18 octubre 2023 5:07
Un lugar espectacular, para desconectar, unas instalaciones perfectas para pasar unos dias en familia o con amigos
26 septiembre 2023 4:58
Este verano organizamos un retiro de fin de semana largo de yoga y meditación sonora en La Bruguera. Fue el mejor lugar donde pudimos haber organizado este evento. La casa estaba muy limpia, muy bien equipada, el entorno impresionante y tranquilo. Mike y Michelle fueron de gran ayuda durante todo el proceso, desde la consulta previa al evento hasta el final del retiro. Sólo puedo recomendar este lugar y seguro que volveremos en el futuro para otro evento. Gracias por todo.
16 septiembre 2023 14:11
Tuve unas vacaciones maravillosas en esta hermosa villa. Michelle y Mike fueron extremadamente serviciales y amables. Para ser justos, es la primera vez que vamos al extranjero y nos quedamos en la villa, ni siquiera nos aventuramos a la playa y me encanta el mar. La piscina era preciosa, es una piscina de agua salada y hay muchas tumbonas para relajarse. Los niños pasaban la mayor parte del tiempo en la piscina. Un montón de áreas con sombra para sentarse si hace demasiado calor. La cocina está totalmente equipada y hay una máquina de café brillante. Definitivamente lo recomendaría, ideal para familias o amigos.
14 septiembre 2023 11:59
Otra semana fabulosa: ¡toque personal de Mike, Michelle y sus cocineros! ¡Gracias por la ayuda ciclista, los toques personales del catering y las apreciadas sombrillas y ascensores durante el diluvio!
17 agosto 2023 22:33
Lo pasamos increíble en La Bruguera. Aislada en un tranquilo bosque de pinos, la villa ecológica se mezcla con la naturaleza para brindar una experiencia inolvidable para nuestra familia de 12. Descubrimos que la casa estaba amueblada con casi todo el equipo, aire acondicionado, electrodomésticos y artículos de tocador que uno podría necesitar. Hay tantos espacios aislados interiores y exteriores diferentes que todos pudieron disfrutar de muchas comidas y momentos divertidos y relajantes durante todo el día.

Mike y Michelle, además de hacer todo lo posible para atender cualquier pregunta que tuviéramos, son anfitriones maravillosos para conversar. Sus consejos sobre la adquisición de productos de los mercados locales y las recomendaciones para visitar sitios y restaurantes cercanos agregaron mucho a nuestra semana en el área.

