02 abril 2024 13:56
Mi primera experiencia de surf en una playa impresionante. La escuela está bien organizada y Francisco es muy profesional. Espero tener la oportunidad de repetirlo cuando vuelva a BCN.
28 diciembre 2023 16:18
Todos en el equipo son amables, pero la organización me pareció un caos.
Me mandaron del bar a la playa solo, con unas instrucciones medianamente claras de cómo encontrar al grupo (“es un grupo grande, lo notarás”). Pero había muchos grupos allí. Pasé junto a ellos y alguien vino a buscarme.
En 2h, creo que había 4 personas (¿o más?) dándome instrucciones. Como pagué por un instructor, esto me resultó confuso y un poco estresante. ¿A quién consulto para que me oriente? ¿Quién tiene un ojo puesto en mí? Además, los consejos fueron diversos, pero demasiado diversos/amplios durante 2 horas (porque cada persona tenía diferentes cosas que decir/opiniones).
Las estrellas son para el encantador y amigable equipo de la playa. Todos estaban ansiosos por ayudar. Daría menos estrellas por la estructuración del proceso si se calificara por sí solo.
05 diciembre 2023 2:28
Increíble! Gestión super fácil y todo el equipo encantador! Marly ha sido súper profesional y cercana, un placer repetiremos seguro!
25 octubre 2023 6:56
Una familia pequeña, ¡como la escuela!
Gente súper amable y una mentalidad increíble para los deportes acuáticos.
Mi hermano y yo aprendimos a hacer kitesurf:)
Los instructores adaptan los cursos a las previsiones meteorológicas y a sus habilidades individuales.
17 septiembre 2023 13:12
Em van arreglar en un moment la vàlvula d'un kayak inflable que perdia aire i que a altres llocs no havien sabut ni dir-me què li passava! Totalment recomanables! Super amables i professionals! Un 10 de gent!
07 septiembre 2023 1:45
¡Fue una experiencia increíble! Todos fueron muy amables y acogedores y la lección de surf en sí fue muy divertida:) ¡Recomiendo probarla!
15 agosto 2023 10:01
Fantástica experiencia haciendo clase de surf. Y el lugar Mojokite perfecto para clases y alquiler de surf. Cerca estación de tren Playa y con un chulo bar para comer después la sesión!
14 agosto 2023 16:18
Muy bueno: el personal es amable y sonriente, se toman el tiempo para explicar bien y los precios son asequibles.recomiendo
09 julio 2023 14:32
Hoy hemos ido a desayunar y delicioso! Bebimos Kombucha y comimos un sandwich. El tamaño es MUY generoso y estaba delicioso Volveremos!
03 julio 2023 21:02
Ayer tuve una gran sesión de e-foil para principiantes con Francisco: el equipo fue muy complaciente, paciente y me hizo sentir extremadamente seguro en el agua. El equipo también era bastante nuevo y estaba en buen estado.

