04 febrero 2024 10:34
¡Divertida clase de cocina catalana que fue perfecta para la familia! Además de preparar juntos una comida sabrosa en un ambiente acogedor, aprendimos más sobre los aspectos culinarios de los ingredientes y platos. Nuestro chef fue paciente y carismático. ¡Definitivamente lo recomiendo!
17 enero 2024 17:21
Clase de cocina fácil y divertida, muy recomendable. El joven chef que dirigió la clase fue SÚPER: educativo, divertido y excelente con nuestros adolescentes. Los padres y los niños se lo pasaron genial.
28 noviembre 2023 20:30
La clase de cocina fue perfecta para nuestra familia. Ayudaron a nuestros hijos de 8 y 6 años a involucrarse en la cocina y nuestros niños disfrutaron preparando comida tradicional española, además de pizza. A nuestros hijos les encantó y a nosotros nos encantó. Ahora tenemos recetas para recrear nuestro paso por España.
27 noviembre 2023 13:49
Gran experiencia culinaria que recomiendo totalmente. Disfrutamos cada momento: los consejos de cocina, el simpático y divertido chef Horia, los deliciosos platos que preparamos todos juntos, la comodidad del apartamento.solo 10/10
27 septiembre 2023 23:08
Excelente clase de cocina mediterránea. Comenzamos con un recorrido por la historia del Mercado de La Boquería. De regreso a la cocina, comimos algunos buenos bocados, un plato de carne y queso y varios tipos de mariscos. Luego comenzamos a aprender nuevos platos. Todos pudimos ayudar según nos asignaron tareas. Buen tiempo. Buena comida. Consejos y trucos aprendidos a lo largo del camino. Se vienen recetas. 11 estrellas doradas.
16 agosto 2023 10:39
Reservamos esta clase de cocina hace un par de semanas y, sinceramente, fue lo más destacado de nuestro viaje a España. Es un grupo pequeño en un loft con aire acondicionado fuera de una plaza. La comida estaba increible. Las recetas eran factibles para la gente normal y fue una noche realmente divertida. Esto fue lo mejor que hicimos en nuestro viaje.
08 agosto 2023 13:25
¡Experiencia asombrosa! Tuvimos un tiempo tan encantador. Mi familia y yo llenamos esta clase, por lo que básicamente fue una clase de cocina privada para nosotros. Juan nos llevó a un recorrido por el mercado de La Boqueria, nos brindó una deliciosa degustación de comidas típicas de Barcelona y Cataluña, y nos enseñó a cocinar tortilla, crema catalana, pan con tomate y paella. Todo fue diversión fantástica, comida deliciosa y vino delicioso. ¡Gracias Juan y Just Royal BCN por una tarde maravillosa! ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente Just Royal BCN!
29 julio 2023 22:22
Esta clase valió cada centavo. ¡Lo pasamos genial, comimos comida increíble y conocimos gente increíble! Just Royal es realmente una experiencia especial. El recorrido por el mercado fue muy divertido, pero luego puedes pasar la tarde cocinando, riendo y bebiendo mientras disfrutas de la belleza de Barcelona, ​​¡no hay nada como eso!
19 junio 2023 5:52
Programé un evento privado para mi actividad de team building en Barcelona. Hicimos la clase de paella/cena tardía. Los miembros de mi equipo han regresado a casa y, sin embargo, dejan de hablar sobre este evento. Teníamos un grupo de 22, solo 19 pudieron hacerlo. Como cenamos tarde, no tuvimos la oportunidad de ir al mercado, pero no nos quitó la experiencia.

Tuve algunos problemas al tratar de realizar el pago, ya que actualmente estábamos viajando por la UE y el pago desencadenó una cadena de alertas de fraude para mi tarjeta de crédito, pero eso fue culpa mía y no de ellos.

