correctos. Me han solucionado todo sin esperas…. MAS QUE RECOMENDABLES…. Super bien?
23 junio 2022 13:12
Highly recommended. Used their amazing service which was meticulously planed for a self guided tour with my boy around Girona and Cost Brave. Everything was planned in great thought and detail with perfect match of length, up-hill and mix of days to allow recovery before harder days. Terrain choice was also perfect and provided a mix of everything. Recommended stops were also nicely planned though some may require checking for opening hours/day. The hotel choice was superb, diverse and unique. Bike supplied are in great shape. Overall logistics (e.g, transfer of luggage) was impeccably done as well.
Really amazing experience and feeling we're in super good hands even when completely alone in the fields with the supplied navigation.
Best way to do a biking vacation!
11 junio 2022 23:34
Rented two bikes for 8days. Great selection of bikes and reasonable prices, but, more importantly, they were awesome to work with throughout the process. I made some reservation changes over the course of a few months prior to the rental, and communication there was easy. There was also a minor problem with needing some brake rotor truing a couple days into the rental, and they fixed that promptly. Super experience all around.
09 junio 2022 19:04
Hemos visto cómo 3 mesas se iban por no servirlas, nosotros hemos estado a punto de hacerlo. Y cuando hemos pedido azúcar para el café, hemos tenido que ir a buscarlo nosotros mismos. No sé si volveré.
30 mayo 2022 19:58
Les meilleures "Patatas bravas" de Gérone.par contre, évitez le Burger, pas terrible.
En saison, très très bonne "Sopa de peix", et un café au lait pas mal du tout.
Bonne adresse.
24 mayo 2022 14:04
Lovely ambience and an even lovelier staff!
Great food and drink options as well with adequate seating
02 mayo 2022 8:02
An all-round great bike hire experience and the go-to spot for cyclists in Girona. Also, their coffee is EPIC and their breakfasts are great.
20 febrero 2022 15:31
I visited this place a couple times as a tourist. My favorite thing about this place is absolutely the amazing coffee and friendly staff. The terrace is really a vibe but the inside interior aswell. They speak all languages and are happy to help you choose the best thing to eat. Nice tapas, coffee and a cosy drink with a friend.
Nice prices and foodies there!
Go check it out!
18 febrero 2022 8:35
One of the best meals I’ve had in Spain. Starters and mains were excellent. This place knows how to set an exceptional standard. Highly recommend
03 febrero 2022 23:37
No ens han servit perqué "no donen abast" un dia festiu ja que eren dues persones servint.
28 enero 2022 3:49
True pros with pro gear in the ultimate cycling location - their website is top notch. Was bummed they didn’t offer strava routes or garmin rental. Definitely stop by their cafe next door for pre and post ride food.
26 enero 2022 16:49
Sin duda tienen la mejor gama de bicicletas y el mejor servicio de mecánica. Entrar en la tienda es muy peligroso si no te quieres enamorar
02 enero 2022 2:16
Muy muy caro 20 E por 4 cervezas y me cobran 2,50 por 4 cacahuetes malisimos pedimos info para alquilar unas gravel y nos dicen con prepotencia que lo hagamos desde la web ke tienen mucho lio! Ke manera de perder clientes girona es una ciudad pequeña todo se sabe solo kieren guiris ke no se enteran y los afeitan bien mejor no te acerques o saldras sin dinero
30 diciembre 2021 17:26
Muy original el concepto!
Hemos ido a desayunar y nos ha sorprendido mucho

Tienen carta con gran variedad de sándwich, platos combinados saludables y cafes/tés, zumos.

Calidad muy buena de los ingredientes y Presentación de platos muy lograda y original. Se nota que ponen Cariño al elaborarlos.

