02 abril 2024 1:08
Recibí dos sesiones de masaje, Oksana desbloqueó mi columna y finalmente puedo moverme libremente.

Durante la sesión también recibí consejos muy útiles, practiqué mi pobre inglés, recibí musicoterapia y disfruté cada momento.

No soy fanático de las charlas triviales, pero estar aquí con Oksana lo sentí como un regalo.
¡Fue un placer conocerte!
14 marzo 2024 12:22
Me encantó el masaje de hombros y cuello: se lo recomiendo a todas las personas que pasan todo el día frente a una computadora portátil o se sienten estresadas/perciben tensión en el cuello.
Me sentí helada y relajada nuevamente después del masaje.
Además, Oksana me escuchó atentamente y me brindó buenos consejos para mis problemas físicos y mentales.
01 febrero 2024 17:52
Masaje increíble, abordando las necesidades de mi cuerpo cada vez de la manera perfecta. El lugar tiene un ambiente fantástico y relajante que te hace sentir cómodo de inmediato.
Oksana está muy presente y comienza cada sesión haciendo preguntas sobre cómo te sientes no solo en tu cuerpo sino en general para comprender lo que necesitas y cuando llega a eso, sus manos son pura magia.
Ella ha sido de gran ayuda en una larga recuperación por la que he pasado en momentos difíciles.
Muy profesional, talentoso y presente y lo recomiendo encarecidamente a todos.
23 enero 2024 21:21
¡El mejor masaje de todos los tiempos, muy recomendado! Estoy pasando por un período difícil y necesito cuidar mi cuerpo. Oksana es muy acogedora y profesional e inmediatamente entendió lo que mi cuerpo necesitaba. Una experiencia verdaderamente maravillosa. Gracias
30 octubre 2023 5:22
Masaje profesional increíblemente calificado. De hecho el mejor. Lo recomendaría altamente. Definitivamente regresaré.
10 octubre 2023 7:29
¡Gracias a Dios! Conocí a un ángel, ella es la mejor experta en masajes que he conocido. Es una experiencia única en Barcelona
29 agosto 2023 16:28
He tenido experiencia con una variedad épica de masajistas a nivel internacional y tiendo a ser muy particular porque quiero a alguien que conozca el cuerpo profundamente y pueda dar algo más que un simple masaje para sentirse bien. ¡Tengo mucha suerte de haber encontrado a Oksana en Barcelona! Ella siempre pregunta y escucha lo que sucede con mi cuerpo y se enfoca en esos músculos en consecuencia. Lo más importante es que da masajes con energía e intención. Siempre salgo sintiéndome radicalmente aliviado. ¡La recomiendo encarecidamente si quieres un masaje de alguien que sepa claramente lo que está haciendo!
25 agosto 2023 0:32
¡Guau! Las palabras no pueden describir la profunda y profunda experiencia que tuve al ser sanada por Oxsana. Verdaderamente una experiencia fuera del cuerpo. Entré con mal cuello y apenas mirando hacia la derecha. Ella no sólo me curó sino que también se sentó conmigo para hablar sobre cómo me sentía antes y después del masaje. ¡Me voy de nuevo mañana! Ojalá estuviera disponible en los EE. UU. No te pierdas a esta extraordinaria humana y su don.
30 diciembre 2022 2:46
In Oxi's hands I felt so good! She gives a lot of presence, she knows how to listen to what your body needs with a lot of intuition and professional knowledge. I am looking forward to coming back
04 noviembre 2022 7:25
This is hands down one of the best message professionals in Barcelona and has been my go-to place over the past few years now. The whole experience is really lovely and the massage was great with much attention and care. I normally book for a more stronger sports massage, but on occasion do a relaxing version - both are fantastic and highly recommended!
22 junio 2022 2:48
Amazing! Oksana has a magical touch. Her massage was thoroughly healing and relaxing. Great pressure, technique and attention to detail. I can't wait to go back!
07 junio 2022 22:09
Had an amazing, relaxing massage! As I am dealing with lots of shoulder/neck tension from working by the desk, Oksana’s massage really helped my muscles relax. Highly recommend!
16 mayo 2022 0:57
Me and my partner just finished getting a 90 min deep tissue and it was the most amazing massage we’ve had ever. (And we’ve had 100’s of massages) Honestly SO GOOD. We came in with a lot of back pain and it has melted away. The massage room is beautiful and the massage was so peaceful. We will be going back very often. Highly highly recommend.
17 abril 2022 9:36
Amazing massage, Oksana was really caring and 100% aware of my needs the whole time. Will definitely go again and would recommend 100%!
12 octubre 2021 10:07
One of the best treatments I've ever had, I felt like at home and really cared for. Totally recomend It ️
30 septiembre 2021 8:18
As soon as the massage session with Oxana was over, I immediately asked her when she was available for another one. It is very pleasant to receive her massage, and the beneficial effects of her are immediately felt. 100% recommended!
