24 octubre 2023 4:56
No los utilices si quieres que te roben el dinero. Mi empresa estadounidense los utilizó (Alejandro) para servicios de empleo de una persona en España, y como el caso está cerrado y finalizado, nos queda dinero en la cuenta que estamos intentando cerrar y recuperar. Durante MESES han ignorado nuestras llamadas telefónicas y correos electrónicos. Incluso llamamos a su oficina de Madrid y pusimos en contacto a su abogada inmobiliaria y ella nos colgó después de que llamáramos muchas veces. Tenemos todos los correos electrónicos y la documentación para demostrarlo.
12 octubre 2023 2:19
Mi esposa y yo queríamos solicitar la visa de nómada digital de España desde nuestro país de origen, Turquía, y decidimos buscar ayuda de un bufete de abogados local y elegimos Lexidy. Desafortunadamente para nosotros, el proceso no salió como habíamos planeado y lamentamos haber pagado 3000 € a Lexidy.

- Desde el principio, sentimos que Lexidy no estaba familiarizada con el proceso general de solicitud de visa de nómada digital de Turquía; creemos que aceptar nuestro caso fue un error para ellos.

- Lexidy no sabía que la solicitud del NIE debía realizarse previamente (le proporcionamos esta información a Lexidy) y esto nos provocó un retraso de 6 semanas en el proceso de solicitud.

- No pudimos comunicarnos correctamente con la embajada y Lexidy tampoco.

- Lexidy llenó los formularios del NIE incorrectamente (la embajada quería nuestra dirección turca y Lexidy recomendó escribir la ciudad donde queríamos residir en España) - además de esto, nos dijeron que solicitar el NIE normalmente era un servicio separado para el cual Normalmente cobrarían 400€ por persona. Un servicio que no sabían que era un requisito:)

- Lexidy insistió en que las traducciones debían hacerse en España, y en el centro de solicitudes descubrimos que la mayoría de los documentos ni siquiera necesitaban ser traducidos.

- Lexidy no sabía que sería necesario un certificado de antecedentes penales apostillado de Alemania (en los últimos 5 años viví en Alemania durante 6 meses). Nos enteramos de esto en el centro de solicitudes.

- Lexidy no nos informó que necesitábamos tener un seguro médico privado en España para poder solicitarlo desde Turquía - la declaración que decía que solicitaríamos la seguridad social en España no era suficiente (Lexidy nos dijo que sería suficiente). Debido a que no teníamos el certificado de antecedentes penales apostillado ni seguro médico, el centro de solicitudes no aceptó nuestra solicitud.

Hablamos de estas deficiencias por parte de Lexidy y solicitamos un reembolso completo, pero Lexidy sólo reembolsó 1000 €. Terminamos investigando, descubriendo el proceso y pagando 2000 € por algunos correos electrónicos que realmente no ayudaron en nuestro proceso. No recomiendo sus servicios.
07 octubre 2023 20:18
Me enviaron una respuesta genérica y automática pidiéndome que reservara una consulta. Pregunté nuevamente si este era un trabajo en el que eran competentes, para decidir si reservar o no, y mi correo electrónico fue ignorado. Muy mala comunicación
21 septiembre 2023 17:00
Conocemos la Golden Visa española mediante la inversión inmobiliaria a través de búsquedas en la web, pero como extranjeros tenemos un conocimiento limitado sobre el cumplimiento de la solicitud de la Golden Visa y las reglas y regulaciones que rigen la compra y venta de propiedades.

Hay muchos sitios web que explican cómo funciona el sistema legal Golden Visa o la propiedad de propiedades en España, pero sabemos que va más allá del idioma portador y que necesitamos un especialista con experiencia, receptivo y dedicado para hacer el trabajo.

Nos encontramos con Lexidy Law, que se especializa en ayudar a los extranjeros en la solicitud de Golden Visa y en nuestro caso a través de la compra de propiedades (hay pocos tipos de formas para calificar en la solicitud de Golden Visa española).

Debido a la sencilla estructura de precios de los servicios de Lexidy y a las explicaciones fáciles de entender sobre el proceso de compra de una vivienda, nos sentimos seguros después de reunirnos con el Sr. Alejandro, quien fue la primera persona que conocimos en el proceso de solicitud.