¡Recomendaríamos la estadía a cualquier grupo o familia en cualquier momento!
06 agosto 2023 10:52
La villa era perfecta para nuestras vacaciones familiares para asistir a una boda que estaba a solo cinco minutos. Es un hermoso y tranquilo lugar. Michelle y Mike fueron muy acogedores y respondieron cualquier pregunta que tuviéramos antes de nuestra estadía. También estuvieron disponibles para responder cualquier pregunta y darnos recomendaciones durante nuestras vacaciones.
24 julio 2023 22:50
Ha sido un placer estar en La Bruguera de Púbol por segunda vez y me gustaría felicitarlos por haber juntado belleza y eficiencia en un mismo lugar de una forma tan armonica. Se siente muy bien aquí en vuestro espacio, un espacio que tiene alma, cuidado en cada detalle y lleno de posibilidades, así que imagino que mucha gente estará contenta! Muchas gracias!:)
23 julio 2023 1:55
Tuvimos la suerte de realizar nuestro primer retiro de Pilates y Bienestar en La Bruguera en mayo. Mike y Michelle tienen un lugar realmente especial que tejió magia durante todo el fin de semana. Ubicado en la naturaleza y lleno de carácter, se ofrece todo lo que pueda necesitar para unas vacaciones relajantes o un retiro y nada es demasiado problema.
Creo que encontramos un pedacito de cielo y estamos ansiosos por volver en octubre para nuestro próximo retiro.y el próximo. ¡y el próximo!
¡Gracias Mike y Michelle por ser los anfitriones perfectos y por hacer frente a nuestro aluvión de consultas antes del retiro!
Espero verte de nuevo más adelante en el año.
08 julio 2023 23:00
Éramos un grupo de 3 familias con 6 adultos y 5 niños alojados en La Bruguera. Nuestro tiempo allí fue absolutamente mágico. Mike y Michelle han creado un increíble oasis que ofrece belleza, diversión, comodidad, relajación y paz. La casa principal está maravillosamente decorada con una hermosa cocina más que equipada para preparar deliciosas comidas. Incluso tiene una elegante cafetera que disfrutamos. Las habitaciones eran grandes y muy cómodas y brindaban privacidad cuando la necesitábamos. El agua estaba caliente con mucha presión. Wifi funcionó increíblemente bien. Apreciamos mucho el acceso a una lavadora/secadora dada la cantidad de personas que teníamos, pero tratamos de utilizar las líneas de secado tanto como sea posible ya que respetamos su compromiso con el medio ambiente. Apreciamos la capacidad de compostaje y pasamos muchas noches caminando por los jardines y por su hermoso jardín. La piscina es el epicentro del lugar de Mike y nuestro grupo se divirtió mucho usándola. También tuvimos yoga con Kristi dos veces, lo cual disfruté mucho. Chef Miriam vino a cocinar para nosotros por una noche y fue increíble. Mike también nos ayudó a alquilar bicicletas y tuvimos un hermoso día en bicicleta por el hermoso campo catalán. Su lugar es verdaderamente mágico y planeamos volver varias veces. Gracias a Mike, Michelle y Frances por compartir su increíble lugar con nosotros.xo.
31 mayo 2023 14:03
Organitzar un retir de ioga a la Bruguera és ideal. Nosaltres hem tingut molt bona experiència portant-hi un grup, la casa està cuidada amb carinyo i els espais son preciosos. Moltes gràcies per tot Mike, Michelle i Frances!
24 mayo 2023 0:30
Amazing place and hosts, I can fully recommend to come here. We had a business team offsite there, and despite a gorgeous place and wonderful hosts, this place also works really well for working together. I’m already looking forward to the next time.
Thank you Mike and Michelle
18 febrero 2023 20:09
Hem passat un cap de setmana de retir a la Bruguera i ha estat genial! El caliu, els jardins, la casa, el tracte, repetirem segur!
09 enero 2023 10:40
We had a fantastic stay at La Bruguera de Púbol — it's an extraordinary place. Mike and Michelle really went the extra mile to ensure our stay was relaxing, enjoyable and comfortable. The house is everything you'd want – great rooms, kitchen for self-catering and a beautiful garden and we loved staying somewhere that is truly embracing sustainability. Would highly recommend La Bruguera for a restorative break and looking forward to our next visit.
23 diciembre 2022 11:55
It's been great to be at La bruguera this weekend for the second time and meet all these nice and interesting people. Lots of good connections, as expected. Really looking forward to come back, also to take the forthcoming courses on permacultur, bioconstruction etc. A huge thanks to you, Michelle and amazing Frances, and hope to see you again soon
09 noviembre 2022 14:15
Top dollar accommodation at La Bruguera near Pubol, Girona in Spain. Spacious, inside and out, with pool and comfy sofas, a turret for star gazing, more bathroom facilities than you can count, and bikes everywhere. Mike, the proprietor, is super helpful and so knowledgeable about the area. And the whole place is set in stunning grounds, with eco ethos to match.
30 octubre 2022 13:58
Molt bona experiència amb un grup de 25 persones treballant la comunicació i la col·laboració de l'equip. Tots els espais, interiors i exteriors, són ideals també per aquest tipus d'activitats. Fins aviat!
23 octubre 2022 1:48
Just back from a fabulous week's cycling based at La Bruguera. Everything about it was 5* - from the fantastic accommodation (for ourselves and the bikes!), excellent food and superb location for a wide range of rides. If you're considering a visit, you won't regret it!
21 agosto 2022 22:37
I spent a couple of days at the magical La Bruguera de Púbol back in May with the Research & Degrowth family. The nature, surroundings, atmosphere there is unmatched! Michelle and Mike's care, praxis and vision make the space conducive of transformative action for just, degrowth futures. I cannot wait to go back ️
21 agosto 2022 2:16
Increible! Un lloc molt tranquil que transmet molta Pau. He organitzat un Retir aquí i no ens ha faltat de res. El recomano 100% un espai molt acollidor.
01 agosto 2022 5:45
Hem organitzat el nostre primer retir a La Bruguera, i ha estat una experiència fantàstica. El Mike i la Michelle ens van ajudar en tot el que vam necessitar. Tenen experiència en acollir grups, i això ens va donar molta tranquil·litat. El jardí és espectacular, té molts racons que permeten que cadascú trobi el seu lloc per llegir, relaxar-se, estar amb si mateix. La cuina nova i moderna ens va anar genial per poder fer un taller de cuina saludable amb les noies del retir. Un gust cuinar-hi! Les habitacions i banys, netes, acollidores i decorades amb carinyo. Vam adquirir fruita i verdura dels horts de la casa. I la sala d'activitats, molt lluminosa i ben preparada, va ser un espai perfecte per a dinàmiques de grup tant de dia com de nit. Buscàvem calma i la vam trobar.
26 julio 2022 18:50
Lloc fantastic, a 10 minuts del tren, zona de relax total per sortir fora de la ciutat. Michelle i Mike, persones encantadores.tornarem!
15 julio 2022 15:47
La Bruguera de Púbol un lugar especial, espectacular.
Está situada en plena naturaleza, pero a la vez muy bien comunicada. Los únicos sonidos que se escuchan son los del bosque, campos y estanques del jardín.
La casa y los propietarios (Michele y Mike) son coherencia pura con el entorno y el lugar que cuidan y respetan. Un ejemplo a seguir. Lo bueno es que organizan talleres y estancias dónde te explican todo su conocimiento.
Nosotras hemos organizado un retiro de calma y hemos logrado transmitir nuestro objetivo pues el lugar es idóneo.
