30 octubre 2021 9:46
They say life starts when you get out of your comfort zone. Ivaneta helped me to do that. She read my astrological chart and uncover how I could reach my fullest potential. While guiding me through this process she gives assignments that are a bit out of the comfort zone. But once completed, it feels like a new side of me is unlocked. I got to know myself and my capabilities. She is sweet and professional and gives you the right push to become the best version of yourself.
26 octubre 2021 4:43
La experiencia con Ivaneta ha sido muy especial y transformadora. He podido aprender cosas de mi misma, que antes estaban muy ocultas. Y gracias al proceso que desarrollamos, he podido crecer y superar cuestiones personales que estaban trabadas, y que aún hoy sigo trabajando gracias a ella. Estoy muy agradecida por lo que me ha brindado y deseosa por continuar día a día en este camino espiritual de superación.
27 septiembre 2021 15:12
Its been amazing to work with Ivaneta, she basically guided me and gave the tools to change my life drastically in all aspects of my life. I was able to look at my relationships from another perspective. She helped found a who is my husband know and showed me all the things that I am capable off. I love how she uses different tools depending on your needs every therapy is different I love her!
23 septiembre 2021 1:27
Ivaneta is a very good professional. She knows how to actively listen to her clients and propose accurate solutions to their concerns.
20 septiembre 2021 22:17
Ivaneta es un guía súper especial, que me ayudó a conectarme con mi yo más interno para poder sacar a la luz aquellas cosas que necesitaba ver. La súper recomiendo, ojalá todos tuvieran una Ivaneta en su camino ️
08 septiembre 2021 8:11
Ivaneta is a great astrologist and coach. I highly reccomend her.
She helped me to better understand what to do in certain situations according to my planet alignments and helped me to overcome some weak points in my relationships with parents thanks to her coaching sessions.
06 septiembre 2021 12:57
Ivaneta has made a remarkable difference in my life. Over the years that I have known her, in times when I was feeling at my lowest point through various challenges in my life she has guided me and helped me out of many emotional situations. She showed care and compassion towards my problems and always made herself fully available for me.
I can highly recommend Ivaneta as both a coach and spiritual advisor.
02 septiembre 2021 13:44
Ivaneta es una excelente Coach.
Súper recomendada.
Aplica técnicas variadas, prácticas y hasta divertidas. Los Charts Kabalisticos son increíbles.
Se puede trabajar muy bien con ella y su método es excelente para lograr rápidamente los cambios deseados y vibrar en otra frecuencia.
28 agosto 2021 16:45
Ivaneta bo.en sus sesiones de coaching personal me ayudo a crecer como persona. Gané confianza en mi mismo para superar cualquier obstáculo en mi vida. Sin duda una gran profesional.
25 agosto 2021 4:24
Ivaneta is a magical woman. Ever since our first meeting, her wisdom and guidance has had a huge impact on my life in ways large and small. She’s helped me face obstacles and given me the courage to carry on carrying on with a huge smile on my face - the kind of smile that comes from the deepest part of my soul, the kind of smile that trusts in the dance with the unknown, the kind of smile that’s excited about what’s to come. All my love to you Ivaneta and to anyone reading this, look no further - she’s here to help you, she’s your gal. X
23 agosto 2021 8:24
Having sessions with Ivaneta is really valuable, it is possible to obtain favorable results in a faster and more effective way than what can be achieved with conventional psychological therapy. Through her sessions it is possible to reprogram long held negative beliefs which will help you reach your maximum potential.
05 agosto 2021 23:27
Ivaneta is amazing! She opens your mind to new perspectives and guides you towards your best self. My session left me fulfilled, more loving about my self and confident about what my journey is in this world. <3
05 agosto 2021 19:31
The sessions with Ivaneta have been a life changing experience for me. I was able to improve my self awareness and put my heart first when taking decisions. 1000% recommended.
02 agosto 2021 12:41
Seguí con Ivaneta un curso de arquetipos femeninos. Me gustaron mucho el enfoque de la propuesta, los ejercicio y las pautas que da ella. Un buen trabajo!

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