23 enero 2022 9:21
És molt simple, la gent de Lucas Fox a part de ser uns grans professionals, són propers, empàtics i els agrada la seva feina. Els importa tan els compradors com els venedors. Volen que les dues parts quedin contentes. El tracte cap als clients i l’esforç que hi posen són excepcionals. Us ho dic amb el cor palpitant damunt la meva mà. Me l’he tret un momentet del pit per escriure això amb tota sinceritat i estima que els hi tinc.

Joel Joan
22 enero 2022 17:27
Excelentes profesionales. Sin duda la mejor agencia inmobiliaria de Gerona. En particular Marisa Heatherwick, a la cual recomendaría 100%. Es una extraordinaria profesional.
08 enero 2022 23:00
I highly recommend Marisa and Lucas Fox for your property search in Girona. We reached out to Marisa blindly to express interest in a piece of property we saw online in Girona City. What we didn’t know at the time was that the sellers had recently decided to take the property off the market due to the pandemic. Intuiting that we were interested buyers only after a brief email exchange, Marisa worked with the owners and the ever shifting Covid travel restrictions to push forward with a viewing. On meeting Marisa at the viewing, she was warm, knowledgeable and engendered complete confidence. And as serendipity would have it, we realised we knew her brother who lives in London as we do. We made an offer soon after the visit and Marisa was an excellent facilitator between us, the sellers, and a local attorney she recommended to us to help with the purchase and follow on Golden Visa. Though Covid increased the level of difficulty, Marisa was instrumental in making for a very smooth purchase and we are completely delighted with our second home in Barri Vell!
23 diciembre 2021 5:06
Marisa at Lucas Fox was referred to us by someone who had a good experience in the past. Lucky for us she was the perfect agent. After vacationing in Girona, we decided to relocate from the USA. We traveled again to Girona and met with Marisa to view several properties. Marisa was very prepared in advance. She took the time to gain a good understanding of our preferences, including the location (rural) and style of house we were looking for. After viewing several properties we found our dream house. Not long after we submitted an offer, the pandemic hit which made the whole transaction a bit more challenging. Marisa was patient, professional and extremely helpful throughout the entire process. Her expert guidance helped us feel more comfortable with the unique situation. With Marisa’s help, we were recently able to complete the purchase and make the move. I absolutely recommend contacting Marisa if you are looking to buy or sell property in Girona.

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