10 junio 2021 2:56
Today I had a wonderful Grinberg method session with GianLuca. It was different from my previous ones, as we concentrated to work on my face. I have to say the results and effect was amazing! I felt the warm energy flow through my body while breathing into the area where GianLuca was working on. Also as he was touching my forehead I felt the strong air flow into my head which was an intense stimulation with a relaxing relief felt after breathing out. After the session, the immediate visible results were - clear & brings eyes, relaxed facial muscles, relaxed shoulders, better mood and overall well-being ️
04 mayo 2021 12:54
Gian Luca helped me to connect my body with my mind. The deep breathing in certain parts of my body reduced the mind stress. After doing several sessions I feel confident that my long term blockage is reduced if not solved. Totally recommend doing it with Gian-Luca.
21 abril 2021 22:49
Estoy encantada y agradecida con este metodo, me abrió caminos que no conocía, ya se realmente prestar atención a mi cuerpo y mi respiración.
Y todo el aprendizaje lo aplicó en mi vida cotidiana, puedo lidiar con situaciones de estrés y darme unos minutos con el conocimiento aprendido, mejore muchos aspectos de salud y dolores crónicos. Realmente una experiencia increíble y sanadora.

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