22 diciembre 2023 21:48
El trato de la señora ha sido excelente. Desayunamos un zumo natural de naranja, café con leche, 2 croissant (chocolate y normal) y un pastelito de nata.
Todo, muuuuy bueno.
05 octubre 2023 11:19
Innis y Gunn deberían estar orgullosos de este lugar en la terminal de easyJet. Es el único lugar donde conseguir comida caliente después del control de pasaportes. El lugar me recuerda a un auténtico restaurante escocés; ¡A un precio exorbitante, atendido por personas que odian su trabajo y sin chef a la hora del almuerzo! Pedí 2 hamburguesas y me dijeron que no había chef. Fui a buscar un sándwich de 7,30 € para mi esposa y una tostada de jamón y queso de 5,95 €. Luego, la mujer del mostrador me preguntó si quería que me tostaran las tostadas y puso los ojos en blanco cuando dije que sí. Mi esposa dijo que su sándwich estaba bueno, el mío era insípido. Lo comí mientras observaba a la mujer contar sus propinas en un vaso de cerveza en el mostrador (principalmente monedas de 5 céntimos, ¿me pregunto por qué?). De todos modos, las banquetas cuestan 11 € si te sientes valiente y tal vez si visitas después de las 22: 00 horas, es posible que hayan empezado a servir comida más compleja que presionar un botón en un microondas. Auténtico ambiente escocés calificado por un escocés.
27 septiembre 2023 4:35
Bonito lugar, limpio y acogedor. Los precios son bastante altos como es habitual en el aeropuerto. El personal agradable habla inglés.
21 abril 2023 8:42
Un asco. 9.20 euros por una mini baguette del día anterior con casi cero de serrano. Un robo.
09 marzo 2023 17:38
La peor hamburguesa que comí en mí vida. Pedimos la pulled pork y estaba fría como de heladera, con una hamburguesa como de supermercado, bastante fea. Vino con ingredientes no mencionados en la pizarra. Muy mala y a un precio alto. No suelo escribir reviews pero la sorpresa fue Tan grande que tengo que comentarlo. Fue tirar la plata, evitarlo porque seguro que la comida de avión, aunque tengas que pagarla, es más rica y más barata que este lugar.
04 diciembre 2022 6:46
Got a mocha with oat milk. The ladies at the counter are very nice and polite: 5 stars. The mocha though, €4.10, a total tasteless, overcharged, drink.
03 diciembre 2022 5:19
Wow, nonsense prices with the worst quality of food. We had an order of fries and two baguettes. The amount of fries was ridiculously small and the baguettes had some mold.the only decent thing is the tap beer (poorly poured but at competitive price for an airport). The worst thing is that it's the only place to have something to eat / drink after passport check.
29 noviembre 2022 0:41
Is this place owned by some sort of organised crime gang? €2.50 for a small packet of crisps or small chocolate bar. €8.95 for a baguette or €6.60 for a sandwich. To add insult to injury we were given a pittance of a voucher to use after a 3 hour easyjet flight delay. My husband and I put our vouchers together in order to share a sandwich. Innis & Gunn gained €2.40 from the use of our vouchers so in theory that sandwich cost us €9 as there was nothing there that could be purchased with the remaining €2.40. There was no where else the vouchers could be used in this part of the airport. Both Innis &Gunn and easyjet should be ashamed of themselves.
28 octubre 2022 2:42
Expensive and not the best customer service, I understand at 5/6 am is not a fun time to work but both of the servers where more interested in talking about their last shift/life than serving, I ask for something and was cut off because they were talking to each other loudly. I’m bilingual but other customers that speak only English were spoke in Spanish, if you work in a in an Airport you should be able to communicate at least in English.
22 septiembre 2022 19:08
Total rip off. Disgraceful quality food at an extortionate price. Since this the only place you can eat at the gate they think they can charge what they like.
04 septiembre 2022 19:03
Burgers are that bad they're offensive. Chicken nuggets that looked like they had the same ingredients inside as Ye Olde Oak hot dogs. Yet charging absolute top whack. Should have the bar stewards wearing masks and capes. Beer is fine though and reasonable price for an airport.
14 julio 2022 23:09
Do not bother eating here, had the worst sandwich of my life for an extortion amount - only handy for beer
15 noviembre 2020 2:00
Wildly outrageous pricing at this well below-par food outlet. This place is the only food and drinks outlet in terminal M Barcelona airport. They have clearly taken advantage of this by exploiting passenger as there are no other options beyond security - there are plenty options before security which offer better value for money. Average price 15EUR for a burger which looks like a prepackaged microwave burger (pretty sure it was) - and that price is without a drink! Zero star rating from me!
06 febrero 2020 9:05
I wish I had a photo of the menu board to show you what the burgers are "meant" to look like, but these were 14euros each. The taste was like a burger you would get from a van outside a UK nightclub, colloquially a 'ratburger'. I was also overcharged 1.05 euros for a beer.

Captive market. Get food before passport control as it cannot be worse.
15 enero 2020 11:39
Fantastic resource where you can taste Scottish beer brewed in Glasgow from Edinburgh based Innes & Gunn. Previous negative comments don't apply to this new business.

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