22 septiembre 2021 12:07
Me han realizado bastantes masajes con diferentes técnicas: fisioterapia deportiva, thai, relajantes en spas pero ninguno como el que recibí de Oxana que consigue mezclar todo su conocimiento de forma espléndida. Mediante un perfecto calentamiento consigue relajar de tal forma la musculatura que, a pesar de trabajar en consideración algunos grupos musculares, el dolor el día siguiente es inexistente y ni rastro de agujetas como suele pasar con el fisio. Una parte relajante final con sonidos y olores te transporta a otro plano y consigue que la experiencia sea completa y única. Espectacular.
21 septiembre 2021 0:27
Hello I recommend Oksana: as a massage therapist she is very precise and reach deeply the tissues that need her touch and at the same time very respectful. The result is a feeling of trust and deep let go and relaxation. Also she gives nice tips as e sport/body personal trainer.
19 septiembre 2021 21:19
Amazing experience, my body really needed the attunement and reset that Ox provided. Don't hesitate one second, you'll do yourself a favor!
19 septiembre 2021 6:13
Oksana is an excellent therapist with good hands and deep knowledge of human body. Her massages became the essential part of my recovery as an athlete.
17 septiembre 2021 14:50
Excellent massage, really what I needed. She is very experienced and diligent. Would definitely have more sessions!
15 septiembre 2021 7:11
AMAZING! The knowledge, the technics, the ambience and the care of Oksana fulfilled my body and my soul. Thank you
07 septiembre 2021 17:36
Very professional and experienced massage therapist. Can highly recommend Oxana and her magic hands!
06 septiembre 2021 4:21
I love massages and I've taken them all around the globe. Unfortunately, I also need them to do some adjustments from time to time. I needed a relaxing massage, and I just mentioned some problems that I had to Oxana and I-ve got the best massage of my life. I had a super relaxing massage, great adjustments for my problem, a lot of tips to do exercises on my own and a full relaxing and holistic experience. That is my new place every time I am around.
27 agosto 2021 6:21
Loved the versatile style of Oksana! She also has an amazing understanding about the body due to her personal practice so as a yoga teacher I felt I was in a very good hands. Highly recommended!
26 agosto 2021 20:23
Oksana realmente hace unos masajes increibles. Utiliza distintas disciplinas y te hace sentir que vives un viaje. Realmente recomendable.
21 agosto 2021 8:23
Extraordinary therapist and teacher. I don't know how she does it but she helped me with with my injuries and pain in an easy going and relaxing way. Top marks!
22 julio 2021 10:25
I went to have a massage as i felt i had the energy stuck in my body and wanted to relieve it. Oxana not only relaxed my tensed body, she also created a magical flow with her gentle and very on point touch. There’s a beautiful energy around her, and she covers you with it which calms your mind, and help your body recover and feel energized, your heart expanded and full of love. I totally recommend you to experience it yourself and feel how proper care of your body brings excitement, relief and happiness <3
16 mayo 2021 8:55
I play tennis and beach volley a lot and put a lot of strain on my body. Oxana's massage was really perfect for me. She has a lot of knowledge and expertise, and knows exactly what to do. As a Dutch person we never give 5 start, but there you have it: *****
15 mayo 2021 5:03
So far I had 3 massages with Oksana in a short time, because they're soooo good. My body can be pretty problematic with tense facia, muscle pain and inflammation. I have the tendency to push through and "crack" my spine open, whilst what my body often really needs is a more gentle way of opening so it feels safe to soften. However, I don't like soft massages that are like stroking. I found that Oksana has the -for me- perfect way of reaching my tissue deeply, applying the right amount of pressure where needed (she always checks in what is right for my body) and with a loving, caring way that allows my body to melt. After the first massage I felt pretty speechless (hence I didn't write anything then ;) as my body went from tense to just Wow and another time it was more my emotional/energetic body that transformed feeling stressed, drained and with a lot adrenaline to gaining clarity, inspiration and opening to my truth, also due to the amount of love Oksana was poring into her touch. By far some of the best massages I have ever had and I highly recommend her!
06 mayo 2021 3:49
I loved Ox's massage, she is really gentle and kind, but also strong when needed, perfect balance. I highly recommend her. Her hands are pure bliss. Than you Ox

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