La casa es muy espaciosa, cómoda y limpia. La cocina ideal y no hay nada que te falte para organizar cualquier comida.
Todo es perfecto!
12 julio 2022 6:56
A beautiful paradise-like place where you can truly relax and lose yourself for a few days. It's like pressing your internal re-set button. The grounds are stunning, with plenty of space even for the largest group of guests and the house is extremely comfortable, with a fully equipped kitchen and lovely, roomy bedrooms. We will be back for visit number four before too long.
11 julio 2022 13:04
I can't recommend this place enough. Clean, cozy and above all eco-friedly. It's a real example of how a degrowth, slow pace way of life that doesnt harm our planet can exist.
If you are looking for a small paradise in Catalunya that's the place. I will be back soon.
02 julio 2022 2:03
Un remanso de paz, el jardín es pura naturaleza, y en la casa se percibe una energía muy positiva los propietarios cercanos y muy amables.
28 junio 2022 1:06
A fantastic place for a group getaway. Surroundings luxuriant, vegan catering exceptional. The most dignified compost toilet I've ever encountered.
27 junio 2022 11:02
Thank you again Michelle, Mike & Frances for hosting in your harmonious way, always there with perfect solutions! Such an inspiring project, the place resounds with creative energy, and yet provides a tranquil oasis of calm in a crazy world. Long live la bruguera & may we all learn to be so integrated with nature!
22 junio 2022 10:20
Fantastic hosts, great space and project. Totally recommend for taking some time off in a stimulating and comfortable environment
07 junio 2022 16:49
The hosts, Michelle and Mike have put their hearts into making our stay as enjoyable as one could dream off. If I had to describe La Bruguera in one word, this word would be homeliness. Michelle and Mike did not create Bruguera as a business project but as a living lab to experiment with low-impact forms of tourism and promote convivial and ecological life-styles in line with the degrowth thought. This is not just the contextual setting of La Bruguera, but an ever present character of La Bruguera that we experienced from the beginning to the very end of our unforgettable stay there. Looking forward to returning very soon!
05 junio 2022 18:46
It was a total delight to be able to stay at this incredible haven of nature and progressive thinking. Michelle and Mike are wonderful hosts and they keep a place that is conducive to peace and quiet, but also collective thinking and group work. I was impressed by how thoughtfully they have renovated the place and the main house and rooms are perfect. Couldn't recommend it more!
03 junio 2022 15:56
Total retreat from life. Fantastic location for peace & tranquility. Mike & Michelle are fabulous hosts providing top quality food & comfortable accommodation.
02 junio 2022 17:01
An amazing place, very special hosts and lovely ambience! La Bruguera is more than a holiday place, it is a universe to explore!
27 mayo 2022 6:41
Un lugar para quedarse, acogedor y con geniales instalaciones. Gracias por hacernos vivir un fin de semana estupendo.
02 mayo 2022 2:14
Es un lugar mágico, hemos estado muy pero que muy muy bien. El trato de 10 y el entorno inmejorable
17 abril 2022 5:27
We had my husband's 82nd birthday at La Bruguera and it was a very memorable day! Mike was such a gracious host which added to the whole experience along with the exceptional beauty and charm of the house and its land. As an artist, I found it truly inspirational!
27 marzo 2022 17:41
Un lloc a L'Empordà molt tranquil, en mig d'un bosc i amb vistes al Pirineu. La casa està super equipada i arreglada amb gust. En Mike i la Michelle molt amables i atents. Un lloc per tornar-hi.
02 marzo 2022 13:27
I've visited a lot of eco-estates, permaculture projects and education centres for ecological living, and this is by far the best. Mike and Michelle are not only incredibly kind and generous, but they also uphold high standards in terms of how everything is ran, presented and coordinated. This makes for a place which has a relaxing atmosphere as well as being functional, as well as making you feel you are a part of something which isn't solely operating on a commercial basis. Instead, you are part of a community that is building a new way of living together, in a way that is regenerative, sustainable and enjoyable. (It also happens to be perfect for people in living and travelling in camper vans!)
02 marzo 2022 6:14
This is a wonderful little place for groups, families and couples. The food was wonderful, and all from the garden. The garden was beautiful and very well maintained and the rooms had a great view. Michael, the host was wonderful and very caring. I'm looking forward to going back soon!
24 febrero 2022 11:44
Anar a la Bruguera és entrar en un racó màgic, ple de natura, sons d'ocells i de l'aigua del rierol petit que travessa el seu jardí. És un lloc on l'ànima s'enriqueix en tots els sentits! Un lloc de calma, de relax, de desconnexió i de connexió amb tots aquells amb qui comparteixes aquesta casa. Conec molt bé als seus propietaris i són de les persones més admirables, maques i simpàtiques que et puguis trobar. Michelle i Mike gràcies per tot! ️
19 febrero 2022 14:49
I initially hesitated to attend the courses at La Bruguera to learn about soil, water harvesting and permaculture training because I don't have a garden, only a terrace. I am so glad I decided to ignore my doubts regarding the practicality, for me, of these courses. I discovered they are not for gardeners; they are for anyone with an interest in plant and animal life and natural resources, and the effects of human activity on all three. The classes were led by expert, Rico Zook, whose passion for his subject is obvious in his teaching and his hands-on activities. The location for these courses could not have been improved upon; La Bruguera de Pubol is akin to a nature park and the owners are trained in all aspects of the courses on offer and as passionate as Rico in wanting to share their resources, their knowledge, and their food, all grown on their property or within a few kilometres. The vegan luncheons, included in the low entry fee, were exceptional fare. Sharing them with like-minded people, who care about what is happening to the world, made for thought-provoking conversation and provided take-aways beyond the myriad information that Michael, Michelle and Rico provided and continue to provide even after the courses have ended. I've attended other courses with a similar theme at La Bruguera and recommend that anyone with an interest in doing no more harm to our fragile planet and its inhabitants, check out what they are offering; you won't be disappointed.
18 febrero 2022 5:34
Una experiencia perfecta:
Un dia fred, molt fred d’hivern es va fer “més caloros” gracies al Rico: un professor molt bo i que imparteix la classe d’una manera molt divertida.
Et canvia la perspectiva d’algunes convencions que tenim tos quan parlem d’horts i de reciclatge.
Entorn i companyía, ideals.
Aprends, comparteixes i t’endus idees per posar en practica.
26 enero 2022 21:45
Un lugar muy lindo calido y familiar. Y proyectos muy interesantes relacionados a la ecologia. Fui dos fines de semana cursos de permacultura de conservacion del agua y otro sobre tierra y compost, ambos super interesantes.