Almuerzo para 2 comensales: Aprox 20€
(Dejó carta con todo el surtido a fecha 12/2021)

15 diciembre 2021 18:54
Servei excel.lent! Em van fen un canvi de plat last minute que mai els hi podré agraïr prou abans de sortir cap els Alps
09 diciembre 2021 14:14
Awesome selection of bikes, clothing and accessories. Super friendly staff too. Big thanks to Mike for sorting out a last minute bike rental for me when a small but crucial part of my bike got lost whilst travelling from the UK - couldn’t have been more helpful - THANK YOU!
26 noviembre 2021 19:40
Fuimos a desayunar. Esperamos 15 minutos que nos atendieran. Esperamos otros 15 minutos el pedido que nunca llegó porque el mozo vino a decirnos que no tenían lo que habíamos ordenado. Ordenamos otra cosa y 10 minutos después vino otra vez a decirnos que tampoco tenían lo que pedimos.
Nos fuimos luego se 45 minutos de esperar.
Pésima experiencia.
Recomiendo dedicarse a las bicicletas y abandonar la gastronomía
26 noviembre 2021 7:16
Very good experience, the communication was great, very good bikes, an answer for every need, very professional and service with a smile.thank you very much: Oscar, Cristina, Mateu, Mike, Lee, willem, Pablo and Luis
23 noviembre 2021 0:24
Visited the Cafe for coffee and some sweets and wasn‘t disappointed. Service was super friendly and even cared for the thirsty dog… thanks guys. Ride on.
09 septiembre 2021 19:22
This review is about the "eat sleep cycle' lunchroom next to the bikeshop. Perfect coffee/espresso from real coffee lovers and specialists.
05 septiembre 2021 14:12
Muy limpio y buen servicio. Excesivamente caro yo pedí un capuchino supuestamente grande el otro es normal pero me sirvieron uno en una taza de café leche la más pequeña posible, osea, pobre pero bueno, a un precio de muy caro.
29 agosto 2021 5:09
Excellent shop experience, the people are super cool and helpful, they sell top notch products. I highly recommend it! Chapeau to you Oscar for all the support in buying my new bike from you guys:).
18 junio 2021 1:06
I have now bought two bikes from Eat Sleep Cycle. A gravel bike that ESC built according to my wishes. Chris advised me very well. And a road bike, according to the brand specs. Chris helped me with this as well. Both bikes were available much faster than here in the Netherlands and also with the groupset I wanted. The bikes were delivered very well packed and you notice that they have the same love for your bike as you do yourself. The road bike should have had different tyres and Chris solved that nicely. In short: if you know which bike you want, this is the perfect place to buy it online. Of course, it's much more joy to pick it up yourself and ride the first (hundreds of) kilometres in the beautiful surroundings of Girona. But hey, you can't always have it all:). Besides compliments for Chris, also for the rest of the team, such as the mechanics who prepare and build the bike perfect for you!
16 junio 2019 6:00
Eat Sleep Cycle employs top mechanics who take their time and do not rush you into costs. I definetely recommend!
27 mayo 2019 2:00
Atenció única, vaig anar perquè m'havia deixat el casc a Barcelona, em van llogar un tirat de preu sense prendre ni una sola dada meva. Es van fiar de mi i no em coneixien de res, un 10 sobre 10!
09 abril 2019 19:46
Brian and his team are clearly the best in Girona. Fantastic service from start to finish; feels like a clubhouse away from home. Great bikes and routes, highly recommended. Will be back!
13 marzo 2019 0:01
Superb shop for all your biking needs in Girona. Very customer oriented sales and service, and fluent in many languages including Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian and more. You are made to feel at home. Specialize in road, gravel and Bromptons but with also MTB. Tours and club rides. Must stop shop for cyclists in Girona!
23 febrero 2019 16:29
Wow what an amazing shop! Great atmosphere the best brands and perfect service i didnt took pictures tgough.
12 febrero 2019 7:35
The place to go for your cycling needs and fun in Girona! Beautiful store and rental fleet, with an even more incredible and helpful staff, who are all passionate in what they do. We were lucky enough to be in town for their Christmas group ride to Rocacorba, what a fun and festive ride to be able to join! The riding in the area is phenomenal, Brian gave us ride ideas and directions each day which were all great and took us to see some of the best roads and views. We will DEFINITELY be back, for more riding with ESC and for some ESC socks that were unfortunately sold out at the time!:) Also, check out their trips around Europe, they did one on Lake Como near us so we can guarantee their professional and perfectly organized tours will make for an unforgettable cycling holiday.
08 febrero 2019 8:27
Hace ya unos meses que descubrí Eat Sleep Cycle paseando por Girona. Por aquel entonces sólo iba en bici de montaña y había probado unas cuantas veces la de carretera. Dado a mi reciente iniciación en el triatlón, comprar una de carretera iba a ser mi siguiente paso, pero quería probar algunas más antes de hacer la inversión.

