01 septiembre 2022 10:13
Excellent solicitors I used to relocate from the UK to Spain. They were very professional, answered questions quickly and helped us save €3.000! Highly recommended!
03 julio 2022 19:50
Eres donated hundreds of hours of work to help relocate refugee families in Barcelona. Their agents were persistent, knowledgeable, efficient, and professionals. I can't say enough about their services - and their hearts.
16 diciembre 2021 17:35
I moved to Barcelona in the beginning of September and I felt welcome because of Eres. Me and my agent (Elena) went to the bank on the first day to open a bank account. Elena speaks fluent English Spanish and Catalan which was great to help me translate. I could reach out to her almost every moment of the day and she responded immediately. She was super sweet! We found an apartment after a couple weeks and she helped me with all the paperwork etc. In conclusion, I could really recommend Eres Relocation and especially Elena, she made my relocation very smoothly.
07 diciembre 2021 21:52
The service I received from Eres in Barcelona was super professional and spot on. I was assisted by Elena who, beyond the professionalism and seriousness, also went the extra step to offer a personal touch and outside of the box thinking to make my relocation process flawless. I can’t imagine how it would go without Eres so thank you guys at the agency and especially Elena!
13 noviembre 2021 0:13
Great service! They helped me with relocation to Barcelona and their assistance was very valuable, both in terms of finding multiple options and conditions' negotiation. Special thanks to Raquel for always being there and available for support in timely fashion.
21 enero 2021 21:12
Very efficient and caring team. Raquel accompanied us throughout the process of looking for a flat in Barcelona and getting settled. She also gave us great advice about the different areas, facilities and properties. She has been of great help and had made our move super smooth and stress free. Thanks ERES team!
09 diciembre 2020 17:22
Eres helped me from the start to the end of my immigration process. If I didn't agree with something, they were flexibles and always prioritized my needs and requirements.

Thank you ERES
24 noviembre 2020 7:51
(english below)
Extraordinairement efficace, moi qui avait un peu peur du fouillis administratif qu'une relocalisation dans un pays étranger allait impliquer, je n'ai en fait quasiment rien eu à faire.
La personne s'étant occupée de moi, Margarita, est extrêmement professionnelle, réactive à tout mes messages et toujours extrêmement positive. Mon compte en banque était prêt le lendemain de mon arrivée, mon appartement trouvé en deux semaines, tout le reste de l'administratif s'est fait tout seul, le rêve!

This company is SO efficient! I was fearing the bureaucratic conundrums that a relocation to a foreign country might imply, but I actually barely had to lift a finger.
The person that handled my case, Margarita, was highly professional and capable, and was always very responsive to all my questions and carried a lot of positive energy.
My bank account was setup the day after my arrival in bcn, my flat found two weeks later, and the rest of the administrative "stuff" was done without me having to do much about it, it was just a dream!
21 noviembre 2020 3:07
The ERES team was responsive and very professional, and, most importantly, very friendly and understanding of our needs.
They made our relocation experience seamless and stress-free. They guided us in all the steps with full transparency while taking care of all the complex bureaucratic aspects. Special thanks to Margarita and Sandra:)
09 noviembre 2020 1:21
Eres recently handled my complete relocation to Barcelona, and I couldn't be more impressed by their professionalism, responsiveness, local knowledge and above all, friendliness. In particular, Mireia Camps consistently showed a great willingness to assist with any additional requests and her perseverance in finding me just the right apartment, were truly appreciated. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Mireia & Eres to anyone relocating to Spain
03 noviembre 2020 18:29
Voy a detallar nuestra muy mala experiencia con Eres que, como cliente final y después de haber trabajado con varias empresas de relocation, dejan constancia de la mala calidad del servicio y el poco tracto profesional hacia los clientes:

