02 octubre 2023 7:23
¡No podría recomendar este curso de un año lo suficiente! ¡OTOXO Productions me llevó de ser un completo novato en el manejo de la cámara a filmar, producir y editar con confianza mis propios documentales cortos! La estructura del curso es brillante. Tom y John enseñarán los fundamentos e inmediatamente animarán a todos a ponerlos en práctica mientras trabajan en un largometraje documental. Aprendes sobre la marcha y, al final, no sólo posees las habilidades para emerger como un realizador de documentales competente, sino que te encuentras dentro de toda una red de cineastas apasionados e increíbles. John y Tom han denominado apropiadamente a esta comunidad OTOXINAS y se convertirá en un valioso sistema de apoyo en los años venideros.

OTOXO Producciones no sólo ofrece un curso; proporciona un tesoro de experiencia que tiene un impacto duradero en muchas vidas. ¡Muy recomendado para cualquiera que busque una educación cinematográfica documental integral y enriquecedora!
15 septiembre 2023 5:14
Participé en el programa de un año y ha sido extremadamente gratificante y beneficioso. Todos en OTOXO realmente se preocupan por su desarrollo y futuro. Al ser una pequeña productora, fomenta un sentimiento de familia unida.
31 agosto 2023 16:16
Participé en el programa de 1 mes en 2023 y ¡fue increíble! Aprendí mucho sobre realización cinematográfica, en particular sobre realización de documentales, desde la planificación, el contacto con la gente, cómo ganarme su confianza, hasta la cinematografía y la edición; en realidad, todo el proceso, de principio a fin. Y todo ello con las personas más increíbles, tanto participantes como responsables del curso. Este programa también me enseñó una visión invaluable no sólo de mí mismo, sino también de todas las personas que me rodean y de todas las personas que podría conocer durante mi vida. La gente es increíblemente diversa y el tipo de realización de documentales en OTOXO realmente lo refleja. Realmente una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida. Muchas gracias a Tom, John, Rosie y Kim de OTOXO por hacer esto posible <3
25 agosto 2023 2:00
Asistí al programa intenso de 1 mes en julio de 2023. Ciertamente puedo decir que fue una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida. Recomendaría el programa a absolutamente cualquiera. En sólo cuatro semanas, aprendí más información que nunca en tres años de carrera en Televisión, tanto práctica como teórica. Aprendí una cantidad enorme y extremadamente valiosa sobre narración de historias, realización de documentales, filmación, teoría de edición y también desarrollé buenas habilidades prácticas en muy poco tiempo. Los formadores de este programa tienen excelentes y sobresalientes habilidades docentes, lo que hace que las lecciones que imparten sean comprensibles para absolutamente cualquier persona, sin importar su nivel de conocimiento o su primer idioma. Conocí gente increíble de todo el mundo. Mi contribución a la carga de trabajo siempre fue valorada y apreciada por nuestros instructores. En sólo cuatro semanas creamos tres documentales cortos, mientras aprendíamos a crear una película desde lo más básico, lo cual me pareció realmente impresionante. Este programa es realmente asequible y el método de pago es muy flexible. Esto solo prueba que John y Tom, los fundadores de OTOXO no están haciendo esto para enriquecerse, sino puramente por verdadera pasión y, en mi opinión, esto siempre marcará la diferencia en lo que respecta al nivel de dedicación. El programa es realmente intenso, pero verdaderamente placentero. Un enorme agradecimiento para John, Tom, Rosie y Kim.
09 agosto 2021 10:19
This INto INdustry program gives you the confidence and the skills to take your projects to an other level. Tom, John, Laura and Jenny are truly inspiring filmmakers and will guide you during the whole program!
06 agosto 2021 18:23
The INto INdustry Programme is a unique opportunity not just for aspiring documentary filmmakers, but for anyone who wants to find their path while learning and practicing their craft guided by two great teachers. It was a privilege to be part of it.
20 junio 2021 12:25
Making the program with OTOXO is truly a once in a lifetime experience and, if you want to make documentaries, I 100% recommend. You get the chance to meet great people and work among amazing professionals such as John and Tom! I’m so glad I decided to join the program
01 febrero 2021 10:37
I recently completed the 1 year Into Industry program at Otoxo Productions and would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about documentary making and filmmaking in general. Tom and John are fantastic teachers who really know and care about what they're doing.
06 enero 2021 4:54
I attended the Otoxo Productions Into Industry 1 year program as I was struggling to find my feet in the documentary industry. Tom and John are excellent mentors and very good at teaching people of all levels of experience and backgrounds. Shortly after completing the program I got my first job in docs and still stay in touch with everyone from Otoxo. The Into Industry Program shapes filmmakers while making great films about important social issues.
12 febrero 2020 14:14
Such a great experience. For anyone who is looking for an intro into the documentary industry or to broaden your skills, this program gives you the tools you need to succeed as well as a co-director credit under your belt.