La velada estuvo llena de risas, sonrisas y diversión. Este evento será difícil de superar. Como éramos tan grandes, teníamos tres chefs que se ocupaban de nuestro grupo, así como de su madre, creo. Se proporcionaron tapas junto con cerveza y vino ilimitados. ¡Hicimos sangría, paella de mariscos y vegetales, así como creme brulee!

Nos sentamos juntos al estilo familiar para disfrutar del trabajo de nuestras propias manos y corazones.

¡Esta es realmente una experiencia, el personal lidera con amor por su país, historia y cocina!
17 febrero 2023 21:52
This was the BEST experience! I wanted to do something unique for my anniversary and this class and market tour was perfect. Out of our two week trip to Europe, this was probably our favorite experience. Horya was the best host. He told us which market stalls he preferred, fed us AMAZING tapas, showed us how to cook the most delicious dinner and dessert, and fostered an environment that allowed us to chat with other guests and make friends. I could not recommend this class any more enthusiastically. You won’t regret it!
11 febrero 2023 14:25
Great experience cooking Spanish typical food with company teammates!

The chef was both a excellent teacher and a great facilitator to break the ice and share some jokes.

The flat is beautiful, and it's located in one of the most beatiful squares of the city.
10 febrero 2023 21:05
Seafood paella, tapas and lots of laughs. Loved this cooking class. Ended up being just three of us, but that made it more intimate and hands on for us. The tour of the market was the only low point because we went to the touristy one, not the other where locals still shop. Otherwise, both the chef and his assistant (mostly for translation at times) were amazing. We had lots of laughs, shared stories, and learned both about tapas and cooked seafood paella, a potato omelette, and a creme brulee like dessert. Definitely recommend.
28 enero 2023 16:11
¡Gran experiencia cocinando comida típica española con compañeros de empresa!

El chef fue a la vez un excelente maestro y un gran facilitador para romper el hielo y compartir algunos chistes.

El piso es precioso y está ubicado en una de las plazas más bonitas de la ciudad.
25 enero 2023 20:57
Muy buena experiencia para reforzar el Team building. Nos atendieron muy bien y pasomos un buen rato. Vale la pena realizar este evento.
15 septiembre 2022 19:43
This was hands down the best organized activity I’ve ever experienced. Both chefs/hosts were kind, patient, funny, and gave the perfect amount of history, instruction, and detail on each dish. There was great conversation between hosts and guests. The food was delicious, the wine was fantastic, and we left feeling full, happy, and prepared to take home what we learned and recreate each recipe for ourselves. If you’re looking for an authentic tour/cooking experience without the usual touristy/gimmick feel, I highly recommended booking with Just Royal BCN.
13 septiembre 2022 13:42
My sister and I had a cooking class with Gretel this week. We had a wonderful time, first walking through Mercado de Boqueria, tasting jamon and torrón. Then, we went to the school to start our dishes. We had many tapas to start, then we cooked a tortilla, a paella, and creme catalana for dessert. You will definetly have enough food for the day:)
Wine and soft drinks were also included!

Thank you Gretel & team for having us! We wish you all the best!
04 junio 2022 5:35
Great experience. Wonderful place where you prepare the food that you just bought before in the market. The guide/cook did a great job keeping everybody busy preparing the meal. And ofcourse the best part was eating it after that.
28 mayo 2022 10:27
M'ho van recomanar, tenia unes expectatives força altes abans d'anar, però encara va ser molt millor l'experiència!
05 mayo 2022 23:48
This is the class to do in BCN! It was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Super trendy space, with attention to details in the recipes and in the ingredients!
Terezia taught us so many things and even went out of her way to teach us other tips and tricks for cooking! She is super super knowledgeable!

The owners are so sweet and I really felt like they wanted us to learn. I took this seriously! And really wanted to learn! And I absolutely felt like I learned so so much.

I came home so eager to try to cook again! Terezia told us “cooking is patience” and it’s a nice lesson to learn in such a hectic world!

