06 agosto 2023 13:30
Kamen es paciente y dedicado. Aunque me mudé a los Países Bajos, todavía sigo trabajando con él.
10 julio 2023 2:11
Kamen es ideal para cualquiera que busque un terapeuta de habla inglesa perspicaz y compasivo. Fue mi primer terapeuta y me brindó un espacio seguro para hablar sobre mis problemas durante mi experiencia de estudios en el extranjero. También estuvo muy en sintonía con mis necesidades, asegurándose de que me sintiera más cómodo en el espacio.

Aunque ahora estoy de regreso en los EE. UU, estaré eternamente agradecido por el crecimiento mental/personal y las realizaciones que experimenté con su ayuda.
09 junio 2023 2:00
Recomiendo encarecidamente a Kamen a cualquiera que busque atención de salud mental compasiva y eficaz. Desde el momento en que entré a su oficina me sentí bienvenido y cómodo. Escuchó atentamente mis inquietudes y me brindó un trato personalizado (herramientas) que realmente me ha ayudado a superar mis desafíos.

Kamen tiene mucho conocimiento y habilidad en su campo. También es muy empático y paciente, y siempre me hace sentir valorada y respetada.

En general, estoy muy agradecido de haberlo encontrado y recomendaría ampliamente su servicio a cualquiera que busque apoyo de salud mental. ¡Gracias por todo lo que haces!
04 mayo 2023 12:17
Kamen fue mi primer terapeuta que me ayudó a resolver muchos problemas complejos. No fue fácil para mí trabajar en mi primera terapia, pero él hizo un gran trabajo ayudándome primero a comprenderme a mí mismo y luego equipándome con herramientas que me ayudaron a manejar mis problemas. Creo que sus mayores fortalezas son la paciencia, la intuición, el profesionalismo y una actitud abierta. Definitivamente lo recomiendo. Además, aunque hicimos mi terapia en línea, él logró hacerla en vivo y activa.
09 enero 2023 18:02
I will not be alone in saying that I once believed that therapy was for “broken” people. That it was a way of getting “fixed” and “back to normal”.

How wrong I was.

I genuinely believe that there is no existence that would not be enhanced from taking sessions with Kamen.

The man has helped me totally change the way I see myself and life itself.

He has helped me discover my values, meaning and self worth.

Whether you are going through a tough time or not, I’d highly recommend sessions with Kamen.

There are always a million reasons not to go to therapy - Embarrassment, stigma, cost etc.but none of them come close to the significance to the value of going!

Whatever reason is preventing you, don’t let it. Go and have a session.

I promise you, it’ll commence a journey that will be the greatest you ever went on.
28 diciembre 2022 7:02
I am so grateful to Kamen for his patience, care, and commitment to support my healing journey over the past few years. Kamen provided a safe space for me to deeply explore and understand inner issues in a way that I was not able to before. Using dream analysis and other guided techniques, every session with Kamen was insightful and productive. Anyone looking to do the inner work, I recommend Kamen 100%!
12 diciembre 2022 13:40
Estoy muy agradecida con Kamen por su paciencia, cuidado y compromiso para apoyar mi proceso de sanación en los últimos años. Kamen me brindó un espacio seguro para explorar profundamente y comprender los problemas internos de una manera que antes no podía. Usando análisis de sueños y otras técnicas guiadas, cada sesión con Kamen fue reveladora y productiva. ¡Cualquiera que busque hacer el trabajo interno, recomiendo a Kamen al 100%!
17 noviembre 2022 18:32
No seré el único que diga que alguna vez creí que la terapia era para personas “rotas”. Que era una forma de “arreglarme” y “volver a la normalidad”.

Que equivocado estaba.

Realmente creo que no hay existencia que no se mejore al tomar sesiones con Kamen.

El hombre me ha ayudado a cambiar totalmente la forma en que me veo a mí misma y a la vida misma.

Me ha ayudado a descubrir mis valores, significado y autoestima.

Ya sea que esté pasando por un momento difícil o no, le recomiendo las sesiones con Kamen.

Siempre hay un millón de razones para no ir a terapia: vergüenza, estigma, costo, etc. ¡pero ninguna de ellas se acerca a la importancia del valor de ir!

Cualquiera que sea la razón que te lo impide, no lo dejes. Ve y haz una sesión.

