15 mayo 2023 0:00
Trato genial y buen sitio para guardar la autocaravana por días si vienes de visita
29 mayo 2022 10:04
Fa poc que hi he anat a aparcar la caravana, però l'ubicació i la gent que ho porten crec que és el millor
13 febrero 2022 2:21
We ended up not using their services, cause some friends helped us out, but we contacted them for motorhome storage. The communication went very well, they said parking is under surveillance, surrounded by fence and with 24h guard. We can drop off and pick up the car at any time and for a 7m long vehicle, price is 50e/month or 10e/day. We were really glad to have found them, taking into consideration that Barcelona area is very dangerous and even airport parkings have thefts reported.
08 enero 2022 16:51
Recomiendo parking para autocaravanas, los dueños son amables y currantes

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