Durante la compra de nuestra propiedad, la venta de la casa se detuvo y se convirtió en un negocio complejo y problemático como resultado de la disputa familiar de los vendedores sobre la distribución del producto de la venta. La discusión duró dos meses, retrasando el plazo de finalización.

El equipo inmobiliario de Lexidy ha hecho un excelente trabajo, en particular con el liderazgo del Señor Juan Diego.

Juan es un abogado práctico, altamente informado, competente y con los pies en la tierra en este campo; Su experiencia laboral previa en bienes raíces nos brinda un buen espectro de opiniones y consejos con alternativas o soluciones y muestra su capacidad para clasificarlas de manera lógica para que tomemos la decisión de elegir la que mejor se adapte a nosotros.

Proporciona rápidamente actualizaciones sobre cada desarrollo y destaca las complicaciones o consecuencias tanto desde la perspectiva del vendedor como del comprador (casi todos los días). Sus habilidades de comunicación efectivas y fluidas en inglés hablado y escrito salvaron mil palabras para personas que no hablan español como nosotros; Mantiene en mente los mejores intereses de sus clientes y al mismo tiempo permanece independiente al dar sus consejos.

El equipo de bienes raíces de Lexidy ha dedicado una cantidad considerable de tiempo y recursos ayudándonos a cerrar exitosamente la compra de esta propiedad.

Sí, ahora somos orgullosos propietarios de una casa y Lexidy no nos cobró más por el trabajo y los esfuerzos adicionales en el problema del proceso. Estamos impresionados y agradecidos con el profesionalismo.

Gracias Lexidy, sería imposible para nosotros tener un cierre impecable y una transacción de propiedad exitosa que ahora nos lleva al camino final del proceso de la Golden Visa española que maneja la Sra. Laura y su equipo.

Es realmente una bendición y esperamos sinceramente que nuestra revisión también lo beneficie a la hora de encontrar la elección correcta del proveedor de servicios de solicitud de Golden Visa español.
21 agosto 2023 14:10
Servicio excepcional con detalles exigentes. El personal no solo fue amable sino también extremadamente agotador para hacer que todo fuera simple, eficiente y claro. Ya sea que se trate de las nuevas visas digitales o de las visas de jubilación, ¡son su opción obvia!
12 agosto 2023 15:05
Un gran bufete de abogados que cubre todo lo que un expatriado pueda necesitar. Inicialmente necesitaba ayuda con bienes raíces, y también me ayudaron con inmigración, impuestos y asuntos legales corporativos. Gente fantástica con la que trabajar. Alejandro de su departamento de bienes raíces e inmigración es mi contacto principal y es un placer trabajar con él. ¡Muy recomendable!
21 julio 2023 16:24
No responde realmente. Envié mi primer correo electrónico hace más de una semana y obtuve una respuesta general con un enlace para reservar una reunión que cuesta 70 euros por 30 minutos. No me importa pagar eso si supiera que obtendré una información relevante. Envié una respuesta a ese correo electrónico buscando alguna aclaración hace unos días y todavía no hay respuesta.
16 julio 2023 3:21
I used Lexidy services to apply for SETR status.
I did it after contacting a number of providers, but Lexidy were the only ones that consistently kept regular communication, promptly answered e-mails, kept all the appointments. Something that is a normal expectation but rarely met in Spain:).
In addition they were very competent, provided clear and accurate advice. They also flexible and accommodating and Sara Rinaldi that i dealt with is a very pleasant person to deal with.
It seems it is a business that have a clear business model of providing good quality service and as such I think it deserves to be promoted.
10 junio 2023 12:04
El equipo de Lexidy Law me brindó un excelente servicio. Su rapidez y servicio al cliente fue excepcional. Usé Lexidy para facilitar la compra de mi casa en Marbella España e hicieron que la experiencia fuera tan simple y placentera. Recomiendo encarecidamente los servicios de Lexidy. Juan Muñoz y Alejandro Cano fueron mi punto de contacto y fue un placer trabajar con ambos.
12 mayo 2023 1:56
I had an initial consultation call with Max for my visa application, during which he provided me with the next steps to follow. However, despite sending a reply and a follow-up email, in which I mentioned I needed a quick response due to a time-sensitive matter, I have not received any response in over a week. This lack of response is unprofessional and leaves me uncertain about the reliability of their services.
11 mayo 2023 15:32
Cristina is the person you need if you have any immigration inquiries. She has honestly been phenomenal, answering each and every question so promptly, we had an issue with the immigration office and she took care of everything with extreme empathy and professionalism. Thank you for all you have done for me.
09 mayo 2023 23:53
No response, no call backs after numerous emails/phone calls to various Lexidy employees (Sergi/Sara/Jorge).
06 mayo 2023 22:53
Lexidy's first submission on my behalf cost 400+VAT. For up to two years, I thought everything was fine. Until I received a notice from the Spanish tax authorities asking for official receipts and translations which were quoted at over 4000 euros. The submission was rejected and my tax liability was re-calculated making me owe thousands.

