22 noviembre 2022 9:24
In the back of my mind for years I have been working in tech I've always wanted to get a deeper understanding of how web applications are made and the underlying principles used to make these. I worked in commercials for around 6 years and wanted to change my career very desperately.
I found myself with the opportunity to which I could choose a bootcamp and after an unsuccessful attempt another school which cancelled the course, I sort out Le Wagon in Barcelona where I live with zero expectations.

Soon after beginning the course I slowly realised I was surrounded by the professional and patient teachers & staff, I was absorbing and value information at a scale I haven't even encountered at university. Le Wagon's course structure (while seems intimidating in the beginning) is built to allow students to walk away with a vast understanding of the concepts used in building sophisticated web applications.

At the end of the 10 week bootcamp I built two very advanced applications (still live and accessible), and am undertaking a career to teach the same curriculum taught to me, to further invoke the value I received during my time there to future students with a burning interest in full stack web development!

I couldn't recommend Le Wagon as a school and their cohort if you're willing and have the drive to really change not just your career but your life in such a positive way.

Happy for anyone to reach out to me if they need any more insight into my experience:)
31 octubre 2022 0:53
Lewagon Barcelona, how it opened new horizons for my life

My name is Arbi Velaj, I am an economics graduate and I did my masters at Bocconi University, in Milan. During my academic path I slowly started to realize that what I was doing was not fitting my intellectual needs, so I began to look for something different.

At first, I was considering the idea of doing a bachelor in computer science, but then I heard about Le Wagon in Barcelona. I worked to save enough for the course fee and then applied for the batch, and I managed to get through the selection process. I had very high expectations, and I am very glad to say that what I got exceeded those expectations.

In two full-immersion months you can learn not only to code, but also to think as a developer. Le Wagon gives you all the tools and skills necessary to begin learning independently everything related to programming, and its approach prepares you for the challenges of learning in a very dynamic environment.

Eventually, one of the aspects that unexpectedly surprised me the most was the final project: during the last two weeks of the bootcamp you start a group project with which you will make your idea become reality. It is incredible that in two months you become able to create something valuable and to experience the start up environment and journey from the very beginning!
12 septiembre 2022 16:46
I attended the web development bootcamp at Le Wagon at the end of 2020 and decided that to write an honest review, I had to wait and see what the long-term outcome of doing this course was.
I took the course because all I wanted to do was freelance and have the autonomy to work from wherever I want. Two years on, I’m very glad to say I’ve achieved that goal. The bootcamp is very challenging and there were certainly times where I questioned my own abilities and wondered if I’d get to where I wanted to be, but thankfully I had the support of the amazing teachers and TAs who reassured me that the ‘click’ would eventually happen - and it did!
I had never coded before at all, so it was very beneficial that the bootcamp’s curriculum involved a lot of Ruby, as the syntax is easy to get the hang of for a beginner and once you’re comfortable with the logic, you can apply that same logic while learning other languages with more complex syntax.
The community aspect of Le Wagon has also been incredibly important in the development of my career, as I have access to a huge network of alumni who are always looking for freelancers to work on projects.
16 agosto 2022 23:22
I just finished Le Wagon bootcamp and I had an amazing time. I started the course as a complete beginner but by the end of it I feel ready to get a job in tech. The staff was amazing and super helpful through the 10 weeks and I would highly recommend this bootcamp to anyone that wants to learn about web development in a quick and efficient way. Great experience overall!
21 julio 2022 2:43
From cero to building and designing my own web and web apps in nine weeks! 
The teachers and the staff are amazing at their jobs and also amazing human beings. 
Would definitely recommend anyone to enrol!
22 junio 2022 17:01
Le Wagon is definitely a Life changing experience I would recommend it to anyone! The quality of teachers and teacher assistants is extraordinary; whenever I had a doubt or I was confused with an exercise, I always received guidance and never felt uncomfortable asking for help. The Barcelona crew was always supportive, helpful, empathetic and kind.

It seems impossible going from none coding experience to being able to build an app in just 9 weeks! ; But it is indeed possible! At Le Wagon you’ll learn the foundations and you’ll develop a way of thinking in which is easier to learn any other programming language.

