03 diciembre 2023 19:57
Residencia con todo lo que necesitan nuestros hijos/as fuera de casa, personal muy amable, que te ayudan siempre que lo necesitas. Realizan muchas actividades para ellos. En definitiva estamos muy contentos de haverla escogido.
09 noviembre 2023 8:12
Mi experiencia de un año en Livensa Marina,
Muy buenas instalaciones, espacios adecuados para trabajar y estudiar. Sin duda lo mejor de esta residencia fue el staff; Todos los que lo integran: recepcionistas, personal de limpieza y en general. Siempre muy amables y atentos con las necesidades de los residentes. ¡Muy recomendado!
30 octubre 2023 1:33
La residencia es muy acogedora. Hay residentes de todos los lados del mundo, así que tienes la oportunidad de aprender muchas cosas. Los trabajadores de recepción unos cracks!
17 octubre 2023 13:44
Fue una experiencia increíble vivir en livensa living marina. Recomiendo seriamente a cualquiera que esté buscando un gran producto con gente increíble. El personal es excelente y realmente amable.
17 octubre 2023 4:53
Las instalaciones de la residencia son muy modernas, gente internacional, actividades… Los precios un poco altos, pero las recepcionistas las mejores
12 octubre 2023 7:21
Tuve el placer de alojarme en esta residencia durante un año mientras cursaba mi maestría. Fue una experiencia increíble. Conocí gente fantástica y el ambiente es limpio y seguro. El personal es excepcionalmente amable y siempre está dispuesto a ayudar. Esta residencia realmente me pareció como un segundo hogar.
11 febrero 2023 20:08
Beautifull place (15 mn walking from the beach, not far from the center). Nice stay in Barcelona
02 diciembre 2022 20:57
El peor servicio que he experimentado en mucho tiempo.

He tenido el gusto de quedarme con ellos en 2019, cuando abrieron Livensa Living Diagonal Alto, la primera residencia de este grupo en España. Fue una experiencia inigualable, y desde que regresé a mi país me dediqué a recomendar ampliamente estas residencias.

Para octubre de este año tenía pensado regresar a Barcelona a realizar una maestría. El 5 de mayo del 2022 pagué el enrollment fee de mi maestría, y para el 13 de mayo del 2022 ya tenía pagada la fianza, los meses de septiembre y octubre con Livensa Marina.

A principios de junio, desgraciadamente mi familia y yo recibimos una noticia complicada sobre la salud de un familiar directo. Me contacté con Livensa el 24 de junio explicando el caso, al igual que con mi Univerisdad, explicando que era una situación de incertidumbre y no sabía si podría presentarme. Finalmente, el lunes 22 de agosto me comuniqué con Livensa y mi universidad para solicitar una cancelación.

Presenté biopsias, informes médicos, post operatorios, e incluso les mostré la cancelación con la Universidad y el reembolso de la misma. Me comentaron que mi caso pasaría a una directiva, quienes decidirían si me devolverían el dinero o no. El 20 de septiembre me avisaron que " no han autorizado ningún reembolso de los importes abonados, debido a que no están contemplados en nuestra Política de Cancelación. La reserva queda anulada y se mantendrán los 2675€ pagados como concepto de penalización"

Claramente enojada, el mismo 20 de septiembre pedí explicaciones, pues me parecía increíble que permitieran reembolsos por visas denegadas, pero no por situaciones de salud delicadas. Estamos a 31 de octubre y no he recibido respuesta de esta empresa, he enviado correos todas las semanas, desde diferentes cuentas, e incluso me he puesto en contacto por teléfono y no me solucionan.