During the process, there was no personal consultation, I had to edit and make several corrections, documents for the wrong year were submitted, the draft cover letter addressed me as a female.

A attention to detail and quality control does not exist. I was moved from one advisor to the next and eventually left on my own with Spanish Tax Authorities.

Had they given me proper tax advice like I paid them for, I would have been informed as to exactly what documents I should gather and translate for this process. Lack of clarity and communication is evident in the pathetic email chain with this company.

They called with an urgent request for an additional 800+VAT and stated that if I did not immediately pay they would not support me any further when the issues has not been brought to resolution at all. How am I to trust this company and pay them another penny when I have been provided with a lack of competence and accountability.

I am still waiting to hear back. Not a phone call nor email, even after following up via their website. No reply: - (
18 abril 2023 2:28
Alejandro was helping me navigate the process of nueva obra construction to gain Spanish golden visa. He proved to be very knowledgeable and we had a great phone call where I learned more in 20 minutes than I would have from months of internet research. Unfortunately the property I was looking at ended up not being suitable, which was discovered thanks to his due-diligence, so I was not able to go through the entire process, so I can't provide a review of the full legal process. But I'll be engaging with Lexidy again if I find a suitable property for me in the future!
09 abril 2023 16:58
We've only had an initial consultation with Wessel from Lexidy, to explore our planned move to Spain and all the paperwork that is involved. Lexidy do not charge for this initial consultation, unlike quite a few other firms. Wessel was extremely helpful and gave us very clear information both during our video call and in the follow-up email. The only reason why we have chosen not to go ahead with Lexidy, is the fact that we found a firm in the province that we will be moving to, which is an important benefit for us.
31 marzo 2023 17:53
Prompt response and plenty of clear information in English. Personable, good-humored fellow. Clear explanations of what would be included and what it would cost.
23 febrero 2023 19:37
Yuliana has been a great help from the initial contact. I had a great consultation with her, and she provided all the information I needed.
18 febrero 2023 17:03
I've worked with Lexidy with various tax and immigration related inquiries, which they have handled well.

However, I did have a negative experience regarding obtaining a digital certificate. I engaged Lexidy to obtain a digital certificate, for which they charged 250EUR. As it turns out, the certificate was valid for just one year, which they did not inform me of when they delivered it to me.

After I discovered it had expired, I wrote to Lexidy expressing my surprise, but I never received any reply.

I then proceeded to follow the process myself to obtain a new digital certificate per the website of the Fabrica Nacional de Mondeda y Timbre to obtain a digital certificate. The process is, in fact, free and (if you speak Spanish) only marginally more complex on my end than engaging Lexidy.