Thank you sooooo much!
04 mayo 2022 16:30
We had a cooking class booked for 10A on Monday. When we arrived, no one was there. It took 20 minutes to contact someone who told us there was no class that morning, even though we booked 2 months earlier and had the confirmation. Eventually they found our booking and apologized, asking us to come Wednesday at 3. They mentioned there would not normally be a class at that time but they would ask others to move their reservation. We moved around our schedule to attend. When we arrived at 3 on Wednesday, we were told it was a private class and they made a mistake asking us to come as there was another "booking issue" with them not noticing it was a private class. We were really excited to attend this class and are disappointed by the communication and scheduling. Would not recommend to others.
08 abril 2022 4:14
My husband and I had a wonderful afternoon at Just Royal BCN. The place was amazing and so chef Alfredo. We were a lovely group and were cooking together for about 2 hours. Chef Alfredo kept us busy, divided the work between all participants, shared great tips and created with us a delicious 3 course meal which we enjoyed afterwards together. We really enjoyed this experience and are looking already which cooking class to do next at Just Royal
21 marzo 2022 6:46
Una experiencia única, 100% recomendable aunque no tengas el más mínima conocimiento culinario. El chef Alfredo, un auténtico crack! Es de esos sitios en los que nada más salir deseas repetir visita
04 marzo 2022 1:42
Alfredo y Tesi nos han hecho pasar unas horas estupendas, creando un ambiente muy agradable y alegre y donde pudimos disfrutar tanto de la elaboración de los platos como de los resultados. Lo recomiendo
20 febrero 2022 16:46
Hicimos un taller en Familia, incluido un niño de 5 años. Estuvimos muy bien, sitio muy bonito y Alfredo, el Chef, y Pamela muy atentos, son unos cracks! Gracias por todo, repetiremos!
08 agosto 2021 21:49
We had the loveliest time. Absolutely a highlight of our trip to see one of the biggest markets in Barcelona, hear about Spanish cuisine from all different regions, create 3 different dishes & laugh with new friends. Such a fantastic experience, one we highly recommend!
26 julio 2021 8:58
Una experiencia fantástica, fue muy divertido Alfredo el chef/ professor encantador, sin duda repetiremos, el problema es que ahora que los conocemos no sabemos que taller escoger!
13 julio 2021 3:03
L'experiència al taller d'arrossos ha estat magnífica. Ha superat de lluny les meves expectatives. L'Alfredo, a part de ser un excel·lent professional, sap gestionar el grup i, tots els plats amb gran maestria i enginy. La seva ajudant, la Tessi? Dessi? (la meva oïda és un desastre), una crack.molt simpàtica i eficient. En resum, crec que repetiré perquè va ser una tarda-nit per recordar.
08 junio 2021 8:05
Una experiencia maravillosa, me encantó, lo pasé genial, aprendí muchísimo, todo estaba riquísimo, para volver a repetir. ️
02 junio 2021 15:27
Una experiencia muy divertida y enriquecedora. Muy recomendable para hacer con amigos. El chef es un encanto y explica muy bien los truquitos para hacer un buen arroz.
16 mayo 2021 12:21
Tota una experiència personal i culinària. Amb un tarannà afable i cordial, el xef Alfredo ens va regalar saviesa i professionalitat en totes les receptes que vam elaborar amb ell i en molts consells per dur-nos a les nostres cuines. Paella de peix, risotto i arròs amb gambes i rap van ser les estrelles d’un dinar que vam finalitzar amb un flam d’arròs espectaculars!
23 enero 2021 5:35
Es una experiencia genial. Para quienes no somos expertos en cocina, Alfredo nos da las mejores claves para que los platos sean maravillosos. Muy recomendado!
20 abril 2020 7:59
Ibamos muy escepticos y los 10 minutos ya estábamos encantados. Una gran experiencia liderada por un chef muy especial, atento y simpático. Aprendimos mucho en muy poco rato, fue un verdadero placer
30 marzo 2020 15:00
Pasamos muy buena tarde llena de risas! Alfredo nos atendió súper bien, atento en todo momento con cada uno de nosotros. Ambiente muy familiar, como en casa vamos. Sin duda lo recomiendo, y esperamos volver pronto! Gracias!
17 marzo 2020 7:33
