22 agosto 2023 10:50
Me han ayudado a encontrar dos neumáticos de ocasión. Muy amables y profesionales, tanto Ferran cómo Hassan. Muchas gracias.
10 julio 2022 14:12
No estaria demas pusierais manos libres en las gruas.porque un chofer vuestro con el telefonito en la oreja haciendo maniobra casi me da.
21 julio 2021 6:33
Genial, hi he treballat durant 10 anys, fins que varen venir, una multinacional madrilenya, que l'està enfonsant i explotant de mala manera als seus treballadors! Grues MIC, genial! Gruas Pala de Grupo Carter, explotadors y destrossa empreses!
21 abril 2021 22:41
Horrible. Encara espero que despengin el telèfon. La meva urgència desatesa totalment.
15 abril 2021 21:43
Un muy buen servicio, profesionalidad y sobretodo la chica de la grúa una crack, encantadora.
Los de el AUDI de Navarra
16 abril 2019 9:00
Good help form this company during a holiday with a flat tire. I had a broken valve/sensor problem with my Alfa Romeo Mito. English spoken manager and service engineer.
01 abril 2018 5:30
My BMW X1 was taken here by the recovery vehicle after the front suspension broke. The parts were quickly sourced but the spring had to be sent from Germany. The Service Manager gave me a rough estimate of the cost and the time scale. He was in contact with me throughout and my vehicle was ready on time and within the given estimate. The manager spoke English which was great because my Spanish is only rudimentary. They took the stress out of a potentially very difficult situation.

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