On top of it all, the digital certificate I received from the FMNT is valid for 3 years, not 1.
11 febrero 2023 9:35
We've been dealing with Lexidy for few years now and happy to endorse them for their efficiency in handling and sorting any issue that may have arised.in particular, Isabel Sanchez who assisted us in sorting a rather difficult issue related to social security. Many thanks Isabel!
04 febrero 2023 19:19
Eleonore and the Lexidy team were INCREDIBLE in helping me and my family get our visas for France. We tried for weeks to do it on our own and after all of our extensive research, we still had questions about what to do or how to do it successfully. Eleonore was with us every step of the way. She was able to answer every question. We were left feeling confident that Eleonore and her team were giving us the best chance possible of getting the visas we wanted. And it worked! It was great to have a lawyer who was so familiar with the French visa process - they are experts! We didn't want a visa lawyer who was a generalist and didn't specialize in French visas. Thank you so much!
04 febrero 2023 16:27
Probably the most unhelpful people ever
Just money grabbers if i could give 0 star I would
First of all in all honesty they were helpful as they would be to a new potential client
They started then pressuring me that i can get a discount if i was to pay it in 2 parts within 2 days i was apying for residency through arriago familiar unfortunately i have a minor conviction from 4 years ago and i simply said before i pay you guys (which is non refundable) will my application be successful
And they just said sorry we cannot assist you without paying
DO NOT GO WITH THIS COMPANY AND THEY QUOTED ME €1200 for it all crazy price
22 enero 2023 16:31
Comment from Radostin and Kaloyan Bulgaria:

We could recommend working with Lexidy and especially with Juan Diego Muñoz to everyone. Our assessment is defenitely 10 out of 10!
Strict professional who cover full end-to-end journey in buying real estate and successful relocation to Spain in our case. We highly appreciate efficient and effective approach and providing us and supporting us in each step of the journey in buying property in Spain. Without support of Juan Diego we would be lost, he provides us with daily support in most critical days before finalization of the deal and also there was not even a single question to which he could not provide us details in most structured way.
Thank you Juan Diego Muñoz, thank you Lexidy we will be happy working together in the future.
We wish you lots of success in your innovative and trustful approach in supporting your customers in a holistic way.

Radostin and Kaloyan
28 diciembre 2022 15:05
I used Lexidy's French Office. I highly recommend working with Eléonore Tavares de Pinho. She is the best! Excellent personalised service, professional and very kind.
10 diciembre 2022 10:57
Buenas tardes,
Mi nombre es Maritza Gil, soy Venezolana y quiero contarles brevemente mi experiencia con el bufete de abogados Lexidy.

Independientemente de cualquier circunstancia, un proceso migratorio no es nada fácil. Les confieso que al principio intenté hacer varios procesos por mi propia cuenta, entre tropiezos, altos y bajos me llegue a sentir como en una nube gris, sin avance y sin dirección.

Gloria a DIOS me recomendaron el bufete Lexidy y corrí con la gran suerte de ser atendida y asesorada por el abogado
David Planes Vilar. Que en poco tiempo se convirtió en mi brújula, dándome una dirección clara a seguir, mi proceso avanzó en perfecta armonía y más rápido de lo que imaginé.

Solo tengo un corazón agradecido por su excelente trabajo y profesionalismo. Por supuesto recomiendo ampliamente el bufete de abogados Lexidy y su gran equipo.

Maritza Gil.
09 diciembre 2022 15:11
My experience was optimal. Each time I sent an email, the response was prompt, the information thorough, and the exchange pleasant. The complimentary consultation was informative, friendly, and professional. My immigration services will be addressed by none other than Lexidy Law Boutique. I thank you for the detailed information, your authenticity, most of all, for making me feel at ease in discussing such a private matter.
08 noviembre 2022 2:48
I just booked a free consultation with Eléonore who was very nice and gave me the advice and options to bring me to the best outcome in my situation.
27 octubre 2022 6:51
I worked with Juan Diego de Muñoz for my real estate lawyer. His help was invaluable to me! He worked with the sellers and real estate agents who were reluctant to engage in the due diligence process for the property I bought. He smoothed that over and helped me obtain a thorough check of my flat and the building it’s in, which yielded important information. Juan Diego made sure my every question and concern were addressed the same day that I raised them. Metaphorically, he held my hand through the whole process, but also made sure I was the one making informed decisions. I highly recommend him and Lexidy Law Boutique!
19 octubre 2022 17:41
We use Lexidy for our payroll and accounting services in Spain, and they have provided great service to us for 3 years. They always respond on time, are proactive, and accurate with their work. I would recommend using them. Our contact Isabel Sanchez is great to work with.
18 octubre 2022 9:23
It’s been more than two years now, I have known Lexidy and their amazing team. This company peoples are so active and helpful especially Karla. She is very kind and patience. Really appreciate your job and helping us to get a better future.
01 octubre 2022 16:41

Lexidy prepared my taxes for the past two years.

