06 marzo 2024 9:34
He vivido varias veces con la empresa Live Further en 3 apartamentos diferentes. Siempre he estado plenamente satisfecho con su servicio, profesionalidad y trato acogedor. No tuve ningún problema cuando viví allí. Siempre me pagaron el depósito cuando me mudé, los apartamentos son hermosos y hay un ambiente muy familiar con todo el equipo trabajando allí. Especialmente quiero agradecer a Marc, Sofie y Emilia que son las personas de la empresa con las que tuve más contacto. Todos ustedes son increíbles a su manera. Gracias por este tiempo y espero (probablemente;) terminar viviendo contigo también en el futuro.
05 noviembre 2023 15:15
Alquilé con Live Further por un período de 11 meses y, durante ese tiempo, los encontré excepcionalmente profesionales. Me ayudaron enormemente mientras me adaptaba a vivir en BCN a tiempo completo, y siempre apreciaré sus respuestas oportunas y su atención a los detalles
10/10 lo recomendaría
07 octubre 2023 22:36
¡Legal! Cada vez que les pregunto algo, respondieron e hicieron todo lo que pudieron muy rápido. Sólo tengo cosas buenas que decir sobre ellos.
26 septiembre 2023 23:12
Llevo ya dos años en España. Y esta agencia es de lejos la mejor. Personal amable, buenas ubicaciones, precios razonables y servicio de primera calidad.
Si eres un cliente potencial y buscas tranquilidad, estás en el lugar indicado
06 julio 2023 6:56
Recientemente tuve el placer de alquilar un apartamento a través de LiveFurther en Barcelona, ​​y debo decir que fue una experiencia excepcional de principio a fin. Desde el momento en que los contacté, su equipo fue profesional, receptivo e hizo todo lo posible para garantizar que se cumplieran mis necesidades.

En primer lugar, la comunicación con LiveFurther fue perfecta. Sofie y todo el equipo respondieron rápidamente mis consultas y brindaron información detallada sobre los apartamentos disponibles. Escucharon atentamente mis requerimientos y me ayudaron a encontrar el alojamiento perfecto que se ajustaba a mis preferencias y presupuesto.

El proceso de alquiler en sí fue sencillo y bien organizado. LiveFurther manejó todo el papeleo necesario de manera eficiente, haciendo que la transición a mi nuevo hogar fuera fácil. El apartamento estaba en excelentes condiciones, limpio y equipado con todas las comodidades que prometieron.

Durante mi estadía, LiveFurther continuó brindando un servicio al cliente excepcional. Todas las solicitudes de mantenimiento o inquietudes que tuve se abordaron de inmediato y con la mayor profesionalidad. Realmente se preocupan por la satisfacción de sus inquilinos y se esfuerzan por mantener un alto nivel de calidad en sus propiedades.

También me gustaría felicitar a LiveFurther por su compromiso con la transparencia. Los términos y condiciones del alquiler se explicaron claramente y no hubo cargos ocultos ni sorpresas. Valoran la comunicación abierta y honesta, lo que contribuyó en gran medida a mi tranquilidad como inquilino.

Por último, quiero expresar mi gratitud por el toque personal que LiveFurther agregó a mi experiencia de alquiler. Su genuino interés en asegurar mi comodidad y felicidad me hizo sentir valorado como inquilino. Su dedicación y atención a los detalles los distinguen de otras agencias de alquiler con las que me he encontrado.