I learn alot about permaculture in theory and practice
Nice people, nice place beatifull nature.

Ps. The food was really nice!
26 enero 2022 9:47
Un paratge idíl·lic i inigualable. Hi hem estat com a casa, i sempre tenim ganes de tornar. Moltes gràcies Mike i Michelle per l’acollida.
07 diciembre 2021 16:25
We went on a permaculture training course and it was so informative, inspiring and fun. Mike and Michelle are the best hosts and have created a sanctuary of peace, bang in the middle of one of Costa Brava's most beautiful regions.
20 septiembre 2021 0:11
We rented the main house and it was perfect for the 8 of us. The property is spectacular and the hosts are extremely attentive to your every need. Mike even opened his garden for us so my daughter could make a fabulous vegetable soup! Plenty of dishes, glasses, pots/pans and serving dishes for making wonderful dinners at home to take advantage of the abundant riches of produce and meats/fish. Highly recommended!
11 mayo 2021 11:26
Es un lugar mágico, rodeado 100% de naturaleza y super bien cuidado. El dueño, Mike es encantador y están emprendiendo muchos proyectos relacionados con el deporte muy interesantes para evaluar el rendimiento, bikefits.
25 abril 2021 11:35
An amazing and pieceful place with a beautiful garden. You can sit down and relax wherever you want. Swimmingpool included and a great kitchen. The hosts Mike and Michelle are very friendly and helpful! I certainly recommend this place for a relaxed and beautiful stay. Don't look futher, you've found it!
13 marzo 2021 4:22
Simply THE best location I have experienced for staff training. Outstanding hosts (welcoming, friendly, knowledgeable, multilingual), incredible organic and locally sourced food and unbelievable setting of beautiful nature. There are so many unique areas to run activities and breakouts. La Bruguera must be experienced to be believed. 5* through and through
12 marzo 2021 8:55
Such an amazing stay where we felt like home! Really nice place with beautiful outsides that really help to disconnect and relax, and a huge amount of brilliant cycling routes near that make trainings easier
14 febrero 2021 23:13
Excel.lent allotjament, ben ubicat per fer les millors rutes, lloc tranquil i molt a prop de Girona.
Especialistes en ciclisme al nivell mes alt!
02 febrero 2021 22:27
Estuvimos en la casa rural la BRUGUERA DE PUBOL y la verdad es que fue algo increíble
Cualidad precio genial, los detalles de cada habitación, los utensilios la separación de la basura.
Volveremos seguro porque nos gusto mucho todo.
A demás les prometí llevarles arroz
29 enero 2021 7:45
This place, people and related experience totally fit my idea of perfect weekend trip (stayed for 3 days together with my wife). Magnificent location for those into this type of countryside. Hosts Mike and Michele, except being just cool people, have amazing skill to be-around-only-when-you-need-them. Finally, great cycling destination as well!
13 octubre 2020 22:47
Difícil trobar millor lloc i millors anfitrions qje en Mike i la Michelle. Molt molt molt recomanable
09 octubre 2020 13:54
La Bruguera is not only an incredible sanctuary in which to recharge, but also somewhere that really demonstrates how to practicably and incrementally take small but effective steps to limit our damaging impact on the environment. Mike & Michelle (owners) are increasingly introducing Permaculture principles as a basis for how they run La Bruguera. In doing so they intend to improve the soil quality and further increase the already broad biodiversity on the site. This is in addition to having an electric car for guest to rent, offering a material discount (15%) for those willing to arrive by train, as well as generating all their energy needs from renewable sources. My girlfriend and I are currently planning our trip back to see how the recently inoculated mushroom logs + newly install wormery are evolving, as well as to further pick the brains of our super lovely and highly knowledgeable hosts. Can not recommend highly enough!
08 octubre 2020 18:55
Great place to reconnect with nature and yourself. We enjoyed riding our bikes around the area, discovering every corner at the garden, chilling at the pool and dining al fresco! Hosts are on grounds and available but “invisible”! Highly recommended!
18 septiembre 2020 14:13
Fuimos con la hija y los nietos a disfrutar de La Emporda por 11 días y realmente gozamos, cada quien con su afición, mi esposa disfrutó del jardín, las plantas y descubrir tesoros botánicos en las masías abandonadas, los nietos de la piscina y yo de las maravillosas rutas para bicicleta de ruta.