Entré sin mucha expectativa, pues creía que era un sitio exclusivamente para turistas. Cuando me recibió Lee me asombró su simpatía y el buen rollo que se respiraba en el club. Enseguida me enseñó varias opciones para alquilar y me explicó las diferentes rutas y viajes que organiza ESC. Además, ¡me quedé maravillada con el local! Los productos de primera calidad, el taller, el servicio que ofrecen, la localización en pleno centro… todo cuidado hasta el más mínimo detalle.

Así fue cómo al cabo de unas semanas volví para alquilar una bicicleta de carretera: Ridley Fenix SL 105 Mix. Cómoda, de carbono, con una geometría espectacular, un buen sistema de frenos, platos 50/34. ¡Era la bici perfecta para mis entrenamientos de ciclismo! Además, ser bajita tiene sus ventajas: había sido alquilada muy pocas veces y estaba como nueva. Coincidía con final de temporada, que es cuando venden las bicicletas de alquiler, así que más que palabras sobre la experiencia, lo que tuve fueron hechos: Al día siguiente estaba volviendo al club para dar paga y señal por ella.

Brian fue muy amable, me explicó un montón de cosas para su cuidado, me puso todo a medida y me ofreció los servicios a los que tengo derecho por haberles comprado la bicicleta, ¡que no son pocos!

Llevo ya casi tres meses disfrutando de mi bici y estoy más que satisfecha. Además, salí un día con el grupo de chicas de ESC. Louis organiza estas salidas. Divertida, simpática y atenta, con ella tienes un buen rato asegurado. Ir con ellos es la combinación perfecta para practicar tu deporte favorito en escenarios increíbles, conocer gente nueva y practicar inglés.
27 enero 2019 23:45
I went to a beautiful Christmas ride around the city, the day was lovely warm and the group very friendly and sharing the Christmas Spirit to everyone! I enjoyed very much. All the crew is wonderful, a great bunch to go in a cycle adventure!
19 enero 2019 10:58
This time round I did ESC's Christmas Week in Girona Tour, after previously renting out bikes from them twice already in 2018. All the staff in the shop are great and the guided rides for the week were fantastic with the guides knowing their stuff about their routes, and having the patience with me, especially when getting up Rocacorba.

I also bought an ex-rental when I was out, and they wrapped the bike, seeing as it was Christmas, a great touch, see pic.

There was also a few nights out planned which were great, and we had Christmas Lunch in a cracking restaurant Can Pol with a crew and fellow cyclists, see pic.

The place to rent or buy any of your cycling needs when your in Girona
06 diciembre 2018 1:45
The most accommodating bicycle shop you’ll ever go to in your life. Went to the Pyrenees with them for a week and also the Andorra gran fondo. It’s almost unreal how they put the customer first. Highly recommended!
12 noviembre 2018 4:04
Hired a bike for the day (they don’t do hourly rentals) and did the via verde Girona to Sant Feliu dels Guixols (40 km and you can get the bus back with a bike). Zulma was very helpful with the rental and it’s great they are open Sundays. Bike was in great condition. Would recommend them.
14 octubre 2018 8:51
Great service from Sylvia and her colleagues at ESC. Good communications, bikes set up correctly, helpful and friendly. Recommended.
28 septiembre 2018 15:08
A friend and I arrived with a flat front tyre. They were extremely helpful and found the correct inner tube for us
29 agosto 2018 3:45
Hired a bike for 5 days, ESC took care of everything including pedal hire and free helmet hire, the bike was awesome and parked perfectly — it basically looked new when I got it (deffo didn’t when I returned it) The people are lovely and I’d deffo recommend, looking forward to coming back one day soon
16 agosto 2018 9:11
The first time I encountered Eat Sleep Cycle it was for a week long bike hire in Girona. I was so impressed by the bike, the company, and their staff that a year later when I was looking for a bike tour around the Tour de France I immediately thought of them.