One of my favorite things about Le Wagon was that it felt as if we were a family, and even though that we were a super diverse group, we all came from different backgrounds and nationalities but among other things we had one special thing in common: We all wanted to change our life through learning to code.

Le Wagon is amazing by itself, but having the opportunity to do the bootcamp in a vibrant city such as Barcelona is a great add on!
16 junio 2022 18:49
9 of the best weeks of my life. Great for making new friends, learning a whole new set of skills and opening the door for new opportunities. A decision I will never regret!
23 mayo 2022 2:58
Le Wagon bootcamp was extremely helpful to gain strong fundamentals on software engineering. The key of its success is how it is structured, all the topics are broken-down and ordered in a perfect fashion that allows the student to be fully capable of following the lessons and do not get "too frustrated".

For me, a non-coder, it has been the perfect bridge to the software engineering world. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to join it and I will strongly recommend it to anyone who asks!
07 mayo 2022 12:00
I can fully recommend the full time web-dev bootcamp — but be prepared for a wild ride of both fun and intensive learning for 9 weeks. As someone who has no previous experience of coding I was not sure how much I would be able to take from this course. Now 10 weeks later I am fully equipped to further my career and have a deeper understanding of what is needed to develop web applications. Furthermore my network has expanded and my newfound skills have already been put to use.
03 mayo 2022 22:33
Before applying to Le Wagon, I used to work as a Bank Clerk coming from an archaeology background. The unprecedented Covid pandemic hit, and I had to find a way of reinventing myself and acquiring a new skill set that would provide me an assured future, a way of settling down. That’s how I discovered Le Wagon’s Web Development bootcamp, an immersive 9-week course that completely changed my life. Not only for the unmeasurable valuable knowledge obtained, but for the equally worth friendships made along the way as well. If you ever decide to take part in the bootcamp - I can assure you that it’s going to be one of the most intense, insightful and fast-paced experiences. But as they say, time flies when you’re having fun, right?
15 noviembre 2021 2:34
Best decision of my life. Le Wagon has that learning methodology that makes you constantly want to learn more and go further with the world of code. Plus the staff of Barcelona is amazing!
05 mayo 2020 4:48
I'm an internet professional with more than 10 years of experience in digital analytics, growth and product optimization.

I've spent several years working for top tech start-ups in Barcelona; and last 3 launching my own projects working as a freelance and bootstrapping entrepreneur.

I really wanted to learn the basics of coding in order to improve my working relationship with developers, as a big part of my duties include dealing with tech specs and working closing with them; and also to gain more independence when tackling my own projects.

Le wagon has definitely been the perfect choice for me, as it allowed to dig deep into software development basics and get the fundamentals in order to be able to program my own digital products.

It was also an amazing opportunity to get in touch with an amazing group of motivated and talented individuals during a nine weeks learning process.