La casa muy cómoda, la cocina súper bien equipada! Y la piscina para el caliente verano súper. Michelle y Mike súper anfitriones!
07 septiembre 2020 13:06
Una estada inoblidable en aquest paratge meravellós dins un bosc empordanès. Una finca magnífica plena de racons sorprenents que convida a la pau, a la reflexió i també a la festa.
La casa, còmoda, confortable i ben equipada.
Totalment recomanable.
04 enero 2020 0:13
A beautiful paradise-like place where you can truly relax and lose yourself for a few days. The grounds are stunning, with plenty of space even for the largest group of guests and the house is extremely comfortable, with a fully equipped kitchen and lovely, roomy bedrooms. I can't wait to return.
19 noviembre 2019 11:38
La Bruguera is an absolutely stunning place, run by wonderful and caring people. The gardens are so beautiful and peaceful! The perfect place to recharge and connect with the family.
25 octubre 2019 23:28
Superb hosts looked after us in their secret quiet hideaway. We could hike, cycle, swim or walk around their peaceful estate. The Catalan cuisine was delicious. Thoroughly relaxing and spiritually uplifting.
We'll come again.
22 octubre 2019 22:46
This is the most beautiful and relaxing, healing place I have ever been to. It's perfect for families. Loads of space with lush woodland and special nooks and hide outs. The hosts are so kind, thoughtful and friendly. There's loads to do in the nieighbourhood in terms of culture but relaxing by the pool is equally blissful. I would thoroughly recommend this to anyone and everyone.
03 octubre 2019 6:42
What a wonderful 3 night stay at La Bruguera de Pubol! Set amongst the most magnificent trees with cascading water and ponds, it had a beautiful garden filled with birds and butterflies. It was a true haven of peace. The friendly hosts Michelle and Mike were attentive, helpful and informative. They gave us great insight into Catalan life, history, culture and wine. They even arranged for a wonderful chef and a fine musician to animate our gathering of friends and family. This led to lively dancing and singing under a full moon. La Bruguera is a short walk from the Dali/Gala Museum and a short drive from the fascinating and beautiful city of Girona. Who could ask for more?
22 septiembre 2019 12:11
This place is paradise! The most beautiful garden to explore with ponds, mature trees and a wonderful veg garden. We loved all the different areas where you can sit to eat, drink or just contemplate. The swimming pool is also beautiful and a perfect temperature - our kids spent many happy hours in it every day. We also enjoyed the ping pong table and the hammock. Inside, the house is extremely comfortable and filled with interesting art and interior design features. The kitchen has everything you need and more. There’s a wonderful viewing point up at the top of the tower with full 360 views of the landscape.