Great experience and very interactive. Another couple, my husband, and myself prepared paella, tortilla espanola, and catalan cream under the watchful eye of our teacher. Then we sat down at a lovely table and enjoyed the dinner that we prepared. It seemed a little rushed at the end as I think that there was a very large party coming in after us, and I don't think the staff had expected the numbers. The trip to La Boqueria, the local market, before the lesson was fun. Overall, a very good experience.
27 febrero 2020 18:13
I had a lovely cooking experience with Gretle. She was a warm and gracious host. The lovely apartment over looking Placa Reial was the perfect setting. The cooking space was well appointed and easy to work in. Our experience was like being in a friend’s house for an evening of wine tasting, cooking, eating and fun. We cooked and Lear Ed about dishes from many parts of Spain.
The trip to the market was very informative. Would recommend this to singles, couples and family’s with older children.
07 febrero 2020 8:46
We are a family of 6 so we decided to do the private class with Janelle. Janelle was skillful, friendly and fun. She engaged everyone and made sure we all participated in the preparations and the cooking. We all had lots of laughs and great food. We definitely recommend this class and especially Janelle! We cannot wait to return home and share the prepared dishes with family and friends!
10 enero 2020 11:57
It was such a beautiful experience! Alfredo and his team welcomed us so well and we have passed amazing times with them.
Good team building activity and appreciated lunch!
I recommend it sincerely
09 enero 2020 1:57
My dad and I took a wonderful cooking course with Mariángeles, and enjoyed every minute! We learned a lot and got to eat incredible local food. Thank you for an amazing experience!
07 enero 2020 12:29
Myself and my wife took a cooking class with Just Royal in October, and it was amazing. It was really great to walk through the market before the class and learn everything about how the food and ingredients are hand picked every day. And the class itself was fantastic. Not only did we learn how to cook each dish, but we also learned about history of the dish, the importance of the ingredients, and what those dishes meant to the Spanish people. It was all around an awesome experience, and we would recommend this to everyone who is interested.
03 enero 2020 19:53
What a perfect day we had cooking up a storm with Theresa! We decided this was our number one favorite day spent in Barcelona! Wonderful experience and I HIGHLY recommend this cooking class to anyone visiting Barcelona.
26 diciembre 2019 9:05
Relaxed cooking class in a beautiful spot in town. Mariangeles kept us busy making traditional Catalan dishes. Really a lot of fun, informational and delicious.
17 diciembre 2019 14:44
This was such a great experience! I did this my very first day in Barcelona and I am so glad I did. Not only did I enjoy a truly delicious meal, I learned a lot about Barcelona's culinary habits and history, which I was able to incorporate into the rest of my trip. The tapas were a great touch - normally cooking classes annoy me because I am starving, which makes it hard to focus on the information. By offering tapas (and their history) before we dove into making paella, I was better prepared to actually learn something. The space is beautiful, the experience was interesting, and the food was delicious.
17 diciembre 2019 11:58
Experiencia muy recomendable. Pasamos una mañana muy entretenida y divertida. La comida buenísima y el trato genial.
15 diciembre 2019 20:51
Had an amazing day, a tour of the market and great afternoon cooking with a skilled chef and fun international group of travellers.highly recommend!
13 diciembre 2019 19:15
"What a great experience! The market visit and then preparing our Spanish meal was fantastic. I would recommend doing this. The hands-on experience and knowledge Janelle shared, made this a key highlight in our Barcelona food exploration! "
02 diciembre 2019 14:54
This is a great class in a great location. I’d recommend this cooking class to anyone, and suggest you take it early in your trip. Theresa was a great guide and host and was very informative about Spanish culture, and the rest of the travelers in the group ere great as well. What I learned during the class enriched the rest of my trip. I’m looking forward to taking on all of my future trips.
