10 enero 2022 18:52
L'Eduard m'ha fet adonar que el so del violí ve més de la meva postura i actitud interior que de la voluntat esforçada de fer-lo sonar bé. No es cansa de recordar-me la importància de donar-me temps, fer-me conscient de l'espai i abandonar tota forma de judici o tensió. Per mi les seves classes de violí i de Tècnica Alexander són un espai d'expansió de la persona i la música, tractades sempre des de la pau i el respecte màxims. Encantada i agraïda d'haver-hi anat a parar!
04 febrero 2021 3:55
Violinista excel·lent i mestre del mètode Suzuki; mètode que permet participar a mares i pares de l’aprenentatge del n@ns.
El nostre fill fa un parell d‘anys que va començar classes de violí amb l’Eduard Marcet i va a les classes feliç. L’Eduard ha estat el millor mestre que podíem trobar, té paciència infinita i la capacitat innata d’ensenyar de forma natural, sense pressionar ni aclaparar als n@ns; sempre traient el millor dels seus alumnes amb un somriure i trobant la vessant positiva a tot plegat.
Sap com aconseguir captar l’atenció dels n@ns, potenciant i motivant les ganes d’aprendre i “fer-ho cada vegada millor” utilitzant un gran ventall de recursos.
És molt proper i simpàtic però també seriós quan la situació ho requereix.
Us podem dir que l’Eduard li ha ensenyat, al nostre fill, a estimar la música.
21 enero 2021 8:36
Aprender a tocar el violín con más de 40 primaveras a la espalda no es tarea fácil para nadie, al menos para mi; pero imagino que tampoco debe ser un reto fácil que se le pueda plantear a un profesor. Desde luego todo un reto para ambos como alumno y como profesor. Gracias a Eduard, un gran profesional, talentoso como violinista, paciente y dedicado como profesor, el proceso de aprendizaje se vuelve menos duro de lo que es. Gracias Eduard por conseguir que disfrute aunque sea desafinando!
15 enero 2021 10:03
Només coses bones a dir sobre l'Eduard! Un professor dedicat i amb molta mà esquerra amb nens. Amb dos anys de Suzuki, l'artista de la casa n'ha après un niu. Totalment recomanable.
06 enero 2021 23:59
We have been taking classes with Eduard about a year with my 7th years old daughter. She enjoys them a lot, and shows a big progress. Apart from the Method which is very experience orientated, Eduard has amazing ability to motivate and comunícate with children. You can meet a singing giraffe or an encouraging cricket at his class:) Totally recommended!
05 enero 2021 9:44
Eduard es un profesor increíble. Lo hemos desfrutado mucho de cada clase con él. Mi hijo se ha enamorado de la música y del violín gracias a las clases.
02 enero 2021 10:35
Eduard es desde hace un año el profesor de violín de mi hija. Es una experiencia maravillosa acompañarlos en clase. Doy fe de su profesionalidad y su calidad humana. Lo recomiendo 100%!
18 diciembre 2020 4:30
Thanks to Eduard my daughter has learned to appreciate the value of playing the violin. We are so happy for having met him.
31 enero 2020 22:24
Eduard no sólamente es un talentoso violinista pero también es un buen profesor. Bastante paciente y muy creativo para enseñar el método Suzuki. Mi hijo aprendió mucho con él y siempre se sentía muy entusiasta de ir a sus clases cada vez. Lo recomiendo.
18 enero 2019 13:37
I recommend Eduard Marcet as a violin teacher. My daughter learned a great deal about violin and basic music while studying with Eduard. He is patient and kind, yet he maintains a high standard from each of his students.
Each term he would showcase the students in a recital held at a lovely little theater- making sure they understood the importance of performance, not just practicing. My daughter was quite nervous about performing and Eduard had the brilliant idea to have her play with a friend. His insight gave her the confidence to actually step into the spotlight and enjoy the day!
08 enero 2019 16:26
Wonderfully talented and very patient with kids.

In an age where people imagine that all knowledge can be transferred through a machine, the value of an exceptional human connection is tremendous. Thank you Eduard for your patience, your good humor, and your great violin teaching expertise. Mayra is blessed to have received her introduction to music education from you, and more than that focus, dedication and posture.
Eduard is always excited about teaching music, tailors lessons to his students needs, knows when to demand more and when they are struggling with a particular exercise or piece.
One additional important element of Eduard is that he’s always positive. Even on non-musical notes (no pun intended), I’ve been late a few times and even had to reschedule last minute some days, and instead of impaling us with our viola, Eduard was always understanding.
Pros: Helpful, Engaging, Encouraging, Smart, Patient, Funny, Fun, Communicative.
07 enero 2019 15:29
Eduard is a great violinist and teacher, who strives for providing students with a very effective learning experience. His focus on posture and relaxation helped me a lot to improve my level of playing while avoiding injuries. Also, Eduard is really nice and supportive: during his lessons I felt save to play without feeling judged in any way. What I found really unique, is the attention he has for his students during the entire lesson. In his lessons, Eduard shares his passion for music with his students and not only helps them to improve their level of playing, but also tries to make playing the violin a more relaxing and fun experience.

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