03 abril 2023 1:42
Before working with Sunil I was stuck on an idea of the direction I thought I had to take, but it didn't seem to go anywhere in spite of "taking all the right actions", so I felt a bit lost on what to do next.

After just a few conversations, Sunil's coaching gave me clarity on why I was stuck, and what were the actual important next steps in my life.

The most important realisation came from a test that we did that revealed which kind of profile I am, which is a supporter person. This makes a lot of sense considering my previous career choices, and what truly fulfils me, and I had not fully applied this to my entrepreneurial journey, so the insight was quite eye opening.

The second thing came out of another test we did (the Work Happiness Indicator), which mapped out the different criteria for happiness in my work. It showed what I most lacked in my working life was feeling connected with people, as I tend to do most things alone. I now have daily contact and collaborations with like minded entrepreneurs, and my energy and motivation has changed to new heights.

Sunil is a great attentive listener; not just to the words, but what lays behind them, and he really knows how to ask the right questions to guide you to the answers you need. The coaching sessions have provided great value to the quality of my life, and I look forward to keep working with him.
10 marzo 2023 2:18
Sunil has helped me into a journey to become the person I want to be, instead of the person I thought I need to be.

His coaching was the start of an understanding of who I truly am. Working with him was only the beginning of a better and happier version of me.

This has translated on being able to make better choices in my live and in consequence getting to the places I want to be.

It is difficult to explain how the process works or how does he do his "magic"; the most important thing is to have a goal, trust him and let him guide you.
11 abril 2022 5:56
The coaching sessions with Sunil have helped me to be aware of who I am at the present moment (the things from the past I no longer need and those I have acquired new, as well as the things that have always been there and define my essence).

I feel more acceptance and respect towards who I am. Finally believing that I can find an occupation that does not force me to change.

I really liked how Sunil helped me investigate the state that certain things produced in me and then turn it around and discover that other things could generate the same state.

Sunil has been open to adapting to my personal way of expressing myself, proposing different mediums according to my needs (writing, diagramming, drawing, talking), and also giving me the time I needed not only during the sessions but between them to assimilate everything that was appearing, according to my own rhythm.

If you surrender to the process, and what is being revealed in the moment, it has a lot of power to kindly guide you with a deep respect of who you are towards something unknown, which by oneself would not have come so easily.
08 abril 2021 8:07
I found Sunil during a very critical point in my life during which I was eager to make a career change but I lacked vision and focus, I wasn’t sure where to begin.

Sunil worked with me to really identify my strengths and interests. Each session helped me shape a better idea and path towards the career change that I’ve been craving for. What I enjoyed most about our sessions was how we managed to set measurable and action oriented objectives that have pushed me outside from just thinking in my head to actually creating and doing.

Sunil also helped me realize some fixations and limiting beliefs that I had with regards on how to achieve my goals. His coaching has been a great investment and continues to be a big support during this transition. Thank you Sunil!
16 abril 2020 1:30
Sunil es un coach extraordinario. Es muy respetuoso en su manera de acompañar los procesos pero a la vez sabe muy bien como utilizar el gran repertorio de herramientas que posee para echar claridad en el camino. Escucha atenta, preguntas adecuadas y precisas, mucha empatía y presencia. Con todo, logra llevarte a una comprensión profunda de ti mismo, de tus emociones, tus deseos y a partir de ahí, te ayuda a crear un plan de acción real y preciso para guiar tus acciones.
A mí, personalmente, me ha ayudado mucho a mantener el foco, trazar y cumplir objetivos, sobre todo. Es muy satisfactorio cuando ves como avanzas en pasos concretos y por fin te sales de esos sitios en los que llevas encallado mucho tiempo.

Gracias Sunil por todo lo que me estas ayudando!

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