First of all let me speak of the staff. The entire week long trip was excellently supported on all levels. Nothing was too much to ask and Brian, Boris, and Caitlin did it all with a cheery disposition and a smile. Not only did they do an excellent job guiding and feeding us, it felt like they were mates along for the trip too.

Each day was planned perfectly with different route options available most days for the length of ride each person wanted to do. There was a guide with each group and they would let each person ride their own pace up climbs and regroup at the top. Most often the van would be there too with food and water so we could recover after these long climbs (some climbs took over an hour and even as an experienced cyclist that van with snacks and Coke was a godsend).

After a big ride, every cyclist is looking forward to a big meal and Eat Sleep Cycle did a great job with that as well. Caitlin cooked delicious breakfast for us every morning with plenty of options available and bottomless coffee. For dinner Caitlin cooked for the entire group about half the time and we went into town half the time which felt like a perfect split. We also had time to ourselves to go into town for extra snacks (and beer!) during down time.

Lastly, let me speak of the bike. I rented the Ridley Ultegra disc bike which was perfect for both the long climbs and descents. As a shorter rider I appreciate that they carry a large selection of small bikes (others in town do not). I emailed my fit specs to the shop and it was set up perfectly for me. Boris also did a great job of keeping the bike in tip top shape over the length of the tour.

All in all I can’t recommend Eat Sleep Cycle enough. Whether you are looking for bike hire in Girona or a European Cycling Tour, you can’t go wrong.
28 julio 2018 9:11
Tuve la oportunidad de salir con ellos el día de la inauguración de la tienda. Menuda vuelta para llegar hasta Rocacorba. Mucho nivel. Muy amables y atentos.
27 julio 2018 21:19
My wife and I recently spent two days on the Gourmet Tour (I had an additional day on the bike with a guide). The set up at the shop is great in addition to the equipment on offer but the thing that made the few days we spent on the bike really memorable were the people. Gethyn and Claire were fantastic hosts on the gourmet tour and really looked after my wife incredibly well, especially given this was really her first time on a road bike. They were really encouraging, always around with a helpful tip and made sure she had a great experience. They were also a lot of fun to hang out with for a couple of days. Peter (Eat Sleep Cycle's gravel guide) was also a great companion on my gravel day, I had a lot of fun exploring the back roads and it was a pleasure chatting to him over the course of the day.

The team at Eat Sleep Cycle genuinely have something for everyone, from people looking for a hard weeks riding to those looking to spend a few days enjoying the weather, the food & wine and exploring the region. I couldn't recommend them highly enough.
17 julio 2018 6:02
I travelled with a friend to Girona to experience all the cycling hype. It really was all we had hoped for and much, much more! The experience was beyond words. We have to thank so many people in Girona as they were as much a part of the experience as the riding and scenery.

Everyone at “Eat, Sleep, Cycle” contributed to the experience as they treated us as visiting family. I cannot recommend the shop enough to anyone looking to travel to Girona they did an amazing job tailoring the trip to our needs. I am a logistics nerd and am notorious for asking a million questions they always answered very quickly and were always available for more.

First chance I can get to return is top of the list!
30 junio 2018 14:10
ESC is simply the best spot in town for cycling. Thanks to the cycling club they've created, and their weekly rides, I've known great people to Cycle in girona, even though my level is not high. Brian and Lee are always there to help you with anything you need. I will always recommend ESC to anyone coming to Girona. Beautiful store and great vibe make this shop unique.
29 junio 2018 21:28
Una tienda increíble! Mucho ambiente de ciclistas internacionales que estaban a punto de salir a pedalear con un guia
12 junio 2018 11:51
Looking to rent a bike in Girona? Look no further. Great service from very friendly staff, they made sure everything was perfect before I set off. High quality bikes, at fair prices. I couldn't recommend them more. I'll definitely be renting from them again next time I'm in Girona!

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