I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking forward to adding this highly valuable skill-set to their habilities.
28 marzo 2020 14:55
I studied at le wagon Barcelona in autumn 2019. My background was mainly digital marketing and growth hacking which meant that I spent most of my career finding innovative ways to connect users with innovative digital products. However, I always felt like something was missing. I needed to have more control over the products i was working on, I wanted to create my own products. That's why I decided to do le Wagon, and I wasn't disappointed.
The learning curve in 9 weeks is impressive, I am now able to create complex web applications and give life to my ideas. I also improved one of my favorite skills, Design. The ambiance at the school is really motivating, like a big family we all struggle through the 9 weeks while helping each other and filling the room with energy and creativity.
I can't recommend enough the Bootcamp and the staff working there.
23 marzo 2020 6:32
My journey in Barcelona started as a cumputer engineering student, but having myself struggling later in the process, I decided to take a gap-year. I did not want to waste my time in that year, so that’s where I chose to enroll in a full stack web development course. I visited many bootcamps here in Barcelona, but there was something about LeWagon that made me choose it: THE PEOPLE!
I came in first day quite nervous about the new tech adventure that I was about to experience, but that changed very soon as everybody was super friendly. I am not talking about the staff only, but the other students as well. In the interview before the bootcamp I was mostly asked about the type of person that I am, and thats where I saw the purpose of it. Students came with all kinds of backgrounds, related or not to programming, but everybody there felt like a good person. Very warm, friendly environment. That was my first impression.
The challenge of the first week for most of us was the schedule, but that soon became natural. Most of your time and attention though will be focused on the bootcamp, especially during the week, but that makes time go faster. Resting well is very important, as losing a single day of the bootcamp means a lot of information lost. If you have previous programming experience, the problem will not be how difficult the information is, but the amount of information, as fully understanding everything is very hard in such a short time.
The teachers made everything seem easier then it was, and, because of the friendly relationships that they built with us, we understood everything way faster. They boosted our confidence all the time, no matter how bad the situation. They took the time you needed to understand everything. Even when they were not teaching us, they made sure that everybody is happy during the day and always created a warm atmosphere. If anyone had a personal issue, they were there too. We were all living together day by day from 9 to 7 for 2 months, so we got to know each other, and the implication of the teachers Is what mostly surprised me, both during and after the bootcamp.
The experience as a whole helped me develop not only in the web development field (as expected), but also on personal and entrepreneurial level. Our batch was quite multi international and learning so much about all these other cultures was amazing. My favourite day of the bootcamp was the pot-luck day, where everybody brought traditional food from his country. We also evolved our teamskills as mid-way through the bootcamp we formed teams for the final project. Thats also where public speaking came in as a challenge and I could never thank enough. Most of us learned how to face our fear of confronting spectators during our pitches. We learned how to think, plan, build and present our projects, and in the final day, the demo day, we had to pitch it in front of outsiders and potential investors.
Although these 2 months went so fast, it felt like a full year due to our huge development both on personal and professional level. Everything was really intense and I loved it all the way through. My only regret was the actual end of the bootcamp, as I never wanted it to come. It was the most uplifting experience of my life so far.
19 marzo 2020 2:50
Many people were curious why I chose an international coding bootcamp. I was drawn to Le Wagon for the opportunity to work alongside classmates from across the globe. Having had experience working in Spain, the Barcelona program seemed to be a natural fit.

The bootcamp started even before I arrived in Spain, with several hours of prep work. I was immediately drawn to the coursework and was eager to put what I was learning into practice. The bootcamp curriculum allowed for us to be introduced to new concepts and really understand each subject matter. The teachers and teaching assistants were always available to help and support students along the way. In the final weeks, we leveraged all of the skills we'd learned to build a clone of Airbnb and our own web-based application. It truly is incredible how much we accomplish in just 9 weeks!
29 febrero 2020 12:43
Its been 5 years since I quit my job to be a full time mom. When I was deciding what to do next I was unsure where to begin. I was an application developer for many years before but was not confident if I would be able to pick it up from where I left off. I thought about other career options but kept coming back to what I enjoyed the most: developing exciting products and learning new technical skills to help me do that. Around this time I moved to Barcelona and was actively looking for ways to get started. Initially, I was applying for jobs and doing online trainings to test my abilities and upgrade my skills. I was neither getting any feedback nor learning much. I wanted to engage with like-minded people and look for places where I could be mentored. Thats when I came across Le Wagon Barcelona. It was the best rated coding schools and the alumni testimonials made my decision easier.

During my first interview with the founder I was asked what do I expect from this bootcamp. I replied saying at this point I want to learn and absorb as much as possible. In the 9 weeks that followed thats exactly what happened. We spent less time on lectures and more time doing hands on exercises with mentors helping us every step of the way. Each day we worked with a new partner and this made us adapt to different working styles and also interact with them individually. Some days were harder making us question if we were doing enough. But when you work with a bunch of highly motivated individuals from various backgrounds you push yourself. And by the end of the course we were proudly presenting our product demos.