Es completamente comprensible que no me devuelvan el mes de septiembre, pero he realizado un depósito de €1,000 euros a modo de fianza, y ni eso me han devuelto. Su contrato dice que
"Livensa Living retendrá la Fianza como garantía frente a cualquier daño que deba cubrirse, en la Habitación, las Zonas Comunes o la Residencia en general, cualquier pérdida o desperfecto en el Inventario proporcionado (exceptuando el desgaste propio), cualquier elemento de uso común, cualquier cuota impagada y cualquier otro cargo incurrido durante el Periodo Acordado debido al incumplimiento de cualquier obligación que implique perjuicio o impago. "

Incluso si tuvieran la razón sobre el incumplimiento de pago en el periodo acordado, la cual no tienen pues comencé mi proceso de cancelación con 1 mes de antelación, no he recibido una sola respuesta donde expliquen porque una directiva decidió que la enfermedad de mi padre no es suficiente razón para una cancelación, cuando incluso la universidad devolvió el monto completo de la matrícula y colegiaturas.

No les recomiendo que traten con esta empresa, no son personas profesionales, pero sobre todo son inhumanos.
07 noviembre 2022 12:57
I spent about a month in this résidence. It was a pleasure to see such a welcoming staff, the People working at réception and the cleaning Ladies were all very welcoming and helpfull. Special mention to Juan, I wish you guys all the Best for the future.
22 octubre 2022 3:13
Muy bien situada, buen precio, te sientes como en casa y cerca de varias discotecas.
Personal muy amable.
21 septiembre 2022 1:52
Es mi casa. Así lo he sentido desde el primer día. Belén y su equipo (Juan Carlos y Teodoro) hacen un trabajo magnífico para que todos tengamos lo que necesitamos en nuestra vida académica. Sin duda, esperaría que todo aquel que quiera triunfar en sus estudios, tenga esta oportunidad de vivir en Livensa Marina Barcelona!
07 septiembre 2022 17:44
A dissapointing experience, they make you feel cheated all the way. The boy from reception shows you in a hurry the place as if he would have something else more important to do. While booking, you find out from call center that a month equals 28 days (so if you book for an academic year, you pay extra 1 month only from this scam). In their leeflet they advertise accomodation from 5 to 10 months at extra fee, but surprize, you can actually book either 5 or 10 months at special Livensa month lenght of 28 days! Lets suppose that you can swallow all these.there is more to swalow like 250€ reservation fee on top of the rent even if you offer full pay in advance including the deposit fee ‍️!
In life, making money is important, but doing it onestly is royalty! Good luck with them, I lost my patience.
23 agosto 2022 6:58
Han incumplido el contrato y a día de hoy todavía no me han devuelto la fianza. He insistido y dejado constancia de esto, fui a poner una hoja de reclamaciones y la atención ha sido nula. Es una vergüenza tener a gente esperando por su dinero. Una lástima porque mi experiencia había sido buena y me da pena haber terminado tan disgustada por una pésima gestión.
20 agosto 2022 9:26
High cost for the student.require payment on the same day. The deposit was never returned.still promise and no one responds to requests.fraud.
18 agosto 2022 5:24
Tengo una experiencia en la residencia de dos años, el eslogan de que Livensa es como tú casa se queda lejos de lo que pretenden con ese tipo de marketing. Este último año el servicio de las 5 vitro cerámicas de la cocina lleva roto más de 3 meses, cocina en la cual comen aproximadamente 200 personas y hay un hacer colas de 30 min para poder hacerte arroz.
En cuanto a tomar soluciones la actual directiva, piensa que el uso de las cocinas no es un uso que sea vital ya que según ellos puedes pedir comida y no hace falta usar la cocina, con lo que tengo que gastar un dinero en comida a domicilio del cual nos dispongo por ser estudiante.
Para colmo si visitas la residencia para ver las instalaciones te dirán que está todo en perfectas condiciones y disponible para su uso cuando lo desees.
Un punto a favor es que no tenemos vitro cerámicas para cocinar pero si una fabulosa PlayStation 5 que puedes reservar con dos horas de antelación.
30 enero 2022 22:02
If it was possible to give 0 stars I would have given them. Please don’t book with Livensa, it will save you a lot of money and issues. I wish I took the other reviews seriously before I booked. You’re not even allowed to sit on the rooftop or inside courtyard after 12. Even if you are alone or need some fresh air since the rooms can be suffocating.
Next, you pay a lot of money for security but either the main gate will be broken or not locked. Everyone can just walk in and steal your stuff. Even in broad daylight. And they will do nothing about it. So from this you can see how helpful the staff is, hint, they are not.
Overall it was a bad experience and I regret booking with them. So please go book with another residence, as this one is a scam. The price you pay is too high for what you get.