We booked both the house and the apartment where the older members of our group stayed which worked really well. To celebrate my aunt’s 80th birthday we booked a chef that Mike and Michelle arranged and had a delicious Catalan feast that catered for various different dietary requirements.

The house and garden was so glorious we found it hard to tear ourselves away but enjoyed a day at the beach and an evening at a local fiesta as well as a great dinner of tapas in the nearby town. Mike and Michelle are incredible hosts and were so thoughtful and generous with advice and help. We will definitely go back - this has been one of our most favourite places to holiday! Thank you
16 septiembre 2019 6:46
We recently held a very special anniversary celebration at the delightful and charming La Bruguera de Púbol. Over the course of three days, more than 20 family and friends wined, dined, sang, danced at home and also explored Girona and the neighbouring countryside. Our warm and wonderful hosts, Michelle and Mike, organized every activity to perfection. We could not have celebrated our monumental milestone in a more magnificent way. We would not hesitate to recommend this truly splendid property.
04 septiembre 2019 16:04
I recently spent a delightful 4 days at La Bruguera celebrating my friends 50th wedding anniversary. There were 18 of us and I never felt crowded.
Our hosts Michael and Michelle went all out to make it a very special occasion. The dinners that Roger, the Chef prepared were absolutely delicious and beautifully presented. Fonso the guitarist provided music throughout one of the evenings for listening, singing with and dancing. The setting at La Bruguera is very peaceful and beautiful. So many different areas in which to relax, walk through or swim in the large pool on the grounds. They arranged several tours for us to take in the local sites and flavor of that part of the Spain. And only 11/2 hours from Barcelona. The bedrooms were large and each had it's own bathroom. A wonderful place to visit and I would not hesitate to go again. Kudos to Mike and Michelle
02 septiembre 2019 18:17
Absolute peace in a wonderful country setting with a cascading terrasse garden and superb food!
01 septiembre 2019 23:34
Such a beautiful place. Mike and Michelle couldn't have been more helpful. My husband and I will be holding tennis, nutrition and yoga retreats there in the future
21 agosto 2019 10:37
We ran a yoga retreat at La Bruguera de Púbol. The space is generous, beautiful and also practical. Are were our hosts.we appreciated the easy communication, their flexibility, warm welcome and sensitivity to people's needs. All accommodation, kitchen, practice space and the grounds are beautifully designed with an artistic eye, providing a wonderful sanctuary. It was lovely to be able to walk in the grounds and visit Púbol between practice. A heartfelt thank you to Mike and Michele.
08 agosto 2019 2:19
We stayed with Mike and Michelle during the Girona Cycling Festival this year and had a brilliant time. It's in a fab, rural location while not being too far from Girona, and both Mike and Michelle are so lovey and always helpful. I also enjoyed that it was vegetarian and very grass roots/eco friendly wherever possible. Highly recommended.
07 agosto 2019 6:20
I wish I could have stayed longer, explored more and kept on enjoying the hospitality and helpfulness of Michelle and Mike. The house, grounds and facilities were delightful, the countryside lovely with many scenic villages, cities and sites to visit, within easy reach (and we didn’t even make it to the sea - this time).