Te lo prometo, comenzará un viaje que será el mejor que jamás hayas emprendido.
06 noviembre 2022 14:10
Kamen is an excellent therapist, I am very glad to have found him and I would highly recommend him.
25 diciembre 2021 9:39
Kamen is ann excellent professional, compassionate and great communicator. My experience with him was very crucial to me. I discovered what I was looking for. I highly recommend him.
22 octubre 2021 3:17
I am so grateful to have found Kamen. After moving to Barcelona from London I was interested to find a psychotherapist to help me deal with with several difficulties I had been facing. Kamen is empathetic, kind, patient and highly knowledgeable and skilled at what he does. He has helped me immensely on my healing journey, and continues to do so. Our dream analysis and visualisation exercises are fascinating and they have helped me to connect more deeply to my intuition and overcome barriers that were preventing my self development. For anyone interested in Jungian psychology I would highly recommend. I look forward to continuing to work with him.
29 agosto 2021 20:07
I have been working in a therapeutic relationship with Kamen for several years and the benefits to my psychological health have been huge.

I approach him several years ago, after a divorce and PhD had sent me into a deep depression which I couldn't break out of. Quite quickly, after our first meetings, Kamen had diagnosed the problems and, over a series of sessions, I got to know myself once again and slowly moved out of my crisis.

Every time I am stuck in my life, I go back to work with Kamen and we are always able to move things along. I chose Jungian therapy because I felt removed from my purpose in life and Kamen always helps me reconnect and move towards what is genuinely meaningful to me.

I would recommend his services to all, but especially those that feel disconnected from who they really are, or where they are going. Genuine connection with who we are is possible and in my experience, Kamen can help people get there.
23 agosto 2021 13:56
I firstly sought help from Kamen because of long lasting problems with sleep and grief from a loss of a loved one, but over the course of our work together he has helped me immensely with so much more. Unlike other therapists he has looked beyond the symptoms and has helped me identify the root causes of my problems and suffering. Through our work together over the past several years Kamen has helped me discover many depths of my personality, which I have been unconscious of, but have in a way steered my life. His guidance and encouragements have helped me navigate through many personal challenges, grow through them and feel much more whole and balanced. His deep compassion, wisdom and humility makes Kamen an exceptional therapist and I am very grateful to have met him.
13 agosto 2021 4:53
I came to Kamen to work with psychodrama therapy and I was fascinated to explore my dreams and my issues through this action method. I gained so much insight into my deeper self during this time, he also helped me so much while I was going through a phase with a lot of anxiety. Through relaxing free associations I was able to feel deeply into myself. Kamen is a very sensitive and loving person, gently he accompanied me through my inner processes over several years. After each session I felt inner peace. I would recommend him 100% to anyone!
30 agosto 2020 5:23
A true Jungian therapist in Barcelona. English, Spanish, Bulgarian. He’s patient, effective, and dedicated if you are. Been a patient for 2 years and has helped get me through some major shifts. If you’re ready to level up your consciousness, I highly recommend.
11 agosto 2020 20:59
Kamen is perceptive, compassionate and skilful. He speaks excellent English, and working with him has been deeply insightful and healing. I have been seeing him for a year and it's the first time I have connected properly with a psychotherapist and felt that we are getting to the underlying issues.
30 agosto 2019 7:18
Kamen has helped me immensely. He is extremely compassionate with great humility and wisdom. Under his guidance he has aided me on an intense and powerful journey of exploration. Before I saw him I was blindly fighting many invisible forces, now I have come to recognise, understand and accept so many things, and for this I have a deeper appreciation for the meaning inherent in life. I cannot thank Kamen enough for the help he has given me.
05 julio 2019 15:40
I am so glad that I found Kamen, an English speaking Jungian psychoanalyst in Barcelona. He introduced me to depth psychology, helped me throughout and changed my entire perspective on how to see life! I feel so content to undergo this process of transformation under an honest and sincere supervision by Kamen. The more I dwelled deeper into the world of analytical psychology, more I developed respect towards his maturity & wisdom. His dedicated & consistent efforts lead me to trust & surrender completely to venture into unknown territories, his thoughtful insights, assurances and motivations came at right time. He was always available and despite being fully booked, scheduled extra appointments whenever I needed them the most. These sincere efforts lead me plunge freely into the journey within to emerge as nurtured & connected soul. I have recommended Kamen to my closest friends and I will recommend anyone who is looking for a meaningful transformation in life or feel the need to dive deeper to truly understand oneself. There is always more to discover & a wise guidance will take you long way!

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