En general, la pasé increíble y di mis primeros pasos con un E-Foil durante una sesión al atardecer. ¿Puede haber algo mejor?
13 abril 2023 5:43
Fantástico día haciendo paddle surf. Castelldefels tiene una playa natural y amplia con buenas vistas. Y el lugar Mojokite perfecto para alquiler tablas de surf y paddlesurf. Cerca estación de tren Playa y con un chulo bar para comer después la sesión!
11 abril 2023 23:41
Más que una escuela, una experiencia que te acompaña en los diferentes niveles por los que uno va pasando en el aprendizaje y con la que haces muchas amistades. Absolutamente recomendable si te quieres iniciar o encontrar un club para continuar progresando
02 abril 2023 8:02
Los mejores instructores de kite, el mejor ambiente y los mejores kitetrips de siempre.
Si queréis clases, conocer a otros kiters o simplemente comprar material os recomiendo 100% Mojokite.
Amazing school, amazing shop, amazing people.
03 marzo 2023 11:35
Could not recommend this place more to start kitesurf. Staff is extremely competent, friendly and always focused on customer experience/trust. I just returned from a kite trip in Cape Verde (organized by Mojokite) which exceeded my expectations - great place, great kiting and great people. Can't wait to join the next one!
02 febrero 2023 6:05
Hey! Nueva parte Cafe/bar con grande terraza que acaban de montar! Pase caminando, y con amigos nos sentamos a probar la carta y increible: tostadas, bocadillos, bowls tipo acai etc.super saludable, organico! Lugar perfecto para un desayuno rico, o tomar una copa despues del trabajo, vinito/cerveza/ picada.
Recomendable 100%! Volveré!
01 febrero 2023 12:06
Equipo fantástico y un servicio excelente
Puedo recomendarlo a todos y todas que quieran probarlo por primera vez o progresar.
Muchas gracias!
24 enero 2023 5:22
The best school i could ever find. Monique is extremely friendly and very flexible, thank you for everything. Will always recommend this School to my friends and will come back to you in Spring.
By the way my instructors were Andrea and Fran, both are professionals!
05 enero 2023 0:04
I fully recommend Mojokite. The team is very professional and with great energy. I had classes with Andrea, Fran and Marley - and progressed quickly thanks to their many advice, patience and encouragements. I also had a lot of exchanges with Monique, who was super organised, responsive and helpful to accomodate all my classes- even my last minute requests. They also all create a great vibe at the school and with the other kitesurfers. I am looking forward to the next sessions in Castelldefels or somewhere around the world when joining the kitesurf trips!
17 diciembre 2022 2:34
Great kitesurf school, very friendly people, professional with high level of responsiblity, equimpment was very good quality and Andrea as a trainer is fun and with a very good eye to correct each mistake that makes you better after every try! They are honest and make sure you will have a fun experience.see you next week!
14 diciembre 2022 5:18
Formateurs bienveillants, attentifs, très sympas et surtout très pro!
S’adaptent à la situation et au niveau de progression pour vous faire profiter et faire le maximum de progrès en sécurité.
Rapport qualité / prix / plaisir excellent!
Vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés. Ils s’occupent de tout.
Recommande à 100%!
13 noviembre 2022 10:06
The Mojokite school is really well organized place. They help you with everything, very friendly and problem-solving attitiude. The spot is located in beautiful area, long beach with no ports/rocks. Just to take a kite and enjoy your life ;)
20 octubre 2022 4:06
Realizado el curso de Kite completo con la escuela, grandes profesionales y profes, el material, impecable y de lo último, la atención en las clases excelente, están muy atentos a las previsiones para comunicarlas con antelación. Siguen ayudándote incluso una vez terminado, y proponiendo posibilidades para continuar con el deporte.
Si te lo estás pensando, por mi experiencia, no lo dudes!
Todo lo que tengo que decir es MUCHAS GRACIAS a tod@s por la experiencia.
Seguro que nos seguimos viendo!
10 agosto 2022 21:22
Muy buena tienda, todo lo referido a kitesurf esta ahi! Excelentes marcas y la atención es excelente!
No duden en visitarla!
24 junio 2022 22:19
This was a great experience. I’ve taken lessons previously, and this was the most professional. Mo was great on the logistics and Marley was hands-down the best instructor of the three I’ve had. I’d strongly recommend them, and plan to use them again in my next Barcelona trip.
09 junio 2022 7:08
We did the 2 day progression course.
Monique and the team are lovely, super flexible and kept us updated with wind forecasts and the plan for each session. On our second day the wind died after about 20 mins so they offered for us to do our second session the following day.