Ps. You pay 5.50 for doing your laundry everytime and there are just 3 washing machines and 3 dryers for the whole residence. And most of the time there are issues with the machines. They could take an example from the student hotel around the corner, where the residents can do their laundry for free.
30 enero 2022 15:33
Looks great at first sight, unfortunatly very unsafe and bad organizing. Alot of people got their stuff robbed:/ Company doesnt have any insurance for that so look for something else, tsh for instance
27 enero 2022 3:17
A very good residence in Barcelona with many facilities like Gym, Swimming Pool, Study rooms, Big Common room, etc. The Livensa Management are all warm, friendly and understanding. They are always there for you if you need anything. The room is cleaned every week on a decided day with new bedsheets and 3 new towel/napkins. Regarding security, there is a secure door through which only the residents can enter through the key given. The Livensa Management also make sure that no unwanted visitor enters the residence. Also, if there is an issue within the room, they are immediately addressed by the technicians. Overall, I would say that this residence just feels like home and you will have a great experience:)
26 enero 2022 23:59
If you go here, get ready to get robbed because the place is totally unsafe. Tried to point this out, but they say they can not help me AND YOU PAY SO MUCHHHHH! Thanks for nothingggggg
24 diciembre 2021 22:52
Lo único bueno que me llevo de esta residencia son mis amigos. No voy a entrar en detalle pero la verdad es que la gestión es pésima y si podéis ir a otra residencia, mejor.
09 noviembre 2021 5:26
Ha sido una experiencia genial! Cuenta con unas instalaciones necesarias que necesita una residencia y el staff es muy profesional. Lo recomiendo!
17 octubre 2021 8:34
(For those who may have any doubt after reading those negative comments) This is such an amazing place which I have already recommended to my friend and for sure I will recommend to those who needs to find a place to stay in BCN. Here they have super friendly and warm-hearted staff, as well as every facilities you may need, such as common kitchen, gym and swimming pool. And they also have guard for the night, cameras in the common area for everyone's security. The only thing that annoyed me is those students who didn't respect the rules and other residents, here I'm referring to these who complained the staff had violated their privacy. I can assure you that all the staff here didn't do anything inappropriate, either the neighbors nearby. I mean, since when there is camera for everyone's security in the public area means a kind of violation of freedom and privacy? At least I won't do anything inappropriate in the public which means I don't afraid of being filmed by the camera. The staff didn't treat us like kids, it's just some of the students who are lack of responsibility and throw it all to the others. The other thing is about the neighbors, I mean imagine when you are getting old, you wouldn't want some people yelling by your window at 2am right? So that's why the neighbors called the police to stop those irresponsible students. So if you need a nice and comfortable place to stay for your study, just come here and enjoy yourself!
04 octubre 2021 6:15
Fue una experiencia super buena, aunque haya algunas pequeñas cosas que cambiar, el establecimiento es super bueno.
Recomiendo ir.
29 septiembre 2021 22:32
I would choose Livensa Marina again only for the friendships I made there. The other students made me feel at home from the very first day, and we now share priceless memories. However, this feeling was sometimes hindered by the rules enforced by the residence. For example, I did not appreciate being banned from common areas for a week. There are cameras everywhere and even just visiting a friend to their room is apparently forbidden. The rules allow everyone's safety, yet sometimes they lack of flexibility and common sense. The reception staff was at times very nice and available, but in other cases we were treated like kids and they refused to have an open conversation with us, so as to solve the issue. The residence's facilities are overall really good and I would recommend going there, but a few things need to be changed in order to make this a truly good experience both for the guests and the people running the residence. Final recommendation: do not bring your goldfishes to Livensa
14 septiembre 2021 15:01
I spent an amazing year in Livensa Living Barcelona Marina because of the people I met there. I lived there between September 2020 and July 2021, which means during times of COVID restrictions. Especially a curfew of several months created a strong bond between the residents because we were not allowed to leave the building at night. During that period I was really happy to be able to live together with all these people who rapidly became a group of good friends.

