21 septiembre 2023 23:57
Gente muy profesional y agradable. El producto es de primera calidad. Precio justo para lo que compras.
17 septiembre 2023 10:45
Calidad-precio es correcto. No encuentro fruta igual en todo el pueblo! Atención y trato al cliente inmejorable.
04 octubre 2022 13:01
Yesterday I went there to buy some watermelon and other fruit, the watermelon looked delicious and when I asked whick one, they told me that it does not matter as they were so good, we also bough some canary banana, as week as some peach and tomatoes. The watermelon has gone directly to bin, was rotten, tasteless and smells horrible, I removed the first skin but everything was the same, maybe the had it outside too long but having fruit outdoor in summer may last you this, the tomatoes looks and tasted very good "cor de bou" the melon that we also bought was really average, so I am very disappointed and I need to address this as I am far from Costa Brava now and I could not return there and it was a place that I liked the fruit but not dying August anymore. Then the prices that are August prices, incredible high for low quality product, but they think that foreign people will buy and do not come back but locals will also not come back as here we call the boca - orella
18 septiembre 2021 11:49
Més de 1,70 una safata de xampinyons. Ens hem tornat bojos? Tenen bon producte però a un preu PROHIBITIU. Hi vaig quan no tinc cap altra opció.
02 septiembre 2021 3:30
La fruite i kea verdurea de molt alta cualitat. Hi tenen tot de la temporada o fins hi tot abans. Val la pena pagar una mica mes, per que la cualitat es espectacular.
24 julio 2021 13:06
Ténen coses de qualitat però a preus tres cops més cars que altres fruiteries de la zona amb la mateixa quantitat, a més també tenen fruita i verdura passada i a preu de top. Tracte pesim.
27 octubre 2020 22:37
Es muy cara. La calidad de los productos esta bien pero esta sobrevalorada me han cobrado 14 euros por un melón

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