- Presentarse en notaría casi 30 minutos tarde.estando la oficina a 2 minutos caminando
- Presentarse en notaría sin la documentación necesaria para firmar (menos mal que nosotros llevamos los documentos impresos. De no ser así, nueva cita, y más demora en el proceso)
- Enviarnos a Madrid para acelerar un trámite (solicitud NIE), y regresarnos sin nada resuelto por no saber que sin pasaporte, no se puede proceder (pese a que nosotros les informamos de que el pasaporte estaba en proceso de renovación, con lo cual asistiríamos con DNI de país de UE). Evidentemente, este servicio tuvo un coste adicional, a pesar de no resolver nada
- Estimarnos una resolución de entrega de NIE entre Septiembre-Diciembre.y solo tener la cita para solicitarlo en extranjería en Diciembre. Lo cual entendemos que las citas son las que dan.pero tal margen de error hubiera demorado todo el proceso 3-4 meses más.por suerte seguimos nosotros el proceso y buscando alternativas, solo se demoró 1 mes
- Falta de revisión de contrato de arrendamiento, el cual incluye cláusulas donde el arrendador en la mayor parte de los casos debería cubrir y en nuestro caso eran asignados al arrendatario (ej.lavadora o persianas). Consideramos que Eres debería habernos informado de esta cláusula, para estar nosotros al corriente y decidir que hacer antes de firmar
- Ya cuando decidimos prescindir de los servicios de Eres, al solicitar la entrega de todos los documentos originales, la persona que nos los devolvió demostró poca profesionalidad, ya que casi nos "tiró" los documentos al llegar, y sin decir ni un hola/adiós

Ya compartí la misma reseña con Eres para que puedan mejorar sus servicios.
29 octubre 2020 11:29
It is such a relief to have a company like this support you in your relocation! Margarita was simply excellent. She accompanied us step by step in finding a home, in sorting out all the bureaucracy, and also offering some useful tips. Margarita really made our relocation go smoothly. She was thorough and made sure our needs were met. I honestly have nothing to fault Eres. Our relocation was a piece of cake! Thank you.
27 octubre 2020 14:36
Mireia helped me a lot in finding a good apartment, presenting many options, and making sure whatever I needed was there. I can definitely recommend this agency to any new Barceloners for a smooth start.
20 marzo 2020 13:57
With the help of Eres, the relocation was smooth. We met helpful and knowledgeable experts. We have received outstanding support in apartment rental contracts and school choices.
27 febrero 2020 6:32
Eres provide very high level of service. Every phase of my relocation to Barcelona from the very beginning was maintained by different professionals. Their confidence made the process very comfortable and successful!
I've been able to receive qualified answers for all my questions regarding preparing documents, getting visa, arriving, living in Barcelona, opening bank account, renting a flat and etc.within short time (in spite of timezone difference). I was aware in advance of all the necessary steps and had all the instructions.
My family and I are very grateful for their help!
08 diciembre 2019 22:13
I had a fantastic experience with Eres Relocation. The service was very professional, organized and really helpful to me family and I. Our consultant was Mireia and she went above and beyond in her duties. I could not recommend Eres and Mireia any higher. I have relocated numerous times through work, and Eres sets the standard.

I would recommend anyone moving to Barcelona, to contact Eres if you need support with the move!
26 noviembre 2019 12:57
Nefarious totally disappointed!
I will not put the reasons would be too long, I would like to be contacted by someone responsible for the company to tell the whole story.
I've been answering the emails for 2 weeks!
Apparently if something can not / want / know how to solve disappear and do not respond to emails.

Nefasto totalmente defraudado!
No voy a poner los motivos seria demasiado largo, me gustaria que se pusiera en contacto conmigo alguien responsable de la empresa para contarle toda la historia.
Llevo 2 semanas que ya ni contestan los correos!
Por lo visto si algo no lo pueden/quieren/saben solucionar desaparecen y no responden los correos.
06 octubre 2019 22:06
We are very happy with Eres and have been working with them for a year now. Margarita is extremely helpful, very professional and provides excellent customer service. Highly recommended for your relocation needs in Barcelona.
04 septiembre 2019 18:24
El proceso de acompañamiento para la búsqueda de Piso apoyado por Margarita López ha sido fenomenal. Siempre ayudándonos con sus recomendaciones, experiencia y sobre todo mucha paciencia y diligencia. Margarita es super organizada y muy puntual.gracias a ello encontramos el lugar perfecto considerando que en Barcelona es difícil encontrar un piso que se acomode a todas las necesidades. Muchas gracias!
04 septiembre 2019 11:53
I have used Eres twice recently, and both times I would struggle to find anything to complain about. The staff here are super professional, friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. Would happily use them next time I need to move.
25 agosto 2019 20:12
Great support from the team when relocating in Barcelona. Good and professional company, fully recommended!
13 agosto 2019 13:21
Thank you for the excellent service, Eres! The team helped me successfully with my reallocation from Berlin to Barcelona. Two years later I contacted Eres again, because I wanted to change apartments within Barcelona due to a new job location. This resulted in finding a fantastic new flat within a week. A special thanks to my field agent Margarita for being reliable, flexible and highly professional at all times.

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