04 marzo 2023 14:16
Un lunes por la mañana para una muerte, hacía mucho frío.
No hay fotos ¿Quién toma fotos para un funeral?
11 abril 2022 18:57
Molt bonissimes celebracions. Banda sonora dels diumenges a les 12.00 h excepcional.
23 marzo 2022 16:18
L esglesia és maca. Té decoracions interessants de l artista italià tano pisano
També té curiositats arquitectoniques i arqueològuiques
30 agosto 2021 5:11

Decorative + Historically highly rated in an area of natural beauty, geological interesting coastline, with a mix of age old + modern architecture.

Seems this area is well known for a near disaster that ocurred during 1966, the Cold War Era.

A B52 US Bomber, flying on a cold war mission, carrying nuclear arms, over flew the scenic area.

The mission required two refuels in the air above Spain, one which was not completed as the B52 was closing on the air tanker faster than expected, with no 'break away' call from the air tanker, the refueling boom + probe broke off the left wing of the air tanker as it exploded after fuel ignited, with no survivors.

'BREAK AWAY' is usually called from the 'boom refueling operative' in such circumstsnces.

The B52 Bomber was also damaged by the huge air impact explosion, though some crew members did survive, one being picked up in the sea forty five minutes after impact, by local fisherman.

Four nuclear bombs fell from the B52, three were found relatively quickly, contaminating the local area, with 'fall out clean ups' still taking place during 2008, paid for by the US government.

6,000 barrels of contaminated topsoil was removed for transportation to the US, where it was buried.

One 'nuke' fell into the sea which was spotted by Fransisco, a local fisherman, later named 'bomb franky'.

A large fleet of military ships searched for the 'nuke', rated at being worth 1/2 % of the total audenance value of the 'nuke'.

$20 million dollars of $2 billion dollars.

The missing 'nuke' was eventually found, this documented in the film "MEN OF HONOUR" (c), which also documents the struggles of an african american, who eventually became the 'first african american' member of an elite military force.

04 julio 2021 4:27
Església parroquial de Palafrugell, lloc de pregària dels palafurgellencs i visitants
23 octubre 2019 7:29
Iglesia simple y con el singular campanario sin acabar
26 marzo 2019 5:02
Temple de bona tradició i pintures del presbiteri escepcionals, així com els concerts de música sacra amb l'orga

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