02 abril 2023 8:16
It's amazing to be a part of this company and to work in a teams with great people from all around the world. Great experience and boost for upgrading your work and skills!
Glad to be a part of it!
12 febrero 2023 10:50
My requirements for my dream job:

-A company that inspires me.
-A job that I feel passionate about.
-A position that challenges me and helps me grow and reach my full potential.
-Management that encourages and empowers me to do my best.
-Great work environment and team spirit.

Service Club Delivery succeeded in meeting all these points. It’s a company that inspires me. It’s progressive. I like the mindset and culture, and being part of a team that gives its best to bring forward the delivery industry. For me, this is more than just a job. I’m investing my time, my knowledge, and skills in a company that trusts me and lets me grow.
24 enero 2023 1:49
Llevo más de 6 meses trabajando aquí y me siento feliz de ser parte de esta gran empresa. Tengo el apoyo y comprensión de todo mi equipo de trabajo, el ambiente laboral es grato y siempre hay cosas nuevas por aprender y crecer. Uno de los grandes beneficios es el crecimiento laboral y profesional. Recomiendo Service Club como un buen lugar para trabajar.
21 diciembre 2021 3:51
Trash company, responds on people who don't even live in the city they're hiring.
8 spam emails and 3 phone calls after canceling the application.
07 diciembre 2021 4:22
Great support and hand holding the whole way! Thanks guys. Also, I love how they gamify the experience - it feels like I'm making progress to become a motorbike / bike courier but having a bit of fun along the way. Massive thanks to the team and the academy they provide. If you're looking for delivery courier jobs, start here:)
24 noviembre 2021 11:22
Trash company, responds on people who don't even live in the city they're hiring.
8 spam emails and 3 phone calls after canceling the application.
15 mayo 2021 21:57
Es imposible subir documentos, se los he mandado por mail, , 1 mes después continúan sin aparecer, sin los documentos, no puedo acceder a las ofertas, es un hongo, que hacéis con los datos.
26 abril 2021 7:20
I was part of service club’s internship program for six months in the marketing and sales departments.

My experience was great as I was taught how to adapt and learn quickly in a start-up environment. Everyone was very accessible and always glad to answer any questions i had, which is something very important for me, as is a way of learning for an intern.

I was given full ownership of the work and trusted with important clients and prospecting tasks which was an amazing learning experience for me.

I would recommend Service Club to anyone looking for a good experience and to start their career.
22 abril 2021 20:41
No sé muy bien para que sirve por qué siempre hay las mismas ofertas de trabajo y te dicen que te bajes la app y envíes documentación y no hacen nada, además lo de los cursos vaya timo hice como 7 y no ha quedado registrado como que están realizados
15 abril 2021 22:08
Was very impressed with the great quality of the service. Was looking for a job opportunity and was able to count on them. Thank you!
13 abril 2021 9:25
Quieren contratar a personas que trabajen 6 meses a tiempo completo y gratis! Están flipando, que morro que tienen! Empleados potenciales: no dejeis que abusen de vosotros, no a la precariedad!
05 abril 2021 12:15
Tuve la oportunidad de realizar mis prácticas profesionales en Service Club en el área de Marketing Digital y debo decir mencionar que el profesionalismo, compromiso, entrega y trabajo en equipo fueron grandes pilares de motivación. Asimismo, el empoderamiento brindado y la capacidad de incorporar ideas nuevas fueron aspectos que siempre resaltaré.
02 abril 2021 19:49
Frankly, this internship experience far exceeded all my expectations. The best part was, even though I started as a marketing intern, I got a chance to gain hands-on experience in different departments as well. The environment was so friendly and dynamic. I believe within this short period, I gained more experience than I could ever from somewhere else.
13 marzo 2021 11:09
I was part of service club’s internship program for the past six months as part of the marketing department.

My experience there was extremely rewarding as I was taught how to adapt and learn quickly in a fast paced working environment. Management was very accessible and always happy to answer questions, which is something extremely important in such a fast paced environment.

Interns are given full ownership of their work and trusted with important tasks in the day to day work of the company.

Overall, its a good opportunity working there I learned a lot and worked in a friendly and motivating environment.

Would recommend to anyone looking to gain experience and kickstart their career.
13 febrero 2020 22:02
Muy buena web.
Mi pero es que aunque un usuario sepa inglés, la página debería estar en castellano o catalán, ya que al fin y al cabo se tratan de entrevistas para trabajar en cualquier puesto de trabajo y no es precisamente hablando ese idioma. En mi opinión, debería estar en el idioma adecuado para cada usuario antes de abrir una página web, ya que hay información muy importante a nivel social y debido a esto no acabas de apreciar el mensaje.
A pesar de ello, habían muy buenas ofertas y el encargado fue muy atento.
22 noviembre 2019 16:18
La bolsa de trabajo mas inovadora que he utilizado.
Muchas gracias a todo el equipo!
29 abril 2019 22:11
Great company! Great vision! That's what exactly the hospitality sector needed for a long time!
18 abril 2019 20:43
Aprendes y consigues trabajo, es ¡fantástico! La idea es genial, consigues trabajo a tu medida y las empresas consiguen personal cualificado.

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