12 marzo 2024 1:24
Ideal para personas con padres ricos y no les importa tener una carrera futura.

No puedo creer que haya gastado dinero en este lugar. Soy un estudiante de maestría en negocios digitales que desperdició una gran cantidad de dinero en esta escuela.

Tienen marketing y relaciones públicas brillantes que harán que parezca que este es el lugar donde estudias.

Pero pronto te darás cuenta de que este es un centro comercial que prioriza las ganancias sobre la experiencia educativa.

Son desorganizados, poco profesionales y señoritas cuando se trata de experiencia educativa.

Ocultarán muchos detalles y te sorprenderás con los costos ocultos cada vez.

Al final, obtendrás una maestría si tienes suerte, pero no obtendrás el valor del dinero que pagaste.

El departamento de tesis arruinó mi vida por su falta de transparencia, ocultando detalles importantes que me impidieron defender mi tesis y todavía estoy luchando, pero emprenderé una batalla legal contra ellos.
21 febrero 2024 16:59
Lamento informarles que no puedo recomendar esta institución. Me inscribí en el programa de Maestría en Innovación y Emprendimiento, pero me pareció decepcionantemente básico. La calidad de la instrucción fue muy mala, con poco o ningún compromiso por parte de los profesores. Las clases carecían de interactividad y se basaban en gran medida en marcos teóricos con una mínima aplicación práctica. Los temas parecían repetitivos y el plan de estudios se centraba principalmente en conceptos rudimentarios como el análisis FODA y el modelo Canvas.

A lo largo del programa, hubo una ausencia flagrante de debates sobre geopolítica, estudios de casos de empresas exitosas o exploración de tecnologías y herramientas emergentes. Como estudiante, esperaba un enfoque más integral y con visión de futuro hacia la innovación y el emprendimiento.

En general, mi experiencia en EU Business School no cumplió con mis expectativas y advertiría a otros que estén considerando inscribirse en este programa.
06 diciembre 2023 1:43
He estado estudiando en la UE durante los últimos meses y puedo decir que ha sido genial.

La comunidad estudiantil fue muy inclusiva, considerando que la clase está compuesta 100% por estudiantes internacionales. La escuela también fue de gran ayuda en el proceso de adaptación, algo que valoro mucho. Los profesores han sido buenos en general, con algunas discrepancias menores.

Una ventaja en la experiencia general es vivir en Barcelona, ​​una ciudad increíble con numerosas actividades diurnas y nocturnas.

En general, la experiencia ha sido genial, no cambiaría nada.
30 septiembre 2023 11:39
Educación falsa. La escuela está tratando de sacar cada centavo de cada estudiante y a cambio ofrece un servicio horrible. Tuve 5 de 15 materias con el mismo profesor que no estaba calificado y no podía enseñar nada a ningún participante de mi curso. Otros profesores no eran realmente mejores. La escuela nunca respondió a las numerosas quejas que tuvimos y ni siquiera pudo proporcionar una plataforma de trabajo técnico en línea. La lista de quejas aquí es larga. Sin embargo, cualquiera que tenga un nivel de educación mínimo obtendrá un título aquí sin mucho esfuerzo.
10 enero 2023 19:31
Two campus in Barcelona with English foundation offer Graduate and Master degree in different fields.
Admission offers normally in March, October August online studies are also available.
25 julio 2022 1:06
Hi, I had studied at EU Barcelona.i would definitely not recommend this organisation AT ALL COST. I lost my time and my money.the only think that matters for them is your MONEY and nothing else they can pretend! You would need to wait ages to speak to someone and anyone working their would tell you a different story regarding your same matter, the worst management i ever seen. Don't even lose your time here! I would recommend you to check any other university in Barcelona.there is plenty of better choices!

