04 octubre 2021 5:01
El apartamento en el que me alojaron era el 313 y aparte de no limpiar, no se dieron cuenta de que ese apartamento ya estaba ocupado por una GRAN familia de cucarachas a las que les encantaba la cama.
16 septiembre 2021 4:13
Muchísimo cuidado con estes ladrones! Muchísimo cuidado!
se escaquean como sea y desaparecen con tu dinero.
03 mayo 2020 23:24
Estuvimos en el apartamento de dos habitaciones de las Cortes, el apartamento está bien, estaría mejor si estuviera limpio.
Todo ordenado, pero el olor no era agradable desde la entrada al edificio.
Utensilios de cocina sucios.
Escogí el apartamento porque en las fotos se veía genial y cuando llegué estuve bastante decepcionada, las fotos no corresponden a la realidad.
Las paredes están negras, la entrada muy dejada y ese olor tan desagradable a cocina todo el día.
07 marzo 2020 13:37
Great location of corner to La Rambla.nice & clean.handy arriving at night using code to get in
28 diciembre 2019 16:17
Sitio con flexibilidad cero. Intento cancelarlo una semana antes de mi viaje a Barcelona debido a la inestabilidad y violencia que hay. Booking lo entiende y no tiene problema e incluso me sugiere otras opciones como cambiar de fecha. Intento cambiar la fecha para febrero pero solo me dejan por más del doble de precio.
22 diciembre 2019 17:17
Hatten nur eine Übernachtung. Wohnung war sauber und nur 15 Gehminuten vom camp nou entfernt. Einchecken usw. War alles problemlos.
18 diciembre 2019 8:41
Ottima posizione a pochi passi dalla Rambla.appartamento carino ideale x tre persone.la doccia in miniatura, la finestra talmente e ossidata non si apre.tutto sommato l'appartamento vivibile.
I ragazzi dell'agenzia sono disponibili x ogni eventuale chiarimento.
25 noviembre 2019 2:09
One of the worst customer service ever experienced while traveling. During our planned visit in Barcelona, there have been some violent protests between police and Pro-Independence groups. As we were traveling with 2 small children, we had reached out to them asking about the current situation and if an alternate unit could be offered to us away from the center where we had made the booking/where majority of the protests were taking place. First phone call with the main office in Barcelona didn't get far as they couldn't even find our booking and English was very poor, we could not communicate. So they asked us to send an email which we did and basically, the only reply that we got was - there are no refunds. No concern for their customer's safety/well being. Concern for the children. And worst of all, they spoke about no refunds when at no point in our email we asked for one! We made another complaint at the time of check-in, the girl at the office told us she will look into it and get back to our email - well, our trip is over and it's been 5 days since our promise that someone will look into it, and still nothing. To make matters worse, the apartment was in poor condition where the shower door wouldn't close properly and every time we took a shower, there was water everywhere into the hallway and the bathroom.

Overall disappointed in lack of customer service and concern for the visitors. Only positive was that we had a wonderful time in Barcelona and managed to avoid any violent clashes which was a positive. We will never go back to Short Stay Group again in the future.
17 septiembre 2019 13:23
Estancia excelente. Somos una familia de 4 adultos y estuvimos en el duplex. El apartamento estaba muy bien decorado, con todo lo necesario para un mes, con instalaciones nuevas, aire acondicionado en salon comedor cocina y en habitaciones lo cual para nosotros fue fundamental. La empresa que lo maneja muy amable desde que el proceso de reserva hasta confirmar día y hora de llegada. Incluso cuando llegamos el aire de las habitaciones no funcionaba y al otro dia a primera hora ya estaban reparandolo. La ubicación, en pleno centro turístico de Barcelona. Mucha gente y muchas opciones de comida por todos lados. Lo que sí, a la noche la zona es un poco mas "peligrosa" `por así decirlo, borrachos, alguna pelea y tal. Todo perfecto y sin duda repetiríamos.
20 agosto 2019 21:13
Hi, this hostel is super clean and with good atmosphere, staff is very nice, I used to live in it as a new to Barcelona, if you guys and girls looking for clubbing in best night clubs in barcelona, like opium, shoco, pacha, cat walk, Otto, oak, Capri, we offer you free transportation with vip entry in these clubs, we save your money and time with free transportation and drinks and etc, you can get our services for all kind of clubs, just write us on WhatsApp and reserve, 0034632928986
15 abril 2019 19:22
The location is the best! Lot's of bars, restaurants around the corner.
The apartment is good.but needing some repairs.
24 febrero 2018 18:25
Stay away from these cheaters!

They charged me 70 euros from my Mastercard one day after i check out because of these pictures! That's crazy! Their contract is very dangerous for the customers: if you made the errors to book from them, be extremely careful, don t trut their nice false smiling employees on the desk in their office, they are all double face! At the end, they try to steal your money for any reason, so be always very carreful!

The appartments are small, old and noisy! Their glass cleaning machine doesn t work, you must wash them with your hands, it s so nice when you are on holiday.

I had a very bad experience with them, if you want to avoid problems during your stay in Barcelona, just pay some more money and choose a honest host.

I Wish you a wonderful stay in Barcelona but don't book from these cheaters!
24 febrero 2018 8:14
Large and beautiful house, with all you need to stay some days, perfect central location next to the passeig de gracia and batllo house, good service that give you the keys and many information on the first day
25 octubre 2017 22:13
Prenotazione per 4 persone in appartamento con letto matrimoniale e divano letto. All'arrivo solo il letto matrimoniale era preparato, invece il divano letto era chiuso e le lenzuola si trovavano dentro ad un sudicio armadio nel bagno.
Personale scortese e maleducato.
17 julio 2017 18:32
Des appartements bien situé avec une bonne fournitures à l'intérieur mais cependant ce ne sont pas des appartements donnant sur de belles vues
Nous avons eu un appartement en plein cœur du quartier del Born à Barcelone avec un hall d'entrée tout petit vraiment très étroit, l'appartement était quant à lui tout en longueur assez simple mais très fonctionnel, la décoration cela dit était un peu bizarre. Un énorme manque de lumière que ne nous fournissez pas l'unique fenêtre donnant directement sur la fenêtre du voisin.
À l'avenir le confort de l'appartement à barcelone et la vue seront des critères principalement majeurs de nos recherches. Nous ne regrettons pas cependant notre réservation.

Du côté de l'accueil qui nous a été fait celui-ci était parfait et en français virgule l'hôtesse d'accueil était très poli et serviable. Juste un petit Bémol au niveau de la porte d'entrée de l'agence short stay group à Barcelone, celle-ci n'est pas assez visible ni pas assez indiqués.
28 junio 2017 4:32
A little challenging to find but the staff are friendly and the apartment was clean, tidy and modern in an excellent location.

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