08 octubre 2021 9:13
Flavio is an amazing teacher! I've made great progress in a very short time!
Muchas gracias!
05 agosto 2021 9:40
It was a first surf lesson in my life and I think it was super perfect and professional for the beginner. Flavio is very experienced, firstly he explained many basic things, such as how to wear swimsuit, put on sunscreen, basic things about the board, waves and so on. Also - the lesson started with swimming lessons (!) - to start finally feel totally relaxed in deep water (he is also swim coach, know many other boards sports etc.). And of course in the very end I managed to stand up, to catch the wave, to feel the push. Thank you so much!
29 julio 2021 18:53
Flavio és un excel•lent entrenador personal, m’està ajudant a tonificar, perdre pes i a millorar la meva postura. Fem exercicis fitness, entrenament funcional i classes de natació i tècnica. Les seves explicacions són fácils de seguir i entendre, i fan que millori més ràpid del que pensava. A més, és un expert en nutrició i m’està donant recomanacions personalitzades per complir els meus objectius. ‍️
10 julio 2021 11:43
Flavio was perfect! Very methodical and paying attention to the all small details that matters. Otra vez, gracias Flavio!
21 junio 2021 17:14
Flavio è una persona estremamente piacevole, comunicativa e organizzata. Fare con lui una lezione è come un viaggio tra comicità, storie di vita e attività fisica. Poliglotta e con grande capacità di ascolto. Un vero piacere!
19 junio 2021 16:21
Vaig tenir a Flavio com entrenador personal durant 2 anys. Va ser una gran experiencia, em va introduir a diversos esports con natació al mar de la Barceloneta, fitness a l aire lliure o running. No és només un entrenador, per mi es un coach que et motiva i segueix el teu cas i t ajuda a que no abandonis els teus objetius. Vaig aprimar-me 10kg en menos d'un any de forma natural, entretinguda y saludable i vaig a conseguir una molt bona forma física! El recomano totalmente un gran profesional i persona.
07 junio 2021 22:41
Flavio is a very nice guy, and he is professional. I recommend Flavio to everyone who wants to change his or her lifestyle and start doing sports with such a cheerful person.
05 junio 2021 18:43
Excellent coach particulier en tous les cas pour le surf! Il est polyvalent et enseigne aussi les fitness!
01 junio 2021 13:35
Hoy fue mi primera clase de surf y la verdad es que estoy encantada. Ha sido la clase perfecta. Flavio es excelente entrenador, explica con calma, tiene paciencia, es respetuoso y muy amable. Le encanta tomar fotos y vídeos, así que recuerdos de la experiencia, ten por seguro, que tendrás. 100% recomendado.
28 mayo 2021 21:39
바르셀로나에서 가우디투어만 하지마시고 반드시 로컬 바다에서 패들보트 체험도 해보시길 바라요! 인생 첫 패들보트를 바셀에서 하게 되어 꿈만 같았네요. 친절하고 운동 전문가인 Flavio에게 코칭받아서 안전하고 재미있게 즐길 수 있었어요:)

You can experience nice exercising with Flavio who is very kind and friendly. I did a paddle boat at kind of local beach of Barcelona and it was a wonderful experience ever! I strongly recommend you join and share memories with him: D
28 mayo 2021 3:09
Flavio es un entrenador personal dedicado y muy profesional. Altamente comprometido con la evolución de sus clientes. Ofrece un programa de salud muy completo y unas clases muy dinámicas y creativas.
21 mayo 2021 8:09
En Flavio és un entrenador molt atent i professio nal. En tot moment està pendent i dona bones explicacions.
29 abril 2021 14:54
I’ve known Flavio for quite some time and I choose to have my training in open air spaces because each time is totally different – a seemingly infinite resource of exercises to stretch, tone, strengthen and exercise my body.
Flavio is very inventive and resourceful using portable equipment together with nature and other ‘props’ like a “jungle” gym in the park, to provide variations to exercises in order to challenge me. This flexibility of routine means that I am never bored doing the usual mundane or routine reps that one associates with training and believe it or not I do enjoy it which is crucial from my perspective.
He knows anatomy and the workings of the human body, which ensures that I exercise safely and correctly whilst maximising results. He tailors every session according to my needs: depending on my progress and helping me with injuries from other sports that I do.
He also devises programs for me to meet certain goals (eg: running long distances, swimming in open waters) covering my diet as well as fitness.
I totally recommend Flavio’s expertise as a Personal Trainer.
28 abril 2021 23:57
Ha sido toda una aventura! Me siento muy involucrada, busca cambios a cada sesión, aprendo mucho con el y siento que tengo un nuevo proyecto de vida!
27 abril 2021 15:47
Flavio es un excelente profesional con una clase muy fácil de entender, y estructurada, perfectamente para ir paso a paso. Es una persona que genera seguridad y confianza. Muy recomendado.
01 abril 2021 6:04
Flavio is very professional and definitely knows what he's talking about. We had a really nice Skateboard morning session and made great improvements thanks to him!

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