Great place to learn and well worth the price!
01 junio 2022 23:03
Absolutely loved Mojokite‘s course! Learning was super fast, fun, and personalised. Andrea was a fantastic instructor. 10/10 would do again
26 mayo 2022 10:19
If you want to learn how to Kitesurf this is your place. The best experience I've ever had. Before coming across this school, I had taken a few beginner courses here and there with 3 different schools and never learned anything. I never progressed and also was afraid of the kite due to an incident I had with another school - where I basically flew onto the sand while practicing with a huge kite.
I am so happy I came across Mojokite and booked a beginners course from start to finish. We had Marley as an instructor and can honestly say, this is the best teacher I have ever had. She is patient, and explains all of the details of the kite which is so important in order to feel comfortable flying it - She is also great at making you feel like no question is too basic, and that she is there every step of the way. For someone like me who was quite afraid, she made me feel comfortable to ask questions and also understand that its ok to "let go" of the kite.
I had my first class this week and feel so happy and excited to learn, and continue learning with this school. The equipment is great, but most importantly they make sure to start you with the basics which is starting with a small kite at first so you get used to the feeling of flying it (this helped me in overcoming my fear and actually start having fun flying the kite)
I am so excited and cannot recommend this school enough. I also love that its 2 students maximum - in other schools I was with a group of 4 people and never learned because of that. I recommend this to anyone who is just starting to Kitesurf or wants to progress - simply the best! P. S.they also have two amazing doggies as part of the fun.
21 mayo 2022 5:01
Lo pasé genial! Hice el curso completo de kitesurf y en 3 días logré navegar y controlar la cometa en seguridad. Andrea fue un instructor fantástico, siempre atento y preciso con las instrucciones. El servicio que ofrece Monique con el whatsapp está increíble, manejando la organización de las sesiones para ofrecer clases con las mejores condiciones posibles. Consejo este curso a cualquiera persona quiera aprender kitesurf!
03 mayo 2022 3:21
Great experience! I took the progression class with Marley and she helped me to quickly pick up from where I left off with a previous class a while back. Their material is top notch, their secret location is unbeatable! Very happy with Mojokite, would repeat for sure! Fully recommend!
11 febrero 2022 1:10
Excelente escuela de Kitesurf, he empezado con un poco de miedo a manejar el Kitesurf pero los instructores me han ayudado con tranquilidad a quitarme este miedo y ahora después de 3 clases, puedo manejar el Kitesurf sin miedo y con autonomía.
Todos los profes tienen mucha experiencia, alegría y son muy simpáticos. Se aprende en total seguridad y en un ambiente buenísimo. No dudas, Mojokite es la escuela de Kitesurf que necesitas. Estoy 100% satisfecho, gracias a Mojokite y a todo el equipo.
07 diciembre 2021 23:03
Geniales los profesores, la calidad de las clases y el ambiente. Qué gran descubrimiento, tanto la escuela como el kitesurf ️
17 noviembre 2021 3:52
Hace aproximadamente 3 semanas comencé los cursos de Kite Surf con Mojokite Surf después de buscar diferentes escuelas por los alrededores de Barcelona. A día de hoy, ya dispongo de mi material propio, mucha ilusión y ganas por seguir aprendiendo y mejorando en este deporte.
Sobre la escuela y profesores, solo tengo buenas palabras y agradecimientos a todos ellos, desde el principio te sientes acompañado y arropado por todos. También destacar que disponen de mucha experiencia en este deporte, algunos de ellos más de 10 años practicándolo así que sus clases están a la altura.

13 noviembre 2021 9:11
Great kitesurfing school! With equally amazing people and team. The moment we arrived there we felt instantly welcomed and the entire lesson was a great learning experience. We started with the beginner’s course for kitesurfing it exceeded our expectations.

We started learning a-lot of useful basic information, about the kite, wind directions and many important safety rules. The lesson also had practical learning with the opportunity to fly a training small kite, to understand the kite and wind, before flying bigger sizes. We also learnt how to set the kite up and take it to the sea. We even started learning how to relaunch it when it falls into the sea. The team is super professional, patient and always helpful.

We had our class with the amazing Marly and Andrea, you can tell immediately that they are both extremely knowledgable, very patient and with great energy.

For beginners this is perfect and highly recommended - we cannot wait to continue our lessons!

Thank you Monique and the entire Mojokite team!
31 octubre 2021 9:23
Buenísima experiencia con esta escuela! Instructores muy profesionales que transmiten pasión. Así da gusto! Muy muy recomendable!
07 octubre 2021 8:01
Monique and Marly are great teachers and give great tips to improve your skills. I am already at an advanced level and their tips gave me confidence to be ready to kite by myself. Castelldefels is a great for beginners as its a wide and sandy beach with lots of space! Thanks a lot Monique and Marly
01 septiembre 2021 17:07
Best Kitesurfschool ever! If you’ve ever been walking down the beach seen some kitesurfers and thought is it possible to learn this amazing sport in a short time?
Well with this school for sure! Me and my brother had been in the described situation a few weeks ago in Sardinia. We’ve never Kitesurfed bevor. But in just two days we where able to stand on the board and kite as long as we want. This was only possible because the instructors where super professional friendly and advanced kitesurfers. They’ve shown us all what you should really know when you want to start kiting. We had so much fun and we felt in good hands!