Earlier this year, Spanish authorities questioned my 2020 return: their Tax Specialist prepared a response. When I emailed him a subsequent notification, I learned his paternity leave began unexpectedly.

With only one staff member out, this “boutique firm” revealed itself - not with care or quality service.

The tax specialist’s stand-in, a trainee, ignored two emails requesting help. After four-days, I contacted Managing Director, Joanna Mello. When she did not respond after two more days, I contacted CEO Federico Richardson Alborná. His assurance that the matter would be addressed at the “earliest” was filled by another three days of silence.

Contacting him again, using “reply all” activated the accounting manager. He informed me the office was understaffed and suggested I handle the matter on my own.  I replied (with copy to the ever mute CEO), suggesting he speak with his boss about customer service and reliability.

The accountant summarily filed some documents, but failed to make good on his promise to phone the authorities. Silence from the CEO: no apology for his staff’s conduct.

Another demand has arrived. The tax expert remains on leave. Calls to the Boutique’s CEO Phone go unanswered. Sr. Richardson’s silence could not indicate more clearly the unimportance of service or concern about the reliability of the firm’s work.

Run, don’t walk, from Lexidy.
28 septiembre 2022 5:33
I do not recommend! Complete time wasters I was emailing Julien Vezina and when he found out that I was in the UK all emails were then ignored even though it's a legal matter In Spain I need to address and straightforward! Not happy
11 septiembre 2022 6:09
David and the Lexidy team is absolutely amazing! Perfect execution. Time and capital saver. Highly recommend them.
08 septiembre 2022 15:06
I am looking to to buy my first property in Spain and had my intro call with Alejandro today- very pleased with the valuable insights gained and your guidance on the legal aspects of the Spanish property market, sales cycle, mortgage application process and risk mitigation. Alejandro, thank you so much for your advice and invested time, I'm genuinely looking forward to working together on this exciting project:)
19 agosto 2022 16:35
Super friendly, knowledgeable, and accurate with the information. I highly recommend the services. Thanks!
18 agosto 2022 3:07
My wife, 2 children, and I wanted to move to Spain on a non-lucrative visa to experience something new following a stressful covid period. I had the privilege of working with Max and Gabriela, who were outstanding: Fluent English, nurturing us the whole way from initial sales contact through to landing in Spain, refreshingly responsive (usually within minutes, unlike many legal firms which work in units of days!), deeply knowledgable (added so much more value beyond paperwork), professional, experienced, and couldn't do enough for us. Top marks - and that's from a customer with high expectations! Thank you for the quality experience and for helping us realise our dreams)
15 agosto 2022 19:57
We contacted Lexidy Law boutique when we recently moved from Cyprus to open a new chapter in our lives to move into a house in Brittany that we had bought 12 years previously. We had underestimated the twists and turns involved in obtaining residency in France - so we contacted Lexidy Law Boutique and were assigned Eleonore, an immigration lawyer well acquainted with French immigration laws. From the very beginning we realised she was determined that we should have a successful outcome and she guided us expertly to avoid all the pitfalls in the process of applying for residency. She even accompanied us to the prefecture and ensured that everything went smoothly - without her presence we might well have not succeeded.
We thank and highly recommend Eleonore and Lexidy Law Boutique.
01 agosto 2022 11:57
We are working with Lexidy for our immigration and real estate needs. Our real estate lawyer, Juan Diego Muñoz, has been amazing to work with throughout the entire process. His diligent communication during the real estate purchase has not only kept us informed every step of the way, but helped us to understand the differences and intricacies of purchasing property in Spain. We can't say enough great things about Juan Diego and the team at Lexidy.
28 julio 2022 10:38
Amazing service from Alejandro initially and then Juan. We were intending to purchase a property in Barcelona and Juan conducted all of the checks to ensure the deal was legitimate - it turned out that it was not as straight forward a transaction as initially expected and Juan helped us to avoid a potential financial disaster. We are so grateful and have 100% confidence in Lexidy's professionalism. We will certainly be using them more in the future and highly recommend them!

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