The bootcamp was not about how much we did or how quick we were. It was for each one of us to commit ourselves to learn something new everyday and enjoy the process of coding. Isnt that always the best way to learn? This couldnt have been possible without all the teachers and mentors who made us believe we could do this. It feels like we are part of this big family who will be rooting for us to succeed in anything that we choose to do. I know I can always reach out to the alumni groups for advice and basically exchange ideas. Honestly, thats more than what I signed up for. Currently I am working with a friend on his startup TraininTech. It is a platform that helps companies train the key soft skills of their employees using an engaging solution. Users will not only be able to see the content but record their responses for realistic situations to get feedback and track their evolution. Going forward I plan to explore opportunities as a full stack developer and pursue my career goals.
06 febrero 2020 2:37
Change your life - learn to code @ Le wagon Barcelona If you're thinking about bootcamps in general, or Le Wagon in particular, you're probably wondering is the realty far from the truth? Well I am a real person, and Le Wagon worked for me. It worked out better than I could have possibly hoped. I have a bachelors degree in hospitality management and worked for a decade in the industry before realising i needed a change. Discovering code has changed my life. I wrote my first line of code about 5 months before I was admitted to Le Wagon Barcelona. The bootcamp was very intensive and demanding. It really pushed me forward and made me step out of my comfort zone and safe to say the most rewarding learning experience of my life. Le Wagon Barcelona provided an amazing learning environment with people from all around the globe along with amazing teachers and TAs. They are very supportive, understanding of your problems and helpful and overall very generous with their time and talent. They have taught us how to think like a software engineer, how to quickly learn and use new concepts and skills, and how to collaborate as a team on fast-moving, complex projects. That skillset will always be desirable. This goes to show that the program is not about carving out web devs with a narrow set of technical skills or orientated only to those who wish to become a developer, but to those entrepreneurs who wish to begin their own startups, future product owners and digital nomads. Le Wagon is like a home away from home for people who are willing to take a pretty stunning leap of faith in themselves. We left our jobs, moved across the country (some of us, at least, including me), and invested a good chunk of money into a form of education knowing there will be no degree or guaranteed job waiting for us when we're done. Le Wagon is an opportunity, but you have take advantage of it by giving it everything you've got. I took that leap of faith, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The whole experience changed my life. Met really interesting people. Made good friends. Learned awesome skills. And left with two projects as portfolio. In the end we leave as junior developers with a good amount of skills to help us keep improving. Safe to say the only obstacle standing in the way of changing your life is your self.
14 diciembre 2019 16:52
In general the structure of the program is good but the quality of some of the teachers/teaching assistants there is not as it supposed to be and I think they have to choose the teachers more carefully there.
11 diciembre 2019 11:21
My Le Wagon and Coding Journey

Before starting the Le Wagon bootcamp, I was and am still currently a finance student studying at a business school here in Barcelona. I decided that since I had a long summer, I would do something productive and meaningful. I also thought that since I’m studying business, it would be extremely useful to combine coding and business skills. I had heard about Le Wagon through a family member who had done the course and said nothing but good things about his experience. I started to look deeper into the course and saw what other alumni had to say about it. I saw many heartfelt and honest testimonials about how Le Wagon literally changed their life and which direction their career was heading. I thought to myself, “this must me too good to be true”. Regardless, I decided to apply.

After getting accepted and hearing what everyone had to say about Le Wagon, I was excited and had extremely high expectations for the course. I can honestly say, without any doubt, that the Le Wagon course changed my life completely. The course met all my expectations and even exceeded them. The amount of knowledge and useful tools gained from this course was worth every penny for me. What specifically stood out for me during the course was the final projects week where we learned to collaborate together on projects. During this week we were provided with assistance that was just enough to guide us and not too much to the point where we were being babied. It was perfect.

I was sad to say goodbye to the course, but at the same time excited to pursue my new freelancing coding career. And I realized that although, the course was ending, I would forever be a part of an amazing community that is Le Wagon.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Le Wagon!
08 diciembre 2019 19:42
I had been running my own media company for about a year and a half after deciding that teaching English was not challenging me professionally or personally anymore. I had reached a point where going it ‘on my own’ was my only real attractive option. Being a first mover came with certain advantages within my own market. However, this was short lived as the technology I was deploying became more user friendly, readily available and affordable. This slowly pushed me to want to stand out of the competition and offer something my competitors weren’t.

This is what initially made me consider learning how to code. I also felt that I had an innate knowledge gap that I was intent to fill and fulfill a personal objective. I visited various coding bootcamps in order to get a ‘feel’ for each one and see where I would best fit in. After having my initial contact with LeWagon I was convinced it was the best option. Their no-nonsense, personal, one-to-one approach during the initial communication is what finally made me decide that it was the bootcamp I wanted to attend. I haven’t looked back at that decision since.