FYI: they will pay more attention to their marketing and how they look than you to succeed! ALL FAKE!
03 julio 2022 17:56
I am a student at EU business school Barcelona. I have a counselor who treated me poorly resulting me in having to delay my graduation.
11 mayo 2022 20:33
Good university with a great level of studying in general. However, the service level staff is rude and unfriendly. The university has strange and useless policies regarding some minor things such as not allowed coffee, for example. The general organisation level is very poor, the school's calendar does not contain the class schedule and is mainly useless, professors do not always can place all remake classes with not overlapping with other classes that students already have on the schedule. Some professors are not able to provide students with a clarified task explanation and grading is not always fair and objective. Sometimes students did not receive the tasks for final assignments on time, exam submission points are usually not available or class materials are not submitted without numerous students' reminders. The names of courses do not usually explain which actual topics will be discussed during the course, and sometimes are barely related. Some classes are more-less the same, but just the course name is different. The total price for studying presented on the school's website and all schools documents do not contain the price for the final project, and also school supports a specific system of grading that you can possibly finish university as the number of courses but not receive a degree, which is strange. The retake courses are highly expensive and there is only one try to pass the exam, which may create an image that the main school's goal is revenue but not high quality studying.
18 marzo 2022 5:28
Realizei o programa de intercâmbio de 6 meses e me surpreendi com a estrutura e qualidade dos professores. Apesar de não ter me envolvido muito com as atividades extra-curriculares, percebi que os alunos são bem unidos e há vários programas de integração.
05 marzo 2022 0:20
I’ve been a student at EU Business School for 3 months now. As a young foreigner it wasn’t something easy to adapt to, but the people at EU made it 10 times easier for me to adjust to my new country as well as the new educational system. I have learned many necessities at EU starting like simple marketing or management skills. I also feel very involved in everything. EU also has an amazing staff, who are mainly there to simplify your day at uni. Now that I’ve spent as little as 3 months at Eu I can’t imagine myself studying elsewhere.
01 marzo 2022 18:03
I am a student at EU Business School who is taking the bachelor’s in business administration course online. So far, I have to say that this institution is doing a tremendous job at helping students reach their highest potential; here are a few reasons why:
The Institution has an on-campus and online learning option, this means that during the Covid-19 Pandemic they were prepared to move all their learning online with ease, they did not stop student learning, and continued to produce excellent results in the transition.
Additionally, the professors at the university are people who have experience with the real world. This means that when they are explaining and teaching the course subject, they are using real life examples and experiences that they have been through, this makes the learning more dynamic, interesting, and enjoyable. Plus, the professors are always ready to help when you need them.
Moreover, the class sizes are small, which promotes more focused learning and attention from the processors; and the classes online and on-campus are met with students from all over the world, this helps everyone gain a more international experience from wherever they are in the world or in one of the institutions campuses.
When it comes to studying and understanding the course subject for the mid-terms and finals – and a student at EU Business School – I feel prepared to take the mid-terms and finals because the course structure allows a student to participate in class, work as a group and understand the course subject step-by-step.
Lastly, the overall staff at EU Business School are very helpful, they have helped me out several times; whether is has been looking for work experience, or helping students connect with other businessmen and businesswomen for their future needs.
The best part about learning and being at EU Business School is that I feel prepared, and ready to from my career prospects. I would defiantly recommend EU Business School to students looking to do their bachelors, masters, or doctorate.
28 febrero 2022 5:51
I am a student of bachelor in Business Administration, and I am really pleased with this program as I have 9 different subjects that broaden my horizons and develop knowledge. All of these subjects help me to develop hard and soft skills. I always have classes with people from different countries all over the world, and now I know more about their cultures and home countries. The classrooms accommodate approximately 20 people, which I really like because teachers focus on every student. Also, once a week, I have online classes, which helps ease the schedule. I have assignments every 2 or 3 weeks on different subjects, most of them are online but I have few in-class assignments. I really like university life, the EU Business School organises various sports activities, trips, and parties. I met interesting people from different corners of the world, and the school is very international. I have gained new exciting experiences with the EU Business School in Barcelona. I’m in love with the student life in Barcelona, it’s really good experience as I have learnt a lot.
09 febrero 2022 13:47
While I was thinking transferring from another uni to EU Business School in September, I was skeptical about my decision as I am a person who doesn't like change. After spending my first semester here I already feel the choice I have made was amazing! The courses are very up to date and of course Barcelona is beautiful.
17 agosto 2021 1:23
Worst school I have ever seen in my life. Worst Management. Teachers are not professionals as they work as a part time job in this campus. If there would be a minus rating I would have given minus five to this school.
04 agosto 2021 14:35
It was one of my best decision in life to go to Barcelona and study at EU Business school. Not only the city and the European culture has broadened my horizon, but also EU's curriculum based on real business practices and small classes structure has really helped me to build a great foundation for my business skill and for my career.
10 abril 2020 6:56
Teachers come and go, counselors come and go so if you have any problem, your only counselor has left and you have to wait weeks until you have a new one. You can't miss any class even tho you have broke a leg. Or if you had to go to any gov administration for visa stuff, residence or even go checking a new apartment so you can live. There's no empathy for the student. 100% not recommended. And i can't forget about that they don't respect the collective agreement with the employees.
02 abril 2020 13:40
A good, respected, modern university that takes really good care of its students. The courses have a good connection to current themes plus the school has excellent career services as well. Highly recommended!
26 marzo 2020 13:16
The EU Diagonal Campus provides modern facilities and great learning environment. Spacious classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and multimedia projectors. It is a few minutes from the parks, cafes, bus stops and main tourist attractions. Residencia Universitaria Sarria where the students live is just 15 minutes from the EU campus and it is fantastic! Green surroundings, comfortable study rooms, Apple computers, the media room, the room for design and architecture and even the pool on the roof with a great view! The residence really combines everything you need to study and relax.
31 enero 2020 5:47
I was lucky enough to visit EU Business School Barclona Campus in November 2019.
EU Business School has its unique international environment and amazaing teaching stuff. Barcelona is one of the most attractive world centers to study, a city of young and talented students and specialists, a center of finance and technology, art and architecture. Studying there will open up wide opportunities for international employment and a successful career.
Highly qualified teaching staff has rich professional experience, which ensures the practical orientation of knowledge. In addition, the program includes student visits to companies, which gives them the necessary practical experience. The availability of campuses in various countries makes it possible to gain experience in international communication.

I really enjoyed my time in EU Business School Barcelona!
24 enero 2020 13:01
Una experiencia muy profesional en EU Barcelona, sin lugar a dudas un excelente lugar para estudiar negocios. Salí del evento completamente convencido del gran nivel académico de la escuela.
21 enero 2020 11:15
Great Business School with good location, new facilities and modern approach in educating students.
06 enero 2020 18:08
Amazing University located in one of the best cities of Europe. Its innovative and individual approach to education makes it stand out among all the leading business schools in Europe. Will definitely be recommending EU Business School to young and perspective students!
29 diciembre 2019 2:23
Simply one of a kind. A very warm and welcoming school that makes you feel at home. State of the art campus, facilities, classes and top notch staff that give you undisputed access to top networks around the world. Industry focused lectures, engaging class activities that literally prepare you to face the real world. To top it off with a beautiful city like Barcelona, I think EU Business School offers the perfect package for higher education.
05 septiembre 2019 19:06
My experience at EU was a life changing adventure. All the teachers have an exceptional work experience at market leading companies. The facilities are state of the art with smart board equipped classes. Most importantly since they moved to diagonal building, the community has grown noticeably. It's amazing!

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