28 noviembre 2019 19:19
A fun time with carefully presented cooking guidance. A thoroughly enjoyable cooking class that prepares a wonderful experience and then you get to eat and enjoy.we were guided by junel who was clear with careful instructions that made the time fly! Highly recommend.
26 noviembre 2019 21:21
My wife and I had such a great time here in August. The food was delicious and the wine was great- my cup never went empty.:)
20 noviembre 2019 18:09
What a perfect experience! From the first moment to the last, every detail was addressed. Starting in the huge
market was so much fun! Cooking with best teacher ever was a joy. Our small class size was perfect.
Sit down meal with wine made the day complete.
I have taken many cooking classes all over the world.
This is by far the best one.
18 noviembre 2019 22:01
An incredible experience! I highly recommend this to everyone! A trip to the market before the course was fantastic! The cooking class an unforgettable experience! I will do it again when I visit Barcelona next year.
The food was better than any restaurant that I've been to in Barcelona!
17 noviembre 2019 16:07
Una experiencia única. Muy bien organizado, los chefs encantadores, el espacio muy especial. Lo pasamos genial. Gracias!
17 noviembre 2019 14:40
This was really fun and delicious experience. I learned a lot and had a great time. I would recommend it to anyone who loves great food.
16 noviembre 2019 15:25
We enjoyed our cooking class a great deal. The locations seems hidden but a very nice spot once you are in the flat! Instructor was well organized and great English. Very interesting to learn food cooking styles and history of the dish as you prepare. We will do it again!
16 noviembre 2019 4:53
We met wonderful people from all around the world, learned a lot, had loads of fun! & Yum! Yum! Yummy, yum!
16 octubre 2019 17:47
My wife, daughter, and I attended a class on 25 April 2019. We enjoyed everything about it. Our instructor was very friendly, knowledgeable, and clear. The setting was intimate and elegant. The appetizers made beforehand were well chosen to represent different regions of Spain, and the items we prepared ourselves (seafood paella, tortilla, and custard) tasted delicious. Most impressive of all: when my daughter announced that she didn't care for seafood, the instructor went out of her way to provide her a recipe and instruction for an impromptu alternate dish.
13 octubre 2019 18:49
This was one of my favorite things that I did on my trip to Barcelona. It was an amazing experience. I highly recommend doing this! You won't regret it.
13 octubre 2019 11:50
WOW! What an awesome experience, fun fun fun. First and foremost - kudos to our amazing instructor, Chef Janelle. She was extremely professional, knowledgable, courteous and friendly.

Chef Janelle provided us with a personal guided tour of the nearby market, history and origins of Paella and Tapas, thoroughly explained each and every ingredient of the recipes, techniques for food prep and answered all participant's questions.

We very much enjoyed participating in the "Paella de Mariscos" cooking class and also meeting our awesome classmates from: Australia, Chicago USA, Florida USA, and New Jersey USA.

Additional kudos to Just Royal BCN, directions to cooking class were spot on.

Oh yeah.the wine was pretty awesome too!
13 octubre 2019 9:48
We had a great time at the market and then preparing our excellent meal. Mariángeles Frades guided us through the process and the final product was great!
11 octubre 2019 18:37
What can be better than spending time with friends cooking a scrumptious meal filled with savories and wine. Our group of 11 had the most exciting time as Teresa gave us a tour of the market, highlighting the special Catalan delights followed by a charming stroll through Barcelona street-side shops. We cooked in the dreamiest dining suite with wispy curtains begging us all to look over into the open courtyard. Wine, lip smacking appetizers, and a yummy dinner with more wine and oh, save room for dessert. Enjoy the tours but you MUST reserve time to fellowship together with this uniquely epic experience. Two snaps up!

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