From day one I noticed that I was surrounded by an intelligent, driven, passionate and international class. I came to know that it was in fact the most diverse batch even to have come out of Barcelona and it really showed throughout the course. I am naturally a slow learner; I like learning on my own pace and the bootcamp did feel overwhelming at times. The peer and teacher support however were incredible throughout, giving all the necessary support along the way. Every morning, teachers came to class with an unparalleled passion for their areas of expertise. This passion resonated towards me and helped me stay motivated through thick and thin. The most giving element of the bootcamp was definitely the inspiration that the staff gave me to learn and grown and I know many of my peers agree with me on that. During my time at LeWagon I pitched an idea for a mobile app to help airport passengers find interesting things to do during long transits. It was eventually voted on and chosen as a final project. I had the pleasure of leading an amazing team to build the application in the last 10 days of the bootcamp and finally pitching the prototype to an audience at the final demo day!

As for me, I took a long and well-deserved holiday immediately after finishing the bootcamp. I then went back to work in my media company. After two months I landed my first web-development project for company here in Barcelona. Not only am I able to create content for my clients, I am now able to integrate this content into their current websites or build new ones for them out of scratch. I now feel ahead of the curve again. The bootcamp was, for me, just the start. I’m more eager than ever to improve my coding skills, collaborate within different disciplines and stay on the ball!

To all the talented and inspiring staff at LeWagon,

Thank you.
24 noviembre 2019 23:45
It’s been almost 4 weeks since I left Barcelona and Le Wagon behind and I am left with some pretty incredible skills and memories that I will carry with me for a very long time. Deciding to spend my summer in Barcelona and at Le Wagon was probably one of the best decisions ever. I was studying my first year at uni as a Business Administration and IT student when I first was introduced to coding. Meanwhile the coding classes I had in uni made me doubt however I would ever be able to code Le Wagon proved me wrong!

The Le Wagon experience is one I would recommend to everyone. Except giving me a new set of skills the bootcamp also gave me a huge confidence boost, knowing that I am now capable of doing something I never thought I would be able to do.

I am so grateful for all of the incredible teachers and staff at the Barcelona campus and also my amazing classmates. Now I am looking forward to learning a lot more and searching for new projects to work on. The first one will be building a website for my fathers company!
23 octubre 2019 1:15
Discover what you're capable of!
I always felt like I would need to have a creative career. I studied fine art and illustration but as much as I appreciated the background it gave me in lateral thinking, I still felt like I wanted to do something more practical and disciplined. I began teaching as an English teacher and I found that it gave me that discipline I was looking for, as well as being very gratifying. I found that my favourite part of doing a lesson was planning it, creating new materials and discovering new apps or new ways of laying out lessons that were more interesting or effective. It was fun playing around with little pieces of paper, and gave me the opportunity to try out what would work with my students. However, I still really wanted to create something that felt real and tangible out of these experiments.
Two of my brothers were already working as programmers, so I suppose that I realised more quickly than other people might have that programming was a way to create something from this that felt a little bit more real. I was already living in Barcelona, so I was also already conscious that people in Barcelona live pretty well! It’s also very easy to make a lot of connections because people here are very helpful and there’s a lot going on. There are often people who want to collaborate with you or would like to show you how to do something and learn a little bit from you as well.
The teachers in Le Wagon were great, I suppose mostly because everyone has a good mentality about growth. It felt very fresh. The different people on the teams all brought something unique and useful, but it never felt like I was being forced to think one way or another. The most common line of thought among everyone was that they were proud of the work that had been done on the Le Wagon materials (which are incredibly well-researched and tested) and of how their own efforts were layering on top of that work and refining it. They were also all very kind, which is important when you are learning something intensively!
09 octubre 2019 22:47
I’m from Uruguay and originally started my studies in the fields of marketing administration. After getting my Bachelor’s degree I started working in a startup company and saw it grow into a fast-food chain with more than 10 stores. Some years later I started to feel the need to change my career into something that I soon found to be my new passion… coding.

A friend of mine told me about these type of intensive programming courses so I researched for the best ones in Europe and I found Le Wagon. After some research I decided to enroll in Le Wagon Barcelona, so I could also get to know the city.