Would definitely do it again!
24 julio 2021 3:11
I'm super happy that I started my kitesurfing adventure with this crew. They're doing a fantastic job to explain everything step by step, make sure that you're comfortable and that you have the best conditions to learn. Besides that, they have a great vibe!
19 mayo 2021 2:52
Very nice and professional teaching lesson with Fran I really enjoy my course and for 130 3h of individual lesson you learn so much new skills!
Best school for learn kite surfing in Barcelona!
17 mayo 2021 5:38
Monique and her team are not only extremely professional, they are just as warm. They respond to your individual needs at all times, take away your doubts and build your skills piece by piece. The three day course for me as an absolute beginner was the best entry I could have wished for. Thanks a lot for this! Marvin
12 mayo 2021 3:06
First of all, we would definitely recommend this kitesurf school. From the first day on we felt welcomed and the atmosphere of the school is really good.

We succeeded the 9 hours course (beginners + progression course) with a lot of fun! Instead of practicing many hours at the beach with a kite. They dare to take you into the action part in the water as soon as possible. This is really great and the best way to learn!

Next to this, the teachers are flexible people who are constantly doing their best to find the most suitable timing options in relation to the wind.

Overall, price-quality is perfect, we enjoyed the course very much and with special thanks to our teacher Fran, we are now confident enough to practice ourselves. Thanks a lot!
10 mayo 2021 19:01
Estupenda escuela en Castelldefels para aprender kitesurf! Después de finalizar las clases, la escuela te ayuda a conseguir el material a buen precio, tanto nuevo como de segunda mano y tú puedes formar el pack completo (principalmente ellos trabajan con la marca Ozone). El servicio post-venta es muy bueno también! Es eficaz y rápido y siempre te ayudan en la playa con cualquier cosa (para los inicios está genial). Es una escuela de confianza que se compromete y se nota que les gusta lo que hacen. En 3 meses ya soy un kiter independiente y con la seguridad y confianza de que cualquier duda puedo acudir a los profesores que amablemente y profesionalmente siempre aconsejan. Gracias a Monique, Marly y Fran. Ellos han hecho de esté deporte mi pasión!
07 mayo 2021 18:01
For kitesurf lessons near barcelona highly recommended, good equipment and very experienced instructor. Castelldefels is nice beach for learning Thank you Mojokite!
29 abril 2021 13:00
Todo muy bien. Condiciones un poco dificiles para mi primera vez en Casteldefels, pero Fran me ha ayudado mucho para adaptarme aqui. Material nuevo, y me dejé su arnés personal que tiene resfuerzos de espalda. Gracias ;)
19 abril 2021 2:05
Súper escuela de Kitesurf! Los instructores muy responsables y profesionales me hicieron sentir segura todo el tiempo - a parte del buen rollo y muy buenas risas. Les recomiendo a todos mis amigos.
03 abril 2021 5:22
Fran is a very professional instructor. He was very patient with me and also helped me to find a great kite, suiting to my skills. Furthermore he is often at the same kite spot and has good advices. 100% Recomendable
16 marzo 2021 2:35
Incredible first Kiting experience! The teachers are very welcoming and pedagogue. Always smiling and putting you at ease!
So much good tips too!
I strongly recommend you to go there if you want to enjoy a kite session in Barcelona!
31 diciembre 2020 9:22
Simple but nice kitesurf shop with lots of choice for kites and boards. Very friendly service, will be back!
14 febrero 2020 8:57
Mojokite is a great opportunity to start learning or to improve your skills.
I took some lessons in several schools, in France, in Spain and on Fuerteventura.
And Mojokite is definitely one of the best schools I experienced. You will meet and get to know a great group of kite surfing enthusiasts, which I felt, really, really care that you enjoy your session. They really support you best in progressing your skills at an absolutely fair rate. You can get a fully customised service according to your specific level and needs. I have got so many "free" additional valuable hints, which I really appreciated.
It helped me a lot to progress quickly and make good decisions to avoid the silly mistakes which can take so much time to find out and solve on your own. They also supported me to find really good gear at a great price, which I really enjoy now and which fits perfectly. Thank you guys, especially Monique and Francisco! "May the wind be with you. "
20 enero 2020 0:08
One of the best experience in my life! I've wanted to start with kitesurf for such a long time and ladies and guys from Mojokite made it unforgettable for me. Great professionals, with such an easy and understandable way of teaching. Plus, they make you feel like a part of their little kite family.:) I've had an amazing time learning with them and surely I'll continue kitesurfing with Mojokite. Thank you, guys!