Recomiendo de todo corazón LiveFurther a cualquiera que busque una agencia de alquiler en Barcelona. Su profesionalismo, capacidad de respuesta y compromiso con la satisfacción de los inquilinos son verdaderamente dignos de elogio. ¡Gracias, LiveFurther, por hacer que mi estancia en Barcelona sea inolvidable!
26 mayo 2023 8:16
Mi experiencia de casi dos años viviendo en Livefurther ha sido muy buena. Es una opción segura de alojamientos con todo lo necesario para mudarte en Barcelona. Las habitaciones son cómodas y el servicio incluye los gastos, los colaboradores buscan ayudarte y facilitarte la vida. LF es una gran opción ya que tiene varias localizaciones dentro de la ciudad y mantienen precios justos, además de que buscan colocarte con roommates similares que se convierten en amigos. Gracias por todo y lo recomiendo ampliamente!
28 febrero 2023 19:34
Tuve una experiencia realmente agradable con Live Further. Viví 5 meses en un apartamento Live Further. El piso estaba completamente equipado y era realmente cómodo, y los compañeros de piso también estaban bien seleccionados. Los colegas de la empresa son realmente serviciales y amables y siempre están disponibles si necesita ayuda o si tiene alguna pregunta. No tuve mayores problemas durante el proceso de alquiler ni durante mi estancia en su piso. También organizan diferentes tipos de actividades o eventos para sus inquilinos, estos son realmente buenos si quieres conocer gente nueva y divertirte. Así que te recomiendo encarecidamente que si necesitas una habitación en Barcelona, ​​¡definitivamente alquilaría una habitación en LiveFurther!
15 febrero 2023 20:58
No podría pedir una mejor manera de instalarme en Barcelona sin pensar demasiado ni estar constantemente preocupado. A lo largo de mis 8 meses, conocí muchas personas increíbles de todo el mundo, con quienes establecí relaciones de amistad. Al mismo tiempo, cada vez que necesitaba el apoyo de LiverFurther, Emilia y Sofie siempre estaban ahí para responder de manera oportuna. ¡Mi más sincero agradecimiento!
11 diciembre 2022 8:04
Viví con Life Further durante más de un año y sus excelentes servicios los recomiendo a todas las personas que buscan el alojamiento más alto posible en Barcelona. ¡De primera categoría! ¡Gracias!
11 marzo 2022 22:25
Live Further was very easy to book housing in Barcelona with, and the communication went very smooth as well. It is a trustworthy company, and I experienced no major issues throughout my stay. In case any problem would arise in the apartment, they were quick to react and send assistance. I would definitely recommend Live Further to anyone looking for easy, reliable and flexible accommodation in Barcelona.
07 febrero 2022 5:44
Livefurther is a fantastic agency to go with whether you have only just moved to Barcelona or have been here for some time.

Very responsive and amazing for any help whether that be you’re new to the city (Buddy Program) or helping with best practices on getting your Empadronamiento

Highly recommend
02 diciembre 2021 15:28
I stayed here for nearly one year. Besides a comfortable living environment and friendly staff there, I also gained many great bits of help and suggestions about the resident permits, vaccination, etc. I would highly recommend LiveFurther.
30 noviembre 2021 21:43
Una perfecta experiencia!

Desde el principio Livefurther me ha recibido muy bien. El piso estaba situado en una zona muy tranquila, cerca del centro histórico y de la playa Bogatell. El dueño del piso siempre organizaba eventos. Es una perfecta oportunidad para los nuevos en la ciudad conocer a la gente y hacer nuevos amigos. Livefurther no es sólo una agencia, sino una familia acogedora que siempre te ayudará. Mis 10 meses en Barcelona con Livefurther han pasado rápido y sin ningún problema y al regreso ya sé donde acomodarme.
25 noviembre 2021 13:40
Muy profesionales y atentos en todo momento. Te recogen en el aeropuerto a tu llegada, que para las personas que no conocemos la ciudad, es importante. Recomiendo Live Further 100%, en mi caso, apartamento con buena ubicación, con todo lo que puedas necesitar, la terracita me ha dado la vida! Encantado con Emilia! Cercana, atenta, muy profesional!
16 octubre 2021 17:02
I spent my first 6 months in Barcelona with LiveFurther.
The apartment was really nice and my room was quite big and with a nice view.
I didn't have any particular problems but all the small issues were immediately fixed by the staff.