Two months later I’m starting my freelance career and also diving into teaching, I wouldn’t expect to be able to create the projects that we did in such a short time.

Le Wagon Barcelona not only brought me technical knowledge, but also the experience of developing products in teams, contacts and a lot of new friends. They gave me all the tools to have an awesome and enriching experience, and I’m really grateful that I took it.
22 julio 2019 6:52
- Teaching assistants very keen to help and very able to help. It was incredibly reassuring at the beginning to see the teaching assistants, who for the most part had recently finished their Le Wagon, be so confident and competent in their coding abilities
- Even when the teaching assistants were unable to assist, the teachers were incredibly knowledgable
- I really enjoyed not being spoon fed information. There were 2 hour lectures in the morning followed by related exercises for the majority of the day, which became progressively more difficult, thus I felt that it was really solidifying the knowledge learnt in the morning
- There are countless exercises available to help you reinforce what you learnt, the teachers even gave me extra exercises when I finished the optional exercises, which was amazing!
- They care and cater for for all learning speeds
- I enjoyed how it was not only focused on the coding part, since I found the entrepreneurial side of things interesting as well. This was also a significant deciding factor in my choosing of Le Wagon. I wanted to learn how to code so that I could take some of the great ideas I come across and make them into a reality, that’s why the entrepreneurial side is so important to me
- Even all of the students were friendly, we became like a bit of a family by the end
- After finishing the course we still have access to a phenomenal amount of material for reminders, as well a whole extra course on the react and redux frameworks
- In addition, we have access to a large alumni network
- Another thing that I found to be very important was how they taught best practices along the way
- I also really enjoyed how in the live code session at the end of the day, there was an option to take on a more challenging problem if you already get confident in the day’s material
- Also Barcelona is a vibrant city, I loved living there and would consider living there in the future again. There is great food, good nightlife and good weather!

- the only negative I can honestly think of is that at the end of the boot camp they are very persistent for you to write a review. I usually never write reviews, and they managed to make me write one so clearly it works, and of course I understand that it is very important for them to get reviews. That being said, I think this is rather insignificant compared to all the positives

How much you learn is significantly based on how much effort you put in. Le Wagon certainly give you all the tools to learn an incredible amount in 9 weeks, and if you put in the work you can become very proficient. Thus, if I could give future students one piece of advice it would be to put in a lot of work, the amount you will learn will pay off!

Overall, I had a great experience. I learned a copious amount in 9 weeks, the staff were all friendly and helpful, and all the resources still available after the boot camp are amazing! Highly recommend!
23 mayo 2019 18:04
A shift in my first job contract gave me three months to spare. It was then when a friend told me about Le Wagon and highly recommended to take it, I remember he literally said "It will change your life". I had a technical background, but not being capable of implementing anything was frustrating. I did not think it twice and I started my journey at Le Wagon.

Looking back, Le Wagon was an intense experience, but really pleasant to carry. During the week, from 9 to 19ish, fantastic people from all the world with different backgrounds made time fly, and once coding was over, football and beers took place. At weekends, Barcelona's weather and lifestyle offered plenty of possibilities: going to the beach and playing volley ball, tasting local food or, the favourite of some of us, enjoying Barcelona's nightlife.

Le Wagon was just the beginning on my coding journey. As soon as I finished the bootcamp, together with two friends, we founded a start-up. There are still loads of things to learn, but Le Wagon set the essential foundations to keep learning in a fast and solid way.

Now it is me who highly recommend Le Wagon to all my lifelong friends and say "It will change your life".
23 mayo 2019 13:26
I am super grateful to the whole team at Le Wagon! Super impressed by the teaching – the curriculum as well as the techniques and the teachers' skills – and organization. You can totally tell that they're super professional without ever getting boring. Communication and spirit are great, everyone is super open, fun but – as already said – professional at the same time. It's A LOT to learn, your brain gets fried on a daily basis but it's worth it and you learn so much along the way – also about yourself! In the end they really encourage to coach you in finding a job so you know you're not alone out there.
21 mayo 2019 23:51
I had always had a strong interest in code which started when I was watching my tech team developing our software in previous companies. Before launching my next ventures I had decided that this time I wanted to have the knowledge to code the product myself. I had heard about the course from friends in Paris who had done it in the past and was glad to find the class had also been opened in Barcelona.