03 enero 2020 14:12
Amazing kite lesson done with them
Really fun, safe and overall, very professional
Monique & Marly, unbeatable
12 diciembre 2019 0:07
Mojokite - Kitesurfing School is AMAZING handsdown. With the best, professional and welcoming instructors. I had one of the most fun memorable weekends ever kitesurfing with them. They made me so welcomed in to the kitesurfing family out here and I can not wait for many more kitesurfing adventure with them over the next 6 or so months I am here. Thank you so much guys.
07 diciembre 2019 0:31
Really amazing people and instructors! Very patient and knowledgeable. Couldn't be happier with them and all the extra effort they make to ensure you enjoy yourself and know what you're doing! Thank you so much again
01 diciembre 2019 21:13
Great surfschool near Barcelona!
The teachers are very nice, friendly and are able to explain complex things in simple English. The location is perfect too learn because of a lot of space at the beach and patient teachers who want the best experience and learning for your own progress. The equipment is very new and in good condition.
We had an amazing time with our superbe teacher Monique who wanted the best for us and helped us to get on the board as quick as possible.
Thank you for the awesome experience! We definitely will come back to finish the full course.:)
11 noviembre 2019 15:32
Great team! Very pro, friendly, fun!
Step by step they follow you to achieve the skills and improve.
In the end I satisfied my expectations and I increase my desire to kite!
I definitely recommend ‘em!
06 noviembre 2019 10:50
Absolutely amazing school, super friendly instructors and extremely flexible with times as my busy schedule sometimes was difficult to manage. Would definitely recommend to anyone in the area wanting to learn to Kite, plus Casteldefels is a nice break from Barcelona beaches and very easy to get to from Barcelona on a train.
14 octubre 2019 6:33
Very lovely girls, speaking different languages, show and train all Secret's in Kitesurfing and taking every fear away. Thanks girls, I am coming back one weekend.
15 septiembre 2019 13:08
I am super happy I started to learn kitesurfing with Mo and Marley!
They are great teachers, know everything about wind & weather conditions and all the classes were very personalized.
I also decided to travel to Sardegna with them and continue my practice there. I can totally recommend it!
03 septiembre 2019 4:16
Great kitesurf school, amazing instructors and they organise trips in the summer so you can join and progress on your kiting! I would recommend to book your lesson with them but be aware, you might get hooked!
11 agosto 2019 20:49
Amazing kitesurf school! Mojokite has a terrific team to help you learn or improve, regardless of your level. I did a full course of lessons with them and I couldn't have been happier at the end of it. Instructors are very fun, patient and understanding; making you enjoy every moment. I would 100% recommend them! They are based in Castelldefels (Barcelona) but they also organise trips throughout the year that you can join and progress on your kiting! What else can you ask for!
15 julio 2019 5:23
Amazing experience! I found this kitesurf school online and it was so easy to be in contact with them. They have arranged the classes keeping in mind my working time and weather conditions. Unfortunately, I was not able to finish my class and they offer me the possibility to finish them in September/October. I kindly suggest this school if you would like to be a kitesurfer
30 junio 2019 1:50
I had one lesson at Mojokite to get a feeling if this sport really is something I want to learn - and I wasn't disappointed! Francis, the instructor, explained really good, answered all questions, made sure that I understood and kept patient the whole lesson. Even tho I couldn't get into the water because it was my first time using a kite I had a lot of fun and now I'll prepare my holidays to become a real kite surfer! Thanks to you guys!
26 junio 2019 11:34
A superb kite school. They're run really well, and can accommodate your schedule, whether you are in and out of town or living there permanently. All of the tutors were superb, and I learned loads during the 4 day course. Highly recommended.
22 junio 2019 0:34
High quality gear and good prices. What really stands out is the outstanding customer service. Very prompt to respond, great to deal with.
20 junio 2019 5:13
I have had a really great time with Mojokite, Mo & her team are super nice and made me feel welcome instantly, great way of teaching to get further into kiting step-by-step.nice equipment - I really enjoyed my time in Castelldefels, nice spot and super relaxing. I`ll make sure to be back anytime soon, cheers.here goes the speech, I.

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