16 marzo 2023 15:03
I was working with Sara for approx. 6 months after I was diagnosed with endometriosis. We worked on the nutritional part and as well other important lifestyle areas like sleeping hygene or stress management.
I recently visited my gynecologist and I was so happy to hear that my endometriosis improved a lot during this half year and the size of the cyst decreased.
This is an amazing news for me and I´m sure that the dietary and lifestyle changes helped me a lot to achieve this improvement!
I´m delighted that we started this journey and that within this short time this could be achieved.
09 marzo 2023 2:10
Sara me ha cambiado la vida. Diagnosticada de amenorrea hipotálamica y sin más solución que anticonceptivas, estuve más de diez años con idas y venidas con la menstruación. Sara consiguió en DOS semanas que volviera a menstruar de forma natural. Y no sólo menstruar, mi malestar a nivel digestivo desapareció, mi frío habitual, mi irritabilidad. Ahora después de más de medio año de tratamiento, menstruo de forma natural cada mes. Super recomendable tratarse con ella. Además de buena profesional, buena persona.siempre está presente. Agradecida es poco!
26 febrero 2023 15:36
Ha estat un plaer compartir amb la Sara el meu procés de buscar embaràs amb una endometriosi. El seu tracte personalitzat, acurat i amable, et fa sentir acompanyada en tot moment. En el meu cas, combinant la nutrició i altres recursos com la osteopatia i l'acupuntura, vaig aconseguir l'embaràs desitjat.
Gràcies Sara per l'acompanyament!
03 febrero 2023 7:38
I cannot thank Sara enough for her help and support. We worked with Sara as a couple to enhance our fertility and after more than a year trying to conceive we got pregnant.
I totally recommend you to work with her if you have any hormonal issues, you are struggling to conceive or simply you want to make sure you give to your baby the healthiest start in life.

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