The course is really rich in terms of learning, but it is made in a way that everything is divided in daily courses and exercises which are easy to follow. And if there is anything you don’t understand straight away, the teacher and TAs are helping you with everything you need.

I would really recommend le Wagon course to anyone who either want to learn to code or simply become a better product owner by understanding what your engineers are working on.
After the Bootcamp, Emma, Fred (a fellow le Wagon alumni) and I launched Amenitiz, a website-builder and digital management tool for the hospitality industry, and we’re now working with over 150 properties across Europe. Given the choice again, I would go back to le Wagon anytime, coding changed my life!
17 mayo 2019 21:48
Le Wagon Barcelona - nothing short of a 9-week long dream

Graduating from a business school, I was looking out for a new direction to expand my skillset, and, in particular, a way to combine my past experience and knowledge to create tangible value. Web-development answered all my needs and I thoroughly researched all my options before I decided to trust Le Wagon.

The school felt like THE right place from the moment I got in touch with the admissions team, who make you feel as welcome as you are at your own home.
The 9 weeks I spent with Le Wagon in Barcelona allowed me to fully immerse myself into one of the most motivating, productive and intensive environments I have ever experienced, all while being surrounded by the some of the most collaborative, positive and outgoing people I could ever meet.

The course syllabus and the web-based teaching resource platform, available to you for life, are incredible in the way they allow you to learn at your own pace, while diving into just the precise amount of detail, thoroughly vetting all the information you need, providing you with the opportunity to continuously expand your skillset forever, collaborate with the amazing ever-expanding community of Le Wagon, or just to freshen up your knowledge.

However, the true highlight of the campus were the teaching staff who never seized to inspire and undoubtedly provided me with all the best guidance and support I needed to embark on my coding journey. Bolstered by the entrepreneurial focus of the camp and the final project weeks, I now feel confident that I can successfully join and contribute to the tech ventures of tomorrow.
07 mayo 2019 3:07
Right now I'm on the other side of the 9 week Full stack Web Developer Bootcamp. Going from a beginner coder to now, I am amazed at what I have achieved. I already have some interviews lined up and I have started building my website portfolio plus a new app idea of my own.
I would not have been able to do this had it not been for Le Wagon's bootcamp and the help and support of Gus and the team here in Barcelona.
I would recommend the Le Wagon bootcamp to anyone, especially here in Barcelona, where we have sunshine almost every day and different fun events every weekend. It was great to have a whole new group of friends to enjoy this beautiful city (and make hilarious coding jokes with!).
Good luck future coders!
24 abril 2019 5:51
Le wagon Barcelona is a fantastic place to learn not only how to code but also is perfect to pick up other valuable life skills such as designing and developing your product, public speaking, team work, pair programming, time-management and learning new things about the wide variety of cultures from your bootcamp classmates. The course is fantastically structured, ideal for learning, and the content is amazing. Of course, the location is awesome too! Barcelona is a spectacular city with so many things to discover so you will enjoy the atmosphere both inside and outside the bootcamp. Would 100% recommend this course to anyone willing to learn how to code - I had the best time and I'm sure you will too!
03 abril 2019 2:31
After being graduated from Top French Business School, I had various professional experiences where i was in contact with programmers. Fastly, I realised that I had no legitimacy to run my project correctly because I was not able to talk their language properly. My conclusion: I needed to understand them to be more efficient in my work.

I heard about Le Wagon when I was in Business School while they organised a workshop and I really loved their methodology: learn by doing. So I decided to get in touch Le Wagon Barcelona and few interviews after, I was on board.

On my first day, I have directly been amazed by the variety of profiles in my batch: engineers, medical students … I probably couldn't have the opportunity to work with so many different people in one place. And it had been a real chance because this is what makes this experience so unique - people with totally different backgrounds, different points of view, different skills - but with the same purpose: learn to code and change life.

Those differences had been the engine of our success: we were combining our soft and hard skills to reach a common goal: create a product that we were believing in.

To any applicants: I highly recommend you to follow this bootcamp. This is a really challenging moment that requires a lot a work and involvement. And at the end you'll learn so much more than code.

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