Have I mentioned the delicious food both at La Bruguera and at nearby restaurants, provided and/or chosen for us by Michelle and Mike? The sumptuous meals were all complemented by many delightful local wines, which we had a chance to find out more about at a very informative wine tasting. A gastronomic delight which, I have to admit, I was not expecting but made the most of.

As someone once said, “I’ll be back. ”
10 julio 2019 6:46
Beautiful setting in tranquil Pubol not far from Girona. It had everything our cycle group could dream of. And if we couldn't immediately find something, Mike helped sort it. Seemed like nothing was too much trouble for Mike & Michelle. Divine salads from the gardens; sublime coffee on tap. Thank you, Mike & Michelle. See you again soon!
25 octubre 2018 16:33
We arrived last Saturday, 9 cyclists from London to spend 4 days in
this lovely Villa in the middle of a forest and beautiful gardens. We had the house for ourselves. The Villa has all the commodities that we could possibly ask for.
After a long day of cycling we would come back and relax by the pool or sit and enjoy the garden with a cold drink.

Mike and Michelle made the planning for this holiday effortless. Communication was so easy, as if they knew everything that we needed (they did!)
We had a yoga class specially tailored for us and a massage after a long day of cycling.
We were spoilt by Mike and Michelle’s vegetarian cooking every night. So delicious, with most ingredients coming straight from their garden.

I can’t recommend this place enough. The perfect location, 30 min.from Girona airport, 30 min.from city centre and when it came to cycling we had a different ride every day, through lovely villages, la Costa Brava and some good climbs too!

There is still so much to see. I will be back!
18 octubre 2018 19:04
Mid September 9 women set off from London for a cycling adventure based at La Bruguera.a Bruguera is a slice of heaven on earth. The villa is set in a ‘Garden of Eden’ and much of the delicious food on your plate originates from there. I’ll never forget the smell of peaches growing in the trees - what a treat. Mike and Michelle prepared lip-smacking vegetarian cuisine that gave Ottolenghi a run for his money! I’ve never eaten so healthily but so deliciously at the same and this was perfect cycling fuel. Every meal was a treat.

For the cyclist in me there was support, expertise and mechanical know-how on hand and an in-depth knowledge of the area. We are hoping to come back again and take full advantage of Mike’s real appreciation of the wonderful area in which he lives. We especially enjoyed coastal trips and some epic hill climbs.

A quick trip to Girona was the final hurrah of our adventure and we were all bowled over by this beautiful city. Game of Thrones fans will recognise some of the city’s vistas from the epic season 6!

And I haven’t even mentioned the pool. Oh the pool. Just what was needed for hot, tired cycling legs at the end of a long day. So refreshing.

In short, we loved everything about La Bruguera. The villa, our hosts, the cycling, the pool, the food, the accommodation, the setting, the garden and on and on and on.

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