I really liked the infrastructure of the building. The rooms, common areas and other facilities are nice and everything is new.
Unfortunately, my overall rating cannot be positive because of the management of the residence. I know that, because of the pandemic, it was a complicated year for everybody, both the staff and the residents. Nevertheless, I often had the impression that we were treated like children and that the management preferred to blame or punish the residents instead of being on their side and supporting them. For the staff, Livensa is their workplace, and I think that they do not always realize that for the residents, this place is their home where they live 7 days a week. They seem to forget that the residents are actually their customers who are paying a lot of money to stay there.

I would have preferred a more flexible management that sets rules with common sense (and I am not only talking about COVID restrictions, but also things like opening hours of common areas, visitors policy, additional costs appearing everywhere), that admits if some rule is not logical and is ready to change it accordingly. Instead, they always stick strictly to their regulations and protocols or refer to their own managers who are not even present in the residence.

The most problematic aspect, in my opinion, is the camera surveillance. There are cameras in every corner, which means that you are constantly filmed, from the moment you leave your room. I understand that in a student residence, it is necessary to have cameras for security or emergency reasons. The problem is that their usage is not limited to these exceptional moments, but that they are used to observe the residents constantly. The staff is watching the cameras all the time and sometimes even analyzing hours of footage the day after to see which resident is going to which room or who was doing what in the common areas the night before at what time. This clearly goes far beyond security issues, it is only about surveillance and control. Even some of the employees themselves told us that they were being monitored this way, to check, for instance, how many times they left their office to go the bathroom. I have to raise this issue because for me this is not only deeply concerning for privacy reasons but it also seems on the limit of legality. I never gave any consent to this and my contract did not mention it either.
07 agosto 2021 18:32
Nice student accommodation, accommodating to students present but common kitchens can be dirty making it hard to prepare food on arrival. Pricing could be better as 850 euro a month was abit of a joke. Staff was helpful just strict rules were inforced while i was i there. Cant blame them for doing their jobs. Gym was well equipped but if possible id a squat rack with a olympic bar it would make the gym complete. Rooftop of the accommodation was very nice, only issue is neighbouring apartments could see what you were doing and would call police if it was late at night for noise.
Overall experience it could have been better in this student accommodation but the people ive met here have definitely given me some good memories for life and made some real connections. If it wasnt for the students living there they would have a less review.
24 junio 2021 19:39
Ha sido una gran experiencia vivir en esta residencia. Las habitaciones están muy bien, la gente de recepción es muy agradable, y dan muchas facilidades y apoyo. Realmente recomendable!
23 mayo 2021 14:57
Awesome facilities and awesome vibes from students, close to the beach, really good to be here during those depressing lockdowns.
09 mayo 2021 0:30
This is not your home. You can not leave your room after 10pm according the police. The kitchen is always duty. The gym is never available. They change the rules every week. They watch you all the time. The police always come inside. You are more free at home than here!
01 mayo 2021 8:39
Son increíbles! Me siento como en casa, sin duda un equipo y unas instalaciones que merecen mucho la pena.

100% recomendada ️
25 abril 2021 9:41
Los chicos del equipo de Livensa son muy atentos y serviciales. Realmente te hacen sentir acogido y a gusto. La residencia está en muy buenas condiciones y siempre todo está muy limpio. Las habitaciones son muy cómodas y hay muchas facilidades como el gimnasio, terraza, salas de estudio, cocina compartida muy amplia. Recomendado

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