24 enero 2020 2:14
Most productive and enjoyable month of my life. For those wanting to learn about documentary filmmaking, the team at Otoxo have created a practical course that is centred on hands on experience rather than stagnant classroom learning. I left not only with the necessary skills and knowledge, but also with the confidence to create my own films, and contacts from within the course to help me do so. I highly recommend this program. My only qualm is I didn’t do the one year program over the one month program. I wish I had more time to learn and develop within the course. Living and experiencing Barcelona as an emerging filmmaker has been one of my life’s highlights.
22 enero 2020 11:04
An amazing opportunity to get hands-on experience in a beautiful city, working with people from all over the world. Tom & John are incredible teachers - you won't believe how much you can learn about filmmaking in a month!
20 enero 2020 9:35
The sweetest atmosphere and people! The one month intensive program helped me to boost my skills and confidence as an independent filmmaker. Highly recommend to everyone who wants to get hands on experience and also have great time while doing it.
13 enero 2020 7:27
Essential learning experience for anyone who wants to get into doc filmmaking but doesn't know where to start. Great teaching quality and organisation of the programme testify to John and Tom's engagement and devotion to giving you all that is needed to start making films!
11 enero 2020 3:04
An eye-opening experience. Great opportunity how to learn the fundamental skills for filmmaking. A lot of practice in every stage of film production.
06 enero 2020 8:21
The course broke down all the practical building blocks of documentary production to not only develop great stories, but also beautiful shots. The team are really supportive and friendly; and Barcelona is a great place to learn.
15 diciembre 2019 1:26
The Into Industry Programme is one of the most incredible journeys for anyone looking to actually get into the world of filmmaking. It doesn't matter if you're a professional or if you've never done anything film related before, anyone can become a talented documentarian through this course. The year long programme taught me skills and practices for the real world that not even 3 years of film school prepared me for. There is also the added bonus of being in such a vibrant city like Barcelona, with unlimited creative potential for stories as well having a great social life.
I would not of had the ability, confidence or knowledge to set up my own production company without the training and guidance from John and Tom at OTOXO, and wouldn't of met the other talented filmmakers from the course that now work with daily!
03 diciembre 2019 22:16
I completed the year Into Industry program with Otoxo Productions. I cant even begin to describe how much it has changed my life. John and Tom are the perfect teachers and set the right balance. They are dedicated to making sure you know exactly what your are doing and that you are comfortable, not just behind the camera but also in the boring but most important work of running a production company. This programme is very unique and a fantastic opportunity that I can recommend without batting a single eyelid
03 diciembre 2019 2:55
I cannot recommend this experience enough. Throughout the month long intensive course my knowledge and skill set grew enormously within filmmaking. The fast paced working atmosphere and true passion from John, Tom, the tutors and fellow participants on the course created a truly invaluable experience. Leaving the course I feel really inspired and determined to keep creating and to develop new ideas of my own. I am so grateful to have spent my summer with OTOXO and all the fantastic people involved.
28 noviembre 2019 21:35
You learn a vast amount here, remarkably fast, and alongside people who will likely remain life-long friends. I highly recommend to anyone who's serious about film.
24 noviembre 2019 23:17
Great mentoring, amazing experience with real documentary practice, and I left having founded my own documentary production company!
20 noviembre 2019 6:36
John and Tom are documentary makers to the core. Their passion for the craft, and their empathetic approach to directing characters is truly inspiring and has shaped the way I think and make as filmmaker.
15 noviembre 2019 17:23
One of the most worthwhile things I have done ever. Not only did I learn so much during my time at Otoxo, but I also met so many wonderful people who I’ve continued to stay in touch with. I took part in the one month intensive course, and whilst it is pretty long days and a lot of work, the amount that I learnt was invaluable and I had so much fun taking part in all aspects of making each documentary. Furthermore the trust and respect that John and Tom show to each and everyone of their students regardless of experience is amazing and made such a supportive atmosphere in which to take creative risks and allow us to produce 3 killer documentaries! For anyone wanting to build their Vimeo film real and learn all aspects of making a documentary I could not recommend a better course. Plus being in Barcelona is simply the cherry on the cake - I’m talking ending a long work day by hitting the beach and having tapas with your friends