I'd definitely choose LiveFurther again.
04 agosto 2021 20:10
I stayed in a LF apartment when I was an exchange student at ESADE in 2014 as one of the first tenants of this then-new company, whose proprietors were also students at ESADE at that time. We found the apartment because one of my classmates I'd decided to look for an apartment with knew one of the people involved in this business from when he was an exchange student at her home university. Our experience started out well, and we were asked to leave a review almost immediately after moving in, which should have been a red flag. Our experience deteriorated from that point, with issues including:
- The lock on the front door failed on multiple occasions, during which we would be stranded and have to either stay outside or ask neighbors to give us a place to shelter until Marc arrived. One of these occasions was in the middle of the night, which meant calling a locksmith; when we requested reimbursement, he would only pay half of it, even though the issue was a bad lock.
- Finishes, furniture, and appliances were all of low quality, with nearly everything being the cheapest option from IKEA and the rest from Carrefour.
- Marc would barge into our apartment unannounced, sometimes when we were sleeping, for non-urgent reasons (collecting payment, routine maintenance, etc.). Besides being creepy, I later learned that this is illegal under local law.
- Social activities were of minimal added value, and usually consisted of meeting us somewhere, where we would foot the bill for things that often were more expensive than what we would ordinarily spend, being broke students. Marc also had a habit of bringing a particular friend who my roommates and I found creepy along, which meant that we would always be sure that one of us would shun alcohol (sometimes secretly by "sharing" a drink with someone who was drinking) during outings.
- We were blamed for "damages" to the apartment, one of which would be best categorized as normal wear and tear (carpet near door needed cleaning - I eventually let this one go), and another of which was a defect with the washing machine that ruined some clothes and left us without laundry for weeks. Marc's mother (the actual owner of the building) tried to say that it was our fault unless she proved otherwise, which was logically inconsistent enough for me to reach out to a professor who is trained as a lawyer. As suspected, this was totally bogus, so when the repair person finally came (driving down from one of the mountain villages), I tried to tell him to send the bill to the landlord because it was their problem. Apparently something was lost in translation, because he understood my words as "you will not be paid for this job" and understandably left and complained to the LF associate who had called him. That was thankfully sufficient to get the attention of Marc's associate, who finally fixed the machine himself in 5 minutes. Expect any maintenance calls to be like this.
- Marc charged for the full calendar month, regardless what day you move in/out. Move in wasn't an issue for us as we moved in right around the beginning of the month. However, one of the roommates wanted to stay a few days into the next month after our classes ended, but obviously decided to find a hostel after he stated his intent to charge her the full month's rent for those ~5 days.
- Marc overstated utility costs and would try to offload random business costs onto tenants, notably bank fees incurred in paying the housekeepers.
- All this supposed "value" for the low, low price of.about 150 euro/month more than our classmates ended up paying for similar accommodation with better access to the Barcelona social scene and the all-important FGC trains that go up to ESADE's campus in Sant Cugat. Seriously, as pretty as the park across the street is, you can find a much better value with reasonable effort.

It's been 7 years to the day since I moved out and I'm still not over this experience. I sincerely hope things have gotten better since then, but I'm not optimistic. Do yourself a favor and RUN AWAY from this company.
04 agosto 2021 20:10
I would highly recommend live further! I needed to find a place to live in Barcelona on short notice and they were not only able to accommodate me, but found the perfect location that was near my school and near the train that I take to soccer. The staff are all great to work with and go above and beyond! The apartment was beautiful and very clean and organized with everything I needed. I also met my best friend from us meeting in the same Live Further apartment. Live Further is definitely the way to go if you need a place to stay in Barcelona!
27 julio 2021 9:43
Amazing experience!

I moved to Barcelona for work reasons, and as didn't know anyone in the city, LF was the solution for everything I needed at this moment. I lived in a Live Further apartment for 12 months and from the beginning to the end, everything was 100% transparent, with 0 abusive fees and customer-oriented. The experience with Live Further staff was also fantastic, and the quality of the apartments/rooms/furniture is outstanding.