Thank you so much John and Tom for all your hard work and help throughout the month!
12 noviembre 2019 8:38
The Into Industry Programme is an amazing course for anyone who wants to learn how to make films, regardless of your previous experience. To me it has been a super inspiring and enriching year, given me a huge boost in confidence, thanks to John and Tom and their professional and personal guidance and care throughout all parts of the process, in beautiful Barcelona. 100% recommended!:)
03 noviembre 2019 3:41
Having completed a degree in film production about 7 years ago, I went on to work and explore the world for many years. Having returned home and wanting to kick start my career in the media industry, I felt I needed to do a refresher course of sorts. I can honestly say that the month spend in Barcelona with John, Tom and the team probably taught me as much as I learnt at University. The amount you learn in a month can be a little overwhelming at times, but when you present your films at the screening at the end of the month in front of an audience, you realise how far you've come in such a sort space of time. Not only is it a very knowledgeable course but also a very friendly and comfortable environment to learn and ask questions in. I now feel I have friends in Barcelona and will forever feel somewhat attached to that city. Highly recommended.
01 noviembre 2019 21:17
Otoxo's INtoINdustry programme is one of the best things I did for my growth as a film maker. Anyone with anything to learn will be so satisfied with the course. Unlike some traditional educational routes, everything that is taught is backed up by a backbone of solid vocation. Within six months, you'll have the skill set to produce a 30 minute doc with the team. Away from stuffy establishments and echo chamber rhetoric, this hands on approach has you ready to tackle the industry in no time. Doesn't hurt that it's in Barcelona either!
28 octubre 2019 12:50
I participated in the 1-month INto INdustry Programme and I could not be more grateful for it. It is a great hands-on experience that allowed me to learn everything about the world of documentary filmmaking. From writing and conducting interviews, to using the equipment and understanding the key to good cinematography and editing, this course provided me with an extraordinary amount of learning in a very short time. It was a privilege to have the opportunity to work alongside such talented and generous people, both from the OTOXO team themselves and the rest of the participants of the programme. Joining the OTOXO community gave me not only the skills, but also the confidence, to pursue filmmaking.
13 octubre 2019 13:05
An amazing production company and an incredible experience! The skills learned on the course are invaluable for any budding filmmaker!
11 octubre 2019 11:18
If you want a theoretical course, this is not for you. Here you learn things hands-on. There's a brief introduction to each step (research, writing, shooting, editing), but after that you do it yourself.and that's how you learn. After doing three short documentaries, you've had the chance to try every aspect of filmmaking. I'm not sure it's there's another way to get such an amount of experience in such a short time. Yes, of course, it's intensive.but that's what you came here for, isn't it?

Tom and John are great teachers, and are always ready to answer any question you may have. They always have time. But it's not only that, they are great recruiters. They managed to create a team of bright and ambitious people that could work together as one. No egos, no nothing.only positive attitude. Which, of course, is crucial for enhancing your learning experience.

It's difficult to grasp how much you can learn in a month.
11 octubre 2019 3:05
I participated in the one month intensive course at OTOXO, and I can't express enough how grateful I am for this experience facilitated by John and Tom, and the help from the OTOXO crew I received.

Coming from a background with no experience in filmmaking, this programme gave me an insight to every single step of the process - from research to screening, and both theoretical and practical - and under the guidance of the OTOXO crew. In other words, a perfect mix for a noob in the process of a career change into the film industry.

I left the course with vast knowledge, inspiration and confidence, and a bunch new friends - and the honour of becoming a part of the infamous OTOXO fam.
15 marzo 2019 7:37
Spent six life-changing months working with OTOXO on a documentary film in Barcelona. This was an amazing immersion into the world of filmmaking. Thanks OTOXO!
26 enero 2019 8:57
I did the Intensive Summer course after I graduated from art college as I wanted to learn practical documentary filmmaking skills. It was by far the best thing I ever did. We were given the theoretical and technical knowledge and immediately put it into practice by making our three short docs - from understanding how to shoot, to researching and writing our films. In a small and varied team I met a wonderful group of peers, and I have been been put forward for work opportunities with charities through past Otoxo students. All of this has given me the knowledge, experience and network of people to seriously pursue a career in documentary filmmaking, and since then I have been working as a freelance Camera Operator and Editor for arts organisations, charities and video marketing agencies.

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