100% recommended!
24 julio 2021 11:24
I've been living in LF for 4 years now. Really good experience. The accomodation is very good, it offers a diverse and international input and the events on the side are a great way to mingle and network. I'd recommend it!
17 julio 2021 23:46
Been with LF since I moved to Barcelona, and haven't moved since. The apartments are well taken care of and come with all necessities.

So far it has been a great experience and i would definetly recommend it to someone who is looking for a room that is well located in the city!
29 junio 2021 11:17
I have stayed with Livefurther during 3 years and I must, I would have never imagined staying that long. It's like having a family abroad. Everything was perfect, and I must say that I miss my time with them.

The flat was super clean and cheap for the experience you get. Livefurther is always available for you when needed and make sure that you feel like at home. If you want to live the best experience in Barcelona, make sure to stay with Livefurther.
07 junio 2021 14:38
Vivir en Livefurther ha sido una gran experiencia, siempre están pendientes de todos los aspectos del piso, todo el personal que trabaja para LF es súper atento, y muy profesional.
Recomiendo elegir como opción de vivienda LF.
05 marzo 2021 12:02
He estado con Live Further más de un año y ha sido una experiencia inolvidable!

Desde el primer momento que llegué a la ciudad se han preocupado por mí y un bus me ha llevado desde el aeropuerto hasta la puerta de mi piso.

Durante mi estancia siempre han estado atentos y dispuestos a ayudar en caso de cualquier problema que pudiera surgir. El equipo de la empresa es un 10. Muchas gracias Marc, Silvia, Javier, Mané. Y por supuesto, muchas gracias Emilia! Siempre habéis estado ahí.

Además mis compis de piso han sido increíbles. Live Further se preocupa para encontrar compañeros de piso que sean compatibles contigo y parece que funciona de manera inmejorable!

Si en un futuro se diera la oportunidad no dudaría en volver a contar con vosotros.

MUCHAS GRACIAS y hasta pronto!
12 enero 2021 11:59
Great service is so rare to find in Barcelona but Live Further really offers that little extra. Fair rents too! Thanks guys
12 enero 2021 6:06
I would like to share my experience with Live Further. Starting from the booking process which was smooth, everything was arranged and very vell explained via email and phone call.
When I arrived in Barcelona, I was welcomed by Marc, who helped me get to the apartment, explain how the contract would work (they have a Spanish and English version of the contract). Even though it was a Saturday afternoon, he was available to show me a little of the surroundings.
There was a day when I lost the key to the apartment, but the service that Live Furhter offers to open a ticket when something is not working in the proper way and they have another channel for emergencies so the mix of those both things made my incident to be supported by the team with efficiency. The team is very friendly. Here special thanks go to Emilia for always being available.
The apartment and the room are prepared to move directly and during my stay were always clean and maintain in good condition.
I will definitely be back to Live Furhter in case I would need it again in the future, and of course, I highly recommend it to anyone looking for accommodation in Barcelona.
04 enero 2021 13:17
Best possible accommodation option for young international adults looking for trustworthy, supportive and family-like customer service and aiming to become locals in Barcelona. Living in Livefurther will give you many international friends for life. They have a super team that really cares about you!
27 diciembre 2020 12:01
Had been with LF for 2 years now and it has been nothing but a great collaboration! Totally recommended!
16 octubre 2020 6:14
Incredible experience! They are a very serious and well-organised company, while they also aim to build a very welcoming environment for the foreigner tenants that come to the city without any network.

The room was clean and fully equipped, as well as the whole apartment. I had only to bring my clothes. The common areas are getting cleaned on regular basis.

After reading all those stuff with awful renting experiences in Barcelona, I am glad that I chose Live Further and I had zero